Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

That is PROVABLY how things went. You clowns are a hoot. I wonder what personality disorder you suffer from.
None. It's provable that Africa had an equal or advanced civilization compared to Europe but you don't accept the proof shown. So fuck what you claim is provable.
Its really worse than that. Whites have no civilization they can point to that didnt come about from other civilizations. They were late to civilization then forgot all about it for thousands of years until Blacks came back to europe and reeducated them.

Really? Show me a building in Africa not built by the Egyptians, and Great Zimbabwe, that has lasted for more than a hundred years.

I have to say, your level of fantasy beliefs is pretty amazing.
Thats pretty easy even though i dont get why youre excluding Egypt and Zimbabwe. Theyre both in Africa. Is this your version of white boy attempting to move the goal posts? Sorry but I wont allow you to do that. I'l give you just one and let you find some excuse. :laugh:

.....because you haven't paid attention--as usual--they were talking about sub-Sahara Africa--which Egypt is not a part of
No such thing as sub-sahara Africa. That term is white boy goal post moving because they cant handle the facts.
so you do see, you were wrong?

I already knew why their farming sucks. Why do you think their soil is depleted. What is the proximal cause.
it's in the link
The root of the problem lies in poor farming practices and erosion by water and wind

Naturally low quality and human-induced low quality soils now characterize much of the African landscap
Soil Quality and Soil Productivity in Africa | NRCS Soils

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
you have links/etc for this?
of course it's not race related if the leadership is the SAME race...
..but---sub-Saharan is mostly black--yes?
You say that like it matters..not even knowing how laughable you are to someone with a bit of historical knowledge. For all you know...farming was invented in that region...why..some might even think that the Sahara was created/exacerbated by over-farming..when Europeans were living in caves and being farmed for slaves..some might say...LOL
.......MORE proof you are ignorant of the subject = they STILL have problems with BASIC farming techniques used in the 1800s!!!!!
---and please stop posting so much evidence and links [ hahahahahha ]
While the Green Revolution of the 1960s allowed Asian and Latin American countries to triple crop yields, food production in Sub-Saharan Africa has remained stagnant and in many cases has even declined.
The root of the problem lies in poor farming practices
Getting to the Root of Africa's Agriculture Challenges: TropAg and AfSIS Partner to Improve Soil Fertility

That is not because of their race. That is because the leaders want to maintain their power base and they do that by keeping the population hungry. Not starving, but hungry. They also prevent them getting an education because when they do get educated, they understand how badly they have been screwed over, and they revolt.

It has nothing to do with their race.
Nothing does. Any problems they have is because of discrimination or environment. Like jungles don't make great places for civilization to develop highly. I always had a soft spot for the historical theory and it just keeps getting hotter so civilization keeps moving North, and South I suppose. Egypt Greece Italy France England and Germany.... There is also a theory about goats being domesticated and destroying all the vegetation moving North the same way. May have been discredited in the last 20-30 years. people are wrong---according to the US MSM and US blacks--EVERYTHING is about race
..are you saying the MSM and blacks are wrong......?????!!!!!!
race and inequality and Injustice and a huge mountain of GOP lies and misinformation and conspiracy theories. The disgrace is the GOP and the GOP is the swamp. You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. archaeologists only started being interested in sub-Saharan Africa in the last 30 years. You missed all the information over on the propaganda machine brainwashed functional dumbass.
PLEASE stop-----too much evidence !!!!!!!!
You say that like it matters..not even knowing how laughable you are to someone with a bit of historical knowledge. For all you know...farming was invented in that region...why..some might even think that the Sahara was created/exacerbated by over-farming..when Europeans were living in caves and being farmed for slaves..some might say...LOL
.......MORE proof you are ignorant of the subject = they STILL have problems with BASIC farming techniques used in the 1800s!!!!!
---and please stop posting so much evidence and links [ hahahahahha ]
While the Green Revolution of the 1960s allowed Asian and Latin American countries to triple crop yields, food production in Sub-Saharan Africa has remained stagnant and in many cases has even declined.
The root of the problem lies in poor farming practices
Getting to the Root of Africa's Agriculture Challenges: TropAg and AfSIS Partner to Improve Soil Fertility

That is not because of their race. That is because the leaders want to maintain their power base and they do that by keeping the population hungry. Not starving, but hungry. They also prevent them getting an education because when they do get educated, they understand how badly they have been screwed over, and they revolt.

