Another Year And The Ones Who Were Involved In 911

Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

PS---learn something about EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS-----the temperature of
burning jet fuel is not even an issue. ----the FLASH POINT of whatever was in
the towers is the issue. The temperature of a burning match----would not cook
a steak----the burning CARBON COMPOUNDS in the charcoal do the job

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops

for a person who works with steel---you are quite stupid. I will tell you a steel story----
my hubby depends on a STEEL brace for his
completely paralyzed right lower extremity----the STEEL BRACE of fine swiss construction------depends on a STEEL PIN---
----every once in awhile----the STEEL PIN----
breaks and hubby is on the floor. who said that the steel MELTED?. The steel --in its over heated state----with all the other stuff around it breaking and falling and banging around-----GAVE WAY----metal fatigue---
oh so your husband works with steel but not you?
You've never had first hand experience cutting steel?
Steel burns a little over 1700 degrees
JP 4 hottest point is 1500 degrees
Let's talk about what was on hand at the time and not nuclear bombs.which had nothing to do with the attacks.
J you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!
PS---learn something about EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS-----the temperature of
burning jet fuel is not even an issue. ----the FLASH POINT of whatever was in
the towers is the issue. The temperature of a burning match----would not cook
a steak----the burning CARBON COMPOUNDS in the charcoal do the job

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops

for a person who works with steel---you are quite stupid. I will tell you a steel story----
my hubby depends on a STEEL brace for his
completely paralyzed right lower extremity----the STEEL BRACE of fine swiss construction------depends on a STEEL PIN---
----every once in awhile----the STEEL PIN----
breaks and hubby is on the floor. who said that the steel MELTED?. The steel --in its over heated state----with all the other stuff around it breaking and falling and banging around-----GAVE WAY----metal fatigue---
oh so your husband works with steel but not you?
You've never had first hand experience cutting steel?
Steel burns a little over 1700 degrees
JP 4 hottest point is 1500 degrees
Let's talk about what was on hand at the time and not nuclear bombs.which had nothing to do with the attacks.

no---my husband WALKS on steel-----
HIS 145 lb body weight. The issue of the
collapse of the world trade center towers had
nothing to do with BURNING STEEL
PS---learn something about EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS-----the temperature of
burning jet fuel is not even an issue. ----the FLASH POINT of whatever was in
the towers is the issue. The temperature of a burning match----would not cook
a steak----the burning CARBON COMPOUNDS in the charcoal do the job

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

oh so your husband works with steel but not you?
You've never had first hand experience cutting steel?
Steel burns a little over 1700 degrees
JP 4 hottest point is 1500 degrees
Let's talk about what was on hand at the time and not nuclear bombs.which had nothing to do with the attacks.

your response makes no sense----the temperature of burning jet fuel is not the
issue that brought the world trade center down---just as the temperature of a burning match is not the issue that barbecues steaks
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

you are doing double talk
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

you are doing double talk
How so? Just wanting people's opnions..and you seem to know all the answers. Who's a better person to ask or am I suppose to open a new conversation?
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

PS---learn something about EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS-----the temperature of
burning jet fuel is not even an issue. ----the FLASH POINT of whatever was in
the towers is the issue. The temperature of a burning match----would not cook
a steak----the burning CARBON COMPOUNDS in the charcoal do the job

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops

for a person who works with steel---you are quite stupid. I will tell you a steel story----
my hubby depends on a STEEL brace for his
completely paralyzed right lower extremity----the STEEL BRACE of fine swiss construction------depends on a STEEL PIN---
----every once in awhile----the STEEL PIN----
breaks and hubby is on the floor. who said that the steel MELTED?. The steel --in its over heated state----with all the other stuff around it breaking and falling and banging around-----GAVE WAY----metal fatigue---

This metal fatigue story is fine as far as it goes, but exactly what is the time-line here what is the mean time between failure(s)?

My major beef with the "fire brought down the towers" story is the fact that the towers came straight down, that is every bolt & weld failed exactly on time as if it had a schedule because if it didn't fail right on time, the upper mass would have to tip and in so doing would shift its center of gravity and lead most certainly to dumping mass quantities of rubble over one side to the exclusion of the others and leading to the end of the "collapse" action. The official report on the subject states "total collapse was inevitable after collapse initiation" however I disagree.
This metal fatigue story is fine as far as it goes, but exactly what is the time-line here what is the mean time between failure(s)?

