Another Reason Democrats HATE Trump

So the evangelicals are supporting Trump in admiration of all the gambling dens he's built?

Trump the liberal?
  1. He thinks affirmative action is okay.
  2. He would fund Planned Parenthood except for abortion. (This is current federal policy, though Trump doesn't seem to know it.)
  3. He supports a progressive income tax. He does not favor a flat tax.
  4. He doesn't believe you should be able to fire someone just for being gay.
  5. He doesn't want to cut Social Security or Medicare.
  6. He's in favor of a ban on assault weapons.
  7. He invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to his wedding.
  8. He doesn't "fully" believe in supply-side economics.
  9. He wants to "lead from behind" on Ukraine. Trump believes that Germany should take the lead on Ukraine.
  10. He hates the Iran deal, but he wouldn't abrogate it after taking office.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?
I would love it if it were your kids being showered with GOP Lead Poisoning. Not you personally, but you people. Then we'd see how outraged you'd be. But you would be mad at Government, rather than the GOP Governor Rick Snyder who was trying to run government like a business. A business would risk the health of people in order to save money. Look at Toyota's airbag recall. A business will decide if the risk is worth the reward. A government should say fuck the savings I need to keep my citizens safe. Government doesn't make a profit so you can't run it like a business.
I already put this on another thread but it fits here as well.

NEW tests are out in last 24 hours that SAY lead leech THROUGH the pipes. GALVANIZED not lead. If the lead leached THROUGH the pipes that puts the SOURCE of the lead in the GROUND.

And you know WHY the found it there? Because those ego FREAK liberals just covered it over. LIBERALS have turned cities like Flint AND Detroit into Times Beach Missouri. YOU handed a republican a problem THEN BLAMED the republican FOR the problem.

THAT problem WAS DECADES in the making. That lead crap did NOT appear over night alright stupid? When a democrat builds something, ANYTHING it's ALL about "looks". How does it look they ask.

When a republican builds something its about does it work right? Is it on budget? So in TRUTH what we have now is at LEAST one major democrat CONTROLLED area that THEY have polluted to the point being inhabited by man MAY well become harmful to your health.

So what are we republicans going to do? Do our best to FIX it. But if that place turns out to be HALF as filthy as Times Beach Missouri? Its going to take DECADES to unto the fiscal mismanagement let alone the DISASTER you have caused there.

PEOPLE might die because of democrats ABUSE and FAILURE by the City of Flint city counsel. You democrats OWN this issue and this will NOT be the first bite you get to take out of a GIANT sh#t burger.

YOU democrats have turned Detroit, St Louis, Seattle, New York ALL into GIANT sh#t holes. YOU democrats went so far as to poison the damn water with YOUR constant REFUSAL to spend the CITIZENS money on INFRASTRUCTURE.

And IF it takes us republicans 2 or even 3 years to fix the short term of clean water and THEN the damage YOU caused to the environment? well EXCUSE the hell out of us! YOU had four DECADES do update your pipes!
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?
I would love it if it were your kids being showered with GOP Lead Poisoning. Not you personally, but you people. Then we'd see how outraged you'd be. But you would be mad at Government, rather than the GOP Governor Rick Snyder who was trying to run government like a business. A business would risk the health of people in order to save money. Look at Toyota's airbag recall. A business will decide if the risk is worth the reward. A government should say fuck the savings I need to keep my citizens safe. Government doesn't make a profit so you can't run it like a business.

I have news for you...America was incorporated in 1871 and every state, every city and every town is a subsidiary of this massive "for profit" corporation. You are not free, you are an indentured debt slave and you became collateral on the debt when USA.INC filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March of 1933 and they confiscated the nation's gold and was given to the mostly foreign owned Federal Reserve banksters. Your birth certificate (which is written on bond paper) makes you a surety against the debt and i grows every year. Since USA.INC is actually a corporation, they do not pass laws, they pass acts, statutes and the Patriot Act, Health Care Act, etc, etc. We live under the Admiralty court system instead of Common Law because when your parents agreed to sign off on your birth certificate, they made you a U.S citizen which pledges loyalty to the corporate headquarters that is Washington D.C...a city state instead of being a sovereign citizen because you were unwittingly pledged by your parents.....the cleverest form of slavery ever invented. You have to house yourself, feed and clothe yourself somehow while turning over close to 40 percent of your meager earnings to this corporate giant.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

I don't drink beer so that statement is irrelevant.

