Anthony Weiner: Whats the problem?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
He Sexts some chicks now suddenly hes what? To slimy for politics? LOL

The media is being a bunch of whiny emotional girls. The dudes too showing this girl emotional thing like: Anthony Weiner...what a douche?

Great observation! This is what we need!
Tony Weenie looks like a major pervert. They need to check for missing persons and dig up his backyard.
His first bout with this sexting scandal involved him flat out lying about it. Which completely tainted his character (as if the fact a married man was essentially breaking his marital trust wasn't enough). He later apologized for his transgressions and left congress in shame.

The problem is that he's a liar and isn't trustworthy. If he can not be honest with his wife (and then lie to the American people), there is absolutely no way he can be trusted to do the people's work in elected office.

That's what it is really about.
I'm not buying the story of his poor little "victim," but I still wouldn't vote for the guy.
But I'm not an NYC resident so I have no say in the matter.
Tony Weenie looks like a major pervert. They need to check for missing persons and dig up his backyard.

C'mon with this girly man shit. Remember phone sex? Same deal except with Text.

That "pervert" label should be reserved for...well, actual perverts
Figures you would stick up for the weird weenie.. He fits right up there with Bill Clinton..
His first bout with this sexting scandal involved him flat out lying about it. Which completely tainted his character (as if the fact a married man was essentially breaking his marital trust wasn't enough). He later apologized for his transgressions and left congress in shame.

The problem is that he's a liar and isn't trustworthy. If he can not be honest with his wife (and then lie to the American people), there is absolutely no way he can be trusted to do the people's work in elected office.

That's what it is really about.

You're seriously looking for an "honest politician"? Really?

The answer is no. All of them lie but omg cheating is so bad!!!


Because cheating is so bad!!!
His problem? Methinks his wife has turned him into a pussy whipped neuter, hence he acts out on the interwebs. His judgement is appalling in that he continued this behavior long after his public humiliation and resignation.

If NYC voters elect him after all of this, they only have themselves to blame for making their city an object of ridicule.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt last time.......I figured he was just some guy trying to get laid

But to keep doing it after it destroyed your career and forced you to resign in disgrace shows some very, very poor judgement
Weiner never cheated. At least not that we know about. It will be very interesting to see who New Yorkers vote for when faced with two perverts.
His judgement is appalling in that he continued this behavior long after his public humiliation and resignation. If NYC voters elect him after all of this, they only have themselves to blame for making their city an object of ridicule.

This part I can agree with 100%
His first bout with this sexting scandal involved him flat out lying about it. Which completely tainted his character (as if the fact a married man was essentially breaking his marital trust wasn't enough). He later apologized for his transgressions and left congress in shame.

The problem is that he's a liar and isn't trustworthy. If he can not be honest with his wife (and then lie to the American people), there is absolutely no way he can be trusted to do the people's work in elected office.

That's what it is really about.

You're seriously looking for an "honest politician"? Really?

The answer is no. All of them lie but omg cheating is so bad!!!


Because cheating is so bad!!!

Yes, I'm serious. I have principles and integrity. I'm not going to vote for someone who is a proven liar. Not now, not ever. Too bad most Americans have the integrity of your average sociopath. Hence most of our problems in America.
His problem? Methinks his wife has turned him into a pussy whipped neuter, hence he acts out on the interwebs. His judgement is appalling in that he continued this behavior long after his public humiliation and resignation.

If NYC voters elect him after all of this, they only have themselves to blame for making their city an object of ridicule.

You might have a point there. But if every mans judgement was called "appalling" everytime a dude did something crazy for a piece. That would be every dude
He's a Democrat so anything goes.. as usual. He could be screwing goats in the public square and the moonbats would be saying who cares.
Well, I don't see the hypocrisy of a Henry Hyde or Strom Thurmond. And, private lives should be that, unless it's something illegal. But, is NYC so hard up for mayoral material the folks would vote for the guy? I don't think I'd vote for him. I like his wife though. He's a jerk.
His first bout with this sexting scandal involved him flat out lying about it. Which completely tainted his character (as if the fact a married man was essentially breaking his marital trust wasn't enough). He later apologized for his transgressions and left congress in shame.

The problem is that he's a liar and isn't trustworthy. If he can not be honest with his wife (and then lie to the American people), there is absolutely no way he can be trusted to do the people's work in elected office.

That's what it is really about.
First, I don't blame Weiner for lying about his relatively innocent sexual diversion, which incidentally harms no one. I'm sure there are many members of Congress whose sexual preferences and diversions are far more insidious than Weiner's rather adolescent bit of harmless erotic machismo.

If that's what he likes to do in his spare time, who cares? Clinton liked getting blowjobs in the Oval Office and sexually imposing himself on women in general. Weiner gets off in the privacy of his bedroom and he bothers no one.

If he was running for President I would vote for him.
Is there ANY behavior so disgusting that it will not be judged O.K. by other democrats. Weiner's wife, Clinton's wife stand by their husbands and say I'm fine with it so why should it bother you? I'm disgusted with the whole bunch of them. Is there no integrity in the democratic party anymore?

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