Another Year And The Ones Who Were Involved In 911

{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.
{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.

So without having ever addressed the issue
that is why should I believe that fairy tale about 19 suicidal Arabs,
you choose to be rude and post insult yet again.....

Does anyone have any real 9/11 material to discuss
or is this whole bit going to be insult central?
{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.

So without having ever addressed the issue
that is why should I believe that fairy tale about 19 suicidal Arabs,
you choose to be rude and post insult yet again.....

Does anyone have any real 9/11 material to discuss
or is this whole bit going to be insult central?

I don't find it necessary to treat with respect the braying of any fool who claims, as you do, that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." Frankly, your silliness is dismissible and unworthy of consideration by rational people.
{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.

So without having ever addressed the issue
that is why should I believe that fairy tale about 19 suicidal Arabs,
you choose to be rude and post insult yet again.....

Does anyone have any real 9/11 material to discuss
or is this whole bit going to be insult central?

I don't find it necessary to treat with respect the braying of any fool who claims, as you do, that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." Frankly, your silliness is dismissible and unworthy of consideration by rational people.

and all of this rests on your interpretation of what constitutes "rational people"
thank you ever so much for your opinion.
{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.

So without having ever addressed the issue
that is why should I believe that fairy tale about 19 suicidal Arabs,
you choose to be rude and post insult yet again.....

Does anyone have any real 9/11 material to discuss
or is this whole bit going to be insult central?

I don't find it necessary to treat with respect the braying of any fool who claims, as you do, that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." Frankly, your silliness is dismissible and unworthy of consideration by rational people.

and all of this rests on your interpretation of what constitutes "rational people"
thank you ever so much for your opinion.

All this rests on your silly "Truther" claim that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001" but relax ... no one will ever confuse you with rational.
{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.

So without having ever addressed the issue
that is why should I believe that fairy tale about 19 suicidal Arabs,
you choose to be rude and post insult yet again.....

Does anyone have any real 9/11 material to discuss
or is this whole bit going to be insult central?

I don't find it necessary to treat with respect the braying of any fool who claims, as you do, that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." Frankly, your silliness is dismissible and unworthy of consideration by rational people.

and all of this rests on your interpretation of what constitutes "rational people"
thank you ever so much for your opinion.

All this rests on your silly "Truther" claim that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001" but relax ... no one will ever confuse you with rational.

its called failing to consider compelling evidence, have you even looked at the Evan Fairbanks video? you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops

So who here is claiming steel melted at the WTC on 9/11/2001?
You have nothing further to say on the subject because
You have no experience working with or being around steel
and when you said your husband walked on steel and it broke that has got to be one of the biggest lies I have ever read in this forum that even passes obama's lies.

You are confused. I never said I worked with steel (but I have) nor do most 6ft 2in Scotch drinkin', cigar smokin' guys have husbands. I simply asked who here is claiming steel melted at the WTC on 9/11 because those who do are talking out of their butts. That clear enough?
THE 911 commission report suggested 90% of the collapse was due to fire.
Are probably laughing. The neocons and Zionist in our gov and Israel. Congrats. Job well done, one we know the ignorant Muslims would never have access or means available to do.

That facts are, somebody is lying. Is it the people that witnessed the event, or is it the government?
To whom it concerns, i.e., everyone:
In 2006 Citizen Investigation Team launched an independent investigation into the act of terrorism which took place at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. This exhaustive three-year inquest involved multiple trips to the scene of the crime in Arlington, Virginia, close scrutiny of all official and unofficial data related to the event, and, most importantly, first-person interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses, many of which were conducted and filmed in the exact locations from which they witnessed the plane that allegedly struck the building that day.

Be forewarned: Our findings are extraordinarily shocking and frightening. They are also deadly serious, and deserving of your immediate attention. This is not about a conspiracy theory or any theory at all. This is about independent, verifiable evidence which unfortunately happens to conclusively establish as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a false flag "black operation" involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception.

