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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

Sorry, but scientists do know as it's been studied intensely in Europe. Is it written in stone? No it hasn't because as you said, this is all new to all of us.

However even in the USA there have been few cases of kids catching this virus yet alone deaths or spread. Yes, they do happen, but not nearly to the extent that deaths take place to the elderly, the immunity compromised, or both.

If we have over 30 million children in school, and 1,000 get Covid, is that a good enough reason to stop the other 30 million from attending school?

I can dream up numbers as well as you can but I choose not to. The fact remains that they are still not quite sure all the ways that Covid 19 is transmitted. Has the People n Charge finally started calling an airborne delivery system yet? How about the time it can stay active when in the Oxygen rich Air by contact? How exactly is it transmitted from one to another? They don't know so they used the shotgun approach. For every argument you can come up, I can come up with one against it and vice versa.

As for children getting the disease, Children can get an offshoot that isn't as deadly but

How likely are kids to get Covid-19? Scientists see a ‘huge puzzle’ without easy answers Let's have the Mayo Clinic weigh in.
COVID-19 (coronavirus) in babies and children
Since the Mayo Clinic as access to China's studies, it's a safe bet that they have a good idea on what is going on. But they really don't. Covid 19's best way to keep from being spread is still the Shotgun approach. And if you read the link you will find Children to get it and can transmit it to adults.

Now a note from CDC very recently put out.
Limit time with people at highest risk of severe illness from COVID-19

The Countries that have opened the schools back up are where Covid 19 has been isolated. Or at least, they have isolated the Covid 19 recipients. And it hasn't infected others that way. They originally completely shut down their entire country, did a high degree of testing and isolated those that test positive for Covid 19. Other countries that have not completely isolated the Infected People (including children) won't be so lucky when the open up their schools. Or maybe they will. The only way to test that theory is to open up the schools and allow our Children to be part of the experiment.

If you read the Links (and those two are NOT Political in any way) you should come to the same conclusion I have. We just don't know. If you come up with a definitive Yes or No then there is something else clouding that decision.

Okay, so let's move forward. We don't know. We also don't know if or when a successful vaccine will be available. So what if it takes five years? Do we keep children home for five years? What about ten? What happens if like the flu, it's just something we have to deal with year after year? Do we close down schools from coast to coast? Then what?

Yes, they are even saying best case for a vaccine is 2021.

Also, virus vaccines aren't like bacterial vaccines. If you get a polo shot in time, you won't get polio.

A flu shot doesn't stop the flu. You're less likely to get it and you're likely to get it less severely if you do, but it doesn't stop the flu.

That we're going to wait at best 1-2 years for a partially effective vaccine is asinine.

Though all Daryl needs is to push the shutdown past November 3. That's the only important date to him and he wants Americans jailed in our homes to prevent a recovery. He's not fooling anyone
The Mayor has the right to peaceably protest anywhere he chooses. It's a bit tough to call it an Illegal Assembly when the Mayor is part of it. Again, the Mayor was not rioting. The People around him were not rioting but they were gassed exercising their legal right of Protest. And the Rioters were probably not from Portland at all since most Rioters and Looters are Imports, not locals. Instead of Gassing American Citizens exercising their 1s Amendment Rights, that Federal Force should have been busting the Criminals. Instead, they gassed the Mayor.

It was a photo op and he planned it that way. Again, the authorities have the legal right to set distances from the court house. It doesn't matter if they were rioting or getting ready to. Don't cross this line, or else. You can protest 50 feet, 100 feet, or 200 feet from the building. Nobody's rights were being violated.

I don't know what is with you people and your resistance to authority.

Resistance to authority when the President is Republican. Under Obama, protests were "dangerous"
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more
So all the other nations who are going through exactly what the US is going through will surpass us how?
They've managed not to do so since WWII.
We trail many in trumps recovery efforts
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Blue cities being extremely populated with Trespassers, Business Visas and entertainment centers.
Amy other stupid observations you'd care to share with us?
who gets back tax money and who doesn't indy?
Are you natural at being stupid or do you work at it?
My tax dollars have been going overseas since 1981 and I've always been in the top tax bracket.
Maybe you don't pay taxes so you don't care.

