Another Trillion in Debt. Thanks Republicans.

The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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that's the frustrating part. if we're doing this well, pay down as much of that debt as we can. i don't get it. at all.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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At this rate, he is going to pass obama.

The rate is increasing.

Before the tax cut we were adding $2,692,377,671 to the debt each day on average.

After the tax cut we added 3,748,935,609 to the debt each day on average.

That is a 39% increase to the debt each day after the tax cut.

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It's another TDS thread! Shocking :rolleyes:


Deficit 101

To begin, here are a few facts to consider.

• From 1901 through 2015, the federal budget had a deficit in 82 out of 115 years. This equates to 71.3% of the time.

• From 1947 through 2015 (post WWII), the federal budget had a deficit in 57 out of 69 years. This equals 82.61% of the time.

We have a fucked up matter WHO is President.....Deal with it ! (and you call yourself a "Centrist"....)
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It's another TDS thread! Shocking :rolleyes:


You sheep sure as hell cared about the debt when Obama was in office.

Pull your head out of Trump’s ass and get some air, you are getting more brain damage with each passing proven by your dumbass post.

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The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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that's the frustrating part. if we're doing this well, pay down as much of that debt as we can. i don't get it. at all.
As I said before, Trump is a big government kind of guy. The deficit won't come down until we slash government spending, and we need to do that drastically.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Yeah if I were a Democrat I'd be trying to change the subject off of my Party's endorsement of character assassination too.

What did we get for it, a lot less people with insurance , kicked off of food stamps, decreases in Chip, Medicaid, more expensive Medicare, inflation, etc.
The top tax rate needs to increase and the defense budget needs to decrease. Otherwise SS and Medicare are defunct. The joint chiefs sued to say that the Debt was the biggest threat to the US, now they are breaking the budget.
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

Our liberal friends really had no problem with deficits when B Hussein O was our Autocrat.

To criticize deficit spending was to be accused of Evil Skinflintery, and now they actually seem concerned.
Hopefully the republicrats sweep the regressives out of every seat possible and we can slash spending on leftist slush funds. Once we throw all the illegals out we'll be running a surplus.
Too bad we still have hold overs from all those years of mismanagement. Things like ACA, having to replace the money stolen from Social Security, replacing the money stolen from Medicare. Not to mention having to increase military spending to compensate for under funding it in the first place.
The top tax rate needs to increase and the defense budget needs to decrease. .

Punishing people for their success, is no way to breed more success. Further, President Trump's initiative to limit deductions for state and local taxes for the UltraRich were actually hypocritically attacked by his liberal friends.

As far as the defense budget, I can agree with the idea of limiting benefits for soldiers and sailors, and quit covering Sex Change operations and abortions for men in uniform.
The top tax rate needs to increase and the defense budget needs to decrease. .

Punishing people for their success, is no way to breed more success. Further, President Trump's initiative to limit deductions for state and local taxes for the UltraRich were actually hypocritically attacked by his liberal friends.

As far as the defense budget, I can agree with the idea of limiting benefits for soldiers and sailors, and quit covering Sex Change operations and abortions for men in uniform.

Someone needs to pay the bills. The top tax rate got more than 90% of the tax cuts, they also got a windfall in the stock market rising due to the corporate tax cuts. Its not punishing the top rate, its paying the bills. We should also revise the entitlements to make them solvent for the long term. Things like adding a year to the SS retirement ages, throwing people off Medicare that didn't pay in, etc. Those fixes are pretty well known.
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

Our liberal friends really had no problem with deficits when B Hussein O was our Autocrat.

To criticize deficit spending was to be accused of Evil Skinflintery, and now they actually seem concerned.
and our conservative friends said how stupid it was to ignore the debt and keep adding to it.

if you're going to pick a position, great. but it would be even better if people would stick to them regardless of who is driving.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.

Unemployment had been moving down for 8 years, that did not change under Trump.

Trump has had one quarter over 4% GDP growth and the rest have been under 3%.

The CCI has been heading up since 2012, nothing changed after the election, it kept moving in the same direction.

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The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

Our liberal friends really had no problem with deficits when B Hussein O was our Autocrat.

To criticize deficit spending was to be accused of Evil Skinflintery, and now they actually seem concerned.

The Dem sheep had no issues with the debt under Obama. The Repub sheep have no issues with the debt under Trump.

That is the nature of sheep.

Personally I have been taking issue with it since Reagan.

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