Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

The IG's report shows that the FBI conducted a highly inappropriate surveillance of the Trump campaign
False. It literally concludes exactly the opposite of that, says no spying occurred, and that the investigation was justified. And the surveillance was prompted not by anyone being on any campaign, but by their being recruited by russian spies. You cultists have lost your minds.
Thank you.

Trumpers see white and declare it's black
The IG's report shows that the FBI conducted a highly inappropriate surveillance of the Trump campaign
False. It literally concludes exactly the opposite of that, says no spying occurred, and that the investigation was justified. And the surveillance was prompted not by anyone being on any campaign, but by their being recruited by russian spies. You cultists have lost your minds.
And it's just a coincidence that the same FBI agents that were driving the "investigation" are the same agents that were assuring each other that Trump wouldn't get elected because they had something to stop him? Russian spies? Are you STILL pedaling that nonsense?
So you change lanes..... might as well admit you said something stupid, same thing...
FBI tried to get CIs in the Trump campaign, it’s in the Strzok texts to Page.

Didn’t we Just learn to trying to do something bad is the same as the doing something bad?
And no political Bias.

Now Trumpers will move on to the Durham Report for another disappointment
Horowitz just testified that he did not find that they acted without bias. Horowitz looks through a key hole, mainly interviews current employees, and uses a very agency friendly standard that accepts any explanation for actions that he cannot rule out with evidence beyond reproach. If Democrats were using this standard to evaluate Trump, they wouldn't have wasted the nation's time on the Ukraine Phone call.


Jonathan Turley responds as follows to Michael Horowitz’s finding that the Justice Department had enough evidence to meet the low threshold for beginning its investigation of the Trump campaign:

This is akin to reviewing the Titanic and saying that the captain was not unreasonable in starting the voyage. The question is what occurred when the icebergs began appearing. Horowitz says that investigative icebergs appeared rather early on, and the Justice Department not only failed to report that to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court but removed evidence that its investigation was on a collision course with the facts.​

I’m sure that its captain of the Titanic had much better reasons for starting his voyage than the Obama FBI did for undertaking its. The work of John Durham may make it abundantly clear that the FBI had insufficient reason, even judged by low “articulable facts” standard.

Turley is right in saying that the most important issue is whether the Justice Department engaged in egregious misconduct as it carried out the investigation. If so, the other important issue is why it so egregiously misbehaved.

Turley lays out the horrific misconduct Horowitz found:

From the outset, the Justice Department failed to interview several key individuals or vet critical information and sources in the Steele dossier. Justice Department officials insisted to Horowitz that they choose not to interview campaign officials because they were unsure if the campaign was compromised and did not want to tip off the Russians. However, the inspector general report says the Russians were directly told about the allegations repeatedly by then CIA Director John Brennan and, ultimately, President Obama. So the Russians were informed, but no one contacted the Trump campaign so as not to inform the Russians?
Obviously the DOJ's claims make no sense:

Meanwhile, the allegations quickly fell apart. Horowitz details how all of the evidence proved exculpatory of any collusion or conspiracy with the Russians.
Note that Horowitz does not say SOME of the evidence proved exculpatory, but ALL of the evidence did, yet, 3 year witch-hunt.

Even worse, another agency that appears to be the CIA told the FBI that Carter Page was actually working for the agency in Russia as an “operational contact” gathering intelligence. The FBI was told this repeatedly, yet it never reported it to the FISA court approving the secret investigation of Page. His claim to have worked with the federal government was widely dismissed.
Gee, you don't think the FISA court, through FOUR applications, over 12 months should have been told that Carter Page was working FOR the CIA in Russia, and that might be why he had some contact with some Russians?

Worse yet, Horowitz found that investigators and the Justice Department concluded there was no probable cause on Page to support its FISA investigation. That is when there was an intervention from the top of the FBI, ordering investigators to look at the Steele dossier funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign instead.
Notice he doesn't say that there wasn't very much probable cause? No. Horowitz says there was NO probable cause. And you are jumping up and down yelling "We are exonerated, because Horowitz found NO Probable Cause for the DOJ to seek a single FISA warrant on Carter Page." Yet they got four, on an innocent American Citizen involve in a rival presidential campaign?

