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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

You don't know shit about deductions. That's obvious in your statement. If you knew anything about them, you'd understand deductions don't amount to that much. Where is this proof that Trump asked the British anything? Trump denies that ever happened. It's more fake news that is spoon fed to you by the NYT or some other leftist lying media.
When trump takes deductions they mean a lot He understates or over states depending on the situation In short the man is a fn crook
Daryl You have to have a sense of humor posting with these Repub turds There's maybe 2 or 3 not FOS and they're not here today
Yes, those questions are valid. And I, personally, don't have the answers. But in today's world of Technology, there are options to those that are not able to home school their children. This isn't the first time that Humans had to adapt. Hell, outside of Cockroaches, the Human Race is the most adaptable species on Earth. Until we do, then we need to use those options.

Sure, if we had enough time to plan for it. But this thing came like a thief in the night.

A couple gets married, has children, and makes plans. She will stay home for a couple of years, send the kid to daycare, and she can return back to work to bring in their badly needed income. Now those plans get shot to hell. Now what?

A very close friend and former coworker of mine had all three of his kids homeschooled. They planned for it. He works two full-time jobs, and she stayed home with the kids. My tenants the same way. He works a full-time job, and she homeschools their two children. It works fine if you can make the numbers work for you.

If there is no such thing as physical school, then a young couple today can make their plans accordingly. They could not have children for a couple of years to save money for her (or him) to be home, they can buy a much cheaper house, they can make cuts in their budget for those children.

The plans they will make is to not have children, because they will never be able to "afford" it.

If there are no physical schools, children won't get any education at all, and companies will locate their businesses in countries with a well educated work force. European owned corporations are already having difficulty finding executives willing to move to the USA to run their American branch plants because high cost of health insurance, and lack of effective gun control laws.

Your slide into a second tier banana republic continues.

But looking on the bright side. No schools means no more school shootings.

It's incredible how leftists can just twist the world to fit your agenda. Yeah, airhead, poor people don't have children because they can't afford them and rich people have tons of kids because they can.

You SERIOUSLY see that, don't you? Democrats tell you to think it, and like a good girl, you think it!

Just so you know, reality is the other way around. Poor people have lots of kids and rich people have few. That's why the population is declining, Democrat zombie. We keep getting richer. I can't believe you just said that, that was idiotic, even for you. Democrats just don't care, do you? Not when it's in the way of your partisan rhetoric

Poor people don't have "lots of kids". This isn't the 1950's. If they were, you're birth rate wouldn't be declining so precitiously.

Even though the birth rates are declining in the US, poor Americans are still having more kids than rich Americans are having kids. That is why child poverty rates are still high in America. I haven’t understood why the trend continues.
Look creep. You just want every discussion to go back to your Marxist ideology.

If you want to earn more money, work harder, be more reliable, have a good attitude and care about your job and employer. Obviously your employer doesn't value you, you don't value them. Your wages are up to you. You have to deserve them.

But the issue here is your desire to destroy the economy to win an election on November 3.


Creep: Please God, more Wuhan virus deaths, get more people fired, whatever it takes, God, whatever it takes.

Obviously you are in favor of people being paid more to not work than work because it supports your destroy the economy objective. If you want that, of course you want to change the subject
Lol, you're just fuckin' dumb as a post, aren't ya. You cannot see the issue and the connection even though it's been pointed out several times, and you don't even know what a Marxist is.

Get lost, Twinkle-Toes. You're just boring now.

Yes, there is clearly a connection. You want to pay people more to not work than they earn working so they don't work and harm the economy. It's shallowly obvious.

Your Marxist philosophy where you want wages controlled by government so we are fabulously wealthy like they are in Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba is what's off topic.

Again, your crappy wages are on YOUR. Work harder, be reliable, have a good attitude and care about your job and employer and it will work, your wages will go up.

What you make is your fault. Life is too short to be around people like you with a bad attitude towards word, and your employer is telling you that by paying you so little

When the Min Wage in Colorado was raised to just over 5 bucks an hour, A Business owner was interviewed in the Airport Terminal who said it would great hurt his 6 McDonald's and he would have to lay off people. Where was he headed? His 6th vacation to Hawaii in the last year. Do you see something amiss here?

Yes, two things:

1) Real business owners don't have that kind of vacation time

2) You're a Marxist who wants wages set with government guns instead of workers receiving the economic value of their employment

Instead of running to government to pull out their guns, become a more valuable employee and you won't have to work at McDonald's

Actually, due to an Owner change, those 6 McDonalds are paying well above the Min Wage AND well above the local wage average for people without College Degrees. What came out of it was that good people went elsewhere and those 6 McDonalds were sold at a rock bottom price to the new Owner. You are partial correct. The Workers DID vote with their feet. But it wasn't until another Business came to town to hire them away that they could afford to leave. Now, Fast Food is hemorging from the lack of workers even with the Kiosks added.

