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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

And now the POS asks British ambassador to get British Open to his own golf course That's ILLEGAL but the scum knows with AH's backing him he can get away with anything The emolument clause
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
In fact, it is the Democrats who are responsible for this. Part of the debate for the first aid package was whether the state government or the federal government should handle this. President Trump argued that many of the state computer systems were old and not up to the task, but Democrats wanted to try to prevent the President from receiving any credit for the checks, so now that these older computer sstems are not up to the task, as you have pointed out, this is another screw up for the Democrats, not by the President who had warned this might happen.


Trump delayed the checks so he could have HIS NAME printed on the checks, even though Congress and the Senate approved the payments, not him.
What a braindead stupid post. Nothing the Congress passed would have become law or policy without the President's support. Putting his name on the takes only a couple of keystrokes, so even someone as stupid and bigoted as you should know that that was not the reason for the delay.
The delay was the result of Democrats wanting the less efficient state computer systems to make the payments rather than the more efficient federal system so that the checks would not seem to be coming from the WH.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
There is no freedom in starvation.

No starvation on welfare either.
There's nothing but starvation on welfare.

Would you like me to post some pictures of my HUD neighbors when they throw their bi-weekly BBQ parties?
Don't get pissed at them ray just because they don't invite you

No, I get pissed at them because of all the noise and filth on their property. HUD is putting them in suburbs and they are having BBQ parties, sometimes up to 20 guests. It's good to know how our tax dollars are being spent, isn't it?
Don't know how they can do it

Easy. They get the HUD voucher, probably a ton of food stamps, and their welfare friends bring the rest. Even when not entertaining, they are out there BBQing every other night at least. The charcoal must cost them 30 bucks a week.
It means your wages are based on supply and demand
Except they are artificially suppressed. The market isn't really setting them.

Yes it is.

What are you worth at the place you work at? You are only worth as much as another person willing to take your job and do the same quality of work. That's it. If you demand a raise, your boss refuses, and you walk off the job, that employer needs to replace you.

If he can replace you for less money than you were getting paid, then you were overpaid. If he can replace you for the same wages, you were earning what you were worth. If he can't find anybody for the wage he was paying you and has to increase the offer, you were correct, you were being underpaid. That's how the system works.

In the early 80's, my company wanted me to go to electronics school since I was repairing medical equipment. I got burned out real quick working 7 days a week and then going to school at night, so I asked my teacher what kind of money I could earn after getting my FCC license (1 year of school). He told me about 16K a year. In disbelief, I asked what if I stayed two years and got my associates degree? He told me about 18K a year. So I dropped out. Hell, I was making more than that where I was currently working.

Electronics is very difficult because it's all math. So why such little pay? Because everybody and their mother were learning electronics at the time. After I left, I went to the want ads to see the jobs in electronics and what they were offering. There were no jobs posted. I looked for months.

The last two guys that came out to troubleshoot my cable system both had associates degrees in electronics. Cable jobs don't pay shit either.

That is NOT how the system works Ray.

Back when I was a bank manager, we got a directive from head office which said "Your average salaries are too high. Our goal is to reduce the average wage to 95% of the recommended wages - yours are at 105%. Anyone making more than 100% of the recommended wage is to be promoted. If they cannot be promoted, they should be encouraged to LEAVE, and replaced with someone making 95% of the recommended wage or below".

My branch was ranked as one of the best run offices in Canada. We were the 2nd branch converted to computer BECAUSE our staff was so exceptional. Our senior clerks all had at least 5 years experience, and could do multiple jobs within the branch because they worked their way up. Our foreign exchange clerk had been there for 10 years, and had been a teller, head teller, deposit accounts supervisor, loans supervisor, and foreign exchange clerk. She could fill in anywhere.

So we were supposed to "get rid of" this loyal employee who had been with us for 10 years, because we couldn't promote her, and get someone in right out of high school, and spend 5 years training them and hope they turn out to be as capable and hardworking as the woman she replaced.

Because for corporations, the bottom line is more important than skills, hard work and dedication.