You dumbass Liberals took a chance with a black so you could see what that color ass tastes like.
I've dated black women so I already know.

So you an admitted ass licker.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

How about Democrats took a chance on the little black boy and see how he fucked it up.
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.

It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States."

Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money." The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, gold and silver coin.

It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country?

Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). when ever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.

Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.

There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in Common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good & valuable consideration." Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already.

Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.

The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3]

The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913)

"Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, -in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.

In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another.

This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt.

Why don’t more people own their properties outright?

Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?

We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it.

America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country."
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

*snip of ignorant idiocy*


see, threads like this are what make you a useless troll.

no one hates the donald because he's successful.

he's a bigot. and he's a bully.

our allies think he's a joke (which he is)

perfectly rational reasons to never want him anywhere near the white house.

and if those are the reasons that liberals supposedly hate him, what's the excuse for the normal GOP'ers?

loon. :cuckoo:

Yet you voted for a black because of the color of his skin. The only reason people like him is because it made them feel better to vote for him and he panders to them.

1. that is something you idiots make up in your head.
2. I didn't vote for him in the primary.
3. I voted for him in the general election because sarah palin had no business being anywhere near the white house.... not even on a tour; and again when he ran for re-election because I don't vote for people who support personhood laws and disavow their own health care program.

I hope that helps, moron.
Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

How about Democrats took a chance on the little black boy and see how he fucked it up.
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.

it's LEGAL because the supreme court said you need to get the hell out of our business.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

*snip of ignorant idiocy*


see, threads like this are what make you a useless troll.

no one hates the donald because he's successful.

he's a bigot. and he's a bully.

our allies think he's a joke (which he is)

perfectly rational reasons to never want him anywhere near the white house.

and if those are the reasons that liberals supposedly hate him, what's the excuse for the normal GOP'ers?

loon. :cuckoo:

Yet you voted for a black because of the color of his skin. The only reason people like him is because it made them feel better to vote for him and he panders to them.

1. that is something you idiots make up in your head.
2. I didn't vote for him in the primary.
3. I voted for him in the general election because sarah palin had no business being anywhere near the white house.... not even on a tour; and again when he ran for re-election because I don't vote for people who support personhood laws and disavow their own health care program.

I hope that helps, moron.

1) Not when video evidence exists to prove it.

2) the primaries don't get him elected

3) You're part of the problem
For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
How about Democrats took a chance on the little black boy and see how he fucked it up.
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.

it's LEGAL because the supreme court said you need to get the hell out of our business.

If it's your business, then it's your responsibility for the results of your business. That's the problem with many who believe like you. You want the choice and when the choice produces results you can't afford, suddenly it's someone else's business to pay for it. I don't care what you with your body but if your choice produces something you can't afford to pay for, tough shit. Do without or worse for all I care.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

*snip of ignorant idiocy*


see, threads like this are what make you a useless troll.

no one hates the donald because he's successful.

he's a bigot. and he's a bully.

our allies think he's a joke (which he is)

perfectly rational reasons to never want him anywhere near the white house.

and if those are the reasons that liberals supposedly hate him, what's the excuse for the normal GOP'ers?

loon. :cuckoo:

Yet you voted for a black because of the color of his skin. The only reason people like him is because it made them feel better to vote for him and he panders to them.

1. that is something you idiots make up in your head.
2. I didn't vote for him in the primary.
3. I voted for him in the general election because sarah palin had no business being anywhere near the white house.... not even on a tour; and again when he ran for re-election because I don't vote for people who support personhood laws and disavow their own health care program.