If you are skeptical of (or even incensed by) this statement we do not blame you. We are not asking you to take our word for it, nor do we want you to do that. We want you to view the evidence and see with your own eyes that this is the case. We want you to hear it directly from the eyewitnesses who were there, just as we did.

Please understand that this information is not being brought to your attention simply for educational purposes. It is presented within the context of a “call to action” accompanied by a detailed step-by-step strategy intended to inspire and empower you to do something about it. But first, please familiarize yourself with the evidence by viewing and paying close attention to the 81-minute video presentation, National Security Alert.

Thank you for your concern and thank you for your action.


Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis

Citizen Investigation Team
NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT - Citizen Investigation Team - 9 11 Pentagon Attack Investigation Witness Interviews

That facts are, somebody is lying. Is it the citizens that witnessed the event, or is it the government bureaucrats?

{Sure, and I'll even use your own words:
"No planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." - NoSpammy}

Zackly how is it that the above constitutes an answer to anything?

It illustrates clearly to any rational person what a useless tool you are.

So without having ever addressed the issue
that is why should I believe that fairy tale about 19 suicidal Arabs,
you choose to be rude and post insult yet again.....

Does anyone have any real 9/11 material to discuss
or is this whole bit going to be insult central?
yeah Im not sure why some feel the need to be rude or discuss anything other than 9/11 I am very interested in the 9/11 attack
was 9/11 a controlled demolition?

It was all set up by Israel and neocons in our USA gov (Zionist) Please read the PNAC document. PM Bibl father foreseen MUSLIMS flying planes into the world trade towers in the early 90's. Must of been a psyche, or did he put thoughts in his sons head.
was 9/11 a controlled demolition?

It was all set up by Israel and neocons in our USA gov (Zionist) Please read the PNAC document. PM Bibl father foreseen MUSLIMS flying planes into the world trade towers in the early 90's. Must of been a psyche, or did he put thoughts in his sons head.
so what is the PNAC document? can you provide a link for me...

Here is the 90 page document. Look up all the people and see what positions they were in pre 9-11 and post 9-11. You will find all Zionist Jews and Neocons of our Gov with are Zionist as well, in other words "war mongers"
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
only twoofers that say melting. steel weakens and bends at 570 degrees.
  • In the investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in 2001, the failure of the structural steel has been attributed in part to the fires ignited by jet fuel that spread throughout several floors. While estimates vary, the jet fuel fires could have created temperatures as high as 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Research has shown that steel begins to weaken at approximately 570 degrees Fahrenheit, and that the critical temperature for failure is approximately 1,020 degrees Fahrenheit. This can vary widely with the load on top of that steel. The powerful impact of the airplanes as well as the intensity of the fire contributed to the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Read more : What Weakens Steel eHow
Last edited:
was 9/11 a controlled demolition?
no .no evidence of explosives or accelerants were found.
if you are actually doing a paper or report ,then remember speculation is not fact.
the crapspiracy theorists you are talking to on this thread can't tell the difference.
if you're bullshiting it's a totally weak performance.
was 9/11 a controlled demolition?
no .no evidence of explosives or accelerants were found.
if you are actually doing a paper or report ,then remember speculation is not fact.
the crapspiracy theorists you are talking to on this thread can't tell the difference.
if you're bullshiting it's a totally weak performance.

please be so kind as to trot out the DOCUMENT that states explosives were looked for and by what means and what sampling technique & how many samples were tested.
I really wanna know. where is it?
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
only twoofers that say melting. steel weakens and bends at 570 degrees.
  • In the investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in 2001, the failure of the structural steel has been attributed in part to the fires ignited by jet fuel that spread throughout several floors. While estimates vary, the jet fuel fires could have created temperatures as high as 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Research has shown that steel begins to weaken at approximately 570 degrees Fahrenheit, and that the critical temperature for failure is approximately 1,020 degrees Fahrenheit. This can vary widely with the load on top of that steel. The powerful impact of the airplanes as well as the intensity of the fire contributed to the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Read more : What Weakens Steel eHow