My major beef with the "fire brought down the towers" story is the fact that the towers came straight down, that is every bolt & weld failed exactly on time as if it had a schedule because if it didn't fail right on time, the upper mass would have to tip and in so doing would shift its center of gravity and lead most certainly to dumping mass quantities of rubble over one side to the exclusion of the others and leading to the end of the "collapse" action. The official report on the subject states "total collapse was inevitable after collapse initiation" however I disagree.[/QUOTE]

your "too much symetry" complaint does not impress me inview of the LONG period of time that the BURNING up top lasted. You keep harping on the housewife intuition concept that the fall happened because of the IMPACT-----the fall CLEARLY did not happen because of the IMPACT----the building stood "apparently firm" for a very long time----whilst the fires spread thruout
I did not time the situation but it was at
least more than an hour-----I was busy----
I was filling jars and pots with water

vitually nothing was "FALLING off the buildings nor were they listing over to one
side ONLY PEOPLE were falling off----not
various floors of the building----"rivets" have nothing to do with the situation-----It is obvious that the frame was VERY strong and until the point when it just could not bear up
any longer ------that is not how controlled
implosion works----controlled implosion shows SIGNS OF IMPLOSION
The south tower had 59 min between the alleged airliner impact and the "collapse".
the jet fuel was said to have burned off in the first few min, therefore all that was possible to contribute to the towering inferno was office contents and given that the designers of the structure wanted to insure that the elevator shafts & central core could not function as a chimney, the fires inside the building were oxygen starved and the dark smoke confirms that fact. oxygen starved fires will be cooler than fires that have plenty of oxygen.
The major problem here is the fact that the alleged airliner crash damage was asymmetrical in nature and the "collapse" was straight down, how is that accounted for?
Note that in the case of the North Tower, the first 4 seconds of the "collapse" event look very neat and tidy with the antenna on top of the building deflecting less than 15 deg.

"the fall happened because of the IMPACT" When ever did I say that I believed the alleged airliner impact was a contributing factor, the statement that I have made on this subject is if indeed there was an airliner crashed into the WTC, then the damage by the very nature of the event would have to be asymmetrical and that should then lead to an asymmetrical "collapse" event ...... logical .... no?
Last edited:
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
Classic tinfoil hatism – there's a conspiracy to keep the conspiracy a conspiracy so no one knows there's a conspiracy.
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
Classic tinfoil hatism – there's a conspiracy to keep the conspiracy a conspiracy so no one knows there's a conspiracy.

Very serious evidence for "conspiracy"
Note the video of the alleged "FLT175" aircraft shows an image of an aircraft that covers its own length in 11 frames of video while in air, and also again 11 frames of video to disappear inside the tower, exactly how is that done without suspending the laws of physics? Note also that WTC7 is seen descending at 9.8 m/s^2 for 2.25 sec and the roof-line stays level while its descending - - - Can U say CONTROLLED DEMOLITION?
There is very serious evidence for what I'm saying here.
the psychological warfare that the mainstream media is pushing
prevents so many people from even examining the evidence.
sad really.......
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
the ones that still defend the offical version here are paid trolls for the government sent here to derail threads on truth discussions about government corruption such as this,obamas fake birth certificate,ect,ect .they give it away by making up outright lies like the one predfan made that steel does burn fire for example.

Or, folks who have reviewed the Truther conspiracy explanation and found it doesn't match the facts, its needless and fantastically elaborate, utterly unrealistic, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.....and is just an awful explanation of the events of 911.

But since we don't ape your conspiracy, we're part of it now too, huh?'s that working out for ya?

Those who don't buy into the conspiracy are part of the conspiracy to keep the conspiracy a conspiracy so no one knows there's a conspiracy.
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
Classic tinfoil hatism – there's a conspiracy to keep the conspiracy a conspiracy so no one knows there's a conspiracy.

