Anti-Gay participants, why do you not accept homosexuality?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
I am sure there are plenty of threads about the issue.
But I actually want to start one of mine.
This isn't a "weed them out and punish them" thing. I'm curious as to why people think its a choice and why they are against it.
Answer please.
What is it with you people Obsessed over others and the fact they like screw the same sex they are?

do you ever see two male horses getting it on? Well there ya go

You want to SEE people become ANTI-homosexuals... keep up shoving this down peoples throats
I am sure there are plenty of threads about the issue.
But I actually want to start one of mine.
This isn't a "weed them out and punish them" thing. I'm curious as to why people think its a choice and why they are against it.
Answer please.

I'm not sure exactly what I think about this.

It's not likely that someone would choose to be gay... but, you can't be born gay, because there's no gay gene, either. That makes me think it's either a nature/nurture thing, or an influence from others things, or an imbalance of hormones, or identity confusion.

Do I think they are evil people? No.
Am I religious? No.
In my opinion is it disturbing and disgusting? Yes.
Should they be disallowed rights in secular America? No.
Is there a gay mafia with propaganda? Yes.
Are homosexuals automatically bad parents because they're gay? No.
Do I feel a child is better served with influences from one Mommy and one Daddy? Yes.
Is there an effort by the Left to demonize those who feel homosexuality is sin? Yes.
Are there some religious people who really hate homosexuals? Yes.
Is it true that some are trying to secularize religion to accept homosexuality? Yes.
Do bad apples exist in both groups? Yes.

From a non-religious but non-secular view, it's just disgusting, and deep down I don't feel it's normal or alright. I get the same exact feeling in my guts when it comes to polygamy, incest, beastiality, and so on. Does that mean homosexuals are the same as those three sub-groups? No. I don't feel that same way in my insides when I think of interracial marriages. Do I find beauty and happiness of one man and one woman being married on the happiest day of their lives? Yes. It makes me feel joyful on the inside, and puts a surge on my good spirits. I love the... art... I guess, and the beauty of one man and one woman together in love; like fire and ice, yin and yang, black and white. They complement each other perfectly. Does that feeling make me evil? No.
I do not care at all what others do. When they get laws passed that requires my participation in their lifestyle, I draw the line.
What is it with you people Obsessed over others and the fact they like screw the same sex they are?

do you ever see two male horses getting it on? Well there ya go

You want to SEE people become ANTI-homosexuals... keep up shoving this down peoples throats
Why do you look at people and focus on how they "do it"? That seems really odd.
I have no problem with gays, it's the gay marriage issue I have a problem with.

With all the zeal over this, we opened the door to state licensed plural marriage and incestuous marriage. Those I could do without, but unless someone can come up with a legal argument that would prohibit it, it's a done deal.
Because its icky and spreads disease.

Somewhat correct. On the first, yes. Sex in general can and does spread disease. I would imagine, though, that unprotected sex between two males heightens the possibility of a UTI? UTIs can affect the behavior of people towards the obscene. Hm...
I'm not "Anti-Gay;" I just don't like bullies. I don't like people who issue threats or attempt to intimidate someone because they don't support gay marriage. I don't like people who twist and contort The Bible to justify their way of life, yet twist and contort other parts of The Bible in an attempt to point out how hateful and bigoted I am as a Christian. The Bible isn't a weapon, nor a tool of hatred.
I'm not "Anti-Gay;" I just don't like bullies. I don't like people who issue threats or attempt to intimidate someone because they don't support gay marriage. I don't like people who twist and contort The Bible to justify their way of life, yet twist and contort other parts of The Bible in an attempt to point out how hateful and bigoted I am as a Christian. The Bible isn't a weapon, nor a tool of hatred.

bravo. they are the ones creating more people to dislike Homosexuals. no one else to blame but themselves and their bulling tactics.. I don't think people are going to stand for it much longer
There are also pro-gay marriage people like me, and others who are essentially agnostic on the topic, who will fight against this intimidation, punishment and control.

They're taking PC too far, and more and more people on the Left are taking notice.

I do not like one bit the bullying methods of some on the Left who will try to destroy your livelihood if you don't agree with them fully on the issue of gay marriage.

That belief fits into the statement in my sig.
I do not care at all what others do. When they get laws passed that requires my participation in their lifestyle, I draw the line.
Nobody is requiring you to participate.
Tell that to the bakery owners who were fined $135,000 for doing just that.

The laws that the gay couple chose to leverage are requirements.

