Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

Internet forums are where all the snivelers of the world finally get their revenge for all the childhood heartache they endured in the junior high locker room...

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And yet, those liberals are passing us up economically, educationally, and they have better healthcare too.

Hmm, wonder why they keep coming down here for advanced procedures, then....

Does make one wonder since in the U S more than 500 companies make money off of sick people and we still rank 37th in the world when general health and longevity are studied and ranked.
So... you must be the New Bullying?

Why the fuck wouldn't you be against bullying? Do you want little children committing suicide? Don't give me this alpha-male bullshit about how its natural and we should let it happen. It should be discouraged and prevented. We do not choose how we look, or how we are shaped, especially as little children. Allowing children to "pounce" on those deemed as weak (by evolutionary standards), because of innate instincts to create a social hierarchy based on fitness (even as children), is simply wrong. That is letting our animal instincts play out in a supervised environment in a way that is inappropriate when it can be stopped. Godamn, you fucking idiots piss me off when you suggests we should let bully's continue. Have you any common sense?

Spoken like a true victim of bullying.

Are you fucking serious? I got bullied, so understand what its like, and you are still acting like a bully in middle school, patronizing me for the fact that I got bullied? You're fucked in the head.
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Why the fuck wouldn't you be against bullying? Do you want little children committing suicide? Don't give me this alpha-male bullshit about how its natural and we should let it happen. It should be discouraged and prevented. We do not choose how we look, or how we are shaped, especially as little children. Allowing children to "pounce" on those deemed as weak (by evolutionary standards), because of innate instincts to create a social hierarchy based on fitness (even as children), is simply wrong. That is letting our animal instincts play out in a supervised environment in a way that is inappropriate when it can be stopped. Godamn, you fucking idiots piss me off when you suggests we should let bully's continue. Have you any common sense?

Spoken like a true victim of bullying.

Are you fucking serious? I got bullied, so understand what its like, and you are still acting like a bully in middle school, patronizing me for the fact that I got bullied? You're fucked in the head.

Very serious.

You can no more stop bullying than you can stop the sun from rising. Deal with it.

I would think being a victim of bullying would make one stronger, you seem to be the exception.

I've never been bullied nor have I bullied anyone, quite the contrary. I was the type that stood up for those being bullied.
Does make one wonder since in the U S more than 500 companies make money off of sick people and we still rank 37th in the world when general health and longevity are studied and ranked.

Nah, no one wonders; we have the top medical care in the world - by a HUGE margin - but Obama's fascist care will put an end to that. If you get cancer, AIDS, or a host of other diseases, the USA means life, the rest of the world, not so much. Again, Obama means to put an end to this.

You're a fucking lunatic. You've managed to make childhood bullying a democratic vs republican issue. How deluded must you be? Granted, you've performed some serious mental gymnastics to even construct a conspiracy theory about anti-bullying laws as having to do with anything other than humanistic concerns. You need to not look at everything through political lens, and just recognize the fact that many children are suffering, and there is no reason for it, and there should be made an effort to stop it. You would prefer the easy option, which is inaction, while trying to wrap this laziness in a cloak of conspiracy to justify you're inertia. How appalling. If you were bullied when you were younger, you'd be singing a different tune, so have a little fucking empathy for kids who were not as "cool" as you.

You're a fucking lunatic. You've managed to make childhood bullying a democratic vs republican issue. How deluded must you be? Granted, you've performed some serious mental gymnastics to even construct a conspiracy theory about anti-bullying laws as having to do with anything other than humanistic concerns. You need to not look at everything through political lens, and just recognize the fact that many children are suffering, and there is no reason for it, and there should be made an effort to stop it. You would prefer the easy option, which is inaction, while trying to wrap this laziness in a cloak of conspiracy to justify you're inertia. How appalling. If you were bullied when you were younger, you'd be singing a different tune, so have a little fucking empathy for kids who were not as "cool" as you.

ROLMAO, The guy you want to scream at is Daniel Greenfield, he wrote the article, Ya moron...:D
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Sounds like my sister's logic when she was a kid...

... if ya warn her NOT to do somethin'...

... she'd accuse ya of tellin' her what to do...

