Anthem Tantrum: Trump Disinvites Eagles From White House

Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

All but 9 were not going to show up. They are the petty children, not the President.
Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
I realize you "see" nothing wrong or unusual or unbecoming of his behaviors.

This is why I find this stuff so fascinating, what ideology does to thought processes.

By the way, I assume you think Gramps is a partisan hack too, right?

Strawman. I said you would flip sides if we switched parties. You know, like you do on every other issue. The issue is irrelevant, you're with the Democrats
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a straight answer. I never do.

And I know: Anyone to the left of you is a radical pinko commie Hitler Marxist.

You aren't to the left of me in any way other than fiscal policies. Ironic you're proving my point. You're a Democrat party whore. Duh, dar, drool, not Democrat = Republican. That's as far as you're capable of grasping. Democrats taught you one set of talking points. It's all you can grasp. So everyone has to be a Republican to you or you have nothing
Okay, got it, thanks.

You're welcome
Trump is an arrogant, childish narcissist.

His unwarranted attacks of NFL players is further evidence of the fact that Trump is unfit to be president.

HIs attacks were not unwarranted.

And if the players are so anti-American that they are offended at the idea of being expected to stand for the National Anthem,

then they are the assholes. Anti-American assholes.
Trumps a prick. Hes already called the players son of a bitches - Im sure they are crushed now.

F Trump

The players are insulting the majority of their fan base.

They are fools. And assholes.
When 0bama was potus the left told us we had to respect the office of the presidency. As always, the left are lying hypocrites.
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Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.
Any player who wanted to go could. At the end of the day the numbers are irrelevant.

Why should he be a pawn in their political game?

Hey, it's their loss. Not to many people get an invite to the White House. Now if they want to see it they have to purchase a ticket and go on a tour. Now they're all pissed because Trump called them on their own game.
He started the game by bashing black men kneeling.....:rolleyes:
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.
Any player who wanted to go could. At the end of the day the numbers are irrelevant.

Why should he be a pawn in their political game?

Hey, it's their loss. Not to many people get an invite to the White House. Now if they want to see it they have to purchase a ticket and go on a tour. Now they're all pissed because Trump called them on their own game.
He started the game by bashing black men kneeling.....:rolleyes:

Another lie. He bashed anyone kneeling. You idiots lie so constantly that you're not even aware that you're doing it.

Show any quote ever where he criticized "black" men kneeling. Liar.

You're such a racist. You look at every situation and see nothing but race
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

And then all the little twerps like your self get to also feign outrage and have your own tantrums, and over what? Fuck the eagles. No one even cares about a bunch of spoils rich black children prattle on about how oppressed they are. No one cares . NFL’s ratings show it. Of all the important shit going on in the world retards like you are pissed about football? Proof positive, you need to stick to the bottle and cleaning gutters, and thank God you can’t vote.
I reiterate my prior point- why do we honor athletes by allowing them to visit the White House? What did they do to earn this honor? Run fast? Catch a ball? It's ridiculous!

Now that these teams are politicizing it, it is time to end the tradition. Kudos to Trump.
It is getting hared and harder for trump to scam the public. He got caught trying to pull off his latest scam. He lied and got caught. The malicious lies have been publicized. His scam exposed him once again as a shallow little spoiled boy, a narcissist and egomaniac. A man with deep emotional mental issues is occupying the White House.
It is getting hared and harder for trump to scam the public. He got caught trying to pull off his latest scam. He lied and got caught. The malicious lies have been publicized. His scam exposed him once again as a shallow little spoiled boy, a narcissist and egomaniac. A man with deep emotional mental issues is occupying the White House.
Thanks for the bump
Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.

To quote yourself, Bull effin shit.

Nobody is required to go to these events. All those people decided on their own they didn't want to go. Lose the tin foil hat and stop trying to create new conspiracy theories.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.
Not even sure what you are claiming here...It is all pretty straight forward. The winning team normally goes but Trump is a racist so many didn't want to go and Trump had a baby fit and cancelled...(took his ball and went home)

Another racist, Democrats are just full of you idiots. Let it go, black people are not going anywhere. You're going to need to learn to deal with them, Grand Wizard.

It was the Eagle's choice to play politics. They're a classless team who intimidated a lot of their teammates into not going
You care because Trump want to make this an issue and you just blindly follow. You are a puppet.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.
Any player who wanted to go could. At the end of the day the numbers are irrelevant.

Why should he be a pawn in their political game?

Hey, it's their loss. Not to many people get an invite to the White House. Now if they want to see it they have to purchase a ticket and go on a tour. Now they're all pissed because Trump called them on their own game.
He started the game by bashing black men kneeling.....:rolleyes:

He didn't bash black men you racist POS.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
That's Trump. And by extension, that's the Republican Party.

Look at what they did to Clinton. They spent more than four years starting with Whitewater and ending with a BJ. And the BJ was all they got.

Look at what they did to Obama. From before he was elected until today, many if not most Republicans insist he was born in another country and somehow mysteriously ended up here with a fake birth certificate because they knew someday he would be president.

They did that to the detriment of the country. Trump is the logical outcome.

If they were going to pick a dictator, did they have to pick a juvenile narcissistic egomaniac?

1. Clinton was impeached but not convicted for lying to Congress while under oath!

So stop spinning the facts!

2. The Republican Governor of Hawaii at the time that Obama has a long form birth certificate on file, so that case is closed except for the fringers on the right that think like you!!

3. Trump is as much of a Dictator as Obama was, so again stop with your stupidity!
Well it certainly didn't help things that Chris Long, who played for the Eagles is from Charlottesville, Virginia and was not happy one bit when Trump said there were good White Supremacist that took part in the tragedy there.

Pretty sure Long ended up donating his entire salary for this past year to educational charities for equal opportunities in education.

How Much Money Did Chris Long Donate?
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.

You mean the facts that Donald Trump’s hating on the NFL has more to do with throwing red meat to his base and boosting his “ratings” than any concern for the troops.

That he’s using this as an excuse to hate on rich black athletes and because his all white base likes it when he acts tough?

Yes, let’s put out the FACTS here instead of accepting the White House lie of the day.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
dude, it isn't why he un-invited them. None of them ever knelt. we know that. The eagles responded to the invitation by the president to bring 81 Eagle players and management. two days before, they, the eagles, said that now only 10 players would be coming. how is that on the president? please don't let your hate of the man steer you down paths that are false. Trump said, well then what's the use if only 10 are coming. he canceled. seems reasonable to me. the eagle fans came.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.

You mean the facts that Donald Trump’s hating on the NFL has more to do with throwing red meat to his base and boosting his “ratings” than any concern for the troops.

That he’s using this as an excuse to hate on rich black athletes and because his all white base likes it when he acts tough?

Yes, let’s put out the FACTS here instead of accepting the White House lie of the day.

"Facts" and "Liberal" should never be used in the sentence, unless to say, "Liberals ignore facts".

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