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I don't like gay culture. If being gay is your main defining feature, then you must be a very dull person.
Yes I do pillage anus (men and women), its just a private matter...
Am I religious? No.
Well, most Russian Communists and Fascists hate homosexuals, as Stalin, Mao and Hitler put 'sexual deviants'* to death and ran demonization campaigns; so being non-religious doesn't exclude distrust/disgust/hate - and self-hating gays are numerous too, which is fairly sad.
In my opinion is it disturbing and disgusting? Yes.
Then you find animal sex disgusting and 'unnatural' even though homosexuality is clearly evident in nature (including in humans). Here are 25 of the over 1500 animal species that engage in homosexual acts:

You had better not visit the zoo, as elephants do it too, as do birds.
Should they be disallowed rights in secular America? No.
Well, it would unconstitutional to do so, as religious views are no justification for withholding 'rights', and unless you want a theocracy and military dictatorship like Iran or Saudi Arabia, then you can't impose a religious view on those that don't believe in solely heterosexual marriage, any more than you can impose a ban on divorce or inter-racial marriage - as eventually people demand an extension to secular rights to include them.
Is there a gay mafia with propaganda? Yes.
Try and ban that 'gay propaganda' and you will get higher rates of HIV/AIDS and STD's in general, which comes from imposing religious views that ban contraceptives and bar schools from fully discussing safe sex.

Russia alone has new 90,000 cases (most of which are heterosexual cases) vs 50,000 each year in the US, and it has less than half America's population. America would have far less cases if puritanical attitudes like abstinence only weren't applied so readily to education.
Is there an effort by the Left to demonize those who feel homosexuality is sin? Yes.
Something you should expect after thousands of years of persecution, as extreme religious groups had it coming the moment that people starting thinking for themselves and learning to read.

Organized religion obviously didn't kill off enough 'heretics' to stop religious reformation and re-interpretations of scripture - especially in denominations of the Anglican Church - and even in Islam with gay-friendly Mosques.
How terrible. :popcorn:
Is it true that some are trying to secularize religion to accept homosexuality? Yes.
Anti-theists/Agnostics/Secularists/Humanists don't need to do anything to 'religion' to push people away from organized religion, as every 'push back' by the religious right turns more and more people off Christianity/Islam,etc each year. I have met a lot of religious people that don't align with secularism, but have rejected the church because of the 'burn in hell' rhetoric. In Europe that decline of organized religion is more dramatic than in America.
Do bad apples exist in both groups? Yes.
A lot more from one side, and that side is demographically more numerous and engages in hanging, torture (like raping kids with bottles), child abuse, abandonment of kids, and also stages massive violent protests like in France and Serbia. Simply because they view homosexuals as sub-human or undeserving of equal rights.

But after they lose the 'war', oppressors often began a phase of self-victimization - which gives 'liberals' plenty of material for comedy routines. :boohoo:

While the GOP is foaming at the mouth over same-sex marriage, they are losing opportunities to act on issues that actually matter like the economy, foreign policy, immigration, and the government debt. Single issue parties don't stay elected long - just saying.

*Then Stalin, Mao, and Hitler failed to euthanize, wipe out, or kill off the gays. So I wonder how people without such violent methods can hope to 'rid America of homosexuals and homosexual acts', when several thousand years of negative portrayals couldn't do it either. :rolleyes:
Am I religious? No.
Well, most Russian Communists and Fascists hate homosexuals, as Stalin, Mao and Hitler put 'sexual deviants'* to death and ran demonization campaigns; so being non-religious doesn't exclude distrust/disgust/hate - and self-hating gays are numerous too, which is fairly sad.
In my opinion is it disturbing and disgusting? Yes.
Then you find animal sex disgusting and 'unnatural' even though homosexuality is clearly evident in nature (including in humans). Here are 25 of the over 1500 animal species that engage in homosexual acts:

You had better not visit the zoo, as elephants do it too, as do birds.
Should they be disallowed rights in secular America? No.
Well, it would unconstitutional to do so, as religious views are no justification for withholding 'rights', and unless you want a theocracy and military dictatorship like Iran or Saudi Arabia, then you can't impose a religious view on those that don't believe in solely heterosexual marriage, any more than you can impose a ban on divorce or inter-racial marriage - as eventually people demand an extension to secular rights to include them.
Is there a gay mafia with propaganda? Yes.
Try and ban that 'gay propaganda' and you will get higher rates of HIV/AIDS and STD's in general, which comes from imposing religious views that ban contraceptives and bar schools from fully discussing safe sex.

Russia alone has new 90,000 cases (most of which are heterosexual cases) vs 50,000 each year in the US, and it has less than half America's population. America would have far less cases if puritanical attitudes like abstinence only weren't applied so readily to education.
Is there an effort by the Left to demonize those who feel homosexuality is sin? Yes.
Something you should expect after thousands of years of persecution, as extreme religious groups had it coming the moment that people starting thinking for themselves and learning to read.