Very serious evidence for "conspiracy"
Note the video of the alleged "FLT175" aircraft shows an image of an aircraft that covers its own length in 11 frames of video while in air, and also again 11 frames of video to disappear inside the tower, exactly how is that done without suspending the laws of physics? Note also that WTC7 is seen descending at 9.8 m/s^2 for 2.25 sec and the roof-line stays level while its descending - - - Can U say CONTROLLED DEMOLITION?
There is very serious evidence for what I'm saying here.
the psychological warfare that the mainstream media is pushing
prevents so many people from even examining the evidence.
sad really.......
Well the fact that only controlled demolition was the only ones allowed for clean up says a lot and that they shipped the debri over seas for recycling...why? And wouldn't let fema in... you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops

for a person who works with steel---you are quite stupid. I will tell you a steel story----
my hubby depends on a STEEL brace for his
completely paralyzed right lower extremity----the STEEL BRACE of fine swiss construction------depends on a STEEL PIN---
----every once in awhile----the STEEL PIN----
breaks and hubby is on the floor. who said that the steel MELTED?. The steel --in its over heated state----with all the other stuff around it breaking and falling and banging around-----GAVE WAY----metal fatigue---
oh so your husband works with steel but not you?
You've never had first hand experience cutting steel?
Steel burns a little over 1700 degrees
JP 4 hottest point is 1500 degrees
Let's talk about what was on hand at the time and not nuclear bombs.which had nothing to do with the attacks.

no---my husband WALKS on steel-----
HIS 145 lb body weight. The issue of the
collapse of the world trade center towers had
nothing to do with BURNING STEEL
your response makes no sense----the temperature of burning jet fuel is not the
issue that brought the world trade center down---just as the temperature of a burning match is not the issue that barbecues steaks
Your husband walks on steel and it breaks?
That is total bull shit.
In order for steel to melt there must be an increase of temperature for that to happen JP 4 doesn't cause the temperature to rise high or hot enough to melt steel
If that was the case a jet engine would engulf in flames because the casing of the engine is made of alumina
You are full of shit.
You do realize inside a building the metal is cover in fire proofing?
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

All of the "debri" was not shipped "over seas," why would FEMA go through it and what "controlled demolition" are you referring to?
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

In fact, the truth is often questioned and often by those with an agenda which does not include the truth.
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops

So who here is claiming steel melted at the WTC on 9/11/2001?
J you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

DO ALL WHAT? ---fire did it The
IMPACT of the planes did not bring the
towers down-----however I do believe that
it is possible that the terrorists thought it
might ---<< I do not know if they were also
"chemistry compromised"

do you know what a tiny little nuclear bomb
can do?

do you know what a single bullet to the brain
can do? ----I saw a case of a 22 ---deep in
they substance of the brain-----on C-T scan the brain looked fine----just a tiny metal object right in the center----the kid was young and
healthy looking ---about 25 years old----tiny
metal pellet in the center of his brain-----he was "brain dead" (by Harvard criteria)----
His parents could not believe that tiny little
metal object could cause so much damage----do you know what caused the damage?---
not the penetration-----THE HEAT!!!!!
I work with steel all the time it's melting point is around 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
JP 4 jet fuel only get's to 1500 degrees tops
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

Uh-huh. So you wander onto a 9/11 conspiracy theory thread looking for knowledge? Methinks you are full of something.
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is beyond disturbing and makes no sense unless you take into account the context of our business with them and how that relates to the entire region.

We buy terrorists oil to prevent Saudi Arabia and the rest from a full scale war with Israel. We fund the Israeli army and fully support the Zionist cause because *americans whose first allegiance is to Israel control American foreign policy, and have since the end of WW2, with an ever increasing choke-hold on the leaders of both major parties, regardless of who sits in the White House.

We have all the natural resources we need to fully sustain our economy with energy. We are not in the business of Saudi oil because it's cheap, it's cheap enough to keep American people at bay, but no bargain. We are suckers, the lot of us. Some of us woke up to this, while the rest still believe the news that comes from the idiot box, no matter what the channel.

you are clueless. Of course we buy oil from
Saudi Arabia-----them is the persons who got it. The fact that we buy oil from Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel. If you want to believe that JOOOOOOOOOOOS
fine with me. Persons with such delusions
are always FRIGHTENED. Do you also believe that black males incessantly seek to rape white girls? Were you a timid child?
The only thing that frightens me about this is that our sovereign nation has been bought and paid for by the usual suspects.

Use what little grey matter resides in that thing you call a skull. If not for Israel, there is no reason for us to be in the M.E. We have plenty of energy to tap on our own land.

You know, I'd like to believe you aren't as dim as that tidbit makes you seem but the only alternative is to believe you're a dime-a-dozen Jew-hatin' jackass in which case you are just as dim as your post makes you seem.
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?

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