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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

The economy has ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED. Trump has utterly destroyed small and medium sized businesses and employment. This will help his corporate and billionaire buddies consolidate their wealth, and supress the wages for the jobs that remain, into the foreseeable future.

You keep posting as if everything would go back to the way it was if you could just pretend the virus doesn't exist. That would have been true if you had competent leadership, but Trump has fucked this up so badly and made it so much worse than it SHOULD have been, that your economy is now completely fucked.

But in this disaster, there is also opportunity. The opportunity to rebuild the economy where all Americans can have a living wage. Where 80% of the income and wealth of the nation doesn't go to the wealthiest 10%. Where ALL Americans have access to health care, without being bankrupted by medical bills.

Trump's latest attempt to divert attention from his record by beating, gassing and clubbing peaceful protestors is just the final nail in the coffin of the worst President in American history.

Trump was handed a peaceful nation, with the best economy in American history, full employment, and hope for the future, and turned it into a dystopian hellhole, on the brink of a totalitarian dictatorship. You keep acting like this isn't happening, or it's somehow a good thing.

Only an idiot would sign on for 4 more years of this disease, death and destruction.
Unfortunately "idiot" is an overly generous description for most of tRump's followers.

Another pointless hack partisan 13 year old insult. It's the only tool in your belt, playground insults
Another screw up by Trump??? Hey TEX Is Portland in America??
Napolitano: DHS can protect federal assets in cities, but can't enforce local criminal law

“The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own consciences.”— C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)

Serious issues are implicating personal liberty and public safety in Portland, Ore. The police are not enforcing local and state laws. They are refraining from doing so because they have been so instructed by elected public officials.

The Supreme Court has ruled that state and local elected officials — not police — are empowered to determine the depth and breadth of law enforcement. And the court has also ruled that the police have no legal obligation to protect lives and property.

Stated differently, the police cannot be sued for their willful failures. The remedy for those failures — according to the court — is to elect different officials who will deploy police assets differently. Yet, the police have a moral obligation to protect lives and property. For what other purpose have we hired and empowered them?


All persons have a natural right to protect their lives and property, especially when the government fails to do so. If its failures are systemic and repeated, it is the duty of the people to alter or abolish the government. We know this from the Declaration of Independence.

More from Opinion
Portland has been the center of anti-police demonstrations this summer. The neighborhood around the state Capitol has endured nearly two months of nighttime demonstrations. Most of these are peaceful; some are destructive.

Last weekend, with no notice or local consent, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sent teams of agents — untrained in crowd control and wearing military fatigues — onto Portland’s streets. Their uniforms bore no governmental, administrative or personal names, just the word “Police” on masking tape. They descended upon the city in unmarked SUVs and began grabbing people indiscriminately off the streets, without regard to the person’s lawful presence or personal behavior.


According to the account of one victim, he was walking peacefully in the downtown area, observing the chaos, when five masked men in fatigues exited an unmarked SUV, grabbed him and pulled him into the car. They tied his hands with plastic behind his back. They pulled his cap over his face. They kept him for two hours and then released him. They filed no charges against him.

They had no basis for this kidnapping.

It was a kidnapping, not an arrest. An arrest is a lawful restraint by a legitimate government authority pursuant to a warrant issued by a judge specifically naming the person to be arrested, or pursuant to probable cause of crime personally observed by the arresting officers. Neither of these was the case in Portland.

And some victims were even less fortunate than those kidnapped. They were assaulted with pepper spray and hit with nonlethal exploding bullets that stun, hurt and disorient. The bullets can harm the eyes, heart and liver. I saw a video of a young man riding a bicycle away from the chaos. Yet, he was attacked by five of these feds.

An Annapolis graduate and Navy veteran asked a small group of the feds by what constitutional authority they were present in Portland. They responded by pepper-spraying his face and beating his hand with a baton, shattering numerous bones in his hand.

Portland is in America, right? What’s going on here?
now even Joe Biden is not this stupid
Biden stupid?? Smart as a fox Using Obama's advisers Trump listens to nobody He's smarter that the doctors ,scientists generals ,experts on foreign relations ,,Did you know that since middle of march Trump has had 7 phone calls with his pal Putin ?? Bet it wan't about bounties Bet IT WAS about coming election and how Putin could help AGAIN

That's right. We're coming to get you with Putin. Better shove some blankets under your bed so you know he's not hiding there.

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Amazing to me that you republicans can't see the forest for the trees Your POS TRUMP is looking to F up our election again and you sit there and applaud Shame on you

You mean like he did the last time that a 35 million dollar investigation shows didn't happen?

It's almost like watching a zombie movie with you on the left. The media tells you something, and in spite of hard evidence they are lying, you still believe it anyway. I suggest you read up on the subject Power of Suggestion to see why you think the way you do.

What lies ? That Russia aided Trump in election 2016?? Are you for real ? You don't believe that ?? And he got away with it then and he's trying again .7 calls with Putin since March Think ! Use the brain god gave you

Russia and others have been trying to mess with our elections for many years before Trump. But there is NO EVIDENCE that Trump had anything to do with it. In fact, it all happened under Hussein's watch. Trump was nothing more than your ordinary citizen if and when it took place.

Yes, Trump talks to Putin, just like Trump talks to many world leaders. That's one of the jobs a US President does.

LOL 7 times in a short period? Think they talked about bounties? Putin is a murdering scum that just gave himself a lifetime of power Trump envies him

Yeah? Well at least Trump didn't send him a billion dollars of cash on pallets.

You know that?? How?? and Obama sent their OWN MONEY back

Whether it was their money or ours, he was still pandering to the enemy; the country that sent their people into Iraq to kill thousands of American solders.

