Another Year And The Ones Who Were Involved In 911

Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
to take down the buildings...what else
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?

so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?
I did do a little more research and some do believe fire is the reason for the collapsing. But how did the south tower fall first when it wS the second to get hit..

your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

All of the "debri" was not shipped "over seas," why would FEMA go through it and what "controlled demolition" are you referring to?
Most of the steel was taken away right away..and I'm sure there could have been research done to see exactly how the buildings feel since there is a lot of question about that. And whoever was in controlll of this. The government..who ever I am unsure at this point who I think...I just don't think what the "truth" is the truth there is more to it​
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?
To take down the building to cause them to collapse...
"when you do a barbecue------are you cooking
the meat from the energy contained in the match that you used to light the newspaper ---that ignited the CHARCOAL?-----or is it

Therefore the WTC was filled with CHARCOAL and melted as does the barbecue that you cook on..... or?


go back to your high school chemistry textbook and look up "endothermic" and
"exothermic" -----did you pass high school geometry? Way back when I was in college---I paid my tuition tutoring dull kids like you thru high school geometry.

also review the concept of HIGH ENERGY BONDS ----------even an understanding of
why FATS contain more "calories" than do
sugars----would help a jerk like you.
BTW----PLASTICs are organic materials and
consist of molecules -----POLYMERS----huge molecules with very high energy bonds. Once their FLASHPOINTS are attained and
they BURN-----the energy output (HEAT) is
HUGE--------got that jerk?

sheeeeeesh------I was a simple biology major and even I know this basic
stuff-------don't ask me about the calculus----
its been MANY DECADES------and I don't
believe anything ever gets to infinity no less
"approaches" it
what you allege is that there was sufficient plastic materials in the WTC tower(s) and indeed said materials could be raised to such a temperature such that they would ignite and supply fuel to the fire ( if that is even possible )...

And what YOU allege is that no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001. Try to focus: no evidence of explosives or accelerants (other than thousands of gallons of jet fuel) were found, none of a controlled demolition, and fully 13 years later not a whisper from any of the millions of co-conspirators necessary to perpetrate any of your foiled-hatted theories.
Case closed.
Investigators dug up iron clad evidence about the jihad terrorists. Is there something else? Should we be looking at a Clinton conspiracy?
"when you do a barbecue------are you cooking
the meat from the energy contained in the match that you used to light the newspaper ---that ignited the CHARCOAL?-----or is it

Therefore the WTC was filled with CHARCOAL and melted as does the barbecue that you cook on..... or?


go back to your high school chemistry textbook and look up "endothermic" and
"exothermic" -----did you pass high school geometry? Way back when I was in college---I paid my tuition tutoring dull kids like you thru high school geometry.

also review the concept of HIGH ENERGY BONDS ----------even an understanding of
why FATS contain more "calories" than do
sugars----would help a jerk like you.
BTW----PLASTICs are organic materials and
consist of molecules -----POLYMERS----huge molecules with very high energy bonds. Once their FLASHPOINTS are attained and
they BURN-----the energy output (HEAT) is
HUGE--------got that jerk?

sheeeeeesh------I was a simple biology major and even I know this basic
stuff-------don't ask me about the calculus----
its been MANY DECADES------and I don't
believe anything ever gets to infinity no less
"approaches" it

"got that jerk?" Nothing like a bit of attitude, and really it doesn't matter if I was the character thrown out of Chemistry for being a FREE RADICAL ( can U dig Mario Savio ....or? ) what is important here is the fact of the "total collapse" of WTC 1 & 2 is a factor, why "total collapse" and why so uniform in the destruction on the way down? the alleged airliner crash would have created asymmetrical damage so the tower may well have tipped toward the damaged part. but instead, the tower "collapsed" straight down. that is through the path of most resistance. whats up with that?

Not hard to understand---the towers were not thrown down by the impact of the planes----
(it is possible that the terrorists has HOPED
that would be the outcome---but it was not)
The planes went thru what was ---compared to the mass and velocity of the planes----a
big HOLES in the PENETRABLE MASS which were the towers-----but also----started
FIRES (google words like combustion,
flash point, exothermic, ----LEVELS OF HEAT RELEASED WHEN PLASTICS BURN---etc. It was not the burning fuel that
destroyed the buildings-----it was the burning
high energy polymers (plastics) that did it
in-----the intense heat created (another word
for you "metal fatigue""). The metal frame of the buildings (the towers depended on metal framing ) became so over hot that they buckled----and when DOWN (gravity)----the weight of the buildings could not be sustained by the weakened metal framing,''

down----like the apple that fell on sir Isaac newton's head------because the stem of the
apple could no longer sustain its attachement to the tree against the force of GRAVITY
I'm almost sure the planes could not have done all of the collapsing. No way a plane could do that. And isn't that scary if those buildings can't take the plane crashing..