... her logic worked like, "If ya tell her not to do somethin'...

... (because there were gonna be consequences)...

... that was the same as tellin' someone what to do...

... but hey, what can I say...

... she comes by it honest...

... got it from her mother.

Hope you (and she) grow out of it someday.
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Teen Jumped to Her Death Over Sex-Party Bullying...
Tormented 15-year-old Felicia Garcia jumped to death in front of train after bullying over sex with football players
Oct 26, 2012 - Felicia Garcia was tormented over night with football players: police
The tormented Staten Island teenager who killed herself by jumping in the path of a train was bullied to death by classmates after she had sex with four football players, police sources said Thursday. Felicia Garcia, a 15-year-old freshman at Tottenville High School, was driven to her death when two classmates blabbed about the encounters — and she learned that it had been recorded. “Kids are saying she had sex with some guys from the football team at a party after the game,” said a friend of the doomed girl who asked not to be identified. “Later on they wouldn't leave her alone about it. They just kept bullying her and bullying her.”

After the weekend, the bullying sent Felicia into the final tailspin in a long-troubled life. “I cant, im done, I give up,” she tweeted Monday. School officials heard of the bullying and set up a mediation session Wednesday with a counselor and one of the 17-year-old boys. The teenager denied harassing the girl, the sources said. Leaving the office, Felicia later ran into the other 17-year-old who had been making her life miserable — and they exchanged words, the sources said. Police did not say what was said. But it was enough to send Felicia marching off to the Huguenot station of the Staten Island Railroad, where she killed herself in front of horrified classmates.

Senior Alissa Compitello said she saw Felicia on the way to the train station and the girl told her that she had the mediation because of the bullying. “She was smiling though, like everything was going to be okay,” said Compitello, 17. But a quick look at Felicia’s Instagram account would have revealed the depths of her despair. On it, she placed a picture of herself with the word “Depressed” covering her eyes. “Just because someone is smiling doesn’t make them happy,” read her caption.

Read more: Tormented 15-year-old Felicia Garcia jumped to death in front of train after bullying over sex with football players - NY Daily News
Bullying and the 'rise of' anti-bullying, imo..has caused a suicide epedemic in this country. Very sad.

You're a fucking lunatic. You've managed to make childhood bullying a democratic vs republican issue. How deluded must you be? Granted, you've performed some serious mental gymnastics to even construct a conspiracy theory about anti-bullying laws as having to do with anything other than humanistic concerns. You need to not look at everything through political lens, and just recognize the fact that many children are suffering, and there is no reason for it, and there should be made an effort to stop it. You would prefer the easy option, which is inaction, while trying to wrap this laziness in a cloak of conspiracy to justify you're inertia. How appalling. If you were bullied when you were younger, you'd be singing a different tune, so have a little fucking empathy for kids who were not as "cool" as you.

ROLMAO, The guy you want to scream at is Daniel Greenfield, he wrote the article, Ya moron...:D

You posted it, and you espouse its views, so what's the difference between you and the author on this topic? Absolutely nothing. You're "ROLMAO" is pointless.
330lb Muslim Rapist Who Claimed Bin Laden Ties Complains of Prison Bullying

December 11, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield

Everybody is being bullied these days. Bullying is the new satanic abuse cult. It’s happening everywhere. Even to 330 lb rapists who claimed to be international terrorist drug lords.

And if they aren’t safe from the bullying crisis… who is?

A morbidly obese rapist who threatened to kill the families of his victims if they didn’t have sex with him has been jailed for eight years.

Noureldin Derwish, 27, posed as an underworld heavyweight, international drug lord, and a multi-millionaire businessman when he lured his two young victims into his evil world of lies and sick fantasies. He also told one of his victims he knew where Osama bin Laden was living because of his significant international underworld connections.

Both of Derwish’s two victims complained that they had been left crushed under his hulking 150kg frame as he repeatedly raped them.

The court heard today His first victim, then a 17-year-old schoolgirl, was handcuffed to a bed in a Fawkner hotel after being raped and held captive for up to seven hours.


330lb Muslim Rapist Who Claimed Bin Laden Ties Complains of Prison Bullying | FrontPage Magazine

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