Sounds like a bunch of shit you're just making up as you go. That McDonald's isn't profitable is at best an anecdotal story you cherry picked.

Basically your story comes down to that government should override wages and force businesses to pay low end workers more than they are worth because politicians are wise and business owners are stupid and forcing them to pay workers more than they are worth will in itself fix how stupid business owners are.

What a load of ...

It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

The dispensaries are all open here too, but this is a brand new one in our town that hasn't opened yet. Initially, our county refused to allow them but it seems they've changed their minds.

I have plants growing and I just need enough to get me to harvest. My daughter and her husband order online, but the minimum purchase is 3 ounces. They normally toss me a half ounce on my way out the door when I visit but they're running low too, waiting for an order.

Thanks for the invite, but the idea of going to the US is pretty scary at the moment. I got all excited the other day when they said that the Blue Jays would be playing their home games in Buffalo. I live less than 30 miles from the Peace Bridge to Buffalo. Then I remembered - the border is closed and no fans are allowed anyway.

That this is the worst problem in my life at the moment, speaks volumes.

OMG stop being a hysterical ninny. People who say the politically motivated hysteria that you do are idiots. People who live it like you do need to be cared for by nice men and women in white robes who give you a lot of medications
Look creep. You just want every discussion to go back to your Marxist ideology.

If you want to earn more money, work harder, be more reliable, have a good attitude and care about your job and employer. Obviously your employer doesn't value you, you don't value them. Your wages are up to you. You have to deserve them.

But the issue here is your desire to destroy the economy to win an election on November 3.


Creep: Please God, more Wuhan virus deaths, get more people fired, whatever it takes, God, whatever it takes.

Obviously you are in favor of people being paid more to not work than work because it supports your destroy the economy objective. If you want that, of course you want to change the subject
Lol, you're just fuckin' dumb as a post, aren't ya. You cannot see the issue and the connection even though it's been pointed out several times, and you don't even know what a Marxist is.

Get lost, Twinkle-Toes. You're just boring now.

Yes, there is clearly a connection. You want to pay people more to not work than they earn working so they don't work and harm the economy. It's shallowly obvious.

Your Marxist philosophy where you want wages controlled by government so we are fabulously wealthy like they are in Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba is what's off topic.

Again, your crappy wages are on YOUR. Work harder, be reliable, have a good attitude and care about your job and employer and it will work, your wages will go up.

What you make is your fault. Life is too short to be around people like you with a bad attitude towards word, and your employer is telling you that by paying you so little

When the Min Wage in Colorado was raised to just over 5 bucks an hour, A Business owner was interviewed in the Airport Terminal who said it would great hurt his 6 McDonald's and he would have to lay off people. Where was he headed? His 6th vacation to Hawaii in the last year. Do you see something amiss here?

Yes, two things:

1) Real business owners don't have that kind of vacation time

2) You're a Marxist who wants wages set with government guns instead of workers receiving the economic value of their employment

Instead of running to government to pull out their guns, become a more valuable employee and you won't have to work at McDonald's

Actually, due to an Owner change, those 6 McDonalds are paying well above the Min Wage AND well above the local wage average for people without College Degrees. What came out of it was that good people went elsewhere and those 6 McDonalds were sold at a rock bottom price to the new Owner. You are partial correct. The Workers DID vote with their feet. But it wasn't until another Business came to town to hire them away that they could afford to leave. Now, Fast Food is hemorging from the lack of workers even with the Kiosks added.

Sounds like a bunch of shit you're just making up as you go. That McDonald's isn't profitable is at best an anecdotal story you cherry picked.

Basically your story comes down to that government should override wages and force businesses to pay low end workers more than they are worth because politicians are wise and business owners are stupid and forcing them to pay workers more than they are worth will in itself fix how stupid business owners are.

What a load of ...

Hey, I just outlined the problem. Careful shooting at the messenger.
More projection from Twinkle-Toes.

I guess that really is all you've got.

Yet another no I'm not, kaz, you are from the creep. You've sent more than one eight year old home crying from the playground, haven't you?
""I alone can fix it""

And Democrats keep saying the same thing, and you keep saying Democrats are right when they say it.

Yet another example of your overt double standards
Even though the birth rates are declining in the US, poor Americans are still having more kids than rich Americans are having kids. That is why child poverty rates are still high in America. I haven’t understood why the trend continues.

Because it's one thing to pay for the upbringing of your own children and the taxpayers funding their existence for you. We have dozens of daycare centers in my suburb since the lower income people moved in. When it was just middle-class, we didn't have one. They survive by government vouchers to help encourage people to work. If you are not paying for your own children, you can have as many as you like, whereas working people can only have as many children as they can afford.
Sounds like a bunch of shit you're just making up as you go. That McDonald's isn't profitable is at best an anecdotal story you cherry picked.