Remember the lies that sent our troops there?? One more lying pos republican to blame

Shifting the conversation noted.

The smell of republican wrongdoing and corruption permeates America You bring up Obama I bring up the repub scum bush Tit for tat

No, you brought up how Trump talks to Putin so much insinuating that he is colluding with our enemy. I brought up the money Hussein gave to Iran. See, that's being on the same subject. Then you tried to get out off that and turn it into an Iraq war discussion. See, shifting the conversation.

So in your warped republican mind Obama was colluding with Iran?? And you deny Trump and Putin are pals ??

They are the leaders of the strongest countries on the planet. Of course I expect our President to communicate with him and all other leaders. You don't think Ears did the same thing?

Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

It's $600 a week, not a "few." A few would probably be OK.

Think about it. $600 a week is $30,000 a year. That's in addition to the State unemployment. No one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING.

I realize destruction of the economy is actually your goal and you won't accept any answer, but that is the answer to your question
The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid as all get out.

Here's what I said, "one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING"

Here is your completely inane reply, "The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks."

My point was that it's enough money that a lot of people earn less. Whether it's "a lot of money" or not, the reality is that over half of them don't earn that. Which means we're paying a lot of them more to not work than to work. How stupid are you?

Can't follow a simple post and respond to it lucidly. You actually think you responded to my post, don't you, nit wit? You're yet another government school educated failure, aren't you?
tRust a tRumpling to miss the point.

An extra few hundred dollars should not be enough when added to the meager unemployment benefits most states pay to total more than the employee makes while working.

Both the fact that it is and the fact that you so readily accept it are serious problems.

I know people who collected unemployment here. On average, they were getting around 400 bucks a week from the state. Add the feds contribution in, that's comparable to making 60K a year when you consider the payroll taxes you're not paying.

There are a lot of people making less than 60K a year, so don't tell us that people are not making more money unemployed than when employed.

Again, the problem isn't that they're getting more from unemployment than they would make by working, but that their wages are too low to begin with. $1000 per week isn't $60,000 per year, it's $50,000. Subtract 15% withholding, plus income tax from that amount and it's down to around $37,000 net.

The "American Dream" 2-storey house in the suburbs, two cars in the garage, decent schools and a nice two week vacation, now costs $120,000 per year, so we're not talking luxury money at $1000 per week.

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Working Americans made the USA the wealthiest country on earth. It's time for them to get their fair share of the income they generate by their labour, instead of ALL of it going to the top.

Again, if you're not making what you think is fair, then here is my advice.

1) Work harder
2) Be reliable
3) Have a good attitude and don't gossip
4) Care about your job and your employer.

It's people like you who don't do those things who don't earn what you think you deserve, but you don't deserve it.

I bought three companies and merged them into my own company. Not all at once, probably a year or so apart. I wanted to grow my business.

I picked up some good people along the way with the acquisitions, and some bad ones. I met with my management team and we talked about who to let go and who we needed to replace them. But replacing them was tricky because we weren't sure where would be the greatest need.

I finally decided to pull off the bandaid. I decided we should fire everyone we wanted to get rid of on one Friday, then observe and react quickly to hire where need. That Friday I fired a third of my employees.

You know how many we ended up replacing to backfill the work? Zero. I fired the ones like you, the ones with bad attitudes. My staff told me the job was EASIER without them. It wasn't that they did no work, but they were just torture to be around all day complaining and slow dragging.

I didn't have to hire until we needed new staff to handle new work.

If you want to earn more, read this carefully
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.
Of coure it's tRump's fault. The buck stops at the oval office. There were weeks and weeks of wasted time where tRump and his little butt-buddy Moscow Mitch sat on their hands and did nothing

Remember, with the big job comes the big responsibility.

Get back to me after you learn how the U.S. government works.
I already know. It appears you're having difficulties though.

Alrighty then, quick quiz, who controls the purse strings?
Who's in charge, friend? Who's "administration" is this?

As far as purse strings the house had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk a month ago.

So your answer is Trump because he's in charge?
Did you not read my post?

I did read your post. One line suggests it Trump then you go with Moscow Mitch. You appear to be your normal confused as hell self.

Your reading comprehension skills are whack. His post was clear and concise. Trump did nothing for months - again, and Mitch McConnell let the Heros' Act languish on his desk for 9 weeks and then started over like it didn't exist.

Once Moscow Mitch, who is foolishly negotiating with the White House, but not the Democrats, actually makes a deal with the White House, he's going to have to take it to the floor of the Senate. There, Senate Republicans will vote down any Democratic amendments. Once the Senate passes the bill, McConnell is going to have to then go hat in hand to Nancy Pelosi and ask the House to pass whatever he and the White House cooks up.

Good luck with that.

Well the bitch of the house said no to a short term extension, so screw her.

Mitch had months to work this out, fuck him. Every republican currently in office should be removed for gross incompetence.

So I'm guessing no republicans voted for palouseys wish list. I think that's fucking GREAT! Almost a trillion of the last 3 trillion dollar bill still hasn't been spent.

For Free kaz lol I laugh at you and your ilk here
-$54,443.50 (-0.53%)
Day Change
+$2,454,808.76 (31.44%)
YTD Change

Another rich leftist on the internet. Sure you are. If I had a dime ...

So since you're loaded and you think government is such a great thing, how much do you donate to government every year beyond your taxes? You don't take deductions and write off, correct?
What ever I can legally Trump the crook won't let anyone see how he's ripping off America

You should have a breathalyzer on your computer
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

It's $600 a week, not a "few." A few would probably be OK.

