Another rally assualt: Hey's why yall are gonna start getting punched in the jaw.

The fat bitch was looking for a fight. That's why the guy was following her with the camera. She tried to start one with a girl before the guy obliged her. Trump supporters are just violent scum. Your own video proves that.
Oh and the little fat bastard in the black shirt wasn't?

He was standing there. She walked up and got in his face.

And what did he do?


Right, he said he wants her to die. Liberal compassion?
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!

And you support Drumpf as a King or Dictator. You really hate our current form of government.

You support Obama as a dictator.
The fat bitch was looking for a fight. That's why the guy was following her with the camera. She tried to start one with a girl before the guy obliged her. Trump supporters are just violent scum. Your own video proves that.
Oh and the little fat bastard in the black shirt wasn't?

He was standing there. She walked up and got in his face.

And what did he do?


Right, he said he wants her to die. Liberal compassion?

Watch it again. He said he would be there until she died.
Oh and the little fat bastard in the black shirt wasn't?

He was standing there. She walked up and got in his face.

And what did he do?


Right, he said he wants her to die. Liberal compassion?

Watch it again. He said he would be there until she died.

Her said, "die bitch".
And the feral negros that loot and burn down their city are what?
Trump followers are trash.
No, just sick and tired of liberals. It's time to make america great again!

By being a bunch of thugs?
If the liberal protesters wasn't causing trouble there would be no problems.

The protester had a constitutional right to protest. You got a problem with the constitution?
It's a private event they don't have the right to be in their.
Trump followers are trash.
No, just sick and tired of liberals. It's time to make america great again!

By being a bunch of thugs?
If the liberal protesters wasn't causing trouble there would be no problems.

The protester had a constitutional right to protest. You got a problem with the constitution?
It's a private event they don't have the right to be in their.

Sure they did.
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!

And you support Drumpf as a King or Dictator. You really hate our current form of government.

You support Obama as a dictator.
Not at all....he is President and will be done with his 2nd and final term in January. But, I challenge you to find anything I have said that supports President Obama as a dictator. I can find posts of Vaggie's where he clearly says he wants Drumpf to be a king or dictator.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

rightwingnut pondscum are funny.

they have every right to protest.

your disgusting kkk'ers have no right raising their hands to peaceful protesters.
The fat bitch was looking for a fight. That's why the guy was following her with the camera. She tried to start one with a girl before the guy obliged her. Trump supporters are just violent scum. Your own video proves that.
Oh and the little fat bastard in the black shirt wasn't?

He was standing there. She walked up and got in his face.
Who cares. Then it followed her around screaming like the mentally ill weirdo it is.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

rightwingnut pondscum are funny.

they have every right to protest.

your disgusting kkk'ers have no right raising their hands to peaceful protesters.

Wow you're less coherent with each post, darling.
That's all you've got to hang on to, all you ever had. You're so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you.

I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.
Not even close to explaining why you believe Trump.

Have you tried a laxative? You are so completely full of shit.

From the thread, where I humiliated you.

And now you are back to Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.

Please stop lying.

Here you go again.

I am satisfied that Trump is more likely to support policies I want, than those who openly advocate policies I oppose or those that claim to support policies I support but have a record of betraying me on them.

IMO, that is the best choice I can do with the information I have available."

And, preemptively, since I know you will be a dick and not response like a person.

Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did

They were both looking for a fight and they got it.
I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.
Not even close to explaining why you believe Trump.

From the thread, where I humiliated you.

And now you are back to Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.

Please stop lying.

Here you go again.

I am satisfied that Trump is more likely to support policies I want, than those who openly advocate policies I oppose or those that claim to support policies I support but have a record of betraying me on them.

IMO, that is the best choice I can do with the information I have available."

And, preemptively, since I know you will be a dick and not response like a person.

Have you tried a laxative? You are so completely full of shit.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did

They were both looking for a fight and they got it.
As if I needed any more evidence that you are a punk.

You've obviously never seen a real fight.
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!

And you support Drumpf as a King or Dictator. You really hate our current form of government.

You support Obama as a dictator.
Not at all....he is President and will be done with his 2nd and final term in January. But, I challenge you to find anything I have said that supports President Obama as a dictator. I can find posts of Vaggie's where he clearly says he wants Drumpf to be a king or dictator.

You want him to have unlimited power, for life.
The fat bitch was looking for a fight. That's why the guy was following her with the camera. She tried to start one with a girl before the guy obliged her. Trump supporters are just violent scum. Your own video proves that.

Agreed, the fat little fuck was looking for a fight
No, just sick and tired of liberals. It's time to make america great again!

By being a bunch of thugs?
If the liberal protesters wasn't causing trouble there would be no problems.

The protester had a constitutional right to protest. You got a problem with the constitution?
It's a private event they don't have the right to be in their.

Sure they did.
Its a private event, no they don't.

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