Basically your story comes down to that government should override wages and force businesses to pay low end workers more than they are worth because politicians are wise and business owners are stupid and forcing them to pay workers more than they are worth will in itself fix how stupid business owners are.

What a load of ...

Hey, I just outlined the problem. Careful shooting at the messenger.

You're not the "messenger," you're the one who cherry picked a supposed anecdotal story that serves your purposes without representing the overall situation.

Duh, dar, McDonald's isn't profitable, kaz, but they would be if government pointed a gun at them and forced them to pay people more than they are worth.

It's massively retarded
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

You don't know shit about deductions. That's obvious in your statement. If you knew anything about them, you'd understand deductions don't amount to that much. Where is this proof that Trump asked the British anything? Trump denies that ever happened. It's more fake news that is spoon fed to you by the NYT or some other leftist lying media.
When trump takes deductions they mean a lot He understates or over states depending on the situation In short the man is a fn crook

Why would deductions for Trump mean anything different than my deductions? Deductions are deductions no matter who takes them.
Even though the birth rates are declining in the US, poor Americans are still having more kids than rich Americans are having kids. That is why child poverty rates are still high in America. I haven’t understood why the trend continues.

Because it's one thing to pay for the upbringing of your own children and the taxpayers funding their existence for you. We have dozens of daycare centers in my suburb since the lower income people moved in. When it was just middle-class, we didn't have one. They survive by government vouchers to help encourage people to work. If you are not paying for your own children, you can have as many as you like, whereas working people can only have as many children as they can afford.

Every once in awhile you make a post that makes sense. The Poor and Poverty always HAVE had more children. I really don't have the answer why. Maybe they just like to screw more.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

You don't know shit about deductions. That's obvious in your statement. If you knew anything about them, you'd understand deductions don't amount to that much. Where is this proof that Trump asked the British anything? Trump denies that ever happened. It's more fake news that is spoon fed to you by the NYT or some other leftist lying media.
When trump takes deductions they mean a lot He understates or over states depending on the situation In short the man is a fn crook

Why would deductions for Trump mean anything different than my deductions? Deductions are deductions no matter who takes them.

Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

You don't know shit about deductions. That's obvious in your statement. If you knew anything about them, you'd understand deductions don't amount to that much. Where is this proof that Trump asked the British anything? Trump denies that ever happened. It's more fake news that is spoon fed to you by the NYT or some other leftist lying media.
When trump takes deductions they mean a lot He understates or over states depending on the situation In short the man is a fn crook

Why would deductions for Trump mean anything different than my deductions? Deductions are deductions no matter who takes them.
His deductions deal mostly with his real estate empire understating value would be easy for him,, an empire btw he was supposed to divest himself of as president LOLhe gave it to his son IF theres a way to cheat that sob will find it
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

You don't know shit about deductions. That's obvious in your statement. If you knew anything about them, you'd understand deductions don't amount to that much. Where is this proof that Trump asked the British anything? Trump denies that ever happened. It's more fake news that is spoon fed to you by the NYT or some other leftist lying media.
When trump takes deductions they mean a lot He understates or over states depending on the situation In short the man is a fn crook

Why would deductions for Trump mean anything different than my deductions? Deductions are deductions no matter who takes them.

Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Even though the birth rates are declining in the US, poor Americans are still having more kids than rich Americans are having kids. That is why child poverty rates are still high in America. I haven’t understood why the trend continues.

Because it's one thing to pay for the upbringing of your own children and the taxpayers funding their existence for you. We have dozens of daycare centers in my suburb since the lower income people moved in. When it was just middle-class, we didn't have one. They survive by government vouchers to help encourage people to work. If you are not paying for your own children, you can have as many as you like, whereas working people can only have as many children as they can afford.

Every once in awhile you make a post that makes sense. The Poor and Poverty always HAVE had more children. I really don't have the answer why. Maybe they just like to screw more.
One answer might be the more children the more income they can provide to the family when they get to working age
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

You don't know shit about deductions. That's obvious in your statement. If you knew anything about them, you'd understand deductions don't amount to that much. Where is this proof that Trump asked the British anything? Trump denies that ever happened. It's more fake news that is spoon fed to you by the NYT or some other leftist lying media.
When trump takes deductions they mean a lot He understates or over states depending on the situation In short the man is a fn crook

Why would deductions for Trump mean anything different than my deductions? Deductions are deductions no matter who takes them.

Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
Why would deductions for Trump mean anything different than my deductions? Deductions are deductions no matter who takes them.
His deductions deal mostly with his real estate empire understating value would be easy for him,, an empire btw he was supposed to divest himself of as president LOLhe gave it to his son IF theres a way to cheat that sob will find it

Why would that matter for his taxes? If he sold something it's what he sold it for. We don't pay taxes on unrealized gains. So what are you even talking about understating value, how would that help him?

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