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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.


No, thats legal surveillance of a suspect.

Really, doing it to non-suspects would be called what? Keep playing the semantics game, that's what losers do.


You are the one playing silly games. The FBI conducted a legal, valid investigation into Trump Campaign contacts with Russia. Contacts that were too numerous to count and that they lied about at every turn.

The Mueller report is here — here are all the known contacts between the campaign and Russian government-linked people or entities

There are now more than 101 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.

Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.

Trump campaign officials had meetings, calls, and digital correspondence with high-level Russian government officials, billionaires linked to Putin, an accused Russian spy, and hackers enlisted by Russian intelligence to meddle in the 2016 elections.

Did you watch the hearings today? Graham's committee is bringing out the truth and the dems are scrambling like toads on a hotplate trying to spin the facts, but they are losing big time.

You obviously were not watching any hearings. You're only watching what Hannity shows you.
Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
HOW tf can you say that? Bush handed a load of crap to Obama and Obama handed over a vastly improving economy to trump Bush gets credit for killing 10's of 1000;s of our guys

We can go on all day blaming past presidents. How about this: 58,000 good americans died for nothing in Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam "war". Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. Bush is responsible for ameican deaths in the stupid Iraq war because he wanted to get revenge on Saddam for putting a hit on Bush 41.

None of them are clean, DC is a dirt filled scum ridden hell hole where our elected reps get obscenely rich at our expense. Trump is trying to change some of that.
Red except for that last sentence ,,you made sense Trump is a low life scumbag with one object in mind ,,to enrich himself and rule over America like his Pal Putin does

you continue to verify your partisan stupidity. Putin wanted Hillary to win because he had her missing emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted. How can you not understand that?

You really are completely untethered from reality.
What do you not understand that those programs are not supposed to be funded by income taxes, they have their own tax structure.
* funded by taxing income

Wow you're the third loser in this thread to try to play semantics, the last bastion of a loser. No they are funded by payroll taxes, not income taxes, half of SS is paid by the employer and it has not a damn thing to do with his income.




Unless you’re a complete idiot it’s obvious from Steele dossier, emails between Strzok and Page as well as emails by lead attorney...the investigation was 100% politically motivated.
We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced Priestap's decision to open Crossfire Hurricane. ~ IG report

"Testimonial" evidence means that no one admitted to being biased when asked. What do you expect someone who had it in for Trump to say? "yeah i was biased" ??? No, in the real world that isn't going to happen.
These peoples statements don't match up with the reality of what went down.

What would YOU know about the reality of what went down? Anything that Donald Trump told you about what went down is a lie. Since Trump has lied about everything else, what made you think he was telling the truth about this?
The FBI lies.
Perhaps Eddie can show us where Barry set those records for lowest unemployment numbers in history?

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

Articles like that one never fail to make me laugh, Seawytch! You can't show us where Barry set a record for low unemployment...and you can't tell me what Obama economic policies created jobs...but you CAN cherry pick numbers to try and make a President who was terrible with the economy look good!
trump lied to you. And you fell for it. There are at least 8 heads that need to roll Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, ex-national security adviser John Bolton, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Vice President Mike Pence, trump and I am including William Barr. There was no deep state. There was no coup. There is no witch hunt or hoax.

There was nothing but a bunch of trumps lies.

The time has come for trump.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
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Sonam Sheth and Eliza Relman

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.

He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the report is also expected to undercut.

Sources told The Times and The Washington Post that while the report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign while investigating whether the campaign was conspiring with the Russian government to interfere in the election, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
Ha ha ha. The fake news strikes again
.YOU are who is lying
The I G made no such conclusion. All they said was they found no evidence. Well why would they ? The IG doesn't have the capability to find that evidence. They are only able to question those currently in the govt. They need to interview FBI agents no longer in the .govt.

That job is being left to the AG's office, who DOES have the power to question ALL the deep staters, in or out of the govt.

