Another Nativity Question

Matthew traces the genealogy of men, not of Rahab or Ruth.

Occasionally, people married into the club, but then they were no longer foreigners, were they.

It's very simple: the holy people considered themselves the chosen people. Others did not rate.

Rahab and Ruth are both in Matthew's genealogy, first. Second, I don't know what your angle is here, but I have proven that the Jews absolutely allowed foreigners in. Rahab. Ruth. There are more. They also allowed converts.

Am I just dealing with a run of the mill anti-Semite here or what?
So? I already acknowledged that.

You know I just said that, too, right? Occasionally, people married into the club.

Marrying into the club rather shoots down your whole premise on how they perceived foreigners.

SO, I will leave it at that.
When they join the club, they're not foreigners. Do you not remember me saying that, either?

Do you read posts before you respond to them?

That argument is inane. If they had a horrible attitude toward foreigners they would NOT LET THEIR PEOPLE MARRY THEM in the first place.

Now, we are done here, because any fair reader knows your point has been defeated.
That argument is inane. If they had a horrible attitude toward foreigners they would NOT LET THEIR PEOPLE MARRY THEM in the first place.
They broke their own edicts all the time. They worshipped idols.

The fact is, a few married foreigners, and foreigners were unclean. If you can't reconcile that, that's not my problem.
They broke their own edicts all the time. They worshipped idols.

The fact is, a few married foreigners, and foreigners were unclean. If you can't reconcile that, that's not my problem.

I don't know why you would want to argue with me about that. Yes, they messed up consistently; that's pretty much the entire OT. But yes they were still God's chosen people, through which The Messiah came.

If this is just run of the mill anti-Semitism it's boring and I'm sad I wasted my time
I don't know why you would want to argue with me about that. Yes, they messed up consistently; that's pretty much the entire OT. But yes they were still God's chosen people, through which The Messiah came.

If this is just run of the mill anti-Semitism it's boring and I'm sad I wasted my time
No doubt, you will sadden yourself further with yet another response.

The Bible says unequivocally that the holy people were the chosen people, quite unlike the common and unclean.

Now, how does citing the Bible make one an antiSemite?
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Now, we are done here, because any fair reader knows your point has been defeated.
Perhaps I am not a fair reader, but it seems to me both of you have made good points. Hospitality has always been a hallmark of Judaism--but along with this is the conviction that they were chosen by God to be a people set apart from others. Part of the beauty of Ruth's story is her statement of, Your people will be my people and your God my God, is that she, too, left behind being part of a larger society to become part of the group that was set aside. She followed their ways.

On the other hand, there were many who had no use for Jewish Laws and customs. They maintained a lifestyle that was not as clean/ideal as their Jewish neighbors. They may have even prided themselves on being less strict/harsh and more tolerant than Jews.

In any case, Jews maintained a clean lifestyle while others were not quite as uncompromising. But even Jews recognized that in tribes outside themselves there were good people who believed as they did. Jews called these people God fearers, meaning they, too, were in awe of God and His laws.

You both have good points.
The Jews never demanded that anyone else adhere to their law.
Yeah.......that must be why Paul never Confronted Peter concerning Peter's hypocrisy with the NT law v. the Old Law. "But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him face to face, because he was to be blamed....................................I said to Peter before them all, if thou being a Jew, livest after the manner of the Gentiles, and not as the Jews, WHY COMPELLEST THOU GENTIELS TO LIVE AS DO THE JEWS?" -- Gal. 2:11,14

Peter was errantly teaching that "some parts of the OLD LAW" still must be followed even by the Gentiles. Paul had already stated that if you follow even part of the OLD LAW, you must live by the entire oracles of the OLD LAW or you would be committing spiritual adultery. In essence being married to the covenant (NT) because your first wife was dead (OT was nailed to the cross of the Christ -- Col. 2:14)...yet still pretending to be bound by the first marriage contract, when you do you are committing spiritual adultery. If you fail to follow even one article of the OLD LAW you would be found guilty of breaking the entire LAW. (Romans 7)
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Perhaps I am not a fair reader, but it seems to me both of you have made good points. Hospitality has always been a hallmark of Judaism--but along with this is the conviction that they were chosen by God to be a people set apart from others. Part of the beauty of Ruth's story is her statement of, Your people will be my people and your God my God, is that she, too, left behind being part of a larger society to become part of the group that was set aside. She followed their ways.

On the other hand, there were many who had no use for Jewish Laws and customs. They maintained a lifestyle that was not as clean/ideal as their Jewish neighbors. They may have even prided themselves on being less strict/harsh and more tolerant than Jews.

In any case, Jews maintained a clean lifestyle while others were not quite as uncompromising. But even Jews recognized that in tribes outside themselves there were good people who believed as they did. Jews called these people God fearers, meaning they, too, were in awe of God and His laws.

You both have good points.

I agree with this--I think norwegen was making the case that Jews were hostile to foreigners and I don't see this being the case. Set apart from yes. Hostile, no, unless they were enemies of God/the nation of Israel.
I agree with this--I think norwegen was making the case that Jews were hostile to foreigners and I don't see this being the case. Set apart from yes. Hostile, no, unless they were enemies of God/the nation of Israel.
Read, Romans 11:28, "As concerning the Gospel (NT Covenant), they (Jews) are enemies for your (Gentiles) sake, but as touching the election (the elect of God) they are beloved for the fathers sake."

Paul is addressing the fact that the Jews were disobedient to God, and because they were the Gentiles were allowed to be included in the ELECT (the chosen by God).........yet, God will always have a place in His heart for the Jews, if they are made jealous enough to accept the errors of their disobedience and accept Jesus as the Messiah. Until then.........they are THE ENEMINES OF THE GOSPEL TRUTH. When the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled..........and their stubborn blindness is removed, then and only then will they (the JEWS) be grafted back into the Elect family vines. Paul declares that we should all pray for them, that their blindness be removed.......for the fathers sake.