Think about it. $600 a week is $30,000 a year. That's in addition to the State unemployment. No one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING.

I realize destruction of the economy is actually your goal and you won't accept any answer, but that is the answer to your question
The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid as all get out.

Here's what I said, "one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING"

Here is your completely inane reply, "The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks."

My point was that it's enough money that a lot of people earn less. Whether it's "a lot of money" or not, the reality is that over half of them don't earn that. Which means we're paying a lot of them more to not work than to work. How stupid are you?

Can't follow a simple post and respond to it lucidly. You actually think you responded to my post, don't you, nit wit? You're yet another government school educated failure, aren't you?
tRust a tRumpling to miss the point.

An extra few hundred dollars should not be enough when added to the meager unemployment benefits most states pay to total more than the employee makes while working.

Both the fact that it is and the fact that you so readily accept it are serious problems.

I know people who collected unemployment here. On average, they were getting around 400 bucks a week from the state. Add the feds contribution in, that's comparable to making 60K a year when you consider the payroll taxes you're not paying.

There are a lot of people making less than 60K a year, so don't tell us that people are not making more money unemployed than when employed.

Again, the problem isn't that they're getting more from unemployment than they would make by working, but that their wages are too low to begin with. $1000 per week isn't $60,000 per year, it's $50,000. Subtract 15% withholding, plus income tax from that amount and it's down to around $37,000 net.

The "American Dream" 2-storey house in the suburbs, two cars in the garage, decent schools and a nice two week vacation, now costs $120,000 per year, so we're not talking luxury money at $1000 per week.

View attachment 367033

Working Americans made the USA the wealthiest country on earth. It's time for them to get their fair share of the income they generate by their labour, instead of ALL of it going to the top.

By the time you would pay all those taxes like Medicare, Social Security, FICA, state and local taxes, yes, what unemployed people are getting is what people are getting making 60K a year.

We don't have a government that sets wages for workers, we have a free market system to do that. If you want to earn more, you need to get the education or skills to make more. You might have to do a job you really never cared to do. You might have to relocate or be on the road, you might have to give up the pot or whatever drugs you use, you might have to work an undesirable shift for a while, but it can be done with a little effort.

Mrs. Mao just wants us to all be rich like they are in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and the Soviet Union and other Marxist countries
He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

What part of "elderly patients need specialized care which is not available outside of a nursing home setting" do you not understand? Neither the Javitz Centre nor the hospital ship was equipped or staffed with geriatric physicians or nurses. And these patients were well enough to be DISCHARGED from hospital, so you send them back where they came from.

Had the nursing homes been properly run, this would not have been a problem.

The nursing homes were complaining that they didn't have the resources to take care of these Covid patents while at the same time, protecting their other patients. They were begging Cuomo not to do that because of the results we've seen.

Yes, that ship and that center were for the overflow of patients from the hospitals. Don't tell me the US military couldn't handle the job.

What you said is of course exactly what happened. Mrs. Mao just doesn't want to hear it. She's going to spin anything for Democrats no matter how completely lame it is. She's not a Democrat, you know. She told me that ...
For Free kaz lol I laugh at you and your ilk here
-$54,443.50 (-0.53%)
Day Change
+$2,454,808.76 (31.44%)
YTD Change

Another rich leftist on the internet. Sure you are. If I had a dime ...

So since you're loaded and you think government is such a great thing, how much do you donate to government every year beyond your taxes? You don't take deductions and write off, correct?
What ever I can legally Trump the crook won't let anyone see how he's ripping off America

You should have a breathalyzer on your computer
What if Trump gave a war and nobody came ?,,What if protesters staid far far away from fed buildings depriving the storm troopers of their reason to attack protesters? What would the trump AH do then ??
Yep, the Hero's Act, the one asking for $3 Trillion, the one used to bail out Cities and States. Better stick to policies in the Canadian shithole you live in.
Just how long would you like this recession to last? Or maybe you're hoping it turns into a depression instead? You do realize Moscow Mitch could have started negotiations on modifications to the heros act anytime he wanted, right? Instead he just let it sit, on top of the huge pile of other bills doing the same thing, while the self proclaimed "grim reaper" of legislation watched things get worse and worse, grinning all the while. Republicans love it when poor people suffer, just so long as it doesn't effect rich folks and their Russian sponsors.

And then there's tRump. The incompetent occupant of the office who's job is to protect the American people. He could have been doing something besides denying there was a problem for the last 6 months. He could have told Moscow Mitch to get off his ass and get something going. He's fond of executive orders, he could have signed a few to actually help regular folks instead of rich people or stroking his/Putin's ego.

This is 100% republican's fault. From the virus response to the economic fallout republicans have failed miserably, with equal amounts of selfishness, incompetence, and apathy.

You successfully turned America into a their world banana republic.

Congratulations, I hear there's a special place in hell for you people.

Oh please, grow the hell up. You're the party with the "November 3 strategy" to destroy the economy and however lives it takes with it to win an election
Kaz in Nov you're repubs will get beaten like a drum And every day your moron in the WH is making it worse My apologies to all repub morons here

Wow. If the Republicans are mine and I'm not even a Republican, you're admitting you never get off your knees with the Democrats, huh?
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

It's $600 a week, not a "few." A few would probably be OK.

Think about it. $600 a week is $30,000 a year. That's in addition to the State unemployment. No one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING.

I realize destruction of the economy is actually your goal and you won't accept any answer, but that is the answer to your question
The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid as all get out.

Here's what I said, "one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING"

Here is your completely inane reply, "The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks."

