Anthem Tantrum: Trump Disinvites Eagles From White House

It is getting hared and harder for trump to scam the public. He got caught trying to pull off his latest scam. He lied and got caught. The malicious lies have been publicized. His scam exposed him once again as a shallow little spoiled boy, a narcissist and egomaniac. A man with deep emotional mental issues is occupying the White House.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit. A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come. Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Not following the news, are you old man? It was the Eagles who went out of their way to insult Trump
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit. A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come. Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.

Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
It is getting hared and harder for trump to scam the public. He got caught trying to pull off his latest scam. He lied and got caught. The malicious lies have been publicized. His scam exposed him once again as a shallow little spoiled boy, a narcissist and egomaniac. A man with deep emotional mental issues is occupying the White House.

Another leftist hack who would flip sides in a heartbeat if we flipped parties
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit. A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come. Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.

Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
I realize you "see" nothing wrong or unusual or unbecoming of his behaviors.

This is why I find this stuff so fascinating, what ideology does to thought processes.

By the way, I assume you think Gramps is a partisan hack too, right?
Trump is wrong, but it’s such a trivial issue that who really cares. There are times when he is presidential, there are times when he’s not. Take the good with the bad. Oh and his policies are good for the most part. I won’t get on him for this

again, imagining Germans in 1936 saying something like this.

"Well, yeah, there's times when the Fuhrer isn't presidential, but look at the economy!"
Trump is wrong, but it’s such a trivial issue that who really cares. There are times when he is presidential, there are times when he’s not. Take the good with the bad. Oh and his policies are good for the most part. I won’t get on him for this

again, imagining Germans in 1936 saying something like this.

"Well, yeah, there's times when the Fuhrer isn't presidential, but look at the economy!"

Amazing how often you're the one who realizes Goodwin's law in a post.

JoeB: Not inviting the Eagles to the White House is like Hitler!

Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.
Not even sure what you are claiming here...It is all pretty straight forward. The winning team normally goes but Trump is a racist so many didn't want to go and Trump had a baby fit and cancelled...(took his ball and went home)

Another racist, Democrats are just full of you idiots. Let it go, black people are not going anywhere. You're going to need to learn to deal with them, Grand Wizard.

It was the Eagle's choice to play politics. They're a classless team who intimidated a lot of their teammates into not going
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit. A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come. Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.

Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
I realize you "see" nothing wrong or unusual or unbecoming of his behaviors.

This is why I find this stuff so fascinating, what ideology does to thought processes.

By the way, I assume you think Gramps is a partisan hack too, right?

Strawman. I said you would flip sides if we switched parties. You know, like you do on every other issue. The issue is irrelevant, you're with the Democrats
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit. A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come. Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.

Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
I realize you "see" nothing wrong or unusual or unbecoming of his behaviors.

This is why I find this stuff so fascinating, what ideology does to thought processes.

By the way, I assume you think Gramps is a partisan hack too, right?

Strawman. I said you would flip sides if we switched parties. You know, like you do on every other issue. The issue is irrelevant, you're with the Democrats
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a straight answer. I never do.

And I know: Anyone to the left of you is a radical pinko commie Hitler Marxist.
It is getting hared and harder for trump to scam the public. He got caught trying to pull off his latest scam. He lied and got caught. The malicious lies have been publicized. His scam exposed him once again as a shallow little spoiled boy, a narcissist and egomaniac. A man with deep emotional mental issues is occupying the White House.

Another leftist hack who would flip sides in a heartbeat if we flipped parties
Trump told malicious lies about the Eagle's players. Why would a person want to visit a person who told malicious lies about them?
Believe it or not, many patriotic Americans are tired of trump and his supporters demanding that everyone accept his compulsive pathological serial lying as normal and acceptable behavior. Eagles football team included.
Dems pooping their pants because Trump outsmarted some liberal Dem. race baiting football players... it's a classic...

.. the outrage is pure comedy... :lmao:

Democrats need to clean up their oppressive ghettos and quit failing, they ARE the problem..
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“This can’t be serious,” Ertz wrote. “Praying before games with my teammates, well before the anthem, is being used for your propaganda?! Just sad, I feel like you guys should have to be better than this...

