Anti-Gun March Proves Lincoln’s Statement


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Clearly, these were the folks about whom Abraham Lincoln said that they could be fooled all of the time.

1. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Did you see any signs that revealed those facts?

2. “In HBO’s The Wire …there is a story line about an upcoming mayoral election and the concerted effort to manipulate the crime stats before the election to make the existing administration look better. … it replicates how things got started in Broward County, Florida, leading directly to the murder of 17 innocent souls in Parkland.

3. … the collapse of the system in Parkland that failed to stop the murderer from roaming the halls of a high school with a gun he should never have had an opportunity to legally acquire… starts way before the fated day he entered the school.

4. … the Superintendent of Broward County, Robert Runcie, who arrived in his position from Chicago where he worked with Arne Duncan. Mr. Duncan went from there to serve as President Obama’s Secretary of Education for seven years.

5. Runcie stated, in October 2011, “We quickly recognized that Broward had a high number of arrests, suspensions and expulsions. In fact, the highest number in the state.”
How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

6. Via the method Liberals use in place of actual thinking….if he could somehow hide….ignore….pretend….that the actions that caused the “arrests, suspensions and expulsions,” didn’t exist…..well….

………then he could announce that crime has been abolished in his domain!!!!

Get it????
Don't punish the guilty......and...voila!....there's no crime!!

See how that works?

Did you vote for this system of law enforcement….ignoring criminality?

You did if you voted Democrat.
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PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays
PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

While you called it 'nonsense,' my posts are always 100% true, correct and accurate.

You've helped prove it, as you ran from these:

. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Drop back when you're ready to admit the truth of what I've posted.
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7. Marches, protests.walk-outs, feel-good rather than do-good.
That's the Left, the Democrats, the Liberals.

The truth is that 17 innocents were slaughtered due to Obama policies.

This school superintendent ordered his schools to no longer suspend students, or have violent thugs arrested, most particularly minority students, who are predators and discipline problems….violent individuals who attack other students, and teachers.

8. The Obama administration found this to be such a brilliant idea that they instituted it nationwide.

the policy became a coordinated effort with the police. That includes the now-famous Scott Israel, Broward County Sheriff. In fact, Runcie speaks of the coordinated effort with the community when he refers to eliminating the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’.

Why is it important that so few have been following the issue? Because this policy was soon adopted on a national level. That would be fine if there is specific evidence of this program working, but there is not.

We all know what happens when individuals are not disciplined for low-level crimes. They often move on to other low-level crimes or more aggressive anti-social behavior.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

I challenge dunces, like my pal Middy, to deny any of the above.

He won't.
The government failed to protect those students. Does it make sense to disarm ourselves and rely solely on the government?

'Resign Sheriff Israel' push gains traction after damaging revelation that deputies hid during shooting

Perhaps I failed to make the point strongly enough.

The government....under Hussein Obama....didn't just fail to protect the innocent individuals shot to death....

.....they made certain that Nikolas Cruz had no arrest record that would interfere with him passing a background check.

Obama facilitated the massacre.
7. Marches, protests.walk-outs, feel-good rather than do-good.
That's the Left, the Democrats, the Liberals.

The truth is that 17 innocents were slaughtered due to Obama policies.

This school superintendent ordered his schools to no longer suspend students, or have violent thugs arrested, most particularly minority students, who are predators and discipline problems….violent individuals who attack other students, and teachers.

8. The Obama administration found this to be such a brilliant idea that they instituted it nationwide.

the policy became a coordinated effort with the police. That includes the now-famous Scott Israel, Broward County Sheriff. In fact, Runcie speaks of the coordinated effort with the community when he refers to eliminating the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’.

Why is it important that so few have been following the issue? Because this policy was soon adopted on a national level. That would be fine if there is specific evidence of this program working, but there is not.

We all know what happens when individuals are not disciplined for low-level crimes. They often move on to other low-level crimes or more aggressive anti-social behavior.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

I challenge dunces, like my pal Middy, to deny any of the above.

He won't.

my money is on he'll call you some sort of name!!!!!
The government failed to protect those students. Does it make sense to disarm ourselves and rely solely on the government?

'Resign Sheriff Israel' push gains traction after damaging revelation that deputies hid during shooting

Perhaps I failed to make the point strongly enough.

The government....under Hussein Obama....didn't just fail to protect the innocent individuals shot to death....

.....they made certain that Nikolas Cruz had no arrest record that would interfere with him passing a background check.

Obama facilitated the massacre.
exactly what I posted earlier today.
7. Marches, protests.walk-outs, feel-good rather than do-good.
That's the Left, the Democrats, the Liberals.

The truth is that 17 innocents were slaughtered due to Obama policies.

This school superintendent ordered his schools to no longer suspend students, or have violent thugs arrested, most particularly minority students, who are predators and discipline problems….violent individuals who attack other students, and teachers.

8. The Obama administration found this to be such a brilliant idea that they instituted it nationwide.

the policy became a coordinated effort with the police. That includes the now-famous Scott Israel, Broward County Sheriff. In fact, Runcie speaks of the coordinated effort with the community when he refers to eliminating the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’.

Why is it important that so few have been following the issue? Because this policy was soon adopted on a national level. That would be fine if there is specific evidence of this program working, but there is not.

We all know what happens when individuals are not disciplined for low-level crimes. They often move on to other low-level crimes or more aggressive anti-social behavior.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

I challenge dunces, like my pal Middy, to deny any of the above.

He won't.

my money is on he'll call you some sort of name!!!!!

Or use the Clayton Jones tactic of running away
9. With an insane ideologue in the White House, read 'Obama,' schools became a hunting ground for predators, like Nikolas Cruz. And schools were warned that they better obey.

“a “Dear Colleague” letter was sent jointly from the Departments of Education and Justice to all public school districts threatening lawsuits over racial discrimination in student discipline.
Teachers were no longer reporting incidents because they were afraid of being branded as racist since many of these incidents involved minority students.

“Broward eliminated many internal surveys regarding student behavior.” Their own internal annual survey was dispensed with and they began using a bi-annual federal survey. This is key because there was no survey the year after implementation of the Broward policy in 2013 which led to the Dear Colleague letter in 2014. The lack of understanding how retaining the misbehaving students in the classroom had affected the education environment for other students was not available. The 2015 federal survey in Broward reflected a declining safety environment in the schools.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

“…in just the first year after the Obama administration issued its anti-discipline edict, public schools failed to expel more than 30,000 students who physically attacked teachers or staff across the country. Previously, “if you hit a teach, you’re gone,” he said, but that is no longer the case.”

Liberals in control, decreased education, increased criminality.

Did you vote for this system of law enforcement….ignoring criminality?

You did if you voted Democrat.
Gun owners don't commit murders, you stupid sluts. (-:

Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Did you vote for that administration?

10. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.

… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.
Oooo.......You don't like me? Have a seat with the other morons waiting for me to give a darn.

It's not really that. It's just that you're such an obvious narcissist that it actually makes me cringe. You are a living "I am very smart." stereotype.
well in here it's needed. and she is.

Using ad hominems to reinforce points you're trying to make is a sign of weakness, and she does it in pretty much every post she copy/pastes to this forum. Going on about how smart you think you are is just cringy as hell.

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