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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

$500Billion for corporations, another $500 billion for small businesses, billions in a stimulus check for workers, billions for hospitals, and billions for state gvts, billions and billions to PHARMA to create a vaccine etc etc etc....

But God forbid, getting money to the individual citizen, who was hurt the most by being laid off.....is some how, the wrong thing to do....

Money has been getting to them. Where have you been?

We all got our stimulus check or deposit. The federal government put a limited addition of extra unemployment money for those who were collecting from the state. In many cases, people were earning much more by being unemployed than when they were working.

You didn't "all" get stimulus checks Ray. Some people waited for months for their $1200 and are still
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?

I cannot believe the idiocy of the right. If this is what you truly believe is happening, you deserve to go broke and have your country destroyed. The economy is ALREADY WRECKED.

People cannot go back to work until YOU GET THE FUCKING VIRUS UNDER CONTROL.



Yes, your plan is to wreck the economy ... until November 3. This is not new information. The rest is your ridiculous hysteria over a virus that kills less than 1% of the people and is little threat to children. Screaming about it just shows all the more what a whack job you are.

Yes, those deaths are tragic. But so are is the domestic violence, suicides, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, destruction of lives, businesses and retirements and the developmental impact of children we're suffering by keeping us caged up.

I've pointed this out to you a bunch of times at this point and you keep ignoring it. Stop just being a hysterical woman running in circles and screaming like your hair is on fire and engage in discussion by actually addressing my points on the other side. Grow the fuck up. You're hysterical. I got it


It is utterly laughable that you're claiming massive rates of "domestic violence, suicide, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, the destruction of lives and businesses and returedment and developmental impact on children" on no evidence, and you're calling ME hysterical.

No one is "caged up". And if you are, you are utterly lacking in imagination. People were out walking their dogs, cutting their lawns, working in their gardens, and generally living their lives, throughout the shut down. They just did it with their immediate familys. Many people have said that they've finally gotten a lot of things done around the house they never had time for when they were working.


Your federal government response has been a clusterfuck since day one and has done nothing to shut the virus down, but is now everything possible to push helpless low wage workers, with no health insurance, back into the work force with no protections.

Let's calculate the cost to the economy of 70,000 people per day testing positive, in perpetuity, shall we. Because it's NOT just the number of people dying which is problematic, it's the impact of tens of thousands of people getting sick every day that is the problem.

20% of those who test postive get REALLY sick and require hospitalization. That's 14,000 people per day who will require hospitalization. When they go to hospital, they're in hospital for weeks, so you're not churning beds quickly. So how long will it be before you have no beds left in hospitals? Texas, Florida and Arizona are already there. If 14,000 people are going to hospital every day and staying for weeks, who is paying for their treatment - which is currently around $1 milllion per patient, if they survive? Or are you just going to stop treating them as well.

If 70,000 people test positive every day for a year, that's 25.1 million sick people per year, and 5.1 million hospitalizations based on a 20% hospitalization rate. You only have 1 million hospital beds in total. Where are going to put them, and who is going to care for them in hospital, because health care workers are in crisis.

You're all hysterical about people getting depressed and suicidal and yet you ignore the impact on health care workers who have to deal with all of these really sick people. Health care workers are dying while caring for the sick.

Health care workers are afraid to go home and spend time with their families. You worry about people being "caged up", what is happening to health care workers who are being pushed to the breaking point, sobbing on YouTube about how difficult it is to deal with this virus. Who in their right mind is going to want to be a doctor or a nurse after this? How many will people will leave the health care professions after this?

Currently, 6.7% of those who test positive in the USA, die. Not 1%. You have 2,190,000 closed cases, and 147,000 of those people have died. that's 6.7% of closed cases, not 1%. If 70,000 people get sick every day for a year, 5.1 million are hospitalized, and 342,000 Americans will die.

Your position ignores all of these facts and numbers, and then claims that I'm hysterical.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal

Again, I have given you facts and figures, and you call ME hysterical.

Canadians often say that someone's heart is as cold as a "Bay Street banker" or a "Bay Street lawyer". Bay Street lawyers and bankers are consider to be the least emotional people in the country. I've been both a Bay Street banker and a Bay Street law clerk. My professional career has always required me to back up my assertions with dispassionate analysis, including facts, figures, and links to statutes and laws.

My banking background required me to parse financial statements looking for weaknesses - rate of turnover, age of receiveables, industry standards for costs, gross profit margins, ratio of costs to profits.

I'm not the one making false claims here. I'm not the one who is hysterically claiming that more damage will be done to the country by shutting down than opening up. I'm the cold hearted analyst giving you the facts and why opening up and letting the virus run will cost your economy far more money than shutting down.

You haven't even tried to refute any of it. You just keep calling me hysterical.

Thank you very much.

I will say, I never got one penny of the stimulus.

I don't qualify due to my income. I don't want any of it either.