Eagles star slams FOX News over misleading anthem video
Wait praying??? We cant have no public praying........where is the separation of church and football?????

Don't be silly. Even school children can pray, in school too. In the picture his helmet is on the endzone corner flag. Not lined up on the sidelines for the Anthem. I wonder if Donnie Dumbass the so-called president, saw something like that on Faux before he made his official Indian Giver tweet!
People like you want to ban prayer from anywhere...religion is a threat to state control.. And no, the kneeling doesn't have anything to do with Trump......but the praying must really piss off you atheists.

Nope, has nothing to do with prayer on the field. Faux, obviously just likes to fuck with President "Best Brains"

I bet they laughed their asses off on that one. "Did you see what "The Dumbass" President did today?" I'm sure was said more than once over there today.

No we just laugh at you guys

and you said children were allowed to pray in school.

I love when Trump trolls the media and the left....

DACA gone.....and because you guys wouldn't make a deal......the situation was win win for him.....and he won..... he does that a's hilarious.

Children are allowed to pray in school.

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That is one poorly thought out meme.

Actually it is funny as he’ll because it is the very sort of thing Trump would say.

Sent from my iPhone using
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit. A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come. Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.

Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
I realize you "see" nothing wrong or unusual or unbecoming of his behaviors.

This is why I find this stuff so fascinating, what ideology does to thought processes.

By the way, I assume you think Gramps is a partisan hack too, right?

Strawman. I said you would flip sides if we switched parties. You know, like you do on every other issue. The issue is irrelevant, you're with the Democrats
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a straight answer. I never do.

And I know: Anyone to the left of you is a radical pinko commie Hitler Marxist.

You aren't to the left of me in any way other than fiscal policies. Ironic you're proving my point. You're a Democrat party whore. Duh, dar, drool, not Democrat = Republican. That's as far as you're capable of grasping. Democrats taught you one set of talking points. It's all you can grasp. So everyone has to be a Republican to you or you have nothing
Trump lost this one. Story is done. He was exposed as the fake he is.
Well done. I've run out of adjectives to describe his behaviors.

Just more partisan hackery on your part. If the situation were reversed and the players were trying to insult a leftist President, you'd flip sides
I realize you "see" nothing wrong or unusual or unbecoming of his behaviors.

This is why I find this stuff so fascinating, what ideology does to thought processes.

By the way, I assume you think Gramps is a partisan hack too, right?

Strawman. I said you would flip sides if we switched parties. You know, like you do on every other issue. The issue is irrelevant, you're with the Democrats
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a straight answer. I never do.

And I know: Anyone to the left of you is a radical pinko commie Hitler Marxist.

You aren't to the left of me in any way other than fiscal policies. Ironic you're proving my point. You're a Democrat party whore. Duh, dar, drool, not Democrat = Republican. That's as far as you're capable of grasping. Democrats taught you one set of talking points. It's all you can grasp. So everyone has to be a Republican to you or you have nothing
Okay, got it, thanks.
It is getting hared and harder for trump to scam the public. He got caught trying to pull off his latest scam. He lied and got caught. The malicious lies have been publicized. His scam exposed him once again as a shallow little spoiled boy, a narcissist and egomaniac. A man with deep emotional mental issues is occupying the White House.

Another leftist hack who would flip sides in a heartbeat if we flipped parties
Trump told malicious lies about the Eagle's players. Why would a person want to visit a person who told malicious lies about them?
Believe it or not, many patriotic Americans are tired of trump and his supporters demanding that everyone accept his compulsive pathological serial lying as normal and acceptable behavior. Eagles football team included.

I liked how you idiots said players that were kneeling during the anthem weren't kneeling, they were praying. You can't stop lying. It's hilarious when you call Trump dishonest. Is he a braggart and an exaggerator? Hell yeah. Does he lie like you, the Democratic party and fake news? Not even remotely. The Democrats have a lease on your head with an offer to sublet to anyone needing extra space

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