Anti-Gun March Proves Lincoln’s Statement

and then, when she puts out her own thoughts

Haven't seen that yet.

you asshats say she doesn't know what she is talking about......

That's what happens when there isn't agreement on what reality and facts are, and when there are endless links and experts to support either point of view. I like to think that when I have an actual debate with somebody I'm typically pretty respectful and do my best to address points fairly and have an open mind, but maybe I'm just another simpleton after all.

Keep switching the goal posts instead of taking on her are all asshats...

They're not hers, and either way I've done it before and it ends up exactly like I said. I'm not interested in a link battle and wasting an entire day arguing against and dissecting the opinions of somebody that isn't even here. I'm interested in discourse with actual thought from the people I'm debating with. What she does is intentional and she knows it. It's a tactic to be so tedious that nobody in their right mind will bother. That's not intellectual and it's not winning an argument.

Everything I post....every single my own thoughts.

All mine.

And then, I support same.

As per:
1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis)

Knocking you cold is simply a bonus.
why you can't refute anything I post

I can, but the thing is there is more than one version of reality floating around right now, and you are balls deep into conservative crazy land. You post wall after wall of text from conservative propaganda websites that would take a lot of time and energy to pull apart, and frankly you're just not worth it because you'll shoot down anything that suggests anything to the contrary as fake news and liberal nonsense, and then follow that up with more of your propaganda. You "win" arguments by posting so much stuff that people aren't willing to waste their day going through it all and having a debate about what the facts, history and reality are. And among all of that stuff you post there isn't an original thought to be found. You claim to be some kind of intellectual while not actually using your own mind to put together any of the arguments you make. The only original thing that comes from you are the various insults you direct at others and the text fellatio you perform on yourself. Like I said, you don't actually debate. You machine gun propaganda until nobody has any willingness to exchange with you anymore. If you're ever willing to have an actual debate with your own thoughts I'd love to exchange with you, but I suspect you have absolutely no interest in doing that. You know what else I suspect? I suspect that you're keenly aware of the truth in my words. ;)



I just couldn't sit idly and let an obvious narcissist self-aggrandise over inundating people with thoughts and ideas that aren't even their own. It's gross. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day. :)

All of my thoughts are my own.

Every single one of 'em.

You can't dispute any, refute any, find any errors at all....

...all you can carp about is the way they are presented.'re a dunce.
No you can't.

You're really suggesting there aren't endless sources that are counterpart to your Town Hall opinion piece versions of reality? You make outlandish claims and then back them up with opinion blogs from extreme right wing websites. Your view of reality is so distorted that it's actually a bit troubling. The last time I bothered to exchange with you you argued with me about history that no historian or history professor would ever dispute. You live in propaganda land. Reality based arguments don't work on you because you don't live there, and nobody is going to waste endless hours trying to make you realize how lost you are. I'm still not even convinced that you actually believe all of the propaganda you post.
All of my thoughts are my own.

Every single one of 'em.

You can't dispute any, refute any, find any errors at all....

...all you can carp about is the way they are presented.'re a dunce.

Your thoughts are regurgitated opinion pieces. You inundate people with links and biased information in an attempt to be too tedious to argue with. You don't win arguments, you ignore reality and flood people with your propaganda until they don't care anymore.
No you can't.

You're really suggesting there aren't endless sources that are counterpart to your Town Hall opinion piece versions of reality? You make outlandish claims and then back them up with opinion blogs from extreme right wing websites. Your view of reality is so distorted that it's actually a bit troubling. The last time I bothered to exchange with you you argued with me about history that no historian or history professor would ever dispute. You live in propaganda land. Reality based arguments don't work on you because you don't live there, and nobody is going to waste endless hours trying to make you realize how lost you are. I'm still not even convinced that you actually believe all of the propaganda you post.

I'm suggesting nothing.

I'm pointing out that you are a lying, lazy, ignorant dunce.
No you can't.

You're really suggesting there aren't endless sources that are counterpart to your Town Hall opinion piece versions of reality? You make outlandish claims and then back them up with opinion blogs from extreme right wing websites. Your view of reality is so distorted that it's actually a bit troubling. The last time I bothered to exchange with you you argued with me about history that no historian or history professor would ever dispute. You live in propaganda land. Reality based arguments don't work on you because you don't live there, and nobody is going to waste endless hours trying to make you realize how lost you are. I'm still not even convinced that you actually believe all of the propaganda you post.

I'm suggesting nothing.

I'm pointing out that you are a lying, lazy, ignorant dunce.

Oh, okay. ;)
All of my thoughts are my own.

Every single one of 'em.

You can't dispute any, refute any, find any errors at all....

...all you can carp about is the way they are presented.'re a dunce.

Your thoughts are regurgitated opinion pieces. You inundate people with links and biased information in an attempt to be too tedious to argue with. You don't win arguments, you ignore reality and flood people with your propaganda until they don't care anymore.

Everything you post in this thread can be boiled down to excuses as to why you are unable to compete.

Since we agree that you are far out of your depth......why are you back?
When useless and corrupt bureaucrats fail (to end poverty, keep us safe, etc.) they don't apologize, instead they claim they need more money & control to fix the problem. They try to profit off crises of their own making. When the bureaucrats finally have all the money & absolute control we'll all be living in paradise (supposedly).

Sheriff Israel: Parkland's Barney Fife

Shocker: Jake Tapper Actually Does His Job - Rips Broward County Sheriff to SHREDS (Video)

Sheriff Lied to Parkland Victims About NRA to Cover Up for Cowardly Deputies
When useless and corrupt bureaucrats fail (to end poverty, keep us safe, etc.) they don't apologize, instead they claim they need more money & control to fix the problem. They try to profit off crises of their own making. When the bureaucrats finally have all the money & absolute control we'll all be living in paradise (supposedly).

Sheriff Israel: Parkland's Barney Fife

Shocker: Jake Tapper Actually Does His Job - Rips Broward County Sheriff to SHREDS (Video)

Sheriff Lied to Parkland Victims About NRA to Cover Up for Cowardly Deputies
only to a left is failure success.
When useless and corrupt bureaucrats fail (to end poverty, keep us safe, etc.) they don't apologize, instead they claim they need more money & control to fix the problem. They try to profit off crises of their own making. When the bureaucrats finally have all the money & absolute control we'll all be living in paradise (supposedly).

Sheriff Israel: Parkland's Barney Fife

Shocker: Jake Tapper Actually Does His Job - Rips Broward County Sheriff to SHREDS (Video)

Sheriff Lied to Parkland Victims About NRA to Cover Up for Cowardly Deputies
only to a left is failure success.

War is Peace, Peace is War.....Slavery is Freedom, Freedom is Slavery...

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