Another Year And The Ones Who Were Involved In 911

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?
To take down the building to cause them to collapse...

The planes that slammed into WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11/2001 did not bring down any buildings and no knowledgeable person would make so silly a claim.
You say you are logged in to an obscure conspiracy theory forum to get an education on what happened that day. That's ridiculous. I call fraud.
So you don't think I am doing this for school? And yeah I don't think the planes caused the buildings to fall...that's my point..why are people so rude?

Because you could have read this or any of a half dozen threads on the subject here and learned what people think and why. You wanted to spread your particular CT gospel but you wanted kid-glove treatment. As for your "doing this for school" business? Even if it was a psyche lesson - which obviously it is not - you'd do better just to read and then engage posters on their motivations. No, I believe you are a fraud. You will find at least as much BS on a message board as you will facts and as already noted you clearly aren't here to learn but rather to spread. you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?
To take down the building to cause them to collapse...

The planes that slammed into WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11/2001 did not bring down any buildings and no knowledgeable person would make so silly a claim.
You say you are logged in to an obscure conspiracy theory forum to get an education on what happened that day. That's ridiculous. I call fraud.
So you don't think I am doing this for school? And yeah I don't think the planes caused the buildings to fall...that's my point..why are people so rude?

Because you could have read this or any of a half dozen threads on the subject here and learned what people think and why. You wanted to spread your particular CT gospel but you wanted kid-glove treatment. As for your "doing this for school" business? Even if it was a psyche lesson - which obviously it is not - you'd do better just to read and then engage posters on their motivations. No, I believe you are a fraud. You will find at least as much BS on a message board as you will facts and as already noted you clearly aren't here to learn but rather to spread.

My take on con (n) is ----he can't be a high
school student-----because those kids get
GENERAL SCIENCE which he seems to have either forgotten----or never bothered to
learn-----but even if he did not learn it well----
if he were a high school student ---the basics
would still be fresh in his mind. If he is a college boy-----he should try to find a nice
occupational training program
OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

All of the "debri" was not shipped "over seas," why would FEMA go through it and what "controlled demolition" are you referring to?
Most of the steel was taken away right away..and I'm sure there could have been research done to see exactly how the buildings feel since there is a lot of question about that. And whoever was in controlll of this. The government..who ever I am unsure at this point who I think...I just don't think what the "truth" is the truth there is more to it​

It took months to untangle and remove all the "debri" and the gov't and the non-gov't agencies charged with investigating sifted through it for months. If you were truly here to learn something you would not be posting thoroughly discredited 9/11 CTBS. I say you are a fraud hiding behind your "research" ploy. Come on out of the closet and state your true agenda.
My agenda? Just to see what others think..I'm aware we will probably never find the answer we want..but I do strongly believe there is more to this then what we think..

You mean we will never find the answers YOU want and perhaps that is because you aren't after the truth but rather validation for your own preferred conclusions.
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

All of the "debri" was not shipped "over seas," why would FEMA go through it and what "controlled demolition" are you referring to?
Most of the steel was taken away right away..and I'm sure there could have been research done to see exactly how the buildings feel since there is a lot of question about that. And whoever was in controlll of this. The government..who ever I am unsure at this point who I think...I just don't think what the "truth" is the truth there is more to it​

It took months to untangle and remove all the "debri" and the gov't and the non-gov't agencies charged with investigating sifted through it for months. If you were truly here to learn something you would not be posting thoroughly discredited 9/11 CTBS. I say you are a fraud hiding behind your "research" ploy. Come on out of the closet and state your true agenda.
My agenda? Just to see what others think..I'm aware we will probably never find the answer we want..but I do strongly believe there is more to this then what we think..

You mean we will never find the answers YOU want and perhaps that is because you aren't after the truth but rather validation for your own preferred conclusions.

sayit-----so it seems-----I wonder if "con(n) would be willing to SHARE his actual theories-------rather than just dimissing
"the official account"

CONN--over to you. I should add that
by the day after the event----since I lived and worked at that time in a part of the world-----
chock full of muslims----I heard the MUSLIM
ACCOUNT. They had the whole thing tied
up with a pink bow long before the smoke cleared
Is it possible for planes to do what?
To take down the building to cause them to collapse...

The planes that slammed into WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11/2001 did not bring down any buildings and no knowledgeable person would make so silly a claim.
You say you are logged in to an obscure conspiracy theory forum to get an education on what happened that day. That's ridiculous. I call fraud.
So you don't think I am doing this for school? And yeah I don't think the planes caused the buildings to fall...that's my point..why are people so rude?