I don't know what that has to do with what I posted. My point is simply you are worth what somebody else can do the job for. If your company is willing to hire less quality for less money, then again, that's on them. I've seen it happen here many times. Several of our customers turned their nearly all white crew into nearly all black. They don't get the same quality of work as the white workers, but in the end, they still saved money on payroll and associated costs with employment because blacks are willing to work for less money per hour.
Maybe those blacks have no choice ? Only way for them to get jobs is cutting their pay?

In the United States, everybody has a choice.
Riiiiight its Trump's fault Dems shut down their economy and wrecked people financially. You assholes couldn't tell the truth if you tried.
With Little Trumpsters it’s NEVER Trump’s fault, it’s always somebody else. Trump repeats “it’s not my responsibility” so many times, gullibles like yourself believe it.
And how did the Dems fuck up the economy. Trump is president but then when things get tough he blames other people, when it is very clear he failed with COVID-19 and a huge majority of Americans are not falling for his bullshit excuses. And now we are paying for opening up America to fast and too soon. 144,000 people have died, 4 million have COVID-19, 30 million lost their jobs. And in your simple mind, it’s everybody’s fault but Trump. Wow. I am certainly happy I am not you! Whew!

It's not Trump's fault dummy. Do us all a favor and pull your head out of your ass.

You first. Who made all of the WRONG decisions about testing. Bringing thousands of Americans home from China WITHOUT TESTING THEM WHEN THEY GOT THERE.

Who told manufacturers to sell all of their PPE to China?

Who told states to re-open the moment your cases started to drop?

ALL of the bad decisions which have unleashed the pandemic on the American people were made by Donald Trump.

I would add he also fired the whole pandemic team that was created to prevent this from happening.

He cut the American CDC in China and around the world so that there wasn't enough people in other nations to get the real facts and contain it In China.

trump didn't even look at the pandemic manual that was created and left for him to fight a pandemic.

trump has made the wrong choices though this whole thing.

So now America suffers because of him.
Bullshit. Liar. Uneducated sheep repeating daily talking points. Trump never fired the pandemic team. Already debunked numerous times. Obozo left a pile of toilet paper on “dealing with a pandemic” after HE depleted all the supplies and never restocked them. Period. You have lied throughout this entire time. DIM governors murdered thousands of elderly people and families suffer because of YOU. Now STFu liar.

President Obama set up anti-pandemic programs in 47 vulnerable countries, as a way to protect against something just like Coronavirus breaking out across the world,” Murphy wrote. “Experts begged Trump to keep them open. He closed 37 of them.”
Set them up and provided ZERO so they were worthless. Experts begged to keep their no work jobs. Try again.
Riiiiight its Trump's fault Dems shut down their economy and wrecked people financially. You assholes couldn't tell the truth if you tried.
With Little Trumpsters it’s NEVER Trump’s fault, it’s always somebody else. Trump repeats “it’s not my responsibility” so many times, gullibles like yourself believe it.
And how did the Dems fuck up the economy. Trump is president but then when things get tough he blames other people, when it is very clear he failed with COVID-19 and a huge majority of Americans are not falling for his bullshit excuses. And now we are paying for opening up America to fast and too soon. 144,000 people have died, 4 million have COVID-19, 30 million lost their jobs. And in your simple mind, it’s everybody’s fault but Trump. Wow. I am certainly happy I am not you! Whew!

It's not Trump's fault dummy. Do us all a favor and pull your head out of your ass.

You first. Who made all of the WRONG decisions about testing. Bringing thousands of Americans home from China WITHOUT TESTING THEM WHEN THEY GOT THERE.

Who told manufacturers to sell all of their PPE to China?

Who told states to re-open the moment your cases started to drop?

ALL of the bad decisions which have unleashed the pandemic on the American people were made by Donald Trump.

I would add he also fired the whole pandemic team that was created to prevent this from happening.

He cut the American CDC in China and around the world so that there wasn't enough people in other nations to get the real facts and contain it In China.

trump didn't even look at the pandemic manual that was created and left for him to fight a pandemic.

trump has made the wrong choices though this whole thing.

So now America suffers because of him.
Bullshit. Liar. Uneducated sheep repeating daily talking points. Trump never fired the pandemic team. Already debunked numerous times. Obozo left a pile of toilet paper on “dealing with a pandemic” after HE depleted all the supplies and never restocked them. Period. You have lied throughout this entire time. DIM governors murdered thousands of elderly people and families suffer because of YOU. Now STFu liar.

Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

Nursing homes patients need specific kinds of care only available in nursing homes. Care their families and the hospitals are ill-equipped to provide. They need to be turned, changed, and fed. In an overwhelmed hospital, full of ICU patients in respiratory distress, they would not get that care.

The TRUMP ADMINISTRATION told governors to send the old people back to the nursing homes. Nursing homes are SUPPOSED to have infectious disease isolation units, and PPE. The NURSING HOMES killed the patients, by failing to follow.

But ignoring facts and blaming Democrats is what you fools do.
Snopes? Hahaha! Only uneducated idiots like you believe them. STFU about the nursing homes proven liar. CUOMO killed those people, Trump had ZERO to do with it. Already proven that CDC guidelines were NOT followed by Cuomo liar. Nursing homes killed them? Fuck off and die you piece of shit. Remain ignorant.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
Give it a break lantern Your BS stinks Trump responsible for killing 1000's because he had his finger up his ass instead of protecting Americans? And you don't give a fuk?
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
Give it a break lantern Your BS stinks Trump responsible for killing 1000's because he had his finger up his ass instead of protecting Americans? And you don't give a fuk?
Fuck you liar. Trump is not responsible for any deaths moron. Keep your head firmly inserted in your ass. Trump bans travel, you yell WAAAACIST! DIMS tell people to go out and party and you just let them slide. Your constant line of bullshit is what stinks. Change your diaper. I don’t care about idiots like you who do nothing but lie.
Riiiiight its Trump's fault Dems shut down their economy and wrecked people financially. You assholes couldn't tell the truth if you tried.
With Little Trumpsters it’s NEVER Trump’s fault, it’s always somebody else. Trump repeats “it’s not my responsibility” so many times, gullibles like yourself believe it.
And how did the Dems fuck up the economy. Trump is president but then when things get tough he blames other people, when it is very clear he failed with COVID-19 and a huge majority of Americans are not falling for his bullshit excuses. And now we are paying for opening up America to fast and too soon. 144,000 people have died, 4 million have COVID-19, 30 million lost their jobs. And in your simple mind, it’s everybody’s fault but Trump. Wow. I am certainly happy I am not you! Whew!

It's not Trump's fault dummy. Do us all a favor and pull your head out of your ass.

You first. Who made all of the WRONG decisions about testing. Bringing thousands of Americans home from China WITHOUT TESTING THEM WHEN THEY GOT THERE.

Who told manufacturers to sell all of their PPE to China?

Who told states to re-open the moment your cases started to drop?

ALL of the bad decisions which have unleashed the pandemic on the American people were made by Donald Trump.

I would add he also fired the whole pandemic team that was created to prevent this from happening.

He cut the American CDC in China and around the world so that there wasn't enough people in other nations to get the real facts and contain it In China.

trump didn't even look at the pandemic manual that was created and left for him to fight a pandemic.

trump has made the wrong choices though this whole thing.

So now America suffers because of him.
Bullshit. Liar. Uneducated sheep repeating daily talking points. Trump never fired the pandemic team. Already debunked numerous times. Obozo left a pile of toilet paper on “dealing with a pandemic” after HE depleted all the supplies and never restocked them. Period. You have lied throughout this entire time. DIM governors murdered thousands of elderly people and families suffer because of YOU. Now STFu liar.

Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

Nursing homes patients need specific kinds of care only available in nursing homes. Care their families and the hospitals are ill-equipped to provide. They need to be turned, changed, and fed. In an overwhelmed hospital, full of ICU patients in respiratory distress, they would not get that care.

The TRUMP ADMINISTRATION told governors to send the old people back to the nursing homes. Nursing homes are SUPPOSED to have infectious disease isolation units, and PPE. The NURSING HOMES killed the patients, by failing to follow.

But ignoring facts and blaming Democrats is what you fools do.
Snopes? Hahaha! Only uneducated idiots like you believe them. STFU about the nursing homes proven liar. CUOMO killed those people, Trump had ZERO to do with it. Already proven that CDC guidelines were NOT followed by Cuomo liar. Nursing homes killed them? Fuck off and die you piece of shit. Remain ignorant.
SO Eddie cheers the killing of the elderly. Yeah, you’re nothing but a piece of shit liar. Period.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Yes, you liked the good old days when you freely called Republicans racists, misogynists, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they rolled over, didn't you? This Republicans fighting back to your vitriolic hate? You don't need that
Now there's no constitutional right to protest ? Republicans now act like fascists? Send in homeland security??