My point was that it's enough money that a lot of people earn less. Whether it's "a lot of money" or not, the reality is that over half of them don't earn that. Which means we're paying a lot of them more to not work than to work. How stupid are you?

Can't follow a simple post and respond to it lucidly. You actually think you responded to my post, don't you, nit wit? You're yet another government school educated failure, aren't you?
tRust a tRumpling to miss the point.

An extra few hundred dollars should not be enough when added to the meager unemployment benefits most states pay to total more than the employee makes while working.

Both the fact that it is and the fact that you so readily accept it are serious problems.

I know people who collected unemployment here. On average, they were getting around 400 bucks a week from the state. Add the feds contribution in, that's comparable to making 60K a year when you consider the payroll taxes you're not paying.

There are a lot of people making less than 60K a year, so don't tell us that people are not making more money unemployed than when employed.

Again, the problem isn't that they're getting more from unemployment than they would make by working, but that their wages are too low to begin with. $1000 per week isn't $60,000 per year, it's $50,000. Subtract 15% withholding, plus income tax from that amount and it's down to around $37,000 net.

The "American Dream" 2-storey house in the suburbs, two cars in the garage, decent schools and a nice two week vacation, now costs $120,000 per year, so we're not talking luxury money at $1000 per week.

View attachment 367033

Working Americans made the USA the wealthiest country on earth. It's time for them to get their fair share of the income they generate by their labour, instead of ALL of it going to the top.

By the time you would pay all those taxes like Medicare, Social Security, FICA, state and local taxes, yes, what unemployed people are getting is what people are getting making 60K a year.

We don't have a government that sets wages for workers, we have a free market system to do that. If you want to earn more, you need to get the education or skills to make more. You might have to do a job you really never cared to do. You might have to relocate or be on the road, you might have to give up the pot or whatever drugs you use, you might have to work an undesirable shift for a while, but it can be done with a little effort.

You do NOT have a free market system. You have a well-regulated capitalist system. You have unions and legislation which covers all aspects of worker safety, hours of employment, and a federally regulated minimum wage. You also have "earned income credits" under which large corporations are using federal programs to subsidize wages to low wage workers.

This is state run corporatism, and it is as far from the "free market" as you can get.

"Free market capitalism" where it has been tried, has resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased unemployment, and brutal suppression of all opposition and demonstrations. In fact, the "shithole countries" of Central and South America you so thoroughly decry, were all created by their experiments with "free market capitalism", and they're the reason why Central and South America was so vulnerable to communist rebellions.

Just more Marxist rhetoric. Just call government control of industry "regulation" and you're golden!
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Yeah you want schools open but afraid to have RNC there?? Trump punks out

As I said, you're really not following the news, are you? Trump pulled out, Florida didn't.

And you really are a dick. If Trump had it you'd attack him now you're attacking him for not having it

He's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the notion that schools in Florida are in position to open in a couple of weeks. If it's not safe to hold the Republican convention in Florida, how is it safe to force teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and children back to school?

You're really not very bright, are you.

Children are at very low risk for catching the virus, and in Europe where they did send their kids back to school, no known cases of a teacher catching the virus from a student.

I talked to a Bus DRiver who is going back to work. No matter if the child is sick or not, if they are the bus stop, they get picked up. And yes, the drivers have voiced their fears and were told to either shut up or not show up for work.No temp checks, nothing. Let's face it, the Schools are a giant pietri dish. If one student goes to class with Covid, you just infected almost every student. And it's going to be passed off in the Hallways and on the buses. And it's going to be taken home. Hey, let's kill all the older drivers and the Grand Parents.

Very few kids catch this virus for one. The kids that do don't have a great track record of passing it to others. The theory is that the receptors that this virus clings onto are not developed enough in most children. Therefore it affects very few of them.

Some studies have suggested that older children don't have the same pattern. If that's true, why not open up facilities to grammar school grades as the teens can take care of themselves at home without parental supervision and still learn over the internet?

I'll tell you what. Do you want to see a big change in attitude of the Democrat party and their buddies in the teachers unions? Tell them that they are going to go all online, but since we don't need one teacher for every 25 students, and one teacher can teach 500 students on the net, we can layoff those remaining teachers we don't need!

You'll see how fast the Democrats promote opening schools back up again. What they really want is a gift to their supporters in the union to sit on their ass at home and teach kids online instead of going into work.

You seem to know facts that the Scientist don't know. They think this, they think that but no one really knows. Until yesterday, Mesa Country had zero deaths for Covid 19. WE now have one. It's a state mandate that if you go into a business now, you must be wearing a mask. And we still have a few Party of the Rumpers that refuse to wear a mask in a business and dare ANYONE to not give them service. Right now, it's not mandantory but you give it time and enough deaths it will become mandantory. While, overall, we have played according to the rules, some didn't and we lost a life. While Colorado is not being called a disaster area, one life lost is too many. And the Schools still want to open up. It's trading lives for commerce.

Sorry, but scientists do know as it's been studied intensely in Europe. Is it written in stone? No it hasn't because as you said, this is all new to all of us.

However even in the USA there have been few cases of kids catching this virus yet alone deaths or spread. Yes, they do happen, but not nearly to the extent that deaths take place to the elderly, the immunity compromised, or both.

If we have over 30 million children in school, and 1,000 get Covid, is that a good enough reason to stop the other 30 million from attending school?

I can dream up numbers as well as you can but I choose not to. The fact remains that they are still not quite sure all the ways that Covid 19 is transmitted. Has the People n Charge finally started calling an airborne delivery system yet? How about the time it can stay active when in the Oxygen rich Air by contact? How exactly is it transmitted from one to another? They don't know so they used the shotgun approach. For every argument you can come up, I can come up with one against it and vice versa.