I just wish that the filthy rich had the same attitude. Too many people who didn't need help got millions.

kanye west even got 5 million.

While people like my cousin with a small dental prosthetic company didn't get any help and is now trying to figure out how to get his business back on foot.

There's still PPP money available, evidently your cousin isn't any smarter than you.

Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

And so you just answered your own question. You only want Trump's taxes to attack him. You never really cared what they actually said. That wasn't why candidates released their taxes. You walked right into that one
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

It's not even just finding something that sounds bad, it's making things that aren't bad sound bad. In other words, they will lie. eddiew has proven repeatedly that once Democrat handlers start pumping out lies about Trump's taxes, he'll endlessly repeat them
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

And so you just answered your own question. You only want Trump's taxes to attack him. You never really cared what they actually said. That wasn't why candidates released their taxes. You walked right into that one
Sure Why else would I want his taxes to be seen by experts? I strongly believe he's a thief and I want to see the worst happen to him
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

Are you trying to be amusing or are you trying to cheer up my day?

So which of you is dumb and which is dumber again? I can't keep track
IF when his taxes ever are shown I promise you if they don't find him cheating I'll never vote Dem again

If the IRS can't find him cheating or doing anything illegal, who in the public can? When Hillary brought up Trump's taxes, he made an offer to her: Trump said he will show his returns if she released her transcript to her speech at Wall Street. Guess what? Hillary didn't even consider the offer.

You mean Hillary was being political? Say it ain't so!
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

It's not even just finding something that sounds bad, it's making things that aren't bad sound bad. In other words, they will lie. eddiew has proven repeatedly that once Democrat handlers start pumping out lies about Trump's taxes, he'll endlessly repeat them
What would it take for you to admit trump is a lying crook ? OK OK we already know he's a liar and you put up with it What about if it was shown he's a crook?
And so you just answered your own question. You only want Trump's taxes to attack him. You never really cared what they actually said. That wasn't why candidates released their taxes. You walked right into that one
Sure Why else would I want his taxes to be seen by experts? I strongly believe he's a thief and I want to see the worst happen to him

The IRS aren't experts? Every return is audited.

When you say "expert," you mean Rachel Maddow or Chris Cuomo, a partisan politico who can spin whatever it says even if nothing is wrong with it, not a tax expert.

What is your evidence the IRS is unable to audit Trump for fraud?
If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

It's not even just finding something that sounds bad, it's making things that aren't bad sound bad. In other words, they will lie. eddiew has proven repeatedly that once Democrat handlers start pumping out lies about Trump's taxes, he'll endlessly repeat them
What would it take for you to admit trump is a lying crook ? OK OK we already know he's a liar and you put up with it What about if it was shown he's a crook?

I need more than the accusations of someone like you who cares more about your political party than your country
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

Damn you're one stupid little piece of shit. Golf tournaments are private companies, the emoluments clause wouldn't apply. Do you think the US Open is owned and operated by the US government? Are you really this stupid?

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

Damn you're one stupid little piece of shit. Golf tournaments are private companies, the emoluments clause wouldn't apply. Do you think the US Open is owned and operated by the US government? Are you really this stupid?

On one hand, eddiew is a hate filled, partisan leftist who wishing his country go in the crapper, people lose their jobs and as many possible die of the Biden virus for his own selfish benefit.

On the other hand ....


On the other hand ...


Sorry, that's all I've got ...
Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

The facilities Trump created were not designed or meant for nursing home patients who required special care:
Oh please, grow the hell up. You're the party with the "November 3 strategy" to destroy the economy and however lives it takes with it to win an election
I realize that's what breightbart is telling you, but they are lying.


You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.
Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

The facilities Trump created were not designed or meant for nursing home patients who required special care:
Oh please, grow the hell up. You're the party with the "November 3 strategy" to destroy the economy and however lives it takes with it to win an election
I realize that's what breightbart is telling you, but they are lying.


You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.

You're still just babbling Democrat party rhetoric. It's dull as shit. Well, except that every time you talk Nancy Pelosi's lips move. That part is pretty funny
This is directly on Congress, they had several months to work this out and failed to do anything except take vacations, which they want to do again in a week or two.

With all the sacrifices that they want Americans to make, not going on a vacation for a few weeks while many Americans are unemployed, have had hours cutback, benefits change, stressed because of Covid-19, rioting,, it is the least they could have done.