I hope that helps, moron.

1) Not when video evidence exists to prove it.

2) the primaries don't get him elected

3) You're part of the problem

"video evidence" of what? that people felt good to have the first black president? meh... I wouldn't have voted for a rightwingnut black . so it's not about color.

the primaries got him in the running. I can't help it if you don't understand why extreme rightwing insanity didn't appeal to us. I figure that's your problem -- not mine. and it still doesn't validate your made up hypothesis.

you ARE the problem. the mainstream that's in the way of the rabid right is just that... the mainstream.

or you wouldn't keep losing national elections.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.

it's LEGAL because the supreme court said you need to get the hell out of our business.

If it's your business, then it's your responsibility for the results of your business. That's the problem with many who believe like you. You want the choice and when the choice produces results you can't afford, suddenly it's someone else's business to pay for it. I don't care what you with your body but if your choice produces something you can't afford to pay for, tough shit. Do without or worse for all I care.

sorry. given that I think the whole 'punish the harlots' thing is disgusting rightwingnuttery, i'm afraid your opinion is less than meaningful to me.

or did those women get pregnant all on their lonesome?

slut daughters?

are you insane? or do you just hate women because we aren't property anymore?

get over it.
Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.

it's LEGAL because the supreme court said you need to get the hell out of our business.

If it's your business, then it's your responsibility for the results of your business. That's the problem with many who believe like you. You want the choice and when the choice produces results you can't afford, suddenly it's someone else's business to pay for it. I don't care what you with your body but if your choice produces something you can't afford to pay for, tough shit. Do without or worse for all I care.

sorry. given that I think the whole 'punish the harlots' thing is disgusting rightwingnuttery, i'm afraid your opinion is less than meaningful to me.

or did those women get pregnant all on their lonesome?

slut daughters?

are you insane? or do you just hate women because we aren't property anymore?

get over it.

Thank you for proving you oppose personal responsibility. Most Liberals don't.

They didn't get pregnant alone. However, when it comes to paying for her choice to let him put one in her, since you guys ignore his responsibility, I see no need to do so either.

I hate anyone that says what I do is no one else's business then demands help when they can't afford the results of that choice.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?
I would love it if it were your kids being showered with GOP Lead Poisoning. Not you personally, but you people. Then we'd see how outraged you'd be. But you would be mad at Government, rather than the GOP Governor Rick Snyder who was trying to run government like a business. A business would risk the health of people in order to save money. Look at Toyota's airbag recall. A business will decide if the risk is worth the reward. A government should say fuck the savings I need to keep my citizens safe. Government doesn't make a profit so you can't run it like a business.
I already put this on another thread but it fits here as well.

NEW tests are out in last 24 hours that SAY lead leech THROUGH the pipes. GALVANIZED not lead. If the lead leached THROUGH the pipes that puts the SOURCE of the lead in the GROUND.

And you know WHY the found it there? Because those ego FREAK liberals just covered it over. LIBERALS have turned cities like Flint AND Detroit into Times Beach Missouri. YOU handed a republican a problem THEN BLAMED the republican FOR the problem.

THAT problem WAS DECADES in the making. That lead crap did NOT appear over night alright stupid? When a democrat builds something, ANYTHING it's ALL about "looks". How does it look they ask.

When a republican builds something its about does it work right? Is it on budget? So in TRUTH what we have now is at LEAST one major democrat CONTROLLED area that THEY have polluted to the point being inhabited by man MAY well become harmful to your health.

So what are we republicans going to do? Do our best to FIX it. But if that place turns out to be HALF as filthy as Times Beach Missouri? Its going to take DECADES to unto the fiscal mismanagement let alone the DISASTER you have caused there.

PEOPLE might die because of democrats ABUSE and FAILURE by the City of Flint city counsel. You democrats OWN this issue and this will NOT be the first bite you get to take out of a GIANT sh#t burger.