Well now.......I guess you learn something new every day. A new definition of fascism: support federal agents who protect federal property and haul lowlifes away who destroy or attempt to destroy it.
Hey Ray did the State call the Feds in?? NO !! Trump is pulling his shit again Giving law and order BS to his nitwit supporters. Protect fed property from chalk marks ? Fear mongering from Trump and you buy it

Yeah, chalk marks, that's the ticket. They only wanted to play tic-tac-toe on the federal building.

And the state couldn't take care of it ?? There was NO NEED for feds there Trump is losing badly and he's trying anything

It's not that the state can't take care of it, it's that they won't. Look at that building. Does it look like the state is doing anything about it?

And you refuse to acknowledge what the cause that made the Citizens feel the need to protest at the Federal Building. It doesn't make the rioting any less wrong but the real Protesters were gassed and beaten. I am not protecting the Rioters and Looters who are largely imported, I am saying that the attack on the Protesters themselves are just plain wrong. And the reason for the Protest, you are trying to cover up. It's the fact that Unnamed, unmarked Federalist are detaining American Citizens that are legally expressing the 1st Amendment. It's pretty damned simple to understand. It amounts to an invading force kidnapping and illegally retaining American Citizens on American soil.

Wrong. You don't have to protest at that federal courthouse. They have the rest of the city to protest in. Furthermore if they still insist on protesting there, they need to keep the distance set out by authorities. Nobody's freedom of speech is being violated. If you hate Trump, your freedom of speech does not mean you can walk right up to him and scream in his face how much you hate him. You can do that within the distance the SS sets forth for safety concerns.

The Mayor has the right to peaceably protest anywhere he chooses. It's a bit tough to call it an Illegal Assembly when the Mayor is part of it. Again, the Mayor was not rioting. The People around him were not rioting but they were gassed exercising their legal right of Protest. And the Rioters were probably not from Portland at all since most Rioters and Looters are Imports, not locals. Instead of Gassing American Citizens exercising their 1s Amendment Rights, that Federal Force should have been busting the Criminals. Instead, they gassed the Mayor.

It was a photo op and he planned it that way. Again, the authorities have the legal right to set distances from the court house. It doesn't matter if they were rioting or getting ready to. Don't cross this line, or else. You can protest 50 feet, 100 feet, or 200 feet from the building. Nobody's rights were being violated.

I don't know what is with you people and your resistance to authority.

Yes, Authorities do have that "Right". But you step one inch off of that Federal Property and you just entered the Authority of the Mayor. The Sidewalk isn't Federal Property. The Mayor and the local citizens own that. In fact, the only reason the Federal Building is there is because some Mayor in the past authorized it.

If you care to learn I suggest you click on 41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74 - Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Federal Property.

With that in mind, are you aware that the Constitution states (And I can't find it right now due to time restraints) that the Federals are allowed to have X number of acres for Federal Use? I am sure that, in Oregon, the Feds have exceeded that limit a thousand times or more. But be that what is may, you step one foot off that Federal Property (and the Mayor was NOT on Federal Property as the Sidewalk and the street is NOT Federal Property) and the Feds have ZERO rights not given to them by the State or City. That means, the illegal apprehension and detention of Citizens outside of the Federal Property and the Gassing of the Mayor and the peaceful Protesters can give the Mayor the right to remove the permission to even have that Federal Court house. It's now in the Court's hands. If they follow the Laws then all hell is going to be paid over the actions of the Rump Brown Shirts on the streets and the gassing of the Mayor.

Your claim is ridiculous. Let's say the President is coming to your city. They close off the streets, everybody has to stay inside while the President is going to his destination. They close off all highways and roads. You mean to tell me the federal government has no legal authority to do that?

Years ago my niece got a DUI. She was right on the limit. The cop pulled her over on the highway. She passed all the tests except the breathalyzer. They were just about to let her go, and a state trooper pulled up. He talked to the officers and they explained everything. The Trooper told the officers to arrest her for DUI.