Because you could have read this or any of a half dozen threads on the subject here and learned what people think and why. You wanted to spread your particular CT gospel but you wanted kid-glove treatment. As for your "doing this for school" business? Even if it was a psyche lesson - which obviously it is not - you'd do better just to read and then engage posters on their motivations. No, I believe you are a fraud. You will find at least as much BS on a message board as you will facts and as already noted you clearly aren't here to learn but rather to spread.

My take on con (n) is ----he can't be a high school student-----

It's of no significance. The whole babe-in-the-woods routine is clearly a cover for "we will probably never find the answer we want" (read: the answer HE/SHE wants).
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is beyond disturbing and makes no sense unless you take into account the context of our business with them and how that relates to the entire region.

We buy terrorists oil to prevent Saudi Arabia and the rest from a full scale war with Israel. We fund the Israeli army and fully support the Zionist cause because *americans whose first allegiance is to Israel control American foreign policy, and have since the end of WW2, with an ever increasing choke-hold on the leaders of both major parties, regardless of who sits in the White House.

We have all the natural resources we need to fully sustain our economy with energy. We are not in the business of Saudi oil because it's cheap, it's cheap enough to keep American people at bay, but no bargain. We are suckers, the lot of us. Some of us woke up to this, while the rest still believe the news that comes from the idiot box, no matter what the channel.

you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is beyond disturbing and makes no sense unless you take into account the context of our business with them and how that relates to the entire region.

We buy terrorists oil to prevent Saudi Arabia and the rest from a full scale war with Israel. We fund the Israeli army and fully support the Zionist cause because *americans whose first allegiance is to Israel control American foreign policy, and have since the end of WW2, with an ever increasing choke-hold on the leaders of both major parties, regardless of who sits in the White House.

We have all the natural resources we need to fully sustain our economy with energy. We are not in the business of Saudi oil because it's cheap, it's cheap enough to keep American people at bay, but no bargain. We are suckers, the lot of us. Some of us woke up to this, while the rest still believe the news that comes from the idiot box, no matter what the channel.

you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.

WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is beyond disturbing and makes no sense unless you take into account the context of our business with them and how that relates to the entire region.

We buy terrorists oil to prevent Saudi Arabia and the rest from a full scale war with Israel. We fund the Israeli army and fully support the Zionist cause because *americans whose first allegiance is to Israel control American foreign policy, and have since the end of WW2, with an ever increasing choke-hold on the leaders of both major parties, regardless of who sits in the White House.

We have all the natural resources we need to fully sustain our economy with energy. We are not in the business of Saudi oil because it's cheap, it's cheap enough to keep American people at bay, but no bargain. We are suckers, the lot of us. Some of us woke up to this, while the rest still believe the news that comes from the idiot box, no matter what the channel.

you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.

WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)

You people have Nazi Tourette's. What answer is it you have deluded yourself into foisting upon me? My answer is simple- get the US out of the M.E. and stop funding Israel. Surely the great and magical Zionist Regime can take care of themselves at this point.
you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.

WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)

You people have Nazi Tourette's. What answer is it you have deluded yourself into foisting upon me? My answer is simple- get the US out of the M.E. and stop funding Israel. Surely the great and magical Zionist Regime can take care of themselves at this point.

what is "Nazi tourettes"?? I will help you---GIES DE LA TOURETTE---was a student of the famed CHARCOT ------he described a SYNDROME----which involves tick like
verbalizations ------as a syndrome it is considered within the CONSTELLATION of
MOVEMENT disorders because like other
movement disorders it involves dysfunction of the BASAL GANGLIA (of which even the substantia nigra----is functionally a part) ----
now do you understand? You should avoid using words that you do not understand---it makes you appear to be very stupid. Islamo-nazisms generally consist of words that islamo Nazis cannot define
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.

WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)

You people have Nazi Tourette's. What answer is it you have deluded yourself into foisting upon me? My answer is simple- get the US out of the M.E. and stop funding Israel. Surely the great and magical Zionist Regime can take care of themselves at this point.

what is "Nazi tourettes"?? I will help you---GIES DE LA TOURETTE---was a student of the famed CHARCOT ------he described a SYNDROME----which involves tick like
verbalizations ------as a syndrome it is considered within the CONSTELLATION of
MOVEMENT disorders because like other
movement disorders it involves dysfunction of the BASAL GANGLIA (of which even the substantia nigra----is functionally a part) ----
now do you understand? You should avoid using words that you do not understand---it makes you appear to be very stupid. Islamo-nazisms generally consist of words that islamo Nazis cannot define

Again, the Nazi Tourette's. Try discussing the subject without the juvenile Hitler references, if you are capable. If you aren't, STFU and stop making an ass of yourself.
You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.

WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)

You people have Nazi Tourette's. What answer is it you have deluded yourself into foisting upon me? My answer is simple- get the US out of the M.E. and stop funding Israel. Surely the great and magical Zionist Regime can take care of themselves at this point.

what is "Nazi tourettes"?? I will help you---GIES DE LA TOURETTE---was a student of the famed CHARCOT ------he described a SYNDROME----which involves tick like
verbalizations ------as a syndrome it is considered within the CONSTELLATION of
MOVEMENT disorders because like other
movement disorders it involves dysfunction of the BASAL GANGLIA (of which even the substantia nigra----is functionally a part) ----
now do you understand? You should avoid using words that you do not understand---it makes you appear to be very stupid. Islamo-nazisms generally consist of words that islamo Nazis cannot define

Again, the Nazi Tourette's. Try discussing the subject without the juvenile Hitler references, if you are capable. If you aren't, STFU and stop making an ass of yourself.

Again----you said expressed nothing of your own----just the STEREOTYPICAL islamo Nazi shit Every profession and avocation has a LINGO------I know the islamo Nazi lingo because I read your stuff way back----starting before 1960---when I was just a little kid. -----at that time ----your fellows had not yet come up with the use of the term
"Tourette's" ----because the term "tourettes" was not yet a gutter word----Tourette's dates way back to about the time of the turn of the 19th --20th century----but once it hit the gutters----you and your fellows picked it up.
Some tihngs never change
Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?

Talk about dim.

WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)

You people have Nazi Tourette's. What answer is it you have deluded yourself into foisting upon me? My answer is simple- get the US out of the M.E. and stop funding Israel. Surely the great and magical Zionist Regime can take care of themselves at this point.

what is "Nazi tourettes"?? I will help you---GIES DE LA TOURETTE---was a student of the famed CHARCOT ------he described a SYNDROME----which involves tick like
verbalizations ------as a syndrome it is considered within the CONSTELLATION of
MOVEMENT disorders because like other
movement disorders it involves dysfunction of the BASAL GANGLIA (of which even the substantia nigra----is functionally a part) ----
now do you understand? You should avoid using words that you do not understand---it makes you appear to be very stupid. Islamo-nazisms generally consist of words that islamo Nazis cannot define

Again, the Nazi Tourette's. Try discussing the subject without the juvenile Hitler references, if you are capable. If you aren't, STFU and stop making an ass of yourself.

Again----you said expressed nothing of your own----just the STEREOTYPICAL islamo Nazi shit Every profession and avocation has a LINGO------I know the islamo Nazi lingo because I read your stuff way back----starting before 1960---when I was just a little kid. -----at that time ----your fellows had not yet come up with the use of the term
"Tourette's" ----because the term "tourettes" was not yet a gutter word----Tourette's dates way back to about the time of the turn of the 19th --20th century----but once it hit the gutters----you and your fellows picked it up.
Some tihngs never change

You have serious issues. No joke. Seek professional help.
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is beyond disturbing and makes no sense unless you take into account the context of our business with them and how that relates to the entire region.

We buy terrorists oil to prevent Saudi Arabia and the rest from a full scale war with Israel. We fund the Israeli army and fully support the Zionist cause because *americans whose first allegiance is to Israel control American foreign policy, and have since the end of WW2, with an ever increasing choke-hold on the leaders of both major parties, regardless of who sits in the White House.

We have all the natural resources we need to fully sustain our economy with energy. We are not in the business of Saudi oil because it's cheap, it's cheap enough to keep American people at bay, but no bargain. We are suckers, the lot of us. Some of us woke up to this, while the rest still believe the news that comes from the idiot box, no matter what the channel.

you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?
Talk about dim.