YOU democrats have turned Detroit, St Louis, Seattle, New York ALL into GIANT sh#t holes. YOU democrats went so far as to poison the damn water with YOUR constant REFUSAL to spend the CITIZENS money on INFRASTRUCTURE.

And IF it takes us republicans 2 or even 3 years to fix the short term of clean water and THEN the damage YOU caused to the environment? well EXCUSE the hell out of us! YOU had four DECADES do update your pipes!
Utterly amazing

A. Snyder wins election
B. Snyder appoints Emergency Manager
C. Emergency Manager's decisions poison flint citizens with Lead
D. Snyder ignores the problem for 2 years
E. You blame liberals

You're a joke. Does the GOP walk on water in your world?
Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

How about Democrats took a chance on the little black boy and see how he fucked it up.
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.

Then you are dumb to want to pay AT ALL. We shouldn't have to pay now or later. That's an option you bleeding hearts don't take into account. If you want to pay Shaniqua, write a check from your account. Mine is for ME and MY family.

The reason abortion is legal is because too many didn't want to be responsible for the results of a previous choice that produced a result they knew could happen.
Don't expect the Shaniqua's to make good decisions. If Snyder can't even be trusted to do the right thing, how can we hope Shaniqua will?
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?
I would love it if it were your kids being showered with GOP Lead Poisoning. Not you personally, but you people. Then we'd see how outraged you'd be. But you would be mad at Government, rather than the GOP Governor Rick Snyder who was trying to run government like a business. A business would risk the health of people in order to save money. Look at Toyota's airbag recall. A business will decide if the risk is worth the reward. A government should say fuck the savings I need to keep my citizens safe. Government doesn't make a profit so you can't run it like a business.

I have news for you...America was incorporated in 1871 and every state, every city and every town is a subsidiary of this massive "for profit" corporation. You are not free, you are an indentured debt slave and you became collateral on the debt when USA.INC filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March of 1933 and they confiscated the nation's gold and was given to the mostly foreign owned Federal Reserve banksters. Your birth certificate (which is written on bond paper) makes you a surety against the debt and i grows every year. Since USA.INC is actually a corporation, they do not pass laws, they pass acts, statutes and the Patriot Act, Health Care Act, etc, etc. We live under the Admiralty court system instead of Common Law because when your parents agreed to sign off on your birth certificate, they made you a U.S citizen which pledges loyalty to the corporate headquarters that is Washington D.C...a city state instead of being a sovereign citizen because you were unwittingly pledged by your parents.....the cleverest form of slavery ever invented. You have to house yourself, feed and clothe yourself somehow while turning over close to 40 percent of your meager earnings to this corporate giant.
Crazy but probably very true.
You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
He is? News to me. But I like him more than I do any of the other Republicans.

You'd love to see him nominated, wouldn't you?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory

Hillary is too old. Sound familiar. That's right, age only matters when it's a Republican running.
LOL. Nope. She's a spring chicken now, and Reagan proved that didn't matter (even though it did)...
I see you put yourself through your own peer review and you approve of your peered self. And you believe everything you say. And step out in the real grown up world and your thoughts mean jack! Funny how that works eh?
I chuckle that alleged "real conservatives" swoon over Trump, even though he's not even close to being (in their own words & standards), a "real conservative"! These folks bail on their alleged beliefs in a "New York heartbeat" at a drop of a hat. I guess that says a lot about their core beliefs and their conviction of these beliefs. :disbelief::lol:
I think it's the Trump bigotry that attracts them to Trump in the end.
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You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
He is? News to me. But I like him more than I do any of the other Republicans.

You'd love to see him nominated, wouldn't you?
Whoever they nominate its going to be a democratic victory
you keep telling yourself that.
When/If it isn't Donald Trump, who's the GOP nominee going to be? And don't kid yourself that anyone is excited about that person because right now you don't even know who that person is. You jackasses will vote for any Republican. And I'll vote for any Democratic nominated person aka the next POTUS.

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