As for children getting the disease, Children can get an offshoot that isn't as deadly but

How likely are kids to get Covid-19? Scientists see a ‘huge puzzle’ without easy answers Let's have the Mayo Clinic weigh in.
COVID-19 (coronavirus) in babies and children
Since the Mayo Clinic as access to China's studies, it's a safe bet that they have a good idea on what is going on. But they really don't. Covid 19's best way to keep from being spread is still the Shotgun approach. And if you read the link you will find Children to get it and can transmit it to adults.

Now a note from CDC very recently put out.
Limit time with people at highest risk of severe illness from COVID-19

The Countries that have opened the schools back up are where Covid 19 has been isolated. Or at least, they have isolated the Covid 19 recipients. And it hasn't infected others that way. They originally completely shut down their entire country, did a high degree of testing and isolated those that test positive for Covid 19. Other countries that have not completely isolated the Infected People (including children) won't be so lucky when the open up their schools. Or maybe they will. The only way to test that theory is to open up the schools and allow our Children to be part of the experiment.

If you read the Links (and those two are NOT Political in any way) you should come to the same conclusion I have. We just don't know. If you come up with a definitive Yes or No then there is something else clouding that decision.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
In fact, it is the Democrats who are responsible for this. Part of the debate for the first aid package was whether the state government or the federal government should handle this. President Trump argued that many of the state computer systems were old and not up to the task, but Democrats wanted to try to prevent the President from receiving any credit for the checks, so now that these older computer sstems are not up to the task, as you have pointed out, this is another screw up for the Democrats, not by the President who had warned this might happen.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

It's $600 a week, not a "few." A few would probably be OK.

Think about it. $600 a week is $30,000 a year. That's in addition to the State unemployment. No one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING.

I realize destruction of the economy is actually your goal and you won't accept any answer, but that is the answer to your question
The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid as all get out.

Here's what I said, "one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING"

Here is your completely inane reply, "The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks."

My point was that it's enough money that a lot of people earn less. Whether it's "a lot of money" or not, the reality is that over half of them don't earn that. Which means we're paying a lot of them more to not work than to work. How stupid are you?

Can't follow a simple post and respond to it lucidly. You actually think you responded to my post, don't you, nit wit? You're yet another government school educated failure, aren't you?
tRust a tRumpling to miss the point.

An extra few hundred dollars should not be enough when added to the meager unemployment benefits most states pay to total more than the employee makes while working.

Both the fact that it is and the fact that you so readily accept it are serious problems.

I know people who collected unemployment here. On average, they were getting around 400 bucks a week from the state. Add the feds contribution in, that's comparable to making 60K a year when you consider the payroll taxes you're not paying.

There are a lot of people making less than 60K a year, so don't tell us that people are not making more money unemployed than when employed.

Again, the problem isn't that they're getting more from unemployment than they would make by working, but that their wages are too low to begin with. $1000 per week isn't $60,000 per year, it's $50,000. Subtract 15% withholding, plus income tax from that amount and it's down to around $37,000 net.

The "American Dream" 2-storey house in the suburbs, two cars in the garage, decent schools and a nice two week vacation, now costs $120,000 per year, so we're not talking luxury money at $1000 per week.

View attachment 367033

Working Americans made the USA the wealthiest country on earth. It's time for them to get their fair share of the income they generate by their labour, instead of ALL of it going to the top.

By the time you would pay all those taxes like Medicare, Social Security, FICA, state and local taxes, yes, what unemployed people are getting is what people are getting making 60K a year.

We don't have a government that sets wages for workers, we have a free market system to do that. If you want to earn more, you need to get the education or skills to make more. You might have to do a job you really never cared to do. You might have to relocate or be on the road, you might have to give up the pot or whatever drugs you use, you might have to work an undesirable shift for a while, but it can be done with a little effort.

Mrs. Mao just wants us to all be rich like they are in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and the Soviet Union and other Marxist countries
Be very careful kaz how you talk about Russia and their murdering swine Putin Trump won't like you speaking against his good pal the guy who will help him win another election
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Yes, you liked the good old days when you freely called Republicans racists, misogynists, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they rolled over, didn't you? This Republicans fighting back to your vitriolic hate? You don't need that

I long for when the Republican Party wasn't the things you say it once was. Just turn the clock back to 1956.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
This was before the condition you are describing and before the complete flipping of the Parties.
He's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the notion that schools in Florida are in position to open in a couple of weeks. If it's not safe to hold the Republican convention in Florida, how is it safe to force teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and children back to school?

You're really not very bright, are you.

Children are at very low risk for catching the virus, and in Europe where they did send their kids back to school, no known cases of a teacher catching the virus from a student.

I talked to a Bus DRiver who is going back to work. No matter if the child is sick or not, if they are the bus stop, they get picked up. And yes, the drivers have voiced their fears and were told to either shut up or not show up for work.No temp checks, nothing. Let's face it, the Schools are a giant pietri dish. If one student goes to class with Covid, you just infected almost every student. And it's going to be passed off in the Hallways and on the buses. And it's going to be taken home. Hey, let's kill all the older drivers and the Grand Parents.

Yes, another leftist who wants to cage the population ... until November 3.

So what if domestic abuse, depression, suicides, substance abuse are soaring? So what if people's lives, retirements and businesses are being destroyed? So what if children are suffering the most because they need social interaction the most?

You have an election to win ... at any cost! Fuck the children, fuck America, huh?