It has nothing to do with their race.

Also the map of foreign domination war zones and hot jungles LOL. But thanks for the racist Outlook.
They are maps of failure.
But the maps also reinforce the environmental factor in which certain species were forged. The negro developed only in as much as it’s survival required, in its environment at the time.
Wrong picture. Here is Nefertiti. She is obviously Black. Matter of fact she kind of looks like my wife.


The picture of the mummy is what my cousins hair looked like after they had perms or what happens during the mummification process.

Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.
You elected to avoid my question in a cowardly manner. What features do Asians have that is not a trait established on the African continent?

Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.
You elected to avoid my question in a cowardly manner. What features do Asians have that is not a trait established on the African continent?

Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
I figured you would try to change the subject. So are you going to tell me what trait Asians have that is not represented on the African continent or not? :laugh:
I already knew why their farming sucks. Why do you think their soil is depleted. What is the proximal cause.
it's in the link
The root of the problem lies in poor farming practices and erosion by water and wind

Naturally low quality and human-induced low quality soils now characterize much of the African landscap
Soil Quality and Soil Productivity in Africa | NRCS Soils

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
The mean IQ of a population plays directly into the type of governance that can be effectively applied. Thus, in Africa you get the “Strong man” default of leadership.

Threshold 97- Why Negro Nations Cannot Duplicate Western Civilization

Mean IQ is also controlled by nutrition. White people have over a century of improved farming practices to help increase median IQ. You ignore that for a reason.
Looks quite different in this photo:
View attachment 289078

Yup, now she really looks asian.
You elected to avoid my question in a cowardly manner. What features do Asians have that is not a trait established on the African continent?

Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
BTW youre getting confused in your old age. Never said all Blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey.
Yup, now she really looks asian.
You elected to avoid my question in a cowardly manner. What features do Asians have that is not a trait established on the African continent?

Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
I figured you would try to change the subject. So are you going to tell me what trait Asians have that is not represented on the African continent or not? :laugh:

I already did, silly person. Epicanthal folds are an Asian trait found nowhere in blacks.
Yup, now she really looks asian.
You elected to avoid my question in a cowardly manner. What features do Asians have that is not a trait established on the African continent?

Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
BTW youre getting confused in your old age. Never said all Blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey.

Maybe that was im2.
You elected to avoid my question in a cowardly manner. What features do Asians have that is not a trait established on the African continent?

Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
I figured you would try to change the subject. So are you going to tell me what trait Asians have that is not represented on the African continent or not? :laugh:

I already did, silly person. Epicanthal folds are an Asian trait found nowhere in blacks.
I just debunked that. Care to give it another swing?

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
The mean IQ of a population plays directly into the type of governance that can be effectively applied. Thus, in Africa you get the “Strong man” default of leadership.

Threshold 97- Why Negro Nations Cannot Duplicate Western Civilization

Mean IQ is also controlled by nutrition. White people have over a century of improved farming practices to help increase median IQ. You ignore that for a reason.
Do you really think IQ had nothing to do with the implementation of systems, and practices that produced better over all food production, and therefore nutrition? Lemme guess... “Magic dirt”..?
Now if you want to doubt this mans interpretation:

Sir Harry Rawson

Admiral Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson, GCB, GCMG (5 November 1843 – 3 November 1910) was a senior officer in the Royal Navy. He is chiefly remembered for overseeing the British Benin Expedition of 1897 that burned and looted the city of the Kingdom of Benin, now in Nigeria. No shame was attached to the event at the time, which amounted to a punitive expedition, and Rawson was appointed Governor of New South Wales, serving from 27 May 1902 to 27 May 1909.

Harry Rawson - Wikipedia
You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
The mean IQ of a population plays directly into the type of governance that can be effectively applied. Thus, in Africa you get the “Strong man” default of leadership.