But when they surpass us in about 1,000 years, maybe they'll send some of that hard earned cash to me.
Indy it's really hard work keeping up with you imbeciles here Real hard but I don't give up easily And I can ALMOST guarantee I pay more in taxes fed and state than you And since I'm earning I have no problem paying my fair share
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more
So all the other nations who are going through exactly what the US is going through will surpass us how?
They've managed not to do so since WWII.
We trail many in trumps recovery efforts
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Blue cities being extremely populated with Trespassers, Business Visas and entertainment centers.
Amy other stupid observations you'd care to share with us?
who gets back tax money and who doesn't indy?
Are you natural at being stupid or do you work at it?
My tax dollars have been going overseas since 1981 and I've always been in the top tax bracket.
Maybe you don't pay taxes so you don't care.

But when they surpass us in about 1,000 years, maybe they'll send some of that hard earned cash to me.
Indy it's really hard work keeping up with you imbeciles here Real hard but I don't give up easily And I can ALMOST guarantee I pay more in taxes fed and state than you And since I'm earning I have no problem paying my fair share
I realize that every Liberal is a genius and a billionaire which is because you have achieved your knowledge via 1 second video bites.
I'm sure you pay more attention to detail when it comes to your profession than when it comes to politics.
I also glad that you don't care if millions of others lose their businesses, families and starve and freeze to death as long as you are politically assuaged.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist
Orange Man Bad...How many nations almost next door to China have a COVID breakout?
We know, we know, it's because of Trump.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more
So all the other nations who are going through exactly what the US is going through will surpass us how?
They've managed not to do so since WWII.
We trail many in trumps recovery efforts
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Blue cities being extremely populated with Trespassers, Business Visas and entertainment centers.
Amy other stupid observations you'd care to share with us?
who gets back tax money and who doesn't indy?
Are you natural at being stupid or do you work at it?
My tax dollars have been going overseas since 1981 and I've always been in the top tax bracket.
Maybe you don't pay taxes so you don't care.

But when they surpass us in about 1,000 years, maybe they'll send some of that hard earned cash to me.
Indy it's really hard work keeping up with you imbeciles here Real hard but I don't give up easily And I can ALMOST guarantee I pay more in taxes fed and state than you And since I'm earning I have no problem paying my fair share
I realize that every Liberal is a genius and a billionaire which is because you have achieved your knowledge via 1 second video bites.
I'm sure you pay more attention to detail when it comes to your profession than when it comes to politics.
I also glad that you don't care if millions of others lose their businesses, families and starve and freeze to death as long as you are politically assuaged.
I'm retired Still have some RE Gave my tenants 2 months free rent I do care It's the moron in the WH who doesnt
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more
So all the other nations who are going through exactly what the US is going through will surpass us how?
They've managed not to do so since WWII.
We trail many in trumps recovery efforts
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Blue cities being extremely populated with Trespassers, Business Visas and entertainment centers.
Amy other stupid observations you'd care to share with us?
who gets back tax money and who doesn't indy?
Are you natural at being stupid or do you work at it?
My tax dollars have been going overseas since 1981 and I've always been in the top tax bracket.
Maybe you don't pay taxes so you don't care.