Funny you should bring that up. That's is exactly what Rump is trying to do yet you blindly support it and him while blaming someone else. Standard "The Party of the Rump".
Another screw up by Trump??? Hey TEX Is Portland in America??
Napolitano: DHS can protect federal assets in cities, but can't enforce local criminal law

“The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own consciences.”— C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)

Serious issues are implicating personal liberty and public safety in Portland, Ore. The police are not enforcing local and state laws. They are refraining from doing so because they have been so instructed by elected public officials.

The Supreme Court has ruled that state and local elected officials — not police — are empowered to determine the depth and breadth of law enforcement. And the court has also ruled that the police have no legal obligation to protect lives and property.

Stated differently, the police cannot be sued for their willful failures. The remedy for those failures — according to the court — is to elect different officials who will deploy police assets differently. Yet, the police have a moral obligation to protect lives and property. For what other purpose have we hired and empowered them?


All persons have a natural right to protect their lives and property, especially when the government fails to do so. If its failures are systemic and repeated, it is the duty of the people to alter or abolish the government. We know this from the Declaration of Independence.

More from Opinion
Portland has been the center of anti-police demonstrations this summer. The neighborhood around the state Capitol has endured nearly two months of nighttime demonstrations. Most of these are peaceful; some are destructive.

Last weekend, with no notice or local consent, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sent teams of agents — untrained in crowd control and wearing military fatigues — onto Portland’s streets. Their uniforms bore no governmental, administrative or personal names, just the word “Police” on masking tape. They descended upon the city in unmarked SUVs and began grabbing people indiscriminately off the streets, without regard to the person’s lawful presence or personal behavior.


According to the account of one victim, he was walking peacefully in the downtown area, observing the chaos, when five masked men in fatigues exited an unmarked SUV, grabbed him and pulled him into the car. They tied his hands with plastic behind his back. They pulled his cap over his face. They kept him for two hours and then released him. They filed no charges against him.

They had no basis for this kidnapping.

It was a kidnapping, not an arrest. An arrest is a lawful restraint by a legitimate government authority pursuant to a warrant issued by a judge specifically naming the person to be arrested, or pursuant to probable cause of crime personally observed by the arresting officers. Neither of these was the case in Portland.

And some victims were even less fortunate than those kidnapped. They were assaulted with pepper spray and hit with nonlethal exploding bullets that stun, hurt and disorient. The bullets can harm the eyes, heart and liver. I saw a video of a young man riding a bicycle away from the chaos. Yet, he was attacked by five of these feds.

An Annapolis graduate and Navy veteran asked a small group of the feds by what constitutional authority they were present in Portland. They responded by pepper-spraying his face and beating his hand with a baton, shattering numerous bones in his hand.

Portland is in America, right? What’s going on here?
now even Joe Biden is not this stupid
Biden stupid?? Smart as a fox Using Obama's advisers Trump listens to nobody He's smarter that the doctors ,scientists generals ,experts on foreign relations ,,Did you know that since middle of march Trump has had 7 phone calls with his pal Putin ?? Bet it wan't about bounties Bet IT WAS about coming election and how Putin could help AGAIN

That's right. We're coming to get you with Putin. Better shove some blankets under your bed so you know he's not hiding there.

View attachment 367006
Amazing to me that you republicans can't see the forest for the trees Your POS TRUMP is looking to F up our election again and you sit there and applaud Shame on you

You mean like he did the last time that a 35 million dollar investigation shows didn't happen?

It's almost like watching a zombie movie with you on the left. The media tells you something, and in spite of hard evidence they are lying, you still believe it anyway. I suggest you read up on the subject Power of Suggestion to see why you think the way you do.

What lies ? That Russia aided Trump in election 2016?? Are you for real ? You don't believe that ?? And he got away with it then and he's trying again .7 calls with Putin since March Think ! Use the brain god gave you

Russia and others have been trying to mess with our elections for many years before Trump. But there is NO EVIDENCE that Trump had anything to do with it. In fact, it all happened under Hussein's watch. Trump was nothing more than your ordinary citizen if and when it took place.

Yes, Trump talks to Putin, just like Trump talks to many world leaders. That's one of the jobs a US President does.

LOL 7 times in a short period? Think they talked about bounties? Putin is a murdering scum that just gave himself a lifetime of power Trump envies him

Yeah? Well at least Trump didn't send him a billion dollars of cash on pallets.

You know that?? How?? and Obama sent their OWN MONEY back

Whether it was their money or ours, he was still pandering to the enemy; the country that sent their people into Iraq to kill thousands of American solders.

Remember the lies that sent our troops there?? One more lying pos republican to blame

Shifting the conversation noted.

The smell of republican wrongdoing and corruption permeates America You bring up Obama I bring up the repub scum bush Tit for tat

No, you brought up how Trump talks to Putin so much insinuating that he is colluding with our enemy. I brought up the money Hussein gave to Iran. See, that's being on the same subject. Then you tried to get out off that and turn it into an Iraq war discussion. See, shifting the conversation.

So in your warped republican mind Obama was colluding with Iran?? And you deny Trump and Putin are pals ??

He gave them billions to expand their terrorist network, what would you call it?

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Yes, you liked the good old days when you freely called Republicans racists, misogynists, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they rolled over, didn't you? This Republicans fighting back to your vitriolic hate? You don't need that
Now there's no constitutional right to protest ? Republicans now act like fascists? Send in homeland security??

Well now.......I guess you learn something new every day. A new definition of fascism: support federal agents who protect federal property and haul lowlifes away who destroy or attempt to destroy it.
Hey Ray did the State call the Feds in?? NO !! Trump is pulling his shit again Giving law and order BS to his nitwit supporters. Protect fed property from chalk marks ? Fear mongering from Trump and you buy it

Yeah, chalk marks, that's the ticket. They only wanted to play tic-tac-toe on the federal building.