Who told investigators to turn to the dossier? Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He was fired over his conduct in the investigation after earlier internal investigations.​

Fired Andrew - who is now a Fake News Consultant, how fitting!

Horowitz also finds no sharing of information with FISA judges that undermined the credibility of the dossier or Christopher Steele himself. Surprisingly little effort was made to fully investigate the dossier when McCabe directed investigators to it, yet investigators soon learned that critical facts reported to the FISA court were false. FISA judges were told that a Yahoo News article was an independent corroboration of the Steele dossier, but Horowitz confirms that Steele was the source of that article. Therefore, Steele was used to corroborate Steele on allegations that were later deemed unfounded.
And the DOJ, which had a duty to inform the FISA Court that they had given the Court bad information, never did, and repeated these false claims on the 3 subsequent FISA applications.

The source relied on by Steele was presented as conveying damaging information on Trump. When this source was interviewed, he said he had no direct information and was conveying bar talk. He denied telling other details to Steele. This was all known to the Justice Department, but it still asked for warrant renewals from the FISA court without correcting the record or revealing exculpatory information discovered by investigators. That included the failure to tell the court that Page was working with the CIA. Finally, Horowitz found that an FBI lawyer doctored a critical email to hide the fact that Page was really working for us and not the Russians.
But everyone is Exonerated!

The mere recitation of Horowitz’s facts would present a prima facie case that bias against the Trump campaign was at play. The burden would then shift to anyone claiming the absence of bias to explain what, if not bias, explains the behavior.

Clearly, the explanation can’t be simple incompetence. Withholding information from the FISA court and, indeed, making false statements to that body, isn’t incompetence. It’s lying and deceit.

These are all instances where highly improper acts, or failures to act, were committed by persons who displayed animosity towards Trump or expressed fear of a Trump presidency. Egregious misconduct and direct evidence of bias or animosity towards the victim add up to the conclusion that the misconduct was motivated by bias or animosity.
FBI lied to the FISA court to obtain warrant to spy on Trump campaign.

Woods procedures not followed.

Also, didn’t inform court that Dossier funded by DNC.

Sounds illegal to me.
Spying is something nations do. The police perform surveillance.

the multiple felons the blob had in his campaign means the surveillance was well warranted
The IG's report shows that the FBI conducted a highly inappropriate surveillance of the Trump campaign
False. It literally concludes exactly the opposite of that, says no spying occurred, and that the investigation was justified. And the surveillance was prompted not by anyone being on any campaign, but by their being recruited by russian spies. You cultists have lost your minds.
And it's just a coincidence that the same FBI agents that were driving the "investigation" are the same agents that were assuring each other that Trump wouldn't get elected because they had something to stop him? Russian spies? Are you STILL pedaling that nonsense?
So you change lanes..... might as well admit you said something stupid, same thing...

Change lanes? Since when is pointing out that it was people at the FBI like Page, Strozek, McCabe and Comey that pushed that investigation into Carter Page based on information that they KNEW was not only totally biased but PAID FOR by the Clinton campaign and the DNC changing lanes!
What's stupid is calling anyone who calls you on your lies...a "cultist"!
Spying is something nations do. The police perform surveillance.

the multiple felons the blob had in his campaign means the surveillance was well warranted

If it was so "warranted", Candy...then why did they have to deceive a FISA court judge to get the warrants in the first place? Duh?
Wrong. Go to a search engine, type the words and find the links yourself if you don't want to admit trump said this.

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

What it says is that there were 17 errors, omissions, or falsehoods in the FISA applications, Comey committed fraud on the FISA court. this is far from over.
Trump was not spied on, get over it. That's what's revealed in that report.

Stop lying, the report says they used confidential human sources (CHSs) to approach and record not only people involved in the investigation, but a senior campaign official NOT involved in the investigation. That commie is spying.
You left this part out...

We found no evidence that the FBI used CHSs or UCEs to interact with members of the Trump campaign prior to the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. After the opening of the investigation, we found no evidence that the FBI placed any CHSs or UCEs within the Trump campaign or tasked any CHSs or UCEs to report on the Trump campaign. Finally, we also found no documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivations influenced the FBI's decision to use CHSs or UCEs to interact with Trump campaign officials in the Crossfire Hurricane
Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.

