Anti-Gun March Proves Lincoln’s Statement

PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

While you called it 'nonsense,' my posts are always 100% true, correct and accurate.

You've helped prove it, as you ran from these:

. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Drop back when you're ready to admit the truth of what I've posted.
How much does Putin pay you?

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before
well in here it's needed. and she is.

Using ad hominems to reinforce points you're trying to make is a sign of weakness, and she does it is pretty much every post she copy/pastes to this forum. Going on about how smart you think you are is just cringy as hell.
well I'll tell you what, when someone in here can debate her posts with actual factual material to prove her wrong, I'll listen to you, until then uh uh. you lose.

The pol hag, like all the trump cult, are scared to death of this new brave student movement.
You’re literally incapable of telling the truth but your fear is palpable.
well I'll tell you what, when someone in here can debate her posts with actual factual material to prove her wrong, I'll listen to you, until then uh uh. you lose.

People do, but it's hard to talk to somebody that doesn't live in the same reality. She pastes walls of text from right wing propaganda websites and declares victory when few people are willing to do something so tiresome as spending hours trying to debate reality with her. Very few of the thoughts are even originally hers. She's just a propaganda parrot. You could do the same thing she does. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence.
well I'll tell you what, when someone in here can debate her posts with actual factual material to prove her wrong, I'll listen to you, until then uh uh. you lose.

People do, but it's hard to talk to somebody that doesn't live in the same reality. She pastes walls of text from right wing propaganda websites and declares victory when few people are willing to do something so tiresome as spending hours trying to debate reality with her. Very few of the thoughts are even originally hers. She's just a propaganda parrot. You could do the same thing she does. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence.
so all someone has to do is post something that proves it wrong. I haven't seen that once in here yet.
Cruz was a law abiding gun owner , until he wasn’t !

Promise program didn’t stop crap . Even if there was no such thing , Cruz gets his AR .
Progressive Logic 101: Trumps the reincarnation of Hitler and the police like to shoot unarmed blacks, therefore the People must surrender their guns. Does anyone have a Tide Pod, I feel like dessert
PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

While you called it 'nonsense,' my posts are always 100% true, correct and accurate.

You've helped prove it, as you ran from these:

. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Drop back when you're ready to admit the truth of what I've posted.
How much does Putin pay you?

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Did you see any signs that revealed those facts?

How come you didn't know this????

I certainly wish you a speedy recovery from the open-brain-surgery.
so all someone has to do is post something that proves it wrong. I haven't seen that once in here yet.

So I want to make it clear that on this specific issue I mostly agree with Republicans. I am a supporter of gun rights. In general though, if you think nobody has proven her wrong it's probably because you agree with her distorted version of reality and discredit the things said by people that disagree. One thing I'll give her is that she's very adept at being tiresome to debate to the point that people stop wanting to bother. She will get the last word every time. That doesn't make her right. And again, the thoughts aren't even hers. She is a propaganda parrot. Anybody that needs to call everybody else stupid and gloat about how intelligent they are is very likely not actually a particularly intelligent person.
Last edited:
Cruz was a law abiding gun owner , until he wasn’t !

Promise program didn’t stop crap . Even if there was no such thing , Cruz gets his AR .

One can never tell if your are this stupid, or simply a congenital liar.

Probably both.

The Promise Program made certain that Cruz wasn't no cause for the background check to stop his buying guns.

Gun control folks regularly bring up background checks.


Obama’s Promise Program resulted in Nikolas Cruz not having an arrest record…..nothing that a background check would reveal.

So…..he could buy weapons legally.

“The core of the approach is a program called PROMISE (Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Support & Education), which substitutes counseling for criminal detention for students who break the law.According to the district website, the program is “designed to address the unique needs of students who have committed a behavioral infraction that would normally lead to a juvenile delinquency arrest and, therefore, entry into the juvenile justice system.”

The expressed goal of PROMISE is to bring about “reductions in external suspension, expulsions and arrests.” Delinquents who are diverted to the program are essentially absolved of responsibility for their actions.”

"....absolved of responsibility for their actions.” know....that they have the ability to participate in mass shooting of unarmed innocents in gun free zones.
Liberal policy.

Be very clear.....for Obama, for Liberals, for Democrats, it is not crime that is the is the color of the perpetrator's skin:

This primitive, stone-age thinking was made official Broward County policy in a Nov. 5, 2013, agreement titled "Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline."
PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

While you called it 'nonsense,' my posts are always 100% true, correct and accurate.

You've helped prove it, as you ran from these:

. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Drop back when you're ready to admit the truth of what I've posted.
How much does Putin pay you?

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Did you see any signs that revealed those facts?

How come you didn't know this????

I certainly wish you a speedy recovery from the open-brain-surgery.

Fed check would only include felony convictions! Promise project only deals wh misdemeanors.

So much for your theory .

Lack of Fla gun laws are to blame . Cause they are nra whores.
so all someone has to do is post something that proves it wrong. I haven't seen that once in here yet.