And the state couldn't take care of it ?? There was NO NEED for feds there Trump is losing badly and he's trying anything

It's not that the state can't take care of it, it's that they won't. Look at that building. Does it look like the state is doing anything about it?

And you refuse to acknowledge what the cause that made the Citizens feel the need to protest at the Federal Building. It doesn't make the rioting any less wrong but the real Protesters were gassed and beaten. I am not protecting the Rioters and Looters who are largely imported, I am saying that the attack on the Protesters themselves are just plain wrong. And the reason for the Protest, you are trying to cover up. It's the fact that Unnamed, unmarked Federalist are detaining American Citizens that are legally expressing the 1st Amendment. It's pretty damned simple to understand. It amounts to an invading force kidnapping and illegally retaining American Citizens on American soil.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

It's $600 a week, not a "few." A few would probably be OK.

Think about it. $600 a week is $30,000 a year. That's in addition to the State unemployment. No one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING.

I realize destruction of the economy is actually your goal and you won't accept any answer, but that is the answer to your question
The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid as all get out.

Here's what I said, "one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING"

Here is your completely inane reply, "The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks."

My point was that it's enough money that a lot of people earn less. Whether it's "a lot of money" or not, the reality is that over half of them don't earn that. Which means we're paying a lot of them more to not work than to work. How stupid are you?

Can't follow a simple post and respond to it lucidly. You actually think you responded to my post, don't you, nit wit? You're yet another government school educated failure, aren't you?
tRust a tRumpling to miss the point.

An extra few hundred dollars should not be enough when added to the meager unemployment benefits most states pay to total more than the employee makes while working.

Both the fact that it is and the fact that you so readily accept it are serious problems.

I know people who collected unemployment here. On average, they were getting around 400 bucks a week from the state. Add the feds contribution in, that's comparable to making 60K a year when you consider the payroll taxes you're not paying.

There are a lot of people making less than 60K a year, so don't tell us that people are not making more money unemployed than when employed.

Again, the problem isn't that they're getting more from unemployment than they would make by working, but that their wages are too low to begin with. $1000 per week isn't $60,000 per year, it's $50,000. Subtract 15% withholding, plus income tax from that amount and it's down to around $37,000 net.

The "American Dream" 2-storey house in the suburbs, two cars in the garage, decent schools and a nice two week vacation, now costs $120,000 per year, so we're not talking luxury money at $1000 per week.

View attachment 367033

Working Americans made the USA the wealthiest country on earth. It's time for them to get their fair share of the income they generate by their labour, instead of ALL of it going to the top.

By the time you would pay all those taxes like Medicare, Social Security, FICA, state and local taxes, yes, what unemployed people are getting is what people are getting making 60K a year.

We don't have a government that sets wages for workers, we have a free market system to do that. If you want to earn more, you need to get the education or skills to make more. You might have to do a job you really never cared to do. You might have to relocate or be on the road, you might have to give up the pot or whatever drugs you use, you might have to work an undesirable shift for a while, but it can be done with a little effort.

You do NOT have a free market system. You have a well-regulated capitalist system. You have unions and legislation which covers all aspects of worker safety, hours of employment, and a federally regulated minimum wage. You also have "earned income credits" under which large corporations are using federal programs to subsidize wages to low wage workers.

This is state run corporatism, and it is as far from the "free market" as you can get.

"Free market capitalism" where it has been tried, has resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased unemployment, and brutal suppression of all opposition and demonstrations. In fact, the "shithole countries" of Central and South America you so thoroughly decry, were all created by their experiments with "free market capitalism", and they're the reason why Central and South America was so vulnerable to communist rebellions.

Not all.that well regulated, sadly.

There are portions that are really well regulated: intellectual property rights are strictly enforced. Filing of tax returns, and withholding payments, etc. But employment law is an area which needs a major overhaul, and the minimum wage needs to be updated and tied to inflation.

I like the idea of having worker representatives on the Board of Directors, like they do in Germany. That would curb the out of control executive pay raises, and the further erosion of worker wages and benefits. Front line workers have more of a "vested" interest in the decisions being made by the board than minority shareholders who can easily shift money from one corporation to another, while workers in a single industry town would face a huge impact if the Board votes to relocate or shut down.

I also vehemently oppose the tactic of luring companies away from the current locations with tax breaks paid for by local citizens. For example: The Foxcom deal would have cost every man, woman and child in the state of Wisconsin $750. This is money that the individual citizens will never recover.

When a large corporation moves to town, they need to pay for their own infrastructure. If you build a house on unserviced land, YOU have to pay impost charges to the municipality. You can't make a claim that you're "increasing the tax base" and therefore shouldn't be required to pay to hook up to city services, or have sidewalks, curbing or roadways in your neighbourhood.

New York offered Amazon $9 billion in tax breaks, even though they would need additional roadways, subway lines sewage and water disposal, electical power, and amenities to build a campus for 50,000 workers. Jeff Bezos is now the world's first Trillionaire. He can afford the $9 billion. The working people of New York, cannot.
Another screw up by Trump??? Hey TEX Is Portland in America??
Napolitano: DHS can protect federal assets in cities, but can't enforce local criminal law

“The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own consciences.”— C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)

Serious issues are implicating personal liberty and public safety in Portland, Ore. The police are not enforcing local and state laws. They are refraining from doing so because they have been so instructed by elected public officials.