Yeah, there's something wrong when the companies intentionally design, and openly say they were designing the building to take multiple full collision by the largest planes in existence... and amazingly both buildings, get knocked down by a single plane each, which were smaller than the planes the designers had in mind.

Half truths and outright lies. Neither building was designed to withstand a few hundred mph direct hit by planes freshly loaded with thousands of gallons of jet fuel and the planes that hit WTC 1 & 2 were considerably larger than those in operation when the buildings were designed in the 1960s.
I often find amusing the lies told by those determined to pass off their pseudo-science as facts.
Nutty 9-11 Physics
Last edited:
Let me guess-----you had trouble with high school chemistry and geometry too. -------

uhm I am addressing 9-11 jerk
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?
To take down the building to cause them to collapse...

The planes that slammed into WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11/2001 did not bring down any buildings and no knowledgeable person would make so silly a claim.
You say you are logged in to an obscure conspiracy theory forum to get an education on what happened that day. That's ridiculous. I call fraud.
your question is far too stupid to address ----its like asking----how did that forest fire get started FIRST----by the second cigarette flung at that second tree
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

All of the "debri" was not shipped "over seas," why would FEMA go through it and what "controlled demolition" are you referring to?
Most of the steel was taken away right away..and I'm sure there could have been research done to see exactly how the buildings feel since there is a lot of question about that. And whoever was in controlll of this. The government..who ever I am unsure at this point who I think...I just don't think what the "truth" is the truth there is more to it​

It took months to untangle and remove all the "debri" and the gov't and the non-gov't agencies charged with investigating sifted through it for months. If you were truly here to learn something you would not be posting thoroughly discredited 9/11 CTBS. I say you are a fraud hiding behind your "research" ploy. Come on out of the closet and state your true agenda.
Just to address this "Nutty 9-11 Physics"
Please do note that this page mentions WTC7 but never properly addresses the issue.
The fact is that the 47 story building was seen descending at 9.8 m/s^2 for 2.25 sec
and at the time the roof-line remained horizontal and the building kept its shape, and this was allegedly the product of asymmetrical damage & fire.....
Also the fact of total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 is significant in that anything totally destroyed is clearly an indication of planning on somebodies part in order to make it happen as it did, accidents most often result in damage, but not destruction, to have 3 steel framed skyscrapers completely destroyed that day is a bit much statistically speaking.
Also Please do examine the video of the alleged "FLT175" striking the south wall of the south tower ( any one of them that actually shows the south wall, not obscured by the north tower ) ..... can you honestly say that this looks exactly as you would expect an airliner crash to look?
Just to address this "Nutty 9-11 Physics"
Please do note that this page mentions WTC7 but never properly addresses the issue.
The fact is that the 47 story building was seen descending at 9.8 m/s^2 for 2.25 sec
and at the time the roof-line remained horizontal and the building kept its shape, and this was allegedly the product of asymmetrical damage & fire.....
Also the fact of total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 is significant in that anything totally destroyed is clearly an indication of planning on somebodies part in order to make it happen as it did, accidents most often result in damage, but not destruction, to have 3 steel framed skyscrapers completely destroyed that day is a bit much statistically speaking.
Also Please do examine the video of the alleged "FLT175" striking the south wall of the south tower ( any one of them that actually shows the south wall, not obscured by the north tower ) ..... can you honestly say that this looks exactly as you would expect an airliner crash to look?

OK so we have the opinion of one of America's preeminent professors of Natural and Applied Sciences (physics) who says the 9/11 CT Movement is a mishmash of "pseudoscience" which, when confronted with real science crumbles faster than the WTC 2, and then we have you who claims "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001." Let's see ... who to believe? Woo, this is a real tuffy.
Last edited:
"when you do a barbecue------are you cooking
the meat from the energy contained in the match that you used to light the newspaper ---that ignited the CHARCOAL?-----or is it

Therefore the WTC was filled with CHARCOAL and melted as does the barbecue that you cook on..... or?


go back to your high school chemistry textbook and look up "endothermic" and
"exothermic" -----did you pass high school geometry? Way back when I was in college---I paid my tuition tutoring dull kids like you thru high school geometry.

also review the concept of HIGH ENERGY BONDS ----------even an understanding of
why FATS contain more "calories" than do
sugars----would help a jerk like you.
BTW----PLASTICs are organic materials and
consist of molecules -----POLYMERS----huge molecules with very high energy bonds. Once their FLASHPOINTS are attained and
they BURN-----the energy output (HEAT) is
HUGE--------got that jerk?

sheeeeeesh------I was a simple biology major and even I know this basic
stuff-------don't ask me about the calculus----
its been MANY DECADES------and I don't
believe anything ever gets to infinity no less
"approaches" it
what you allege is that there was sufficient plastic materials in the WTC tower(s) and indeed said materials could be raised to such a temperature such that they would ignite and supply fuel to the fire ( if that is even possible )...