So I want to make it clear that on this specific issue I mostly agree with Republicans. I am a supporter of gun rights. In general though, if you think nobody has proven her wrong it's probably because you agree with her distorted version of reality and discredit the things said by people that disagree. One thing I'll give her is that she's very adept at being tiresome to debate to the point that people stop wanting to bother. She will get the last word every time. That doesn't make her right. And again, the thoughts aren't even hers. She is a propaganda parrot.

Anytime you'd care to try.....I'll chew you up and spit you out.
PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

While you called it 'nonsense,' my posts are always 100% true, correct and accurate.

You've helped prove it, as you ran from these:

. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Drop back when you're ready to admit the truth of what I've posted.
How much does Putin pay you?

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Did you see any signs that revealed those facts?

How come you didn't know this????

I certainly wish you a speedy recovery from the open-brain-surgery.

Fed check would only include felony convictions! Promise project only deals wh misdemeanors.

So much for your theory .

Lack of Fla gun laws are to blame . Cause they are nra whores.

Current FL gun laws would have prevented Cruz from obtaining a weapon.....IF the government had done their job
PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

While you called it 'nonsense,' my posts are always 100% true, correct and accurate.

You've helped prove it, as you ran from these:

. Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Drop back when you're ready to admit the truth of what I've posted.
How much does Putin pay you?

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

Two facts that the Left-owned media is hiding:

a.Gun owners are the most lawful folks in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas ( .00086%)

b. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

Did you see any signs that revealed those facts?

How come you didn't know this????

I certainly wish you a speedy recovery from the open-brain-surgery.

Fed check would only include felony convictions! Promise project only deals wh misdemeanors.

So much for your theory .

Lack of Fla gun laws are to blame . Cause they are nra whores.

A lie.

The schools made sure they weren't arrested for felonies, as well.

. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.
Anytime you'd care to try.....I'll chew you up and spit you out.

No, you'll paste text from propaganda websites until I no longer have the energy to spend hours picking apart all of the ridiculous things you post. You don't actually debate. You need original thoughts for that.
PC I sincerely hope you are being paid for all the ideological nonsense you post. Who needs the Russians when 'Dark Money' and 'Invisible Hands' manage the minds of so many Americans on the right.

A Case for Gun Control

11 facts about gun violence in the United States

'Fuck You, Guns'

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."
Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"
"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms!
" p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

The Rambo and Seattle Shooters Were Homeschooled

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same." Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

If Eric could not have got a gun, do you really believe he would have dropped his plans? My guess is that he would have refined his bomb making skills. Authorities speculated after Columbine that if the bomb in the commons area did go off, that about 200 people would have been killed.

Maybe you should thank God that Eric was able to get a gun.

BTW, this is a list of the weapons used at Columbine:

Savage-Springfield 67H pump-action shotgun, 12 gauge; Hi-Point 995 Carbine, 9 mm caliber; pipe bomb; Intratec TEC-9 semi-automatic handgun, 9 mm caliber; and Stevens 311D double-barreled sawed-off shotgun, 12 gauge

NONE were affected by the assault weapons ban, and yet it didn't stop the carnage.

Be careful what you wish for.

Anytime you'd care to try.....I'll chew you up and spit you out.

No, you'll paste text from propaganda websites until I no longer have the energy to spend hours picking apart all of the ridiculous things you post. You don't actually debate. You need original thoughts for that.

Using the term 'propaganda' is in no way refuting the facts, you dunce.

Shall I wait for you to stop making limp excuses as to why you can't refute anything I post, or shall I continue on with a long and eventful life?
11. . The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

“One of the people impacted by this new policy was the murderer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Because of the new reporting (or non-reporting) system, the murderer had 21 incidents at the school that were not referred to the police. The police then were called to his home 39 times. Not once was this person taken to the police station and charged with anything and kept overnight. If just once he had been, he would not have passed his background check and he would never have been able to acquire a legal weapon of any kind.

Every time people speak of issues like gun control, they will point to “if we can just save one life.” Here 17 lives were lost because of a failed social policy that has spread throughout the country.

This weekend, students from Parkland fanned out across the country to preach gun control and speak at gun control rallies. Their ignorance of the policies that were put in place by social engineering bureaucrats that directly led to this massacre hovers over them as they preach of false gods.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

How many of those who marched in Washington this weekend knew that they were giving support to the administration that was responsible for the Parkland massacre????

Did you vote for this system of law enforcement….ignoring criminality?

You did if you voted Democrat.
well I'll tell you what, when someone in here can debate her posts with actual factual material to prove her wrong, I'll listen to you, until then uh uh. you lose.

People do, but it's hard to talk to somebody that doesn't live in the same reality. She pastes walls of text from right wing propaganda websites and declares victory when few people are willing to do something so tiresome as spending hours trying to debate reality with her. Very few of the thoughts are even originally hers. She's just a propaganda parrot. You could do the same thing she does. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence.

I just heard you say, "I assume she's wrong because she won't post in two-sentence memes, and expects me to read and think."

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