See if this registers on your radar, Princess: OIL.
WE live on the planet earth------your fellows were asking the same question about your
hero "adolf" in 1938-----and had the SAME answer you and your fellows profer. I read your literature as a child----circa 1960----in old tattered pamphlets that littered my erstwhile Nazi town. If your question revolves around the OIL issue-----you are right---rich Texan oil men do like to buy from
Saudi Arabia. OIL is big business and businessmen like to get the best deals they can. Soy beans are very easy to grow----
they grow in the USA ton after ton----we ship them to CHINA---just to get the processed and packed up-----because it is the cheaper way to go. Soybean growing
is NOT a Zionist business------my grandfather was a tailor and my dad a
watchmaker (but that was before the cheap
china stuff flooded the market)

You people have Nazi Tourette's. What answer is it you have deluded yourself into foisting upon me? My answer is simple- get the US out of the M.E. and stop funding Israel. Surely the great and magical Zionist Regime can take care of themselves at this point.

what is "Nazi tourettes"?? I will help you---GIES DE LA TOURETTE---was a student of the famed CHARCOT ------he described a SYNDROME----which involves tick like
verbalizations ------as a syndrome it is considered within the CONSTELLATION of
MOVEMENT disorders because like other
movement disorders it involves dysfunction of the BASAL GANGLIA (of which even the substantia nigra----is functionally a part) ----
now do you understand? You should avoid using words that you do not understand---it makes you appear to be very stupid. Islamo-nazisms generally consist of words that islamo Nazis cannot define

Again, the Nazi Tourette's. Try discussing the subject without the juvenile Hitler references, if you are capable. If you aren't, STFU and stop making an ass of yourself.

Again----you said expressed nothing of your own----just the STEREOTYPICAL islamo Nazi shit Every profession and avocation has a LINGO------I know the islamo Nazi lingo because I read your stuff way back----starting before 1960---when I was just a little kid. -----at that time ----your fellows had not yet come up with the use of the term
"Tourette's" ----because the term "tourettes" was not yet a gutter word----Tourette's dates way back to about the time of the turn of the 19th --20th century----but once it hit the gutters----you and your fellows picked it up.
Some tihngs never change

You have serious issues. No joke. Seek professional help.

what serious issues? Your find my erudition in the history of psychiatry and neurology an "Issue"??? The history of the development of psychiatry and neurology in the 19th and 20th centuries is very interesting
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is beyond disturbing and makes no sense unless you take into account the context of our business with them and how that relates to the entire region.

We buy terrorists oil to prevent Saudi Arabia and the rest from a full scale war with Israel. We fund the Israeli army and fully support the Zionist cause because *americans whose first allegiance is to Israel control American foreign policy, and have since the end of WW2, with an ever increasing choke-hold on the leaders of both major parties, regardless of who sits in the White House.

We have all the natural resources we need to fully sustain our economy with energy. We are not in the business of Saudi oil because it's cheap, it's cheap enough to keep American people at bay, but no bargain. We are suckers, the lot of us. Some of us woke up to this, while the rest still believe the news that comes from the idiot box, no matter what the channel.

you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.

Why are we involved in the Middle East, professor?
Talk about dim.

See if this registers on your radar, Princess: OIL.

We don't need the oil. The oil is a ruse to keep us saving the Zionist's asses from full scale war with the arabs.
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.
[QUOTE="Pennywise, post: 9841515, member:

We don't need the oil. The oil is a ruse to keep us saving the Zionist's asses from full scale war with the arabs.[/QUOTE]

WOW pennyjerk-----you finally came up with an islamo Nazism that I have never before encountered. It beats the famous
ZIP code conspiracy----- for control of the
WORLD----locate all persons for the
massive Zionist thing-----
Z ionists I n P ower <<early 1960s
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.
[QUOTE="Pennywise, post: 9841515, member:

We don't need the oil. The oil is a ruse to keep us saving the Zionist's asses from full scale war with the arabs.

WOW pennyjerk-----you finally came up with an islamo Nazism that I have never before encountered. It beats the famous
ZIP code conspiracy----- for control of the
WORLD----locate all persons for the
massive Zionist thing-----
Z ionists I n P ower <<early 1960s[/QUOTE]

We don't need the oil, so there is no reason for us to be there, other than saving the weak Jews from slaughter by the arabs.
Name calling is just another tactic they use to try and shut you up I'm finding. This is really my first exp. with it , on this message board (I've only been on a Christian forum before this) and I find it quite puzzling, when someone disagrees with ones opinion they resort to the childish game of name calling and dirty language.

They show their weakness when they do it. They say "Nazi" like others say "racist". It's an attempt to shut people up but it only works on people who give a fuck what others call them.

Right, I am not here to seek approval from others, just to discuss and debate.

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