The Supreme Court has ruled that state and local elected officials — not police — are empowered to determine the depth and breadth of law enforcement. And the court has also ruled that the police have no legal obligation to protect lives and property.

Stated differently, the police cannot be sued for their willful failures. The remedy for those failures — according to the court — is to elect different officials who will deploy police assets differently. Yet, the police have a moral obligation to protect lives and property. For what other purpose have we hired and empowered them?


All persons have a natural right to protect their lives and property, especially when the government fails to do so. If its failures are systemic and repeated, it is the duty of the people to alter or abolish the government. We know this from the Declaration of Independence.

More from Opinion
Portland has been the center of anti-police demonstrations this summer. The neighborhood around the state Capitol has endured nearly two months of nighttime demonstrations. Most of these are peaceful; some are destructive.

Last weekend, with no notice or local consent, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sent teams of agents — untrained in crowd control and wearing military fatigues — onto Portland’s streets. Their uniforms bore no governmental, administrative or personal names, just the word “Police” on masking tape. They descended upon the city in unmarked SUVs and began grabbing people indiscriminately off the streets, without regard to the person’s lawful presence or personal behavior.


According to the account of one victim, he was walking peacefully in the downtown area, observing the chaos, when five masked men in fatigues exited an unmarked SUV, grabbed him and pulled him into the car. They tied his hands with plastic behind his back. They pulled his cap over his face. They kept him for two hours and then released him. They filed no charges against him.

They had no basis for this kidnapping.

It was a kidnapping, not an arrest. An arrest is a lawful restraint by a legitimate government authority pursuant to a warrant issued by a judge specifically naming the person to be arrested, or pursuant to probable cause of crime personally observed by the arresting officers. Neither of these was the case in Portland.

And some victims were even less fortunate than those kidnapped. They were assaulted with pepper spray and hit with nonlethal exploding bullets that stun, hurt and disorient. The bullets can harm the eyes, heart and liver. I saw a video of a young man riding a bicycle away from the chaos. Yet, he was attacked by five of these feds.

An Annapolis graduate and Navy veteran asked a small group of the feds by what constitutional authority they were present in Portland. They responded by pepper-spraying his face and beating his hand with a baton, shattering numerous bones in his hand.

Portland is in America, right? What’s going on here?
now even Joe Biden is not this stupid
Biden stupid?? Smart as a fox Using Obama's advisers Trump listens to nobody He's smarter that the doctors ,scientists generals ,experts on foreign relations ,,Did you know that since middle of march Trump has had 7 phone calls with his pal Putin ?? Bet it wan't about bounties Bet IT WAS about coming election and how Putin could help AGAIN

That's right. We're coming to get you with Putin. Better shove some blankets under your bed so you know he's not hiding there.

View attachment 367006
Amazing to me that you republicans can't see the forest for the trees Your POS TRUMP is looking to F up our election again and you sit there and applaud Shame on you

You mean like he did the last time that a 35 million dollar investigation shows didn't happen?

It's almost like watching a zombie movie with you on the left. The media tells you something, and in spite of hard evidence they are lying, you still believe it anyway. I suggest you read up on the subject Power of Suggestion to see why you think the way you do.

What lies ? That Russia aided Trump in election 2016?? Are you for real ? You don't believe that ?? And he got away with it then and he's trying again .7 calls with Putin since March Think ! Use the brain god gave you

Russia and others have been trying to mess with our elections for many years before Trump. But there is NO EVIDENCE that Trump had anything to do with it. In fact, it all happened under Hussein's watch. Trump was nothing more than your ordinary citizen if and when it took place.

Yes, Trump talks to Putin, just like Trump talks to many world leaders. That's one of the jobs a US President does.

LOL 7 times in a short period? Think they talked about bounties? Putin is a murdering scum that just gave himself a lifetime of power Trump envies him

Yeah? Well at least Trump didn't send him a billion dollars of cash on pallets.

You know that?? How?? and Obama sent their OWN MONEY back

Whether it was their money or ours, he was still pandering to the enemy; the country that sent their people into Iraq to kill thousands of American solders.

Remember the lies that sent our troops there?? One more lying pos republican to blame

Shifting the conversation noted.

The smell of republican wrongdoing and corruption permeates America You bring up Obama I bring up the repub scum bush Tit for tat

No, you brought up how Trump talks to Putin so much insinuating that he is colluding with our enemy. I brought up the money Hussein gave to Iran. See, that's being on the same subject. Then you tried to get out off that and turn it into an Iraq war discussion. See, shifting the conversation.

So in your warped republican mind Obama was colluding with Iran?? And you deny Trump and Putin are pals ??

He gave them billions to expand their terrorist network, what would you call it?


Here tex more Trump lies
Here’s a look at some of Trump’s statements and how they compare with the facts:


TRUMP on Iran: “We gave them $150 billion and $1.8 billion and we got nothing. ... Look at what they did to John Kerry and to President Obama. Look what happened, where they’re bringing planeloads of cash, planeloads, big planes, 757s, Boeing 757s coming in loaded up with cash. What kind of a deal is that?” — news conference with Macron.

THE FACTS: It’s the kind of deal that did not actually take place.

When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back.

The $1.8 billion refers to a separate matter, also misstated by the president going back to before the 2016 election.

A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.

The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later.

In Trump’s telling, one cargo plane with $400 million that was owed to Iran has become “big planes, 757s, Boeing 757s,” loaded with a $1.8 billion giveaway.



TRUMP: “We’re, right now, having the cleanest air and cleanest water on the planet.” — remarks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

THE FACTS: That’s not true. Air quality hasn’t improved under the Trump administration and dozens of nations have less smoggy air than the U.S.

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