The local police officers had no choice. Troopers are state police, and have authority in the entire state, even if they are in your city. It's the chain of command. The cops even told my niece they were going to let her off the hook until that Trooper came over and again, he had authority over them.

yes, State Troopers (here as well) have that jurisdiction. It's given to them by the State Constitution. It's called "States Rights". Not Federal Rights. The Feds have whatever the Governor and Mayor allow them to have outside of Federal Controlled Property. You want to remove States Rights for Rump Rights.

Feds have rights in states just like troopers have rights in cities. For instance these lib sanctuary cities and states cannot stop ICE from conducting workplace raids. They hate it, and some have even warned businesses they were coming, but they can't stop it. ICE has the federal authority to go there invited or uninvited. The FBI does not need the blessing of a city or state to arrest somebody they suspect of a federal crime. They just come in, take their suspect, and leave like nobody's business. Nobody can stop them.

The Feds announce prior to that who they are. The Portland Brownshirts don't. They just find someone walking down the street and announce, "Get in the Van" at gunpoint. No Federal Arrest have been made of the people that the Brownshirts have done this to. It's tantamount to kidnapping. If they want to operate, do it with the permission of the Chief of Police or Mayor. Then they can operate that way if they don't mind the lawsuits for that action. The courts are going to have a ball with this.

The reasoning behind this isn't to bring stability to Portland. It's about Rump illegally kidnapping American Citizens. This is the last I have to say on this Thread.
he Feds announce prior to that who they are. The Portland Brownshirts don't. They just find someone walking down the street and announce, "Get in the Van" at gunpoint. No Federal Arrest have been made of the people that the Brownshirts have done this to. It's tantamount to kidnapping. If they want to operate, do it with the permission of the Chief of Police or Mayor. Then they can operate that way if they don't mind the lawsuits for that action. The courts are going to have a ball with this.

The reasoning behind this isn't to bring stability to Portland. It's about Rump illegally kidnapping American Citizens. This is the last I have to say on this Thread.
:cuckoo:What a load of bull crap. The so called 'protesters' shot and killed a retired veteran police officer. He didn't have the luxury of going in a van and being arrested, no.....They just shot him and left him on the street. So you can just stuff your little story up your rump. rump-boy
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Yes, you liked the good old days when you freely called Republicans racists, misogynists, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they rolled over, didn't you? This Republicans fighting back to your vitriolic hate? You don't need that
Now there's no constitutional right to protest ? Republicans now act like fascists? Send in homeland security??

Well now.......I guess you learn something new every day. A new definition of fascism: support federal agents who protect federal property and haul lowlifes away who destroy or attempt to destroy it.
Hey Ray did the State call the Feds in?? NO !! Trump is pulling his shit again Giving law and order BS to his nitwit supporters. Protect fed property from chalk marks ? Fear mongering from Trump and you buy it

Yeah, chalk marks, that's the ticket. They only wanted to play tic-tac-toe on the federal building.

And the state couldn't take care of it ?? There was NO NEED for feds there Trump is losing badly and he's trying anything

It's not that the state can't take care of it, it's that they won't. Look at that building. Does it look like the state is doing anything about it?

And you refuse to acknowledge what the cause that made the Citizens feel the need to protest at the Federal Building. It doesn't make the rioting any less wrong but the real Protesters were gassed and beaten. I am not protecting the Rioters and Looters who are largely imported, I am saying that the attack on the Protesters themselves are just plain wrong. And the reason for the Protest, you are trying to cover up. It's the fact that Unnamed, unmarked Federalist are detaining American Citizens that are legally expressing the 1st Amendment. It's pretty damned simple to understand. It amounts to an invading force kidnapping and illegally retaining American Citizens on American soil.

Wrong. You don't have to protest at that federal courthouse. They have the rest of the city to protest in. Furthermore if they still insist on protesting there, they need to keep the distance set out by authorities. Nobody's freedom of speech is being violated. If you hate Trump, your freedom of speech does not mean you can walk right up to him and scream in his face how much you hate him. You can do that within the distance the SS sets forth for safety concerns.

The Mayor has the right to peaceably protest anywhere he chooses. It's a bit tough to call it an Illegal Assembly when the Mayor is part of it. Again, the Mayor was not rioting. The People around him were not rioting but they were gassed exercising their legal right of Protest. And the Rioters were probably not from Portland at all since most Rioters and Looters are Imports, not locals. Instead of Gassing American Citizens exercising their 1s Amendment Rights, that Federal Force should have been busting the Criminals. Instead, they gassed the Mayor.

It was a photo op and he planned it that way. Again, the authorities have the legal right to set distances from the court house. It doesn't matter if they were rioting or getting ready to. Don't cross this line, or else. You can protest 50 feet, 100 feet, or 200 feet from the building. Nobody's rights were being violated.

I don't know what is with you people and your resistance to authority.

Yes, Authorities do have that "Right". But you step one inch off of that Federal Property and you just entered the Authority of the Mayor. The Sidewalk isn't Federal Property. The Mayor and the local citizens own that. In fact, the only reason the Federal Building is there is because some Mayor in the past authorized it.

If you care to learn I suggest you click on 41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74 - Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Federal Property.

With that in mind, are you aware that the Constitution states (And I can't find it right now due to time restraints) that the Federals are allowed to have X number of acres for Federal Use? I am sure that, in Oregon, the Feds have exceeded that limit a thousand times or more. But be that what is may, you step one foot off that Federal Property (and the Mayor was NOT on Federal Property as the Sidewalk and the street is NOT Federal Property) and the Feds have ZERO rights not given to them by the State or City. That means, the illegal apprehension and detention of Citizens outside of the Federal Property and the Gassing of the Mayor and the peaceful Protesters can give the Mayor the right to remove the permission to even have that Federal Court house. It's now in the Court's hands. If they follow the Laws then all hell is going to be paid over the actions of the Rump Brown Shirts on the streets and the gassing of the Mayor.

Your claim is ridiculous. Let's say the President is coming to your city. They close off the streets, everybody has to stay inside while the President is going to his destination. They close off all highways and roads. You mean to tell me the federal government has no legal authority to do that?

Years ago my niece got a DUI. She was right on the limit. The cop pulled her over on the highway. She passed all the tests except the breathalyzer. They were just about to let her go, and a state trooper pulled up. He talked to the officers and they explained everything. The Trooper told the officers to arrest her for DUI.

The local police officers had no choice. Troopers are state police, and have authority in the entire state, even if they are in your city. It's the chain of command. The cops even told my niece they were going to let her off the hook until that Trooper came over and again, he had authority over them.

yes, State Troopers (here as well) have that jurisdiction. It's given to them by the State Constitution. It's called "States Rights". Not Federal Rights. The Feds have whatever the Governor and Mayor allow them to have outside of Federal Controlled Property. You want to remove States Rights for Rump Rights.

Feds have rights in states just like troopers have rights in cities. For instance these lib sanctuary cities and states cannot stop ICE from conducting workplace raids. They hate it, and some have even warned businesses they were coming, but they can't stop it. ICE has the federal authority to go there invited or uninvited. The FBI does not need the blessing of a city or state to arrest somebody they suspect of a federal crime. They just come in, take their suspect, and leave like nobody's business. Nobody can stop them.

The Feds announce prior to that who they are. The Portland Brownshirts don't. They just find someone walking down the street and announce, "Get in the Van" at gunpoint. No Federal Arrest have been made of the people that the Brownshirts have done this to. It's tantamount to kidnapping. If they want to operate, do it with the permission of the Chief of Police or Mayor. Then they can operate that way if they don't mind the lawsuits for that action. The courts are going to have a ball with this.

The reasoning behind this isn't to bring stability to Portland. It's about Rump illegally kidnapping American Citizens. This is the last I have to say on this Thread.

I think the federal authorities know what is legal and what is not. That's besides the fact you're basing what you think you know on the MSM, who always look for a reason to bash the President. The President can only tell them what needs to be done, not how to do it or how to carry out their duties.
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Yes, you liked the good old days when you freely called Republicans racists, misogynists, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they rolled over, didn't you? This Republicans fighting back to your vitriolic hate? You don't need that

I long for when the Republican Party wasn't the things you say it once was. Just turn the clock back to 1956.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
This was before the condition you are describing and before the complete flipping of the Parties.

The Democrats of 1956 would be a hell of a lot better than you

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