And what YOU allege is that no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001. Try to focus: no evidence of explosives or accelerants (other than thousands of gallons of jet fuel) were found, none of a controlled demolition, and fully 13 years later not a whisper from any of the millions of co-conspirators necessary to perpetrate any of your foiled-hatted theories.
Case closed.
You don't think the hijackers were controlled?
Ok first off idk who the heck you are talking to like that but I'm just trying to get information on this for school not because this is my life! So be respectful to others. Thanks.

OH school-----it always helps me when trying to
COMMUNICATE to know a "level of education"---is "school" highschool???------
are you over 12 years of age?
Barely. So another question why couldn't fema go through the debri why was it shipped over seas for recycling there. Why was controlled demolition in control?!

All of the "debri" was not shipped "over seas," why would FEMA go through it and what "controlled demolition" are you referring to?
Most of the steel was taken away right away..and I'm sure there could have been research done to see exactly how the buildings feel since there is a lot of question about that. And whoever was in controlll of this. The government..who ever I am unsure at this point who I think...I just don't think what the "truth" is the truth there is more to it​

It took months to untangle and remove all the "debri" and the gov't and the non-gov't agencies charged with investigating sifted through it for months. If you were truly here to learn something you would not be posting thoroughly discredited 9/11 CTBS. I say you are a fraud hiding behind your "research" ploy. Come on out of the closet and state your true agenda.
My agenda? Just to see what others think..I'm aware we will probably never find the answer we want..but I do strongly believe there is more to this then what we think..
Are you talking about me?! What do they have to do with anything?! And if there is this much question about what really happened...what the world/news any media has told us it's the truth! Because if it was the truth there wouldn't be any questioning...and what do you believe. Irosie91

I have observed that people who cannot do high school geometry-----have trouble with all sorts of simple stuff in "science" and seem to
just REJECT simple facts of the physical world. My guess is that you probably avoided the study of Physics 101 altogether. In my university there were
special classes for people who reject science---- but have to fulfull "requirements"--

Food science is a very interesting field----some people who see themselves a CHEFS----cannot do the "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY"----
so they have special "organic chemistry for poets". I bet ALTON BROWN did the
real organic chemistry-----he would understand why the world trade center BURNED SO HOT--------but I am not so sure that "betty crocker" would you are saying it's possible for the planes to do that? The plane seemed very small to do that much impact..not at all saying I'm right just seems a little odd.

Is it possible for planes to do what?
To take down the building to cause them to collapse...

The planes that slammed into WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11/2001 did not bring down any buildings and no knowledgeable person would make so silly a claim.
You say you are logged in to an obscure conspiracy theory forum to get an education on what happened that day. That's ridiculous. I call fraud.
So you don't think I am doing this for school? And yeah I don't think the planes caused the buildings to fall...that's my point..why are people so rude?
Just to address this "Nutty 9-11 Physics"
Please do note that this page mentions WTC7 but never properly addresses the issue.
The fact is that the 47 story building was seen descending at 9.8 m/s^2 for 2.25 sec
and at the time the roof-line remained horizontal and the building kept its shape, and this was allegedly the product of asymmetrical damage & fire.....
Also the fact of total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 is significant in that anything totally destroyed is clearly an indication of planning on somebodies part in order to make it happen as it did, accidents most often result in damage, but not destruction, to have 3 steel framed skyscrapers completely destroyed that day is a bit much statistically speaking.
Also Please do examine the video of the alleged "FLT175" striking the south wall of the south tower ( any one of them that actually shows the south wall, not obscured by the north tower ) ..... can you honestly say that this looks exactly as you would expect an airliner crash to look?

your idiot rant is meaningless ----it depends on MEANINGLESS conjecture

"asymmetric fires" that's a good one. How does an intense fire going on for
an hour remain "ASYMETRICAL"? I light candles with my right hand----approaching from the right side of the wick----somehow the candles BURN symmetrically----from the top down-----they do not lean to the right or left. ---just top to bottom-----like the fires of
the world trade center-----FROM THE TOP---
down. Gee---it was not even windy that day----why would the fire be "asymmetrical"? ---It is true that I have seen asymmetry in fires-------as a result of barriers or wind. The whole towers were made of the same stuff

"does the crash look like you would EXPECT a crash to look"? <<<another example of
brilliance. ------I did see the second plane hit---but had no PRIOR experience with such
events-----In fact I do not recall such an event
in history

It took months to untangle and remove all the "debri" and the gov't and the non-gov't agencies charged with investigating sifted through it for months. If you were truly here to learn something you would not be posting thoroughly discredited 9/11 CTBS. I say you are a fraud hiding behind your "research" ploy. Come on out of the closet and state your true agenda.

