Anti-Semitism Codified By Elites; Merged with 'Double Standards'.

dilloduck said:
Elitism, insistance on keeping an arms length from those they live amongst, dual loyalty. The really demand to be treated different and go by different rules and then complain about discrimination. The fact that there was a campaign to wipe them out isn't really unique but they way the holocaust gets crammed in our faces one would think it's the only genocide that ever occured.

They can think what they want, they can demand what they want, everyone else does. It up to everyone else to put their demands in perspectives and say, "no, jew. You're just like the rest of us." If they freak out on that hard truth, that's their own problem. I'm a firm believer that we all, even jews, have a right to a limitless positive identity.
Bullypulpit said:
That's the case for just about every extant theological school, including Christianity. But don't let such incovenient facts stand in your way.

Z.O.G. IS WATCHING YOU! :tinfoil:

But only jews have whole organizations devoted to bad-mouthing and guilt tripping others, which are ACCEPTED BY THE MAIN STREAM.
rtwngAvngr said:
They can think what they want, they can demand what they want, everyone else does. It up to everyone else to put their demands in perspectives and say, "no, jew." You're just like the rest of us. If they freak out on that hard truth, that's their own problem. I'm a firm believer that we all, even jews, have a right to a limitless positive identity.

You've been writing about these 'demands' and the forcing of them down on the rest of the incapable, weak, ineffective Christians, especially white males. Please give example from one of these 'mighty coalition' of jews sources.
Kathianne said:
You've been writing about these 'demands' and the forcing of them down on the rest of the incapable, weak, ineffective Christians, especially white males. Please give example from one of these 'mighty coalition' of jews sources.

One need only look at prevalant attitudes in our society. Nationalism is evil for others, but fine for the jews. Theocracy, which most christians don't want anyway, is an abomination when it's christians (strawman), but perfectly acceptable when it's in the talmud. It's the demand that we warp our critical thought that is offensive to me.
rtwngAvngr said:
They can think what they want, they can demand what they want, everyone else does. It up to everyone else to put their demands in perspectives and say, "no, jew." You're just like the rest of us. If they freak out on that hard truth, that's their own problem. I'm a firm believer that we all, even jews, have a right to a limitless positive identity.

I buy that--and resent all laws "protecting" or "promoting" anyone because of some "difference"-- self imposed, inherited, or acquired.
dilloduck said:
I buy that--and resent all laws "protecting" or "promoting" anyone because of some "difference"-- self imposed, inherited, or acquired.


How brainwashed are whites that we accept affirmative action? Very.

Diversity is fine. Using discrimination to achieve it is not.
rtwngAvngr said:

How brainwashed are whites that we accept affirmative action? Very.

Diversity is fine. Using discrimination to achieve it is not.

The laws that have been "crammed down our throats" in the name of diversity overwhelm anything that religion has tried to "impose" on us.
That strawman argument is old and needs burying.
dilloduck said:
The laws that have been "crammed down our throuts" in the name of diversity overwhelm anything that religion has tried to "impose" on us.
That strawman argument is old and needs burying.

I know. It's crazy. Have no doubt, there is psychological warfare going on on a huge scale. Welcome to the matrix.
rtwngAvngr said:
I know. It's crazy. Have no doubt, there is psychological warfare going on on a huge scale. Welcome to the matrix.

True--guess ya gotta put up with the conspiracy jokes to try to point out that things are not always as they seem.
rtwngAvngr said:
But only jews have whole organizations devoted to bad-mouthing and guilt tripping others, which are ACCEPTED BY THE MAIN STREAM.

Given your penchant for Jew-bashing, you might find that this site will provide you with a wealth of conspiracy theories about world wide Jewish domination to fuel your own brand of paranoia and anti-semitism:

<center><a href=>Jew Watch</a></center>

What's funny is the critics keep making my point about brainwashing and lack of critical thought.:rotflmao:
Bullypulpit said:
Given your penchant for Jew-bashing, you might find that this site will provide you with a wealth of conspiracy theories about world wide Jewish domination to fuel your own brand of paranoia and anti-semitism:

<center><a href=>Jew Watch</a></center>


And the adl and aclu are equivalent to "Christian Watch", yet these do not draw your ire. Why?
rtwngAvngr said:
Why can christians be accused of Theocracy all day long and they shrug it off, but they just get all crazy when anyone accuses the jews of the same, AND it's in their literature AND you can go to message boards and see actual jews discussing the finer points of it.

