Another Shooter, this time in Tenn.

What we need is for the theaters across the country to install a loaded, holstered gun in the arm of each theater seat, chained, so that they will not disappear. That way, bad guys will fear committing suicide by shooting up a theater........or something...... Let me check with the NRA about this.

actually.....the most cost effective method to defend against mass shooters in theaters.......take down the fucking " gun free zone" signs.......takes all of 2 seconds, and doesn't cost anything...

Yeah! Getting involved in a gun fight in a dark theater with 200 strangers would be so cool!
This theater had been boycotted for it's anti gun policy...or if you prefer it's pro mass murder policy...
The obvious question is how are these "gun free" policies implemented? Is every patron subjected to search by metal detector in the hands of an $8-an-hour usher who is certified as competent to use it? Or do they simply post a sign saying, "No Guns Allowed," which is naivete beyond the level of simple stupidity which does the intended psycho shooter a big favor.

"Gun Free" and "Drug Free" zones are enhancements. Steal a book from a car in a gun free zone, or smoke a 'J' in a drug free zone and add one year to the six month max for the former, and one year to 0 jail time for smoking that 'J' while in possession of a gun.
This theater had been boycotted for it's anti gun policy...or if you prefer it's pro mass murder policy...
The obvious question is how are these "gun free" policies implemented? Is every patron subjected to search by metal detector in the hands of an $8-an-hour usher who is certified as competent to use it? Or do they simply post a sign saying, "No Guns Allowed," which is naivete beyond the level of simple stupidity which does the intended psycho shooter a big favor.

"Gun Free" and "Drug Free" zones are enhancements. Steal a book from a car in a gun free zone, or smoke a 'J' in a drug free zone and add one year to the six month max for the former, and one year to 0 jail time for smoking that 'J' while in possession of a gun.

Of course using the zone law as if it's a failure when someone brings a gun into the zone is an example of abject ignorance, dishonesty, or both.
This theater had been boycotted for it's anti gun policy...or if you prefer it's pro mass murder policy...
The obvious question is how are these "gun free" policies implemented? Is every patron subjected to search by metal detector in the hands of an $8-an-hour usher who is certified as competent to use it? Or do they simply post a sign saying, "No Guns Allowed," which is naivete beyond the level of simple stupidity which does the intended psycho shooter a big favor.

"Gun Free" and "Drug Free" zones are enhancements. Steal a book from a car in a gun free zone, or smoke a 'J' in a drug free zone and add one year to the six month max for the former, and one year to 0 jail time for smoking that 'J' while in possession of a gun.

Of course using the zone law as if it's a failure when someone brings a gun into the zone is an example of abject ignorance, dishonesty, or both.

Really? It is a failure......the guy broke it....several people have ignored them...
This theater had been boycotted for it's anti gun policy...or if you prefer it's pro mass murder policy...
The obvious question is how are these "gun free" policies implemented? Is every patron subjected to search by metal detector in the hands of an $8-an-hour usher who is certified as competent to use it? Or do they simply post a sign saying, "No Guns Allowed," which is naivete beyond the level of simple stupidity which does the intended psycho shooter a big favor.

"Gun Free" and "Drug Free" zones are enhancements. Steal a book from a car in a gun free zone, or smoke a 'J' in a drug free zone and add one year to the six month max for the former, and one year to 0 jail time for smoking that 'J' while in possession of a gun.

Of course using the zone law as if it's a failure when someone brings a gun into the zone is an example of abject ignorance, dishonesty, or both.

Really? It is a failure......the guy broke it....several people have ignored them...

Did you quit school in the second grade, or get kicked out?
Yeah! Getting involved in a gun fight in a dark theater with 200 strangers would be so cool!
It's a choice between being intentionally killed by a psycho shooter or being accidentally killed by an intervening armed citizen. But that's the negative potential. The positive possibility is an armed citizen, possibly you, seated behind or close to the psycho when he gets his first shot off and promptly taking him out.

The likelihood of a positive outcome is enhanced in direct proportion to the number of armed citizens in the hypothetical example. But the thing to consider is the need for a rigid training requirement for obtaining a CCW permit. This will minimize the potential for bunch of untrained and incompetent cowboys blasting away in a crowded place.
Yeah! Getting involved in a gun fight in a dark theater with 200 strangers would be so cool!
It's a choice between being intentionally killed by a psycho shooter or being accidentally killed by an intervening armed citizen. But that's the negative potential. The positive possibility is an armed citizen, possibly you, seated behind or close to the psycho when he gets his first shot off and promptly taking him out.

The likelihood of a positive outcome is enhanced in direct proportion to the number of armed citizens in the hypothetical example. But the thing to consider is the need for a rigid training requirement for obtaining a CCW permit. This will minimize the potential for bunch of untrained and incompetent cowboys blasting away in a crowded place.

Sorry, rigid training means cost...cost means those without money don't get to exercise their right....that is one way they limit gun rights in the European countries....and it does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals....

And keep in mind...we currently have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense...without any training mandates in most states.....and the gun accidental death rate for 2013 from the CDC....505.....12.8 million people....505 accidental gun deaths of all kinds......and we have over 320 million guns in private hands......505 accidental gun deaths...

There is no need to mandate training in anyway that would limit gun ownership rights.

If you want to do something productive...mandate gun safety education in the public schools to coincide with fire safety training or all on it's own.....but good luck getting that past the gun grabbers....safer children means fewer dead children because of accidental gun deaths....and the propoganda value of a dead child because of a gun will not be surrendered by the anti gun extremists......

Keeping in 2013...accidental deaths of children 14 and under because of a country of over 320 million people........

Keep kids out of pools.....that would be more productive...
Yeah! Getting involved in a gun fight in a dark theater with 200 strangers would be so cool!
It's a choice between being intentionally killed by a psycho shooter or being accidentally killed by an intervening armed citizen. But that's the negative potential. The positive possibility is an armed citizen, possibly you, seated behind or close to the psycho when he gets his first shot off and promptly taking him out.

The likelihood of a positive outcome is enhanced in direct proportion to the number of armed citizens in the hypothetical example. But the thing to consider is the need for a rigid training requirement for obtaining a CCW permit. This will minimize the potential for bunch of untrained and incompetent cowboys blasting away in a crowded place.

I'll bet it would be almost as much fun as yelling, "Fire!!!!!!" in a crowded theater!
why did he do it?

Why does any untreated paranoid schizophrenic who has been involuntarily committed and released four times do anything?

Too bad for him that he didn't live in my state, AZ. Even with that history, he could have walked in to any gun show and bought himself a Glock and a few 30 round cartridges, since no background check is required.

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