But when they surpass us in about 1,000 years, maybe they'll send some of that hard earned cash to me.
Indy it's really hard work keeping up with you imbeciles here Real hard but I don't give up easily And I can ALMOST guarantee I pay more in taxes fed and state than you And since I'm earning I have no problem paying my fair share
I realize that every Liberal is a genius and a billionaire which is because you have achieved your knowledge via 1 second video bites.
I'm sure you pay more attention to detail when it comes to your profession than when it comes to politics.
I also glad that you don't care if millions of others lose their businesses, families and starve and freeze to death as long as you are politically assuaged.
I'm retired Still have some RE Gave my tenants 2 months free rent I do care It's the moron in the WH who doesnt
Elaborate on how Trump doesn't care and how each and every Democrat does care.
My son-in-law's father is doing the same thing with the hundreds of apartments he rents.
They've been good tenants and it won't be easy getting anyone to replace them.
If the garbage in the WH does anything now for the people ,you think he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart??? It's election time and the pos is trying to make up for all his F-ups
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more
So all the other nations who are going through exactly what the US is going through will surpass us how?
They've managed not to do so since WWII.
We trail many in trumps recovery efforts
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Blue cities being extremely populated with Trespassers, Business Visas and entertainment centers.
Amy other stupid observations you'd care to share with us?
who gets back tax money and who doesn't indy?
Are you natural at being stupid or do you work at it?
My tax dollars have been going overseas since 1981 and I've always been in the top tax bracket.
Maybe you don't pay taxes so you don't care.

But when they surpass us in about 1,000 years, maybe they'll send some of that hard earned cash to me.
Indy it's really hard work keeping up with you imbeciles here Real hard but I don't give up easily And I can ALMOST guarantee I pay more in taxes fed and state than you And since I'm earning I have no problem paying my fair share
I realize that every Liberal is a genius and a billionaire which is because you have achieved your knowledge via 1 second video bites.
I'm sure you pay more attention to detail when it comes to your profession than when it comes to politics.
I also glad that you don't care if millions of others lose their businesses, families and starve and freeze to death as long as you are politically assuaged.
I'm retired Still have some RE Gave my tenants 2 months free rent I do care It's the moron in the WH who doesnt
Elaborate on how Trump doesn't care and how each and every Democrat does care.
My son-in-law's father is doing the same thing with the hundreds of apartments he rents.
They've been good tenants and it won't be easy getting anyone to replace them.
They've been good tenants and it won't be easy getting anyone to replace them.}}

I feel the same way And I rent to bars restaurants and health supply stores,,,Never late and don't hate the landlord {I hope}
Okay, so let's move forward. We don't know. We also don't know if or when a successful vaccine will be available. So what if it takes five years? Do we keep children home for five years? What about ten? What happens if like the flu, it's just something we have to deal with year after year? Do we close down schools from coast to coast? Then what?

Yes, those questions are valid. And I, personally, don't have the answers. But in today's world of Technology, there are options to those that are not able to home school their children. This isn't the first time that Humans had to adapt. Hell, outside of Cockroaches, the Human Race is the most adaptable species on Earth. Until we do, then we need to use those options.

I hope to God you're not a parent if you're that easily willing to throw children under the bus to .... Get Trump ....
It was a photo op and he planned it that way. Again, the authorities have the legal right to set distances from the court house. It doesn't matter if they were rioting or getting ready to. Don't cross this line, or else. You can protest 50 feet, 100 feet, or 200 feet from the building. Nobody's rights were being violated.

I don't know what is with you people and your resistance to authority.

Yes, Authorities do have that "Right". But you step one inch off of that Federal Property and you just entered the Authority of the Mayor. The Sidewalk isn't Federal Property. The Mayor and the local citizens own that. In fact, the only reason the Federal Building is there is because some Mayor in the past authorized it.

If you care to learn I suggest you click on 41 CFR Appendix to Part 102-74 - Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Federal Property.

With that in mind, are you aware that the Constitution states (And I can't find it right now due to time restraints) that the Federals are allowed to have X number of acres for Federal Use? I am sure that, in Oregon, the Feds have exceeded that limit a thousand times or more. But be that what is may, you step one foot off that Federal Property (and the Mayor was NOT on Federal Property as the Sidewalk and the street is NOT Federal Property) and the Feds have ZERO rights not given to them by the State or City. That means, the illegal apprehension and detention of Citizens outside of the Federal Property and the Gassing of the Mayor and the peaceful Protesters can give the Mayor the right to remove the permission to even have that Federal Court house. It's now in the Court's hands. If they follow the Laws then all hell is going to be paid over the actions of the Rump Brown Shirts on the streets and the gassing of the Mayor.