Who beat you people? Oh wait. I know.

I'm confused by your use of the term, "Theocracy" in relation to Jews. Israel is a Jewish state. I doubled checked and that's the defination of a theocracy:

the·oc·ra·cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (th-kr-s)
n. pl. the·oc·ra·cies
A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.
A state so governed.

The United States is a representative republic, and our Bill of Rights spells out the freedom of and from religion we are all supposed to enjoy.

I'm also not too sure who you mean by "they". I did read this whole thread so if I missed it, forgive me. But in my experience, Christians don't tend to criticize any other religions. Liberals, however, hate all religions except Islam. For some reason, a liberal who hates all aspects of Christianity and Judiasm has a real problem saying anything bad about Islam. It's the only religion I have ever seen a liberal defend on message boards.

And to address another point brought up in this thread: whether Jews are race. I've posted on message boards for many years and I've read quite a lot of stuff from people who claim to be devout Jews. They definately consider themselves different from everyone else. They're "the chosen people".

Watching two Jews go at, and see them agrue about who is more Jewish is just as hilarious as watching two Christians argue.

Being considered Jewish is apparently a very complicated thing. Unlike Islam, you can't just call yourself a Jew. One of the posters on one of the boards I used to frequent was very devout. She kept kosher. She was always posting about being a Jew. It was her main board identity. But when she met a man and got married, she couldn't get married in a synogue. I can't remember now why. Maybe her mother wasn't Jewish. She was asked why, and said something like she had more classes to take, or something like that.

Here was someone who presented themselves as Jewish for years and then when it came right down to it, other Jews said she wasn't Jewish. Go figure.
rtwngAvngr said:
One need only look at prevalant attitudes in our society. Nationalism is evil for others, but fine for the jews. Theocracy, which most christians don't want anyway, is an abomination when it's christians (strawman), but perfectly acceptable when it's in the talmud. It's the demand that we warp our critical thought that is offensive to me.
Ohhh, now I get it. By the nature of your reading some hate sites, coupled with some Talmudic quotes, you totally ignor reality and *gasp* make up your own.

Have you noticed that it would be very simple to take quotes from the bible, it's been done, ad nauseum to equate the 'violence' and 'vengefulness' within, of course to put into context the use of the Koran? Difference between the Christians AND the Jews, they aren't going around blowing things up and threatening others, unless threatened.
rtwngAvngr said:
And the adl and aclu are equivalent to "Christian Watch", yet these do not draw your ire. Why?

Because they aren't anti-Christian.

<b>BEWARE...Z.O.G. IS WATCHING YOU!</b> :tinfoil:
Bullypulpit said:
Because they aren't anti-Christian.

<b>BEWARE...Z.O.G. IS WATCHING YOU!</b> :tinfoil:

Oh. They most assuredly are. Jew paranoia exemplified.
Kathianne said:
Ohhh, now I get it. By the nature of your reading some hate sites, coupled with some Talmudic quotes, you totally ignor reality and *gasp* make up your own.

Have you noticed that it would be very simple to take quotes from the bible, it's been done, ad nauseum to equate the 'violence' and 'vengefulness' within, of course to put into context the use of the Koran? Difference between the Christians AND the Jews, they aren't going around blowing things up and threatening others, unless threatened.

What am I mischaracterizing? What is taken out of context? Noahide? Noahide courts? The very obvious jew superiority in the talmud? You really need to get over your idea that jews are perfect. Do you think there are no jewish supremacists?
nt250 said:
I'm confused by your use of the term, "Theocracy" in relation to Jews. Israel is a Jewish