This is no "blow" to Trump at all. When the Durham report shows up, it will lay it all out, in a victory for Trump, with the prisons filling up with deep staters, starting with Obama and Hillary.
Spying is something nations do. The police perform surveillance.

the multiple felons the blob had in his campaign means the surveillance was well warranted

Covert surveillance is spying, your game of semantics notwithstanding.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Next you’ll tell us Trump is a self made millionaire. He never had any help from anyone.

Whoa...nice try at changing the subject, Colfax! LOL

It’s a lot easier to have record unemployment when you come into office and the unemployment rate is already one of the lowest in 50 years.

Actually it's easier to lower the unemployment rate when you come into office with billions of dollars in stimulus spending and TARP money to throw at creating jobs! Oh wait...Barry's stimulus was such a bust that they had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they created!
Poor, lying con tool. You've been shown repeatedly how Obama used that term even before ARRA was passed.

Pushing that bullshit again, Faun? Yeah, a few people used that term or something like that term...but an entire Administration didn't use it as their "go to" statistic after their stimulus program failed to create all of the shovel ready jobs they promised!
Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.
Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.
You left this part out...

We found no evidence that the FBI used CHSs or UCEs to interact with members of the Trump campaign prior to the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. After the opening of the investigation, we found no evidence that the FBI placed any CHSs or UCEs within the Trump campaign or tasked any CHSs or UCEs to report on the Trump campaign. Finally, we also found no documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivations influenced the FBI's decision to use CHSs or UCEs to interact with Trump campaign officials in the Crossfire Hurricane

Well child, AG Barr says the investigation was launched by a CHS, was he assigned by the FBI, no. But they started the investigation on the suggestion of a suggestion by the Aussi, according to Barr. Barr and Durham are able to look way outside of Horowitzs' lane. But hey, feel free to try to split hairs on the timeline.

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Horowitz just testified that he did not find that they acted without bias

That's complete bullshit?

He testified to the exact OPPOSITE

No bis. No politics involved

Horowitz said he couldn't confirm bias, of course he also said he got no satisfactory explanations why all the mistakes, lies and omissions only advantaged the investigation.

Senator Kennedy said it best, the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.

Spying is something nations do. The police perform surveillance.

the multiple felons the blob had in his campaign means the surveillance was well warranted

If it was so "warranted", Candy...then why did they have to deceive a FISA court judge to get the warrants in the first place? Duh?

There was no deception

One example. A knowing omission is a deception.

1. Omitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship wit h Page, including that Page had been approved as an "operational contact" for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;

That can be found on page viii of the Executive Summary.


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Horowitz just testified that he did not find that they acted without bias

That's complete bullshit?

He testified to the exact OPPOSITE

No bis. No politics involved

Horowitz said he couldn't confirm bias, of course he also said he got no satisfactory explanations why all the mistakes, lies and omissions only advantaged the investigation.

Senator Kennedy said it best, the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.

It's pretty obvious. We will get fuller information from Durham.

On Wednesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) dropped a bomb about FBI interference in the 2016 election while questioning Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz about his report regarding misconduct in the espionage operation against the Trump campaign in 2016.

“Is it worse to have a foreign government trying to meddle in our elections, or is it worse to have our own government meddling in the election?” asked Hawley. Referring to the report, Hawley continued: "It shows that our government, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the nation, the FBI, effectively meddled in an ongoing presidential campaign."​

Hawley then called out the Democratic National Committee for instigating the whole mess.

“The DNC pays for the Steele dossier, solicits the Steele dossier, and then gets the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go get FISA warrants, surveil an American citizen, and surveil a presidential campaign all on the basis of this manufactured garbage that they paid for. I mean that’s extraordinary," he complained. "That has got to be a first time in history. In fact, let me just ask you, Mr. Horowitz, are you aware ever of another presidential campaign being targeted by the FBI like the Trump campaign was?”
Horowitz had to answer in the negative and also confirmed what we all knew was the case: that the DNC did pay for the Steele dossier that has been proven to be false and defamatory nonsense that was used to justify the spying.

