Another slut teacher banging schoolboys

I can understand women being critical of this attractive young woman's actions -- even though the exact age of her supposed "victim" isn't given. The average age for a male to reach puberty is fourteen, so thirteen is rather young. But a seventeen year old boy is not only sexually mature, if he's normal sex is on his mind most of the time. So until we know what the actual age of the boy is I will regard all the negative commentary on the incident to be null and void.

I am surprised at the number of men commenting on this report who are critical of the teacher. There seems to be a disturbing difference in the nature of today's American men compared to those of my generation (the '40s and '50s). Not only have they become effeminized by the influence of aggressively "liberated" women and the social pressures of our increasingly domineering government, u lost sight of the difference between men and women and they're beginning to think like sissies. I will be interested in knowing how many of the adult male participants in this forum agree with me that the young lad who was "molested" by this cute young babe, presuming he is normal, is nothing but lucky.

We have laws, and at least in this country, even 17 is underage. I know it's a common theme in this forum to believe an underage male is "lucky" if they get some action from the teacher, but we have to have a line that shouldn't be crossed. Imagine the chaos if we allowed predatory teachers to have at it.
Do you think 15 year old girls would be "lucky" if an adult male OR female teacher nailed them ?
This discussion is about female teacher/male student. The reverse situation is very different and the reasons for it are obvious: these are the sexually aggressive nature of the male and the factor of female pregnancy. Those are the reasons for age of consent requirements, which originally were imposed to protect females from males. Pressure by protective mothers, who understand the quietly salacious nature of females, caused the same laws to be applied to males.

This is 2014 not 1914. Women can fight in combat now, and they can take the same punishment or consequences as men.

Female adult teachers should be treated the same way as male adult teachers.

We simply should not tolerate our teachers fucking the underage students. Men or women, period !
Part of the new generation, that can't wait to get naked and take selfies.

seems it was fine old school long as its a male teacher with an underage student.....not much was said or done....

seems women doing this has the men upset.. i think it just shows a general lack of internal containment
Any male who is "upset" by the concept of an attractive young female having sex with a sexually mature young male is abnormal.

I'll tell that one to my fellow school board members! :lol:
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When I was 14 my parents sent me to a summer camp to Lausanne, Switzerland and not only did I end up hooking up with many girls there, but I also ended up hooking up with one of the female counselors. Needless to say many of the male counselors who wanted to bang her were totally pissed off. She was a very pretty French girl who was in her 20's. I still have her picture in my dusty old photo albums.

About International Summer Camp Montana - Crans Montana, Switzerland

Did I feel "abused"? Fuck no, I felt like the luckiest guy on earth!
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I can understand women being critical of this attractive young woman's actions -- even though the exact age of her supposed "victim" isn't given. The average age for a male to reach puberty is fourteen, so thirteen is rather young. But a seventeen year old boy is not only sexually mature, if he's normal sex is on his mind most of the time. So until we know what the actual age of the boy is I will regard all the negative commentary on the incident to be null and void.

I am surprised at the number of men commenting on this report who are critical of the teacher. There seems to be a disturbing difference in the nature of today's American men compared to those of my generation (the '40s and '50s). Not only have they become effeminized by the influence of aggressively "liberated" women and the social pressures of our increasingly domineering government, they've lost sight of the difference between men and women and they're beginning to think like sissies. I will be interested in knowing how many of the adult male participants in this forum agree with me that the young lad who was "molested" by this cute young babe, presuming he is normal, is nothing but lucky.

I . . . think I agree.

Don't you mean, anything but lucky?
No. I mean lucky. Nothing but.

If I was that boy's father, I believe I would bring a civil suit for emotional and psychological damages. That teacher has now created a boy that will be wrecked, unable to focus on trade school or college.

Too damn early to be messing around with that sort of fire, too large of an age difference. Just horrible.
Sexual contact between a mature and psychologically normal young male and an attractive female is a perfectly natural and normal activity. Any male who might be psychologically damaged by it is a victim of repression imposed by external sources, such as religious fanaticism -- or extremely twisted parents.

Well, see, that's the point. I am an educated mature adult entrusted with the care and guidance of my children. I KNOW when kids are ready. I happen to know their bodies are ready to handle sex before their minds are. Most of the people on this thread seem to have been conditioned by MSM and the establishment and are acting like children themselves.

The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet

A Partially Connected Frontal Lobe

Jensen thinks this explains what was going on inside the brain of her younger son, Will, when he turned 16. Like Andrew, he'd been a good student, a straight arrow, with good grades and high SAT scores. But one morning on the way to school, he turned left in front of an oncoming vehicle. He and the other driver were OK, but there was serious damage to the car.

"It was, uh, totaled," Will says. "Down and out. And it was about 10 minutes before morning assembly. So most of the school passed by my wrecked car with me standing next to it."

"And lo and behold," his mother adds, "who was the other driver? It was a 21-year-old — also probably not with a completely connected frontal lobe." Recent studies show that neural insulation isn't complete until the mid-20s.

This also may explain why teenagers often seem so maddeningly self-centered. "You think of them as these surly, rude, selfish people," Jensen says. "Well, actually, that's the developmental stage they're at. They aren't yet at that place where they're thinking about — or capable, necessarily, of thinking about the effects of their behavior on other people. That requires insight."

And insight requires — that's right — a fully connected frontal lobe.

Teen Brains Are Not Fully Connected

The brain's "white matter" enables nerve signals to flow freely between different parts of the brain. In teenagers, the part that governs judgment is the last to be fully connected.


So in essence, an eighteen year old shows roughly the foresight and judgement of an aging 70 year old. How do we feel about hustlers and merchandisers that prey on our elderly for a buck? Yeah, same difference.
I suspect one of the teachers in my high school (a beautiful blonde history teacher, and though about 40, could have passed for 25) bedded at least one student my great disappointment, it was not me. Even at 15...hell no, I wouldn't have objected!
We have laws, and at least in this country, even 17 is underage. I know it's a common theme in this forum to believe an underage male is "lucky" if they get some action from the teacher, but we have to have a line that shouldn't be crossed. Imagine the chaos if we allowed predatory teachers to have at it.
Do you think 15 year old girls would be "lucky" if an adult male OR female teacher nailed them ?
This discussion is about female teacher/male student. The reverse situation is very different and the reasons for it are obvious: these are the sexually aggressive nature of the male and the factor of female pregnancy. Those are the reasons for age of consent requirements, which originally were imposed to protect females from males. Pressure by protective mothers, who understand the quietly salacious nature of females, caused the same laws to be applied to males.

This is 2014 not 1914. Women can fight in combat now, and they can take the same punishment or consequences as men.
Women also are routinely raped by men in the military, a circumstance which tends to refute the fundamental principle you are trying to establish. The simple fact is women do not belong in combat line companies -- the atmosphere of which, to the best of my recollection, is as macho as it gets.

Female adult teachers should be treated the same way as male adult teachers.
But female teachers are not male teachers and there are significant differences between the two genders where sexuality is concerned, the factor which this topic and discussion are about.

We simply should not tolerate our teachers fucking the underage students. Men or women, period !
Actually the criminal law and our social policies forbid that activity. But Nature's will often prevails -- Scarlet Letter or not.

Teen Brains Are Not Fully Connected

The brain's "white matter" enables nerve signals to flow freely between different parts of the brain. In teenagers, the part that governs judgment is the last to be fully connected.

This data is relevant where the effect of drugs is concerned, i.e., the introduction of chemicals which affect development of the organism and interfere with the natural process of growth and maturity. It is not relevant where sexual activity is concerned.

Sexual activity is a perfectly normal response to a natural urge and is not in any way injurious to the organism. Any psychological problems which might arise from it are the result of externally imposed influences, such as religious fanaticism or sexually repressive conditioning by parents/guardians.

When I was in high school, I had a teacher that looked as good as this women. She did terrible things to me. "Touched" me in ways I could only imagine. It was horrible. Horrible because I woke up.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to make fun. If such a horrible crime had ever happened to me, I don't know what I would have done. Gave her money maybe? Begged for more?
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When I was in high school, I had a teacher that looked as good as this women. She did terrible things to me. "Touched" me in ways I could only imagine. It was horrible. Horrible because I woke up.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to make fun. If such a horrible crime had ever happened to me, I don't know what I would have done. Gave her money maybe? Begged for more?

money would be the only way....
We have laws, and at least in this country, even 17 is underage. I know it's a common theme in this forum to believe an underage male is "lucky" if they get some action from the teacher, but we have to have a line that shouldn't be crossed. Imagine the chaos if we allowed predatory teachers to have at it.
Do you think 15 year old girls would be "lucky" if an adult male OR female teacher nailed them ?
This discussion is about female teacher/male student. The reverse situation is very different and the reasons for it are obvious: these are the sexually aggressive nature of the male and the factor of female pregnancy. Those are the reasons for age of consent requirements, which originally were imposed to protect females from males. Pressure by protective mothers, who understand the quietly salacious nature of females, caused the same laws to be applied to males.

This is 2014 not 1914. Women can fight in combat now, and they can take the same punishment or consequences as men.

Female adult teachers should be treated the same way as male adult teachers.

We simply should not tolerate our teachers fucking the underage students. Men or women, period !

Have to agree with this, if a male teacher gets nailed to the wall for fucking a female student same should apply to the female teachers who have sex with male students.

When I was in high school, I had a teacher that looked as good as this women. She did terrible things to me. "Touched" me in ways I could only imagine. It was horrible. Horrible because I woke up.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to make fun. If such a horrible crime had ever happened to me, I don't know what I would have done. Gave her money maybe? Begged for more?

She's definitely got those crazy eyes...

But oh good lord how quickly I would've jumped to smash that as a high schooler :eek:

Have to agree with this, if a male teacher gets nailed to the wall for fucking a female student same should apply to the female teachers who have sex with male students.
Boys generally are not subjected to the attention of lecherous female sexual aggressors. With few exceptions they are the aggressors and most of them are lecherous. They can't help it. Nature designed them this way for the purpose of propagating the species. And, most importantly, boys do not get pregnant.

Girls are different. They are passively seductive, not aggressive. They can't encourage a boy "do it" if he doesn't want to. So boys really don't need the kind of legal protection against sexual aggression girls do.

Without social protections (laws) against early sexual activity most girls would be taken advantage of by lecherous men and become pregnant before age sixteen. But the fact is an adolescent boy who is "seduced" by an attractive mature woman is among the lucky few. Most boys spend their adolescence masturbating, wishing, and dreaming about access to a receptive woman.

Most women won't agree with that because they know what very few men know, which is most women harbor a quiet kind of sexual lechery and they wish to protect their sons against their own kind. Thus the relatively recent inclusion of boys in Age of Consent legislation.
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