Threshold 97- Why Negro Nations Cannot Duplicate Western Civilization

Mean IQ is also controlled by nutrition. White people have over a century of improved farming practices to help increase median IQ. You ignore that for a reason.
Do you really think IQ had nothing to do with the implementation of systems, and practices that produced better over all food production, and therefore nutrition? Lemme guess... “Magic dirt”..?

IQ is a combination of genetics, which determines maximum value, and nutrition which will impede the ability for IQ to develop to maximum value, and finally environment.

With no stimulation to develop, it stagnates.

Race has nothing to do with it.
African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
Whites were superior in war technology only. They never had a script until the Romans gave them one. The Romans got theirs from the Canaanites/Phoenicians who guessed it....Black people.
Well...more from the be accurate. However, It was the Punic wars that provided the impetus for Rome's strong martial got that right for sure. I dunno about the Phoenicians being black..and no one else does either..but for sure they weren't European...probably a Semitic people....hook nosed and dark of skin...Truth is..most of the African cultures placed little or no emphasis on defined by skin color. The Romans didn't either..they divided the world into tow groups..Roman Citizens and non-citizens. you could be Nubian..and if you were a were OK..and you could be White..and a many, many were.

Rome had a definite talent for engineering as well...probably not swiped--but they wholesale swiped the Greek culture..including their pantheon of Gods. But what most here take as white..European..well..they were slaves and at the very bottom of the totem pole..and they showed zero talent for any kind of innovation or skill at tech...for well over 1,000 years after Rome. They called them the Dark Ages for a reason. Most of the world's innovation during that interregnum was in China and...the heart of it...was done by the Islamic nations...anything in science that has 'al' in front of it..was Islamic in this is not to say that all this was created by Blacks..but it sure wasn't done by Whites!

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
The mean IQ of a population plays directly into the type of governance that can be effectively applied. Thus, in Africa you get the “Strong man” default of leadership.

Threshold 97- Why Negro Nations Cannot Duplicate Western Civilization

Mean IQ is also controlled by nutrition. White people have over a century of improved farming practices to help increase median IQ. You ignore that for a reason.
.....yes---with more/enough/BETTER food-- that means there is more time/effort for advancement of technology-science-EDUCATION-arts-etc's obvious with more food for the children--they develop better mentally and physically
You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
The mean IQ of a population plays directly into the type of governance that can be effectively applied. Thus, in Africa you get the “Strong man” default of leadership.

Threshold 97- Why Negro Nations Cannot Duplicate Western Civilization

Mean IQ is also controlled by nutrition. White people have over a century of improved farming practices to help increase median IQ. You ignore that for a reason.
Do you really think IQ had nothing to do with the implementation of systems, and practices that produced better over all food production, and therefore nutrition? Lemme guess... “Magic dirt”..?

Yes. History shows how whites did things.
Epicanthal fold of the eye lids for one.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
I figured you would try to change the subject. So are you going to tell me what trait Asians have that is not represented on the African continent or not? :laugh:

I already did, silly person. Epicanthal folds are an Asian trait found nowhere in blacks.
I just debunked that. Care to give it another swing?

Where did you debunk it.
You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.
The mean IQ of a population plays directly into the type of governance that can be effectively applied. Thus, in Africa you get the “Strong man” default of leadership.

Threshold 97- Why Negro Nations Cannot Duplicate Western Civilization

Mean IQ is also controlled by nutrition. White people have over a century of improved farming practices to help increase median IQ. You ignore that for a reason.
.....yes---with more/enough/BETTER food-- that means there is more time/effort for advancement of technology-science-EDUCATION-arts-etc's obvious with more food for the children--they develop better mentally and physically

So, yet again, you admit that race has nothing to do with it.
Never heard of the San people I guess. Come on West. Youre slipping in your old age.


You claim that blacks were peaceful and loving before whitey. Tell that to the San who your bantu tribesmen tried to exterminate.
I figured you would try to change the subject. So are you going to tell me what trait Asians have that is not represented on the African continent or not? :laugh:

I already did, silly person. Epicanthal folds are an Asian trait found nowhere in blacks.
I just debunked that. Care to give it another swing?

Where did you debunk it.

Right here. Dont tell me youre getting blind in your old age?


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