"To me, this is the untold story of the 2016 campaign," continued Hawley. "I don't know who at the DNC hatched this, but I suppose they ought to take a victory lap, but certainly they should be remembered for it; to get the FBI to pursue surveillance of a rival presidential campaign and then into the newly elected president's term I think is just extraordinary."​

Hawley then grilled Horowitz about why the criminals at the FBI involved in this are still employed. No one knows. Hawley closed with this bombshell: "I think the collusion here was between the DNC and the FBI."


Watch Senator Hawley’s full exchange Michael Horowitz:

Horowitz just testified that he did not find that they acted without bias

That's complete bullshit?

He testified to the exact OPPOSITE

No bis. No politics involved

Horowitz said he couldn't confirm bias, of course he also said he got no satisfactory explanations why all the mistakes, lies and omissions only advantaged the investigation.

Senator Kennedy said it best, the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.

It's pretty obvious. We will get fuller information from Durham.

On Wednesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) dropped a bomb about FBI interference in the 2016 election while questioning Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz about his report regarding misconduct in the espionage operation against the Trump campaign in 2016.

“Is it worse to have a foreign government trying to meddle in our elections, or is it worse to have our own government meddling in the election?” asked Hawley. Referring to the report, Hawley continued: "It shows that our government, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the nation, the FBI, effectively meddled in an ongoing presidential campaign."​

Hawley then called out the Democratic National Committee for instigating the whole mess.

“The DNC pays for the Steele dossier, solicits the Steele dossier, and then gets the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go get FISA warrants, surveil an American citizen, and surveil a presidential campaign all on the basis of this manufactured garbage that they paid for. I mean that’s extraordinary," he complained. "That has got to be a first time in history. In fact, let me just ask you, Mr. Horowitz, are you aware ever of another presidential campaign being targeted by the FBI like the Trump campaign was?”
Horowitz had to answer in the negative and also confirmed what we all knew was the case: that the DNC did pay for the Steele dossier that has been proven to be false and defamatory nonsense that was used to justify the spying.

"To me, this is the untold story of the 2016 campaign," continued Hawley. "I don't know who at the DNC hatched this, but I suppose they ought to take a victory lap, but certainly they should be remembered for it; to get the FBI to pursue surveillance of a rival presidential campaign and then into the newly elected president's term I think is just extraordinary."​

Hawley then grilled Horowitz about why the criminals at the FBI involved in this are still employed. No one knows. Hawley closed with this bombshell: "I think the collusion here was between the DNC and the FBI."


Watch Senator Hawley’s full exchange Michael Horowitz:

Yeah, Comey claims the the report vindicated him, Horowitz said it doesn't vindicate anyone who touched that pile of shit, including Comey.

Obama left Trump with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and a consistently growing economy.

Talk about being born on third base and saying you hit a home run.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Next you’ll tell us Trump is a self made millionaire. He never had any help from anyone.

Whoa...nice try at changing the subject, Colfax! LOL

It’s a lot easier to have record unemployment when you come into office and the unemployment rate is already one of the lowest in 50 years.

Actually it's easier to lower the unemployment rate when you come into office with billions of dollars in stimulus spending and TARP money to throw at creating jobs! Oh wait...Barry's stimulus was such a bust that they had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they created!

Well, we're in a few trillion dollars of Trump's stimulus now. His unpaid for tax cut is bigger than Obama's stimulus by an order of magnitude.


You want to tell me that Obama was terrible for the economy and Trump was magnificent? Show me how you reach that conclusion based on this data?
The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.

Wait, but that's what you said about THIS report. This, the non partisan, inspector general report. We couldn't trust the FBI review, we had to see THIS one. Now that this report backs up the FBI review we have to wait for a report from a partisan Roy Cohn? Do you even take yourself seriously?