Wait, but that's what you said about THIS report. This, the non partisan, inspector general report. We couldn't trust the FBI review, we had to see THIS one. Now that this report backs up the FBI review we have to wait for a report from a partisan Roy Cohn? Do you even take yourself seriously?

Why would I have to credit anyone for the economy Barack Obama turned around? By every metric, the economy performed better under Obama than Bush and Trump. Trump is just maintaining that good economy he was given...for now.
By every metric? Really! Did you want to point out the exact time that Barry set records for the lowest unemployment rates since they started keeping that stat, Seawytch?

Obama left Trump with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and a consistently growing economy.

Talk about being born on third base and saying you hit a home run.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Had Trump been handed 7.8% unemployment and growing, he would not have had record lows.

Had Obama been handed 4.7% unemployment and dropping, he would have had record lows.
Horowitz just testified that he did not find that they acted without bias

That's complete bullshit?

He testified to the exact OPPOSITE

No bis. No politics involved
You do know that an FBI agent deliberately altered an email in a FISA warrant application read that Page was NOT a CIA source, when the CIA had repeatedly told the FBI that Page WAS a CIA source gathering information FOR the CIA on Russia?

What Horowitz says again and again is, 'We did not get documentary or testimonial evidence that bias caused the irregularities.' Which is a lawyered way of saying there's no document and there's no testimony that they drew from someone who said 'Yes, there was bias,' 'Yes, I was biased,' 'Yes, I saw bias.'

When you prove bias in a courtroom, you do it on the basis of common sense inference from what people say and what they do. You don't rely on someone to say 'I'm biased.' It's just not the way cases work.

Andy McCarthy on Horowitz testimony: The standards for opening FISA probe 'so low as to be illusory'
Obama left Trump with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and a consistently growing economy.

Talk about being born on third base and saying you hit a home run.

Did you want to show us all that point in the Obama Presidency where unemployment numbers hit record lows, Colfax? I can show you where that occurred in the Trump Presidency. Gee, talk about talking shit you can't back up!

Next you’ll tell us Trump is a self made millionaire. He never had any help from anyone.

Whoa...nice try at changing the subject, Colfax! LOL

It’s a lot easier to have record unemployment when you come into office and the unemployment rate is already one of the lowest in 50 years.

Actually it's easier to lower the unemployment rate when you come into office with billions of dollars in stimulus spending and TARP money to throw at creating jobs! Oh wait...Barry's stimulus was such a bust that they had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they created!
Poor, lying con tool. You've been shown repeatedly how Obama used that term even before ARRA was passed.
Sure, we can talk about those errors. The IG said that they had no bearing on the overall investigation and that it was legally started. The errors do not change the fact that there was nothing untoward about the "oranges" of the Russia Investigation and that the FBI did their jobs when we were being threatened by an adversary and people within the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with those adversaries.

We can focus all day on the tree so poor Fishy wont realize there is an entire forrest around that one little tree.

The Barr/ Durham investigation is about to wrap up, lets wait for that. In the meantime lets review the FACT that Horowitz was an Obama appointee. I don't know if he has political motives, but we are entitled to know, don't you think?

In the meantime lets focus on the good economy, our once again strong capable military, and the very low unemployment rates around this Christmas season. the country is doing great, I give Trump some of the credit, you can credit obozo the kenyan if you want, but if you do that you also have to credit Bush.
While I appreciate the honesty in crediting Obama I beg to differ on Bush.
He oversaw the cratering of our economy. There is virtually nothing there to credit him with
W. actually foresaw the cratering of our economy and warned Congress that it was going to happen. Would you like me to show you what Barney Frank thought of Bush's concerns?
W. is also the person that got TARP passed...taking serious political heat in doing so...probably the single most important reason more of our large financial institutions didn't go belly up!
And the Republican-led Congress did nothing.

You left that part out.

Ah, the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate starting in 2006...and YES...Congress did nothing about the warnings that W. was giving them!
Lying con tool, Democrats did not control the House or the Senate until 2007.

Do you ever stop lying?

Ever??? :ack-1:

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