Another Reason Democrats HATE Trump

Oh that;'s brilliant, try to disparage Trump by talking about one of his very strongest points. His business success resulting in a $10 Billion net worth. And of all his business 99.9925 % did not have bankruptcy. That's far above average. HA HA HA. You're having a bad day.
american should kill trump.he is dangerous

Get lost.
most dangerous people for humanity

Salman of Saudi Arabia

2:Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Most dangerous people for humanity. Somewhere on the list is dani67 and LoneLaugher.

as opposed to the leaders of ISIS


ISIS is being ran by members of your beloved "gubermint' can you not know that? It has become pretty mainstream now.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?

FDR had USA.INC declated bankrupt in 1933 and allowed us all to become indentured debt slaves and collaterl on the debt due to the foriegn bankers that really own this country and the politicians that are beholding to them. Trump isn't a lackey opf the bankers and that is why he scares the establishment in both parties. Why do we "borrow" money from a private institution that charges usury for money created by a few keystrokes on the computer that then use bankruptcy and foreclosure in order to buy up hard assets ? The same group of theieves also run the IMF, Global bank and Bank for International Settlements that rape and pillage third world countries and steal their resources while putting them inot debt? You might want to think about that. I don't know if Trump is the real deal but it will take someone like Trump to expose this debt slavery system we have been under without getting killed like JFK did for taking on the Fed.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?

Both Hillary and Bill should be in jail for life just for the crimes that they were involved in when they ran Arkanas and helped run cocaine in and out of the Mena airport but because they were both CIA assets and helping to fund the black ops of this corporate criminal "gubermint", they are given free passes and I find it hilarious to think that people want these crooks back in power.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

*snip of ignorant idiocy*


see, threads like this are what make you a useless troll.

no one hates the donald because he's successful.

he's a bigot. and he's a bully.

our allies think he's a joke (which he is)

perfectly rational reasons to never want him anywhere near the white house.

and if those are the reasons that liberals supposedly hate him, what's the excuse for the normal GOP'ers?

loon. :cuckoo:

Yet you voted for a black because of the color of his skin. The only reason people like him is because it made them feel better to vote for him and he panders to them.

That is still one of the dumbest arguments ever made....and repeated by the history of politics.
Which you prove to be right on a daily basis.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?

Both Hillary and Bill should be in jail for life just for the crimes that they were involved in when they ran Arkanas and helped run cocaine in and out of the Mena airport but because they were both CIA assets and helping to fund the black ops of this corporate criminal "gubermint", they are given free passes and I find it hilarious to think that people want these crooks back in power.

OK, Crazy Dale

Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?

Both Hillary and Bill should be in jail for life just for the crimes that they were involved in when they ran Arkanas and helped run cocaine in and out of the Mena airport but because they were both CIA assets and helping to fund the black ops of this corporate criminal "gubermint", they are given free passes and I find it hilarious to think that people want these crooks back in power.

OK, Crazy Dale


No, this is a fact and they twisted Leo Wanta's arm for 250 million dollars for the Children's Defense Fund which was nothing but a Clinton slush fund. You should do some research about Wanta...very interesting character. They sent Vince Foster to Switzerland to pick up the check and he ended up being suicided shortly there after. The Bush and Clinton crime families are thicker than thieves and both have heavy connections to the Rockefeller family that are also nothing but thieves. The way you think the world works and how it actually does are two very different things.
You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
Coming from the party that picked Sarah Palin just because she's a cute chick and what a mess she turned out to be. Did you hear her son got arrested and her slut daughters having baby number 2 with baby daddy number 2?
Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

How about Democrats took a chance on the little black boy and see how he fucked it up.
He didn't fuck up.

See how Michiganders trusted gov Rick Snyder and him being cheap gave us lead poisoning?

Depends on your perspective. If you now have health insurance subsidized by someone else, one of the millions more on food stamps because you won't feed yourself, contraceptives because you can't stay off your back, etc., you likely don't think so. Those of us funding it for the freeloaders see it differently.

Then you are dumb. I'll pay $500 once now so we don't have to pay $500 a month for Shaniqua and her babies.
The reason abortion is legal is because we don't want to pay for babies people can't afford to have. It's a necessary evil.
You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

I don't drink beer so that statement is irrelevant.

You dumbass Liberals took a chance with a black so you could see what that color ass tastes like.
I've dated black women so I already know.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Trump is an aging feeble whore. He's just as old as hillary and has been married 3 times.

Oh, and he doesn't know how to run a government. Neither does carli or Ben but for some reason they're all beating the real Republicans.

Worry about why the GOP hates trump before you worry about Democrats. The GOP won't nominate him.

So why does the GOP hate trump?
Hillary couldn't keep 4 people safe. That's all you got?
I would love it if it were your kids being showered with GOP Lead Poisoning. Not you personally, but you people. Then we'd see how outraged you'd be. But you would be mad at Government, rather than the GOP Governor Rick Snyder who was trying to run government like a business. A business would risk the health of people in order to save money. Look at Toyota's airbag recall. A business will decide if the risk is worth the reward. A government should say fuck the savings I need to keep my citizens safe. Government doesn't make a profit so you can't run it like a business.

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