Paul describes it as being in comparison to the history of the fathers, how from time to time God had to chastise the disobedient and allow but a few faithful remnant to be saved. It was the same with the NT covenant, a faithful remnant was saved by Jesus the Christ. Christianity was offered exclusively to the JEWS for the first decade after the Infant Church was created. But all the JEWS can be saved if they OPEN THEIR BLINDED EYES.
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Now I'm talking about Nativity scenes here not what actually happened or didn't happen in the Bible. Why is it you see cows, horses, and sheep in Nativity scenes but not pigs, chickens, roosters, or goats? I'm guessing pigs because over where Jesus was born they don't eat them, but what about the other animals?

I'm guessing because chickens aren't usually kept in stables. Goats . . . depends on whether or not the people creating the nativity scene think about them.

I doubt most people know much about what kinds of animals are kept on farms at all, let alone what kind were kept in Biblical times. Sheep are more ubiquitous and traditional, plus looking fluffy and cute in pictures.
Joseph and Mary were Jews. Bethlehem was a Jewish Town. There would be no pigs at that stable, therefore no pigs in the nativity because they are considered unclean. It does answer your question.

You know, when I got old enough to really understand the Jewish beliefs regarding pigs, I did wonder why it was that they kept pigs at all.
Actually, that was a dream not about animals but about foreigners. Before Christ, Jews believed foreigners were common and unclean (Acts 10:28).

When the prodigal son lived among pigs, he lived among foreigners.

But as for the animals, yes, Jews considered them unclean. Even converted Jews for many years stayed away from pork. So naturally, the primitive Christians would not have included pigs in a menagerie.

Well, even if a farm has pigs, they aren't kept in the stable.
I said to Peter before them all, if thou being a Jew, livest after the manner of the Gentiles, and not as the Jews, WHY COMPELLEST THOU GENTIELS TO LIVE AS DO THE JEWS?" -- Gal. 2:11,14

Peter was errantly teaching that "some parts of the OLD LAW" still must be followed even by the Gentiles.
Peter wasn't the only Jewish convert who thought the way to Christ was first through temple law.

Of course subjecting foreigners to temple law was wrong. It was illogical. Because it was their law. No one else was subject to temple jurisdiction. That's just ridiculous; it's like saying Americans are subject to Sudanese law.

The Jews never demanded that anyone else adhere to their law. What Peter and a couple other Christians might have done in the first century was just nonsensical and not applicable to the idea of Jewish separatism.

In essence being married to the covenant (NT) because your first wife was dead (OT was nailed to the cross of the Christ -- Col. 2:14)...yet still pretending to be bound by the first marriage contract, when you do you are committing spiritual adultery. If you fail to follow even one article of the OLD LAW you would be found guilty of breaking the entire LAW. (Romans 7)
This was for the Jewish converts, not for Gentiles. Colossians and the first eleven chapters of Romans (to 11:12) were addressed to Jewish converts. Citizenship in the kingdom came to the Gentiles with little effort, which fueled jealousy within Israel (Rom 11:11-14). Because Gentiles were not subject to Jewish law.
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Peter wasn't the only Jewish convert who thought the way to Christ was first through temple law.

Of course subjecting foreigners to temple law was wrong. It was illogical. Because it was their law. No one else was subject to temple jurisdiction. That's just ridiculous; it's like saying Americans are subject to Sudanese law.

The Jews never demanded that anyone else adhere to their law. What Peter and a couple other Christians might have done in the first century was just nonsensical and not applicable to the idea of Jewish separatism.

This was for the Jewish converts, not for Gentiles. Colossians and the first eleven chapters of Romans were addressed to Jewish converts.
FYI: The first Gentile convert was recorded in ACTS 10. I think you are simply arguing to hear your head rattle. There is no logic, reason or common sense applied when you attempt to take away the context and subject matter away from the actual content of the passage in question. There is a subject to the passage that is Peter was compelling the Gentiles to live as do the Jews in teaching them (he was living as do the gentiles in the passage).

What kind of contortions must you attempt to deny the actual content, context and subject matter of Gal. 2:11-14?

The actual text does not match your false doctrine does it? Thus you must deny that which is actually recorded in scripture. "I (Paul) said to Peter, BEFORE THEM ALL, IF THOU BEING A JEW, AND LIVETH AFTER THE "MANNER" OF THE GENTILES AND NOT AS THE JEWS, (what do you think compel means?) WHY COMPELLETH THOU "GENTILES" TO LIVE AS DO THE JEWS?" -- Gal. 2:14
Duh! Yeah......up is down and east is west? Paul confronted PETER face to face when Peter was propagating a false message that was never inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. What part did you fail to comprehend? The Gentiles were never included in the Old Testament Covenant Law of was expressly for the nation of Biblical Israel.(Deut. 5:1-3), The Law of Moses was not even for the earlier generations that preceeded the Law of Moses The LAW was never intended for a single Gentile. But PETER was LIVING WITH THE GENTILES as a Christian and still He was propagating a false message that some parts of the OLD LAW was still in effect. can't believe your own eyes and what they read? Read the passage and then tell me that Paul was addressing the JEWS only when the Christ personally appointed him the apostle of the Gentiles. (Romans 11:3). Paul confronted Peter and his errant teachings because PAUL WAS the APOSTLE to the GENTILES and Peter was teaching them things not inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.
But PETER was LIVING WITH THE GENTILES as a Christian and still He was propagating a false message that some parts of the OLD LAW was still in effect.
Um, for the Jewish converts, as long as the temple was standing, the old law was still in effect. That wasn't the false message that Peter was spreading.

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