Anthem Tantrum: Trump Disinvites Eagles From White House

Trumps cleaning up obama’s Racial justice bullshit.....Reagan would have been much harder on them back in the day
The freaking players refused to attend the festivities for political reasons. Trump outfoxed them and the hostile media which was set to ambush him. Lefties are confused and angry which is a normal condition for them.
ALREADY the winners of the NBA championship told trump to stick it up his poop
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.
Any player who wanted to go could. At the end of the day the numbers are irrelevant.

Why should he be a pawn in their political game?

Hey, it's their loss. Not to many people get an invite to the White House. Now if they want to see it they have to purchase a ticket and go on a tour. Now they're all pissed because Trump called them on their own game.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

It's OK. He is going after the wetbacks. You'll forgive him.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

It's OK. He is going after the wetbacks. You'll forgive him.

Trumps cleaning up obama’s Racial justice bullshit.....Reagan would have been much harder on them back in the day
Well Reagan's dementia and alzheimer's were probably slightly more advanced at the time. Trump's catching up.
If the players are serious about taking a stand for oppressed blacks then they just missed a huge opportunity to talk to the President about it. Bottom line they know it's all bullshit.
Only overzealous tools are upset by this old news. Who cares if they go or not? The very last place I would ever want to visit is the white house. I'd I had my own personal invitation I would snottily reject it....not as a form of matters not who occupies it. It's a house plain and simple.
I never heard there were not Eagles anthem protesters until today. Don't know if that's really true or not. But if true, that's a commentary on the media bias at the time.

We were fed the story that there we these anthem protesters all over the NFL and the dirty rotten racist Trump was against their 1st Amendment rights.

It would have changed the complexion of the whole thing had we known there was this team that refused to protest the National Anthem.
There were several teams. It was reported on. You would have reacted however Trump wanted you to no matter what.

Sure. And I can see you're a dipshit, no matter what.
I never heard there were not Eagles anthem protesters until today. Don't know if that's really true or not. But if true, that's a commentary on the media bias at the time.

We were fed the story that there we these anthem protesters all over the NFL and the dirty rotten racist Trump was against their 1st Amendment rights.

It would have changed the complexion of the whole thing had we known there was this team that refused to protest the National Anthem.
There were several teams. It was reported on. You would have reacted however Trump wanted you to no matter what.

Sure. And I can see you're a dipshit, no matter what.
Okay little puppet :itsok:
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Well, the Democrats really don't have anything else to campaign on this fall. So this will have to do.
The petty assholes are those spoil rich anti American assholes in the NFL with their disrespect of the country that made them rich.

After (presidential .. :lol:) BJ Bill and it's all America's fault Obama it's nice to have a true patriotic American President..

God Bless Trump, hardly perfect but a huuuuge improvement for all Americans, okay, not so such for the socialists and dedicated race baiting trolls.
The petty assholes are those spoil rich anti American assholes in the NFL with their disrespect of the country that made them rich.

philadelphia-eagles-vs-chicago-bears-237065fa7f5d58fe.jpg the worthless bastards did protest the anthem. I suspected as much.'s pretty stupid.....................we have more important matters than this.

The boycott against the NFL kneelers is working................and it had nothing to do with Trump........

We'll see where it goes.
After (presidential .. :lol:) BJ Bill and it's all America's fault Obama it's nice to have a true patriotic American President..

God Bless Trump, hardly perfect but a huuuuge improvement for all Americans, okay, not so such for the socialists and dedicated race baiting trolls.
Good Lord, keep chugging that Kool Aide

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