My agenda? Just to see what others think..I'm aware we will probably never find the answer we want..but I do strongly believe there is more to this then what we think..[/QUOTE]

right "con n" "we" will never find the
answers YOU WANT. -----keep up the good work------Goebbels would be proud of you
"when you do a barbecue------are you cooking
the meat from the energy contained in the match that you used to light the newspaper ---that ignited the CHARCOAL?-----or is it

Therefore the WTC was filled with CHARCOAL and melted as does the barbecue that you cook on..... or?


go back to your high school chemistry textbook and look up "endothermic" and
"exothermic" -----did you pass high school geometry? Way back when I was in college---I paid my tuition tutoring dull kids like you thru high school geometry.

also review the concept of HIGH ENERGY BONDS ----------even an understanding of
why FATS contain more "calories" than do
sugars----would help a jerk like you.
BTW----PLASTICs are organic materials and
consist of molecules -----POLYMERS----huge molecules with very high energy bonds. Once their FLASHPOINTS are attained and
they BURN-----the energy output (HEAT) is
HUGE--------got that jerk?

sheeeeeesh------I was a simple biology major and even I know this basic
stuff-------don't ask me about the calculus----
its been MANY DECADES------and I don't
believe anything ever gets to infinity no less
"approaches" it
what you allege is that there was sufficient plastic materials in the WTC tower(s) and indeed said materials could be raised to such a temperature such that they would ignite and supply fuel to the fire ( if that is even possible )...

And what YOU allege is that no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001. Try to focus: no evidence of explosives or accelerants (other than thousands of gallons of jet fuel) were found, none of a controlled demolition, and fully 13 years later not a whisper from any of the millions of co-conspirators necessary to perpetrate any of your foiled-hatted theories.
Case closed.
You don't think the hijackers were controlled?

what does "the hijackers were controlled" mean. To answer your question re burning plastic-----YES!!!! the world trade center towers were CHOCK FULL of plastic and they burned producing INTENSE heat-----
and sustained more and more combustion of
polymers with high energy bonding ----VERY EXOTHERMIC

try melting plastic over a burner on your stove and then sticking your finger in the melted plastic ****DON'T DO IT!!!!! damned hot----in fact the plastic will -----eventually ignite.

why? because cooking gas burned HOTTER than jet fuel?
"when you do a barbecue------are you cooking
the meat from the energy contained in the match that you used to light the newspaper ---that ignited the CHARCOAL?-----or is it

Therefore the WTC was filled with CHARCOAL and melted as does the barbecue that you cook on..... or?


go back to your high school chemistry textbook and look up "endothermic" and
"exothermic" -----did you pass high school geometry? Way back when I was in college---I paid my tuition tutoring dull kids like you thru high school geometry.

also review the concept of HIGH ENERGY BONDS ----------even an understanding of
why FATS contain more "calories" than do
sugars----would help a jerk like you.
BTW----PLASTICs are organic materials and
consist of molecules -----POLYMERS----huge molecules with very high energy bonds. Once their FLASHPOINTS are attained and
they BURN-----the energy output (HEAT) is
HUGE--------got that jerk?

sheeeeeesh------I was a simple biology major and even I know this basic
stuff-------don't ask me about the calculus----
its been MANY DECADES------and I don't
believe anything ever gets to infinity no less
"approaches" it
what you allege is that there was sufficient plastic materials in the WTC tower(s) and indeed said materials could be raised to such a temperature such that they would ignite and supply fuel to the fire ( if that is even possible )...

And what YOU allege is that no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001. Try to focus: no evidence of explosives or accelerants (other than thousands of gallons of jet fuel) were found, none of a controlled demolition, and fully 13 years later not a whisper from any of the millions of co-conspirators necessary to perpetrate any of your foiled-hatted theories.
Case closed.

You don't think the hijackers were controlled?

You feel the need to reopen a case I just closed?
OK ... how's this: your fellow con theorist says "no planes were hijacked on 9/11/2001," therefore under his particular CT there were no hijackers to control.

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