Anti-Semitism Codified By Elites; Merged with 'Double Standards'.

dilloduck said:
Ones actual genetic makeup could be "diluted" many times over but other Jews ignore discount that and deem the perosn to be jewish--onyl jewish.

But still, one is considered a jew if one's mother is a jew. That makes it genetic, and therefore, racial. Sorry.
rtwngAvngr said:
But still, one is considered a jew if one's mother is a jew. That makes it genetic, and therefore, racial. Sorry.

I'm not denying that. Personally I don't consider someone to be jewish unless the practice Judaism but I know that someones' rule says that they are Jewish if thier mom had one Jewish gene.
dilloduck said:
I'm not denying that. Personally I don't consider someone to be jewish unless the practice Judaism but I know that someones' rule says that they are Jewish if thier mom had one Jewish gene.

Yeah. It's the jews' rule.
dilloduck said:
I'm not denying that. Personally I don't consider someone to be jewish unless the practice Judaism but I know that someones' rule says that they are Jewish if thier mom had one Jewish gene.

Wow, there's a 'Jewish gene'? :shocked: Does that mean there is also a Presbyterian gene?
dilloduck said:
Maybe you should elaborate as to why YOU consider everyone with an even REMOTELY Jewish mother a Jew. Because they demand it?

If someone WANTS to be considered a jew and identify with that, I have no problem with that. It doesn't mean I'm going to look to them for leadership in all matters as they may wish. If they pull that elitist crap with me, I'll tell them to screw off, jew.
Jews are not the problem. It's everyone buying the hype that is.
rtwngAvngr said:
If someone WANTS to be considered a jew and identify with that, I have no problem with that. It doesn't mean I'm going to look to them for leadership in all matters as they may wish. If they pull that elitist crap with me, I'll tell them to screw off, jew.

Thats fine with me too if the wish to identify themselves as such. It's just pretty meaningless to me unless they practice the religion. I've run across many Jew who were totally ignorant when it came to Judaism as a religion. They just have accepted the label and ran with it.
dilloduck said:
Thats fine with me too if the wish to identify themselves as such. It's just pretty meaningless to me unless they practice the religion. I've run across many Jew who were totally ignorant when it came to Judaism as a religion. They just have accepted the label and ran with it.

Right, due to the mythical status it gives them in our jew-beaten society.

Everyone has the right to be an elitist asshole. It's when you start demanding everyone else believe it that my ire is raised.
rtwngAvngr said:
Right, due to the mythical status it gives them in our jew-beaten society.

Everyone has the right to be an elitist asshole. It's when you start demanding everyone else believe it that my ire is raised.

Im my opinion it's the whole basis for anti-semitism.
dilloduck said:
Im my opinion it's the whole basis for anti-semitism.
Where are 'these demands' being made? Please, from a Jewish source that is 'demanding something' and has enough followers to 'force it upon you.'
dilloduck said:
Im my opinion it's the whole basis for anti-semitism.

What's the basis for anti-semitism, jews who don't practice their faith much, but still consider themselves jews?
rtwngAvngr said:
Then again. If one's mother is jew, one is considered a jew, even if one doesn't know anything about judaism. so....

To me that's race.

And when god promised to multiply them? You think he meant through conversion? Interesting.

And which god might that be? There have been a whole pantheon of gods since humans first created them, and every believer just as certain theirs was the one true path.
rtwngAvngr said:
What's the basis for anti-semitism, jews who don't practice their faith much, but still consider themselves jews?

Elitism, insistance on keeping an arms length from those they live amongst, dual loyalty. The really demand to be treated different and go by different rules and then complain about discrimination. The fact that there was a campaign to wipe them out isn't really unique but they way the holocaust gets crammed in our faces one would think it's the only genocide that ever occured.
rtwngAvngr said:
According to their theology, their time to rule the world is coming.

That's the case for just about every extant theological school, including Christianity. But don't let such incovenient facts stand in your way.

Z.O.G. IS WATCHING YOU! :tinfoil:
Bullypulpit said:
And which god might that be? There have been a whole pantheon of gods since humans first created them, and every believer just as certain theirs was the one true path.

Thier OWN god, dumbass. You think they worship Zeus ???

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