Another Year And The Ones Who Were Involved In 911

Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Or perhaps you just aren't bright enough to reject your own bigotry.

So I'm now a bigot as I don't align with your views. I see, another nice colorful name.
They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Right, I am not here to seek approval from others, just to discuss and debate.

Camel crap. Your aversion to facts and insistence that all world events are somehow connected to some "Global Jewish Conspiracy" exposes what you are and why you are here. You fool absolutely no one.

There is no global conspiracy, there is reality, to wit- Israel only exists for Jews, Israel only survives because of the US, the US buys arab oil to keep relative peace to protect the Jewish State.

You don't need some great secret star chamber to make that happen. All you need is endless "holocaust" recollections to support the Zionist cause for Israel to be, and for the US to back Israel no if's, and's or but's. It's not magic.

Uh-huh ... and your "reality" is that there is a "Global Jewish Conspiracy." Time for a reality check, Princess, and perhaps another visit to a mental health professional.

There is no conspiracy. Are all Jews as stupid as you?

I'm well aware of that. Perhaps you could explain it to your comrade, Pennelope, rather than feed her paranoia. BTW, what makes you think I'm Jewish, Adolph?
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Or perhaps you just aren't bright enough to reject your own bigotry.

So I'm now a bigot as I don't align with your views. I see, another nice colorful name.

Jew-hater, Nazi, bigot ... all the same. You fool no one and your "Christian" pretention is downright laughable. Perhaps you meant Christian Identity?
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding.

Except no one here is trying to shut you up. If you are feeling embarrassment it's because you are one.

good point so far did anyone tell Penelope to "shut up"??

You say it every time you call us Nazi, but we don't care what you call us.

what does "NAZI" mean to you? ------it is actually ---simply an ideology-----which advocates intense NATIONALISM------
mixed --with "socialism" and includes
a concept that ----jews are screwing everything up------

Baathism is intense ARAB NATIONALISM----
and includes the "jews screw things" idea---
---therefore it is NAZISM

there are several such movements historically---I would define CONSTANTINE as a NAZI------he was the first emperor of the holy roman empire ----and was INTENSELY
nationalistic------in fact, he invented what came to be known as the NUREMBURG LAWS-----he sowed the seeds of the BLOSSOMING OF GENOCIDE-----the inquisition was based on his system of
"law" ----was were the concentration camps---
and the many genocides inflicted by muslims---including the very recent----Armenian genocide, Biafran genocide---and even the genocide in east Pakistan---and sudan. You find it wrong to refer to intensive nationalism associated with genocide NAZISM <<< it is actually a fairly
accurate translation
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Or perhaps you just aren't bright enough to reject your own bigotry.

So I'm now a bigot as I don't align with your views. I see, another nice colorful name.

Jew-hater, Nazi, bigot ... all the same. You fool no one.

So people who think the US should stay out of Israeli affairs are just "jew-haters"? Talk about a worn out simpleton's mantra.
"OK so we have the opinion of one of America's preeminent professors of Natural and Applied Sciences (physics) who says the 9/11 CT Movement is a mishmash of "pseudoscience" which, when confronted with real science crumbles faster than the WTC 2,"

Will somebody please name this PREEMINENT professor?
Well I I'm in agreement with Pennywise on this issue , and I don't find him/her paranoid.
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Or perhaps you just aren't bright enough to reject your own bigotry.

So I'm now a bigot as I don't align with your views. I see, another nice colorful name.

Jew-hater, Nazi, bigot ... all the same. You fool no one.

So people who think the US should stay out of Israeli affairs are just "jew-haters"? Talk about a worn out simpleton's mantra.

It isn't me who claims our only interest in the Mideast is Israel. As already mentioned, you fool no one (except maybe Penelope).
Right, I am not here to seek approval from others, just to discuss and debate.

Camel crap. Your aversion to facts and insistence that all world events are somehow connected to some "Global Jewish Conspiracy" exposes what you are and why you are here. You fool absolutely no one.

There is no global conspiracy, there is reality, to wit- Israel only exists for Jews, Israel only survives because of the US, the US buys arab oil to keep relative peace to protect the Jewish State.

You don't need some great secret star chamber to make that happen. All you need is endless "holocaust" recollections to support the Zionist cause for Israel to be, and for the US to back Israel no if's, and's or but's. It's not magic.

Uh-huh ... and your "reality" is that there is a "Global Jewish Conspiracy." Time for a reality check, Princess, and perhaps another visit to a mental health professional.

There is no conspiracy. Are all Jews as stupid as you?

I'm well aware of that. Perhaps you could explain it to your comrade, Pennelope, rather than feed her paranoia. BTW, what makes you think I'm Jewish, Adolph?

I can smell the gefilte fish from all the way over here.

Which part is funny?[/QUOTE]

the funny part is your parroting of a worn out hackneyed and meaningless claim -----akin to
the infamous----"some of my best friends...."
"OK so we have the opinion of one of America's preeminent professors of Natural and Applied Sciences (physics) who says the 9/11 CT Movement is a mishmash of "pseudoscience" which, when confronted with real science crumbles faster than the WTC 2,"

Will somebody please name this PREEMINENT professor?

