Another poll for Trump acolytes to NOT believe in.....

every other day, a poll comes out to make leftists 'feel' better about trump being their President. I thank god or whatever is listening, that I grew into an actual man and not whatever passes for adult maleish leftists.

When Trump is inevitably lead out of office in handcuffs I expect this profile of yours, and others like it, to suddenly disappear and your voice somehow magically finds its way to a brand new profile with no history of previous Trump support.

Like y'all did with Bush the Dumber.
um no.

I've been making fun of you weaklings needing polls, research, etc etc, for years.

I'm shocked you losers can even go outside when it's snowing.

Yeah, I don't buy your anecdote. In fact, the more you play pretend the less apt I am to believe you.

You'd have far more credibility if you simply just stated you were wrong. Why is that so difficult? How come admitting you're wrong is too damaging to your ego and psyche? Get over yourself.
Instead of quoting polls, Nat? How about you tell us what economic policy of Barack Obama's it is that's responsible for the economic growth we're experiencing now?

What we're experiencing NOW is a sequel of what the economy has been doing for the last SIX plus years......

if you idiots "think" that Obama taking the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.7% and Trump lowering another .3% is ALL Trump's doing......I suggest for you morons to put your head right back your fat asses.

....AND THEN THERE'S this........

The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow - Jan. 10, 2017
every other day, a poll comes out to make leftists 'feel' better about trump being their President. I thank god or whatever is listening, that I grew into an actual man and not whatever passes for adult maleish leftists.

When Trump is inevitably lead out of office in handcuffs I expect this profile of yours, and others like it, to suddenly disappear and your voice somehow magically finds its way to a brand new profile with no history of previous Trump support.

Like y'all did with Bush the Dumber.
um no.

I've been making fun of you weaklings needing polls, research, etc etc, for years.

I'm shocked you losers can even go outside when it's snowing.

Yeah, I don't buy your anecdote. In fact, the more you play pretend the less apt I am to believe you.

You'd have far more credibility if you simply just stated you were wrong. Why is that so difficult? How come admitting you're wrong is too damaging to your ego and psyche? Get over yourself.
every other day, a poll comes out to make leftists 'feel' better about trump being their President. I thank god or whatever is listening, that I grew into an actual man and not whatever passes for adult maleish leftists.

that is not wrong, you pussies NEED these just to get out of bed in the afternoon.
To the great credit of the American voting public that can discern demagoguery from reality.

A new poll finds that more U.S. voters still say former President Barack Obama is responsible for the current state of the U.S. economy than President Trump.

The Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday finds that 49 percent of Americans say Obama is more responsible for the current U.S. economy compared to 40 percent who say Trump is responsible.

The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.
/----/ From your link: "From January 5 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,106 voters nationwide" So 553 people out of 1,106 ( 49%, still a minority) out of 330 million, think Obozo gets credit.
To the great credit of the American voting public that can discern demagoguery from reality.

A new poll finds that more U.S. voters still say former President Barack Obama is responsible for the current state of the U.S. economy than President Trump.

The Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday finds that 49 percent of Americans say Obama is more responsible for the current U.S. economy compared to 40 percent who say Trump is responsible.

The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.
/----/ From your link: "From January 5 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,106 voters nationwide " So 553 folks out of 300+ million give Obozo credit? Man it's all over for Trump now. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
grasping straws.png
To the great credit of the American voting public that can discern demagoguery from reality.

A new poll finds that more U.S. voters still say former President Barack Obama is responsible for the current state of the U.S. economy than President Trump.

The Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday finds that 49 percent of Americans say Obama is more responsible for the current U.S. economy compared to 40 percent who say Trump is responsible.

The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.

So, come fall, collect together a montage of lefties predicting that Trump would cause the economy to collapse and then show the every improving economic numbers.

Every day, Obama is further and further away.
From your link: "From January 5 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,106 voters nationwide" So 553 people out of 1,106 ( 49%, still a minority) out of 330 million, think Obozo gets credit.

Someday....maybe.....your GED classes will cover basic statistic......

Please stay as dumb as you are now......its entertaining.....LOL
From your link: "From January 5 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,106 voters nationwide" So 553 people out of 1,106 ( 49%, still a minority) out of 330 million, think Obozo gets credit.

Someday....maybe.....your GED classes will cover basic statistic......

Please stay as dumb as you are now......its entertaining.....LOL
/----/ I understand more about political polls than you wish I did and I'll be here to smack down your fake polls.
Every day, Obama is further and further away.

Comprehension issues, moron???.....................LOL

The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.
Every day, Obama is further and further away.

Comprehension issues, moron???.....................LOL

The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.
/----/ OK you win. Here's another poll:
Voters Still Say Trump Likely to Erase Obama’s Accomplishments - Rasmussen Reports®
Voters Still Say Trump Likely to Erase Obama’s Accomplishments
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on January 4 & 7, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
More on the poll.....

What is the one word you would use to describe President Trump's first year in office? (Numbers are not percentages. Figures show the number of times each response was given.

disaster 69
chaotic 62
Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

Rasmussen Reports: Only 6% Rate News Media As Very Trustworthy

Most Americans Don’t Think The Media Is Honest
By Natalie Jackson Huffington Post

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

Rasmussen Reports: Only 6% Rate News Media As Very Trustworthy

Most Americans Don’t Think The Media Is Honest
By Natalie Jackson Huffington Post

Interesting........This thread is about how much right wing idiots believe in polls, and the above MORON, cites polls to "defend" his biases....

Gotta love it........LOL
More on the poll.....

What is the one word you would use to describe President Trump's first year in office? (Numbers are not percentages. Figures show the number of times each response was given.

disaster 69
chaotic 62

Here is a poll for you.

Trump Bump: Small Business Optimism Soars To 12-Year High | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Small business owners' optimism soared in December to the highest level since 2004, the National Federation of Independent Business said Tuesday, as President-elect Trump unleashes "animal spirits" on Main Street, even as corporate titans such as General Motors (GM) and Ford (F) tread carefully with the president-elect.

NFIB's small business optimism index shot up 7.4 points to 105.8, the best reading since December 2004. It was the biggest monthly gain in decades. A net 50% of smaller firms see business conditions improving vs. 12% in November and -7% in October.

"We haven't seen numbers like this in a long time," said NFIB President and CEO Juanita Duggan. "Small business is ready for a breakout, and that can only mean very good things for the U.S. economy."
Every day, Obama is further and further away.

Comprehension issues, moron???.....................LOL

The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.

Yes, I read your post.

My point stands. It's been a little more than a year, by the mid terms it will be TWO years.

If the economic graphs show a big change in trends since Trump takes office, this belief system will be hard to maintain.

And you libs are convinced that they will show that, that is why you are so crazed.
Why can't lefties just enjoy the record setting DOW and the lowest unemployment in 20 years without whining about who's responsible?

THAT is exactly what the poll addresses...AND, CREDITS Obama for the good economy, (not Trump's inheritance of a good economy.)


What Obama policy created this economy?

Well we can point to stimulus, bailouts, financial reform, low interest rates.

What we can't point to is any Trump policy that effected the economy in 2017 in any sort of significant way.
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