Why would I have to credit anyone for the economy Barack Obama turned around? By every metric, the economy performed better under Obama than Bush and Trump. Trump is just maintaining that good economy he was given...for now.
By every metric? Really! Did you want to point out the exact time that Barry set records for the lowest unemployment rates since they started keeping that stat, Seawytch?

Obama left Trump with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and a consistently growing economy.

Talk about being born on third base and saying you hit a home run.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Had Trump been handed 7.8% unemployment and growing, he would not have had record lows.

Had Obama been handed 4.7% unemployment and dropping, he would have had record lows.

This is straight up bullshit.

Obama purposefully hamstrung businesses with needless regulations.

Trump undid many of those superfluous regulations.
Wait, but that's what you said about THIS report. This, the non partisan, inspector general report. We couldn't trust the FBI review, we had to see THIS one. Now that this report backs up the FBI review we have to wait for a report from a partisan Roy Cohn? Do you even take yourself seriously?

Why would I have to credit anyone for the economy Barack Obama turned around? By every metric, the economy performed better under Obama than Bush and Trump. Trump is just maintaining that good economy he was given...for now.
By every metric? Really! Did you want to point out the exact time that Barry set records for the lowest unemployment rates since they started keeping that stat, Seawytch?

Obama left Trump with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and a consistently growing economy.

Talk about being born on third base and saying you hit a home run.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Had Trump been handed 7.8% unemployment and growing, he would not have had record lows.

Had Obama been handed 4.7% unemployment and dropping, he would have had record lows.

This is straight up bullshit.

Obama purposefully hamstrung businesses with needless regulations.

Trump undid many of those superfluous regulations.
Good lord. If Obama was so terrible how did he manage to get unemployment to 4.7% after the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression?
total horseshit. taxes were cut for everyone that pays taxes, yes, if you paid zero you still pay zero, its hard to cut the taxes of the 50% who pay no taxes.
Are you in the 1% ?? If not you got squat

do you work in a union job? if so, you got a raise. are you on SS? if so, you got a raise. and yes, if you make a million a year you got a raise, and if you own a 401K its value has grown.

No, I'm not in the 1%, but most of your hollywood libtardians are. Are you happy that they now have more money to spend?
No I think all should pay their fair share corporations republican thieves like Trump etc etc

Me too, including all income levels, illegals, and congresspersons. If Trump was not paying what he should be, don't you think the obama IRS would have been screaming it from the roof tops in 2016?

I want Pelosi audited, and Biden, and Schumer, and Omar, and AOC. Lets see who is in compliance with the tax code and who isn't. OK?
Why wasn't he showing them then? Because they were above board?? And yes all in Gov't should be audited imo

I explained that several times already, because if he released them (hundreds of pages) liars like you, Schiff, Swalwell, Pelosi, CNN, NY times, MSNBC, etc would pull out one line on one page and make up lies about what it said and the country would waste months refuting those lies.

Crazy cow Maddow got his 05 return somehow and no one could find anything wrong with it. He, like all very rich people, gets audited every year, if he was cheating the Obama IRS would have told you.
By every metric? Really! Did you want to point out the exact time that Barry set records for the lowest unemployment rates since they started keeping that stat, Seawytch?

Obama left Trump with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and a consistently growing economy.

Talk about being born on third base and saying you hit a home run.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Had Trump been handed 7.8% unemployment and growing, he would not have had record lows.

Had Obama been handed 4.7% unemployment and dropping, he would have had record lows.

This is straight up bullshit.

Obama purposefully hamstrung businesses with needless regulations.

Trump undid many of those superfluous regulations.
Good lord. If Obama was so terrible how did he manage to get unemployment to 4.7% after the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression?

tell us specifically what obozo did to reduce unemployment----cash for clunkers? stimulus to Solyndra? apologizing for america?

second, the was no "worst economic disaster" in 2008. We had a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats, nothing more.

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