You're kidding, right? Steven Dutch was not only named but a link was provided. You really are blind, deaf and DUMB.
They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Or perhaps you just aren't bright enough to reject your own bigotry.

So I'm now a bigot as I don't align with your views. I see, another nice colorful name.

Jew-hater, Nazi, bigot ... all the same. You fool no one.

So people who think the US should stay out of Israeli affairs are just "jew-haters"? Talk about a worn out simpleton's mantra.

It isn't me who claims our only interest in the Mideast is Israel. As already mentioned, you fool no one (except maybe Penelope).

We have energy enough for a thousand years here in America. You are the one who isn't fooling anyone. American's die for Israel. That's sick shit.
Camel crap. Your aversion to facts and insistence that all world events are somehow connected to some "Global Jewish Conspiracy" exposes what you are and why you are here. You fool absolutely no one.

There is no global conspiracy, there is reality, to wit- Israel only exists for Jews, Israel only survives because of the US, the US buys arab oil to keep relative peace to protect the Jewish State.

You don't need some great secret star chamber to make that happen. All you need is endless "holocaust" recollections to support the Zionist cause for Israel to be, and for the US to back Israel no if's, and's or but's. It's not magic.

Uh-huh ... and your "reality" is that there is a "Global Jewish Conspiracy." Time for a reality check, Princess, and perhaps another visit to a mental health professional.

There is no conspiracy. Are all Jews as stupid as you?

I'm well aware of that. Perhaps you could explain it to your comrade, Pennelope, rather than feed her paranoia. BTW, what makes you think I'm Jewish, Adolph?

I can smell the gefilte fish from all the way over here.

Your sniffer seems to have a default position. Anyone who recognizes your bigotry must be a Joooo. Got it.
Or perhaps you just aren't bright enough to reject your own bigotry.

So I'm now a bigot as I don't align with your views. I see, another nice colorful name.

Jew-hater, Nazi, bigot ... all the same. You fool no one.

So people who think the US should stay out of Israeli affairs are just "jew-haters"? Talk about a worn out simpleton's mantra.

It isn't me who claims our only interest in the Mideast is Israel. As already mentioned, you fool no one (except maybe Penelope).

We have energy enough for a thousand years here in America. You are the one who isn't fooling anyone. American's die for Israel. That's sick shit.

Once more for the Terminally Dense One:
Remove your blinder and your ear muffs and listen up:
We operate in a GLOBAL economy. There is no way around it. We need our foreign trading partners and that global market just as they need us. Yeah, we get "only" 8% or so of our oil from Mideast sources but the rest of the world needs that oil not only to lubricate business but to keep an unimaginable catastrophe from befalling much of the world that would eventually land here as well. Unless you would have us return to the 18th Century you will have to face the fact that oil makes our world go 'round. Believe it or not, not everything is about Israel or the Zionists.

Which part is funny?

the funny part is your parroting of a worn out hackneyed and meaningless claim -----akin to
the infamous----"some of my best friends...."[/QUOTE]

I was brought up in a Christian home, even though I am agnostic. My parents still send money to those "poor suffering jews" in eastern Europe that the scheister on TV sells.
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Right, I am not here to seek approval from others, just to discuss and debate.

Camel crap. Your aversion to facts and insistence that all world events are somehow connected to some "Global Jewish Conspiracy" exposes what you are and why you are here. You fool absolutely no one.

There is no global conspiracy, there is reality, to wit- Israel only exists for Jews, Israel only survives because of the US, the US buys arab oil to keep relative peace to protect the Jewish State.

You don't need some great secret star chamber to make that happen. All you need is endless "holocaust" recollections to support the Zionist cause for Israel to be, and for the US to back Israel no if's, and's or but's. It's not magic.

try again------the ZIONIST CAUSE and ISRAEL existed long before your hero adolf wrote Mein Kampf and, to your delight---murdered more than a million jewish kids.

in fact----just the filth accomplished by the rapist pig in Arabia recorded in the Koran would be enough justification.
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Right, I am not here to seek approval from others, just to discuss and debate.

Camel crap. Your aversion to facts and insistence that all world events are somehow connected to some "Global Jewish Conspiracy" exposes what you are and why you are here. You fool absolutely no one.

There is no global conspiracy, there is reality, to wit- Israel only exists for Jews, Israel only survives because of the US, the US buys arab oil to keep relative peace to protect the Jewish State.

You don't need some great secret star chamber to make that happen. All you need is endless "holocaust" recollections to support the Zionist cause for Israel to be, and for the US to back Israel no if's, and's or but's. It's not magic.

try again------the ZIONIST CAUSE and ISRAEL existed long before your hero adolf wrote Mein Kampf and, to your delight---murdered more than a million jewish kids.

in fact----just the filth accomplished by the rapist pig in Arabia recorded in the Koran would be enough justification.
The Zionist cause does not exist if not for the largess of the US TAXPAYER.

Maybe you folks ought to grow up and move out of our basement.

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