Organized religion obviously didn't kill off enough 'heretics' to stop religious reformation and re-interpretations of scripture - especially in denominations of the Anglican Church - and even in Islam with gay-friendly Mosques.
How terrible. :popcorn:
Is it true that some are trying to secularize religion to accept homosexuality? Yes.
Anti-theists/Agnostics/Secularists/Humanists don't need to do anything to 'religion' to push people away from organized religion, as every 'push back' by the religious right turns more and more people off Christianity/Islam,etc each year. I have met a lot of religious people that don't align with secularism, but have rejected the church because of the 'burn in hell' rhetoric. In Europe that decline of organized religion is more dramatic than in America.
Do bad apples exist in both groups? Yes.
A lot more from one side, and that side is demographically more numerous and engages in hanging, torture (like raping kids with bottles), child abuse, abandonment of kids, and also stages massive violent protests like in France and Serbia. Simply because they view homosexuals as sub-human or undeserving of equal rights.

But after they lose the 'war', oppressors often began a phase of self-victimization - which gives 'liberals' plenty of material for comedy routines. :boohoo:

While the GOP is foaming at the mouth over same-sex marriage, they are losing opportunities to act on issues that actually matter like the economy, foreign policy, immigration, and the government debt. Single issue parties don't stay elected long - just saying.

*Then Stalin, Mao, and Hitler failed to euthanize, wipe out, or kill off the gays. So I wonder how people without such violent methods can hope to 'rid America of homosexuals and homosexual acts', when several thousand years of negative portrayals couldn't do it either. :rolleyes:

my gawd, you people will go to any lengths to push homosexual off on people. you're warped
Am I religious? No.
Well, most Russian Communists and Fascists hate homosexuals, as Stalin, Mao and Hitler put 'sexual deviants'* to death and ran demonization campaigns; so being non-religious doesn't exclude distrust/disgust/hate - and self-hating gays are numerous too, which is fairly sad.
In my opinion is it disturbing and disgusting? Yes.
Then you find animal sex disgusting and 'unnatural' even though homosexuality is clearly evident in nature (including in humans). Here are 25 of the over 1500 animal species that engage in homosexual acts:

You had better not visit the zoo, as elephants do it too, as do birds.
Should they be disallowed rights in secular America? No.
Well, it would unconstitutional to do so, as religious views are no justification for withholding 'rights', and unless you want a theocracy and military dictatorship like Iran or Saudi Arabia, then you can't impose a religious view on those that don't believe in solely heterosexual marriage, any more than you can impose a ban on divorce or inter-racial marriage - as eventually people demand an extension to secular rights to include them.
Is there a gay mafia with propaganda? Yes.
Try and ban that 'gay propaganda' and you will get higher rates of HIV/AIDS and STD's in general, which comes from imposing religious views that ban contraceptives and bar schools from fully discussing safe sex.

Russia alone has new 90,000 cases (most of which are heterosexual cases) vs 50,000 each year in the US, and it has less than half America's population. America would have far less cases if puritanical attitudes like abstinence only weren't applied so readily to education.
Is there an effort by the Left to demonize those who feel homosexuality is sin? Yes.
Something you should expect after thousands of years of persecution, as extreme religious groups had it coming the moment that people starting thinking for themselves and learning to read.

Organized religion obviously didn't kill off enough 'heretics' to stop religious reformation and re-interpretations of scripture - especially in denominations of the Anglican Church - and even in Islam with gay-friendly Mosques.
How terrible. :popcorn:
Is it true that some are trying to secularize religion to accept homosexuality? Yes.
Anti-theists/Agnostics/Secularists/Humanists don't need to do anything to 'religion' to push people away from organized religion, as every 'push back' by the religious right turns more and more people off Christianity/Islam,etc each year. I have met a lot of religious people that don't align with secularism, but have rejected the church because of the 'burn in hell' rhetoric. In Europe that decline of organized religion is more dramatic than in America.
Do bad apples exist in both groups? Yes.
A lot more from one side, and that side is demographically more numerous and engages in hanging, torture (like raping kids with bottles), child abuse, abandonment of kids, and also stages massive violent protests like in France and Serbia. Simply because they view homosexuals as sub-human or undeserving of equal rights.

But after they lose the 'war', oppressors often began a phase of self-victimization - which gives 'liberals' plenty of material for comedy routines. :boohoo:

While the GOP is foaming at the mouth over same-sex marriage, they are losing opportunities to act on issues that actually matter like the economy, foreign policy, immigration, and the government debt. Single issue parties don't stay elected long - just saying.

*Then Stalin, Mao, and Hitler failed to euthanize, wipe out, or kill off the gays. So I wonder how people without such violent methods can hope to 'rid America of homosexuals and homosexual acts', when several thousand years of negative portrayals couldn't do it either. :rolleyes:

my gawd, you people will go to any lengths to push homosexual off on people. you're warped
You will go to any lengths to shoot your own party in the foot, so by all means do so. A sound majority support same-sex marriage, and that continues to go up. So by all means go against the political flow. Worked great for Romney, as he lost by several million votes to Obama.

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