So you're another violence supporting leftist who when rioters and looters attack cities, you want to keep a tight leash on ... the police ...
Yes, those questions are valid. And I, personally, don't have the answers. But in today's world of Technology, there are options to those that are not able to home school their children. This isn't the first time that Humans had to adapt. Hell, outside of Cockroaches, the Human Race is the most adaptable species on Earth. Until we do, then we need to use those options.

Sure, if we had enough time to plan for it. But this thing came like a thief in the night.

A couple gets married, has children, and makes plans. She will stay home for a couple of years, send the kid to daycare, and she can return back to work to bring in their badly needed income. Now those plans get shot to hell. Now what?

A very close friend and former coworker of mine had all three of his kids homeschooled. They planned for it. He works two full-time jobs, and she stayed home with the kids. My tenants the same way. He works a full-time job, and she homeschools their two children. It works fine if you can make the numbers work for you.

If there is no such thing as physical school, then a young couple today can make their plans accordingly. They could not have children for a couple of years to save money for her (or him) to be home, they can buy a much cheaper house, they can make cuts in their budget for those children.

The plans they will make is to not have children, because they will never be able to "afford" it.

If there are no physical schools, children won't get any education at all, and companies will locate their businesses in countries with a well educated work force. European owned corporations are already having difficulty finding executives willing to move to the USA to run their American branch plants because high cost of health insurance, and lack of effective gun control laws.

Your slide into a second tier banana republic continues.

But looking on the bright side. No schools means no more school shootings.

It's incredible how leftists can just twist the world to fit your agenda. Yeah, airhead, poor people don't have children because they can't afford them and rich people have tons of kids because they can.

You SERIOUSLY see that, don't you? Democrats tell you to think it, and like a good girl, you think it!

Just so you know, reality is the other way around. Poor people have lots of kids and rich people have few. That's why the population is declining, Democrat zombie. We keep getting richer. I can't believe you just said that, that was idiotic, even for you. Democrats just don't care, do you? Not when it's in the way of your partisan rhetoric
Last edited:
Your claim is ridiculous. Let's say the President is coming to your city. They close off the streets, everybody has to stay inside while the President is going to his destination. They close off all highways and roads. You mean to tell me the federal government has no legal authority to do that?

Years ago my niece got a DUI. She was right on the limit. The cop pulled her over on the highway. She passed all the tests except the breathalyzer. They were just about to let her go, and a state trooper pulled up. He talked to the officers and they explained everything. The Trooper told the officers to arrest her for DUI.

The local police officers had no choice. Troopers are state police, and have authority in the entire state, even if they are in your city. It's the chain of command. The cops even told my niece they were going to let her off the hook until that Trooper came over and again, he had authority over them.

yes, State Troopers (here as well) have that jurisdiction. It's given to them by the State Constitution. It's called "States Rights". Not Federal Rights. The Feds have whatever the Governor and Mayor allow them to have outside of Federal Controlled Property. You want to remove States Rights for Rump Rights.

It's amazing how leftists will flip on any issue. Now because of Trump you're a bunch of State right activists. LOL.

And at the same time while you're telling Trump to stay the f out of States, you're blaming him for the virus because you expect him to be a dictator as well as a medical researcher and doctor and fix it. That while you tell him to stay the f out of States. That while you tell him to control the States.

Flip, flop, flip, flop, flip, flop ....
yes, State Troopers (here as well) have that jurisdiction. It's given to them by the State Constitution. It's called "States Rights". Not Federal Rights. The Feds have whatever the Governor and Mayor allow them to have outside of Federal Controlled Property. You want to remove States Rights for Rump Rights.

Feds have rights in states just like troopers have rights in cities. For instance these lib sanctuary cities and states cannot stop ICE from conducting workplace raids. They hate it, and some have even warned businesses they were coming, but they can't stop it. ICE has the federal authority to go there invited or uninvited. The FBI does not need the blessing of a city or state to arrest somebody they suspect of a federal crime. They just come in, take their suspect, and leave like nobody's business. Nobody can stop them.

