Another poll for Trump acolytes to NOT believe in.....

Actually, their numbers must then show some Dems credit Trump. Sure enough, thanks for the correction! It’s even worse for the Dems than I thought! 23% of dems credit Trump, with a skewing of those polled in favor of Dems by 7% of the national makeup, according to Gallup a couple of weeks ago.

Party Affiliation


24% of Republicans credited Obama. lol. You can't win. Give up.
They must be in the food industry.
Republican 23%
Democrat 34
Independent 38
Other/DK/NA 5

So, we will assume 23% of Rep said Trump, 34% of Dems said Obama.

That leaves 43% Independents and other, which 17% said Trump, and 15% said Obama...

Even with the skewed sampling, seems Trump comes out the winner.

Sampling wasn't "skewed" just because more and more people don't like to call themselves Republican.

Your "math" is total shit too.

Directly from the survey: 51% of Independents credit Obama and only 35% credit Trump.
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every other day, a poll comes out to make leftists 'feel' better about trump being their President. I thank god or whatever is listening, that I grew into an actual man and not whatever passes for adult maleish leftists.

When Trump is inevitably lead out of office in handcuffs I expect this profile of yours, and others like it, to suddenly disappear and your voice somehow magically finds its way to a brand new profile with no history of previous Trump support.

Like y'all did with Bush the Dumber.
18. Do you think Donald Trump is fit to serve as president, or not?

____Tot__ R___D___I
Yes 40% 89% 7% 39%
No 57% 10% 91% 58%

Actually, their numbers must then show some Dems credit Trump. Sure enough, thanks for the correction! It’s even worse for the Dems than I thought! 23% of dems credit Trump, with a skewing of those polled in favor of Dems by 7% of the national makeup, according to Gallup a couple of weeks ago.

Party Affiliation

Republican 23%
Democrat 34
Independent 38
Other/DK/NA 5

So, we will assume 23% of Rep said Trump, 34% of Dems said Obama.

That leaves 43% Independents and other, which 17% said Trump, and 15% said Obama...

Even with the skewed sampling, seems Trump comes out the winner.

You should try actually reading the poll. 51% of Independents credited Obama for the economy, vs. 35% for Trump.

every other day, a poll comes out to make leftists 'feel' better about trump being their President. I thank god or whatever is listening, that I grew into an actual man and not whatever passes for adult maleish leftists.

When Trump is inevitably lead out of office in handcuffs I expect this profile of yours, and others like it, to suddenly disappear and your voice somehow magically finds its way to a brand new profile with no history of previous Trump support.

Like y'all did with Bush the Dumber.
um no.

I've been making fun of you weaklings needing polls, research, etc etc, for years.

I'm shocked you losers can even go outside when it's snowing.
Republican 23%
Democrat 34
Independent 38
Other/DK/NA 5

So, we will assume 23% of Rep said Trump, 34% of Dems said Obama.

That leaves 43% Independents and other, which 17% said Trump, and 15% said Obama...

Even with the skewed sampling, seems Trump comes out the winner.

Moron, they take into account under sampling that is a natural result of this type of survey and weight the responses accordingly.

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um no.

I've been making fun of you weaklings needing polls, research, etc etc, for years.

I'm shocked you losers can even go outside when it's snowing.

In for a BIG disappointment, there TwothumbsUpYourAss.....LOL
um no.

I've been making fun of you weaklings needing polls, research, etc etc, for years.

I'm shocked you losers can even go outside when it's snowing.

In for a BIG disappointment, there TwothumbsUpYourAss.....LOL
you bitches cancel school b/c it's cold outside.

If you lightweights ever learn to 'man up', I'll be shocked, not disappointed.
you bitches cancel school b/c it's cold outside.

If you lightweights ever learn to 'man up', I'll be shocked, not disappointed.

Rather than rambling....STICK to the topic,moron......

What do you think of these latest polls???? (or go back to bed)
Is there something in the water at Quinnipac U? Who cares about a poll conducted by a second or third rate college? Why can't lefties just enjoy the record setting DOW and the lowest unemployment in 20 years without whining about who's responsible?
What your "poll" shows...and it's no surprise because this has been going on for nine years that for Democrats...Barry could do no wrong and Republicans can do no right! Anything that was good that happened during the Obama Administration was because Barack Obama was President...anything that happened that was bad during the Obama Administration was because of either George W. Bush or because of Republicans in the Congress!

That hasn't changed since Trump was elected. Now anything good that's happening in the country is because of some Obama policy kicking in retroactively...and anything bad that's happening in the country is because Donald Trump is the worst President EVER!!!

Pardon me if I take your latest poll with the same giant grain of salt I've taken MOST polls for quite some time, Nat!
Why can't lefties just enjoy the record setting DOW and the lowest unemployment in 20 years without whining about who's responsible?

THAT is exactly what the poll addresses...AND, CREDITS Obama for the good economy, (not Trump's inheritance of a good economy.)

you bitches cancel school b/c it's cold outside.

If you lightweights ever learn to 'man up', I'll be shocked, not disappointed.

Rather than rambling....STICK to the topic,moron......

What do you think of these latest polls???? (or go back to bed)
I think they are buttcream for leftists to make them feel better about trump being the President.

this is what I said in my first post in this thread, your blather only goes to further prove the fact.
Instead of quoting polls, Nat? How about you tell us what economic policy of Barack Obama's it is that's responsible for the economic growth we're experiencing now?

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