Another reason to get rid of labor unions. NY slow snow clean up deliberate!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Sanitation Department's slow snow cleanup was a budget protest

Selfish Sanitation Department bosses from the snow-slammed outer boroughs ordered their drivers to snarl the blizzard cleanup to protest budget cuts -- a disastrous move that turned streets into a minefield for emergency-services vehicles, The Post has learned.

Miles of roads stretching from as north as Whitestone, Queens, to the south shore of Staten Island still remained treacherously unplowed last night because of the shameless job action, several sources and a city lawmaker said, which was over a raft of demotions, attrition and budget cuts.

They sent a message to the rest of the city that these particular labor issues are more important," said City Councilman Dan Halloran (R-Queens), who was visited yesterday by a group of guilt-ridden sanitation workers who confessed the shameless plot.

But multiple Sanitation Department sources told The Post yesterday that angry plow drivers have only been clearing streets assigned to them even if that means they have to drive through snowed-in roads with their plows raised.

And they are keeping their plow blades unusually high, making it necessary for them to have to run extra passes, adding time and extra pay.

One mechanic said some drivers are purposely smashing plows and salt spreaders to further stall the cleanup effort.
Sanitation workers selfishly slowed down the cleanup -

Now, OF COURSE, union bosses are denying this is the case. They claim they are doing their best to remove snow.

You want to see how well they are doing? Take a look at the video below! They are not only deliberately being slow about removing snow, they are belligerent about it.

PEOPLE HAVE DIED because of this action by the unions. Do the unions care, or do they think this helps make their point?

This is aother case why unions have to go. They are antiquated bullies who don't care if the city is broke, all they care about is their power.


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Let's see. You surrender 50% or more of what you earn to government in this city and State, and then you are told the reason this crap does not work is because the public employees who are entrusted with all of are not happy with the deal they are getting, and you need to give more.
Let's see. You surrender 50% or more of what you earn to government in this city and State, and then you are told the reason this crap does not work is because the public employees who are entrusted with all of are not happy with the deal they are getting, and you need to give more.

Exactly. They are doing a crappy job, to send the message, they want more.

This is how it works in labor union land.

In PRIVATE SECTOR LAND, doing a crappy job is a reason to get FIRED. If you want more money you do a BETTER JOB.


It's the 21st century, time to get rid of the labor structure that clogged up the 20th century! ;)

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