What happened to elected officials serving their constituents? They need to get a clue or get voted out.
And repub senate taking weekend off now in time of crisis

And the House and Senate took off earlier this month. They are all scheduled to leave again august 10th. Congress is void of leadership. Another example why the two parties need to end. We need to quit sending money and tell them why. We need to vote out all incumbents and tell them why. The problem is the voting public is just plain blind to the evil that our political system has become. No longer are representatives serving the voters, they have elevated themselves over the people and their cares and needs supersede the good of the American people.
You do understand that dems wrote up their bill 2 months and 10 days ago and republicans are the ones playing switch ,,,,

They passed a bill that they knew the Senate wouldn't approve. That is where the dirty details get smoothed out and since no one was serious about compromise, it wasn't going to happen. They should have both been to the table in June and hammered it out, but they play games and will continue to do so at the price of the public. I know you don't mind because you will continue to blame Republicans and others won't care because they will continue to blame Democrats, just politics as usual in an unusual time.
Who wasn't serious about compromise ??? Dems were ready to talk Repubs walked wanted no part of it Those ahs can't even agree with each other,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,except when it comes to kissing trumps butt

The republican definition of the word compromise is everyone doing every thing the republican wants without doing or even considering what everyone else wants.

It's their way or the highway only.

They believe that compromise is treason and working with the enemy.

Yes they believe their fellow American is their enemy if that person doesn't agree with the republican.

Wow, what a grand pile of projection.

Last edited:
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

Damn you're one stupid little piece of shit. Golf tournaments are private companies, the emoluments clause wouldn't apply. Do you think the US Open is owned and operated by the US government? Are you really this stupid?

Your pos ,stupid is trying to enrich himself Nothing new
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.

Sorry but congress passed it ages ago... This was the Democratic proposal.

The GOP and Trump had an argument about it and could continue negotiations with Democrats.

Sorry but this is all on GOP
Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

The facilities Trump created were not designed or meant for nursing home patients who required special care:
Oh please, grow the hell up. You're the party with the "November 3 strategy" to destroy the economy and however lives it takes with it to win an election
I realize that's what breightbart is telling you, but they are lying.


You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.

You're still just babbling Democrat party rhetoric. It's dull as shit. Well, except that every time you talk Nancy Pelosi's lips move. That part is pretty funny
Fauci says serious threats against him and his family Is that babble too ? Is he a liar? Couldn't be republican thugs ?
Your claim is ridiculous. Let's say the President is coming to your city. They close off the streets, everybody has to stay inside while the President is going to his destination. They close off all highways and roads. You mean to tell me the federal government has no legal authority to do that?

Years ago my niece got a DUI. She was right on the limit. The cop pulled her over on the highway. She passed all the tests except the breathalyzer. They were just about to let her go, and a state trooper pulled up. He talked to the officers and they explained everything. The Trooper told the officers to arrest her for DUI.

The local police officers had no choice. Troopers are state police, and have authority in the entire state, even if they are in your city. It's the chain of command. The cops even told my niece they were going to let her off the hook until that Trooper came over and again, he had authority over them.

yes, State Troopers (here as well) have that jurisdiction. It's given to them by the State Constitution. It's called "States Rights". Not Federal Rights. The Feds have whatever the Governor and Mayor allow them to have outside of Federal Controlled Property. You want to remove States Rights for Rump Rights.

It's amazing how leftists will flip on any issue. Now because of Trump you're a bunch of State right activists. LOL.

And at the same time while you're telling Trump to stay the f out of States, you're blaming him for the virus because you expect him to be a dictator as well as a medical researcher and doctor and fix it. That while you tell him to stay the f out of States. That while you tell him to control the States.

Flip, flop, flip, flop, flip, flop ....

During the DumBama era, he did such a bad job on immigration that Arizona decided they would make their own laws regarding illegals. It worked too. Many of them got the hell out of the state. Schools were reporting only half of the students attended. Various businesses were stating only half of their work crews showed up.

DumBama found out about it and took the state to court. The court ruled that Arizona couldn't make their own rules, and they had to rescind them. I don't recall anybody on the left crying states rights then.

Yep. Democrats are only selectively State right supporters.

I think and I think you're with me that I think the Federal government is restricted to only those things that are its Constitutional authority.

When Democrats don't want the Federal government involved because that gives them their way, they restrict the Federal government to no power, even the Constitutional powers it has.

Then when they want Federal power, the whole issue goes away, it's fine.

They're transparently shallow

No they are transparently lying scum bags. When the commiecrats have power they don't believe there is any limit to it, the Constitution be damned.

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Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

The facilities Trump created were not designed or meant for nursing home patients who required special care:
Oh please, grow the hell up. You're the party with the "November 3 strategy" to destroy the economy and however lives it takes with it to win an election
I realize that's what breightbart is telling you, but they are lying.


You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.

You're still just babbling Democrat party rhetoric. It's dull as shit. Well, except that every time you talk Nancy Pelosi's lips move. That part is pretty funny
Fauci says serious threats against him and his family Is that babble too ? Is he a liar? Couldn't be republican thugs ?

Faucci is a liar. For example how he said wearing masks was dangerous if you're not a medical professional. Then he said it's everyone's job to wear a mask. That wasn't just being wrong, that was lying.

And since Faucci has taken both sides of the issue, you obviously just made up who you think threatened him, you have no idea

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