It's incredible how these idiot Democrats have suddenly passed us and become State right zealots! The Federal government now according to them has zero power in any State, which of course means it can't go anywhere or do anything at all. The police have no power outside the Mall in DC. And even that they want to spinoff into a new ... State. They want the Federal government to go away completely now.

That of course while they want the Federal government to spend trillions of dollars on wealth redistribution schemes. But have no authority ...

It's just stupid, childish shit. They have no integrity at all. It's just pounce and attack and flip positions at will
You didn't make a point, you made a deflection.

I said that no one should make more for not working than working. You deflected. Ray told you that again, and you deflected again.

Pointing out your point is a deflection to what I said doesn't mean we don't get what you said, it means we do.

Being a man is working and paying your own family's bills. It doesn't matter what you make, it's what makes you. Working hard, earning a living and living within your means whatever those means are. This endless crap you want government to give you what you didn't make is not that, creep
It's not a deflection. It's the problem.

Of course it's deflection, Creep-tus. The subject is not paying people more to not work than they make when they work.

You're trying to twist it to your Marxist crap to fit your agenda. That is pure deflection from the subject.

Creep-tus: Get Trump, Get Trump, Get Trump, Get Trump ...
When I said a free market system I meant that the market decides the wages for employees--not the government. It means your wages are based on supply and demand.

If you have a job that anybody else can do, you make minimum wage. If you have a job that takes a little training, you make above minimum wage. If you have a job not everybody has the ability to do, you make even better money. If you have a job that few can do, you make outstanding money.

But it's up to the free market system to make that determination, and it's up to you to decide what kind of money you wish to make.

It's not a "free market system" when the employers have all of the power. My friend went to his boss and said: "I am always here 20 minutes before starting time and in the yard by 8:00 a.m. I finish my assigned work before anyone else, and with fewer errors. I'm seldom sick, and I need minium supervision, and yet I'm paid the same wages as the guys who show up at 7:59, and aren't out in the yard before 8:20. Who spend two days doing the work I get done in one, and who have wrecked expensive equipment by not following proper procedures." His boss' response was "My budget for this job is $17 per hour. I can't give you a raise or pay you more than the other guys get".

So much for "free market wages".

He's in a union, huh? Democrats love those, don't you?
When I said a free market system I meant that the market decides the wages for employees--not the government. It means your wages are based on supply and demand.

If you have a job that anybody else can do, you make minimum wage. If you have a job that takes a little training, you make above minimum wage. If you have a job not everybody has the ability to do, you make even better money. If you have a job that few can do, you make outstanding money.

But it's up to the free market system to make that determination, and it's up to you to decide what kind of money you wish to make.

It's not a "free market system" when the employers have all of the power. My friend went to his boss and said: "I am always here 20 minutes before starting time and in the yard by 8:00 a.m. I finish my assigned work before anyone else, and with fewer errors. I'm seldom sick, and I need minium supervision, and yet I'm paid the same wages as the guys who show up at 7:59, and aren't out in the yard before 8:20. Who spend two days doing the work I get done in one, and who have wrecked expensive equipment by not following proper procedures." His boss' response was "My budget for this job is $17 per hour. I can't give you a raise or pay you more than the other guys get".

So much for "free market wages".

It's not a "free market system" when the employers have all of the power.

Employees are free to quit at anytime.
Democrat slavery was outlawed over 150 years ago.

Yep. Democrats like Mrs. Mao think that capitalism is about companies, but she's entirely wrong about that. Capitalism is about free enterprise. Companies hire the best employees they can get for the job and fire the worse. Employees do the same, work for the best companies. When a company sucks, fire them.

This sounds like a union situation though where she's whining about policies that she supports
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

It's $600 a week, not a "few." A few would probably be OK.

Think about it. $600 a week is $30,000 a year. That's in addition to the State unemployment. No one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING.

I realize destruction of the economy is actually your goal and you won't accept any answer, but that is the answer to your question
The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks.

I don't know what I can tell you, you're stupid as all get out.

Here's what I said, "one should ever make more from government for NOT working than WORKING"

Here is your completely inane reply, "The very fact that you think that's a lot of money makes my point. Thanks."

My point was that it's enough money that a lot of people earn less. Whether it's "a lot of money" or not, the reality is that over half of them don't earn that. Which means we're paying a lot of them more to not work than to work. How stupid are you?

Can't follow a simple post and respond to it lucidly. You actually think you responded to my post, don't you, nit wit? You're yet another government school educated failure, aren't you?
tRust a tRumpling to miss the point.

An extra few hundred dollars should not be enough when added to the meager unemployment benefits most states pay to total more than the employee makes while working.

Both the fact that it is and the fact that you so readily accept it are serious problems.

I know people who collected unemployment here. On average, they were getting around 400 bucks a week from the state. Add the feds contribution in, that's comparable to making 60K a year when you consider the payroll taxes you're not paying.

There are a lot of people making less than 60K a year, so don't tell us that people are not making more money unemployed than when employed.

Again, the problem isn't that they're getting more from unemployment than they would make by working, but that their wages are too low to begin with. $1000 per week isn't $60,000 per year, it's $50,000. Subtract 15% withholding, plus income tax from that amount and it's down to around $37,000 net.

The "American Dream" 2-storey house in the suburbs, two cars in the garage, decent schools and a nice two week vacation, now costs $120,000 per year, so we're not talking luxury money at $1000 per week.

View attachment 367033

Working Americans made the USA the wealthiest country on earth. It's time for them to get their fair share of the income they generate by their labour, instead of ALL of it going to the top.

By the time you would pay all those taxes like Medicare, Social Security, FICA, state and local taxes, yes, what unemployed people are getting is what people are getting making 60K a year.

We don't have a government that sets wages for workers, we have a free market system to do that. If you want to earn more, you need to get the education or skills to make more. You might have to do a job you really never cared to do. You might have to relocate or be on the road, you might have to give up the pot or whatever drugs you use, you might have to work an undesirable shift for a while, but it can be done with a little effort.

You do NOT have a free market system. You have a well-regulated capitalist system. You have unions and legislation which covers all aspects of worker safety, hours of employment, and a federally regulated minimum wage. You also have "earned income credits" under which large corporations are using federal programs to subsidize wages to low wage workers.

This is state run corporatism, and it is as far from the "free market" as you can get.

"Free market capitalism" where it has been tried, has resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased unemployment, and brutal suppression of all opposition and demonstrations. In fact, the "shithole countries" of Central and South America you so thoroughly decry, were all created by their experiments with "free market capitalism", and they're the reason why Central and South America was so vulnerable to communist rebellions.

When I said a free market system I meant that the market decides the wages for employees--not the government. It means your wages are based on supply and demand.

If you have a job that anybody else can do, you make minimum wage. If you have a job that takes a little training, you make above minimum wage. If you have a job not everybody has the ability to do, you make even better money. If you have a job that few can do, you make outstanding money.

But it's up to the free market system to make that determination, and it's up to you to decide what kind of money you wish to make.

It's not a "free market system" when the employers have all of the power. My friend went to his boss and said: "I am always here 20 minutes before starting time and in the yard by 8:00 a.m. I finish my assigned work before anyone else, and with fewer errors. I'm seldom sick, and I need minium supervision, and yet I'm paid the same wages as the guys who show up at 7:59, and aren't out in the yard before 8:20. Who spend two days doing the work I get done in one, and who have wrecked expensive equipment by not following proper procedures." His boss' response was "My budget for this job is $17 per hour. I can't give you a raise or pay you more than the other guys get".

So much for "free market wages".

It's not a "free market system" when the employers have all of the power.

Employees are free to quit at anytime.
Democrat slavery was outlawed over 150 years ago.
Republican slavery only in 1965

You do drink and post a lot. You really struggle to write a coherent post. Maybe in hindsight, dropping out of school after the sixth grade was a bad idea, huh?

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