National Geographic should be seriously ashamed of this farce that they promoted.
The first highly disingenuous bit about this is the fact that the piece of steel isn't connected to anything its simply a single beam that has load stacked on it and heated, however, in the case of the towers, there had been fire in parts of the tower, and no fire in other parts, the parts that had no fire would function as a heat-sink and the steel would conduct off the heat rather than raising the temperature of the single bit.
also there is a study that has been done either by UL or their British counterpart that subjected building steel to fire and did so for longer burn times than the towers experienced and the ONLY effect of this was some deformation of floor trusses but NO danger of collapse for the structure. The other feature of this that is not being properly addressed is the fact that the towers came down in a manner that required all of the physical connections in any given floor-level to fail all at the same time, because if they did not, the mass above the as yet undamaged part of the tower, would have to tip shifting its center of gravity and dumping mass quantities of rubble over one side of the tower and stopping the action before the total destruction of the tower.
Last edited:
was 9/11 a controlled demolition?
no .no evidence of explosives or accelerants were found.
if you are actually doing a paper or report ,then remember speculation is not fact.
the crapspiracy theorists you are talking to on this thread can't tell the difference.
if you're bullshiting it's a totally weak performance.

please be so kind as to trot out the DOCUMENT that states explosives were looked for and by what means and what sampling technique & how many samples were tested.
I really wanna know. where is it?

Did you ever play Whac-a-Mole as a kid (or for you, lately)? It doesn't seem to matter how often or completely your silliness is refuted you simply pop-up in another hole. Skylar was the latest norm to patiently destroy your silliness point-by-point and you consistently covered you eyes and ears when exposed to the light. You have demonstrated an aversion (or an allergy) to the truth all while failing to post a shred of evidence for any of your foil-hated scenarios. If your purpose here is to embarrass yourself and/or the "Truther" Movement, you have done a magnificent job.
I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
only twoofers that say melting. steel weakens and bends at 570 degrees.
  • In the investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in 2001, the failure of the structural steel has been attributed in part to the fires ignited by jet fuel that spread throughout several floors. While estimates vary, the jet fuel fires could have created temperatures as high as 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Research has shown that steel begins to weaken at approximately 570 degrees Fahrenheit, and that the critical temperature for failure is approximately 1,020 degrees Fahrenheit. This can vary widely with the load on top of that steel. The powerful impact of the airplanes as well as the intensity of the fire contributed to the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Read more : What Weakens Steel eHow

National Geographic should be seriously ashamed of this farce that they promoted...

Perhaps in your Bizarro World would a credible source like Nat Geo be ashamed of promoting facts while idiots like you strut around posting absolute BS.
Grow the fuck up, Princess (with all due respect).
was 9/11 a controlled demolition?
no .no evidence of explosives or accelerants were found.
if you are actually doing a paper or report ,then remember speculation is not fact.
the crapspiracy theorists you are talking to on this thread can't tell the difference.
if you're bullshiting it's a totally weak performance.

please be so kind as to trot out the DOCUMENT that states explosives were looked for and by what means and what sampling technique & how many samples were tested.
I really wanna know. where is it?

Did you ever play Whac-a-Mole as a kid (or for you, lately)? It doesn't seem to matter how often or completely your silliness is refuted you simply pop-up in another hole. Skylar was the latest norm to patiently destroy your silliness point-by-point and you consistently covered you eyes and ears when exposed to the light. You have demonstrated an aversion (or an allergy) to the truth all while failing to post a shred of evidence for any of your foil-hated scenarios. If your purpose here is to embarrass yourself and/or the "Truther" Movement, you have done a magnificent job.

So rather than post the DOCUMENT, you choose to blame me for being allegedly obtuse in this matter. Thank You very much, My point here is either put up or shut-up if it is documented so as to remove all doubt in this matter, please do provide said DOCUMENT. but the fact is that I would give it 99.99% probability that it doesn't exist because no scientific testing for explosives was done. Note that the NIST has already gone on record stating that they didn't test for explosives because they knew it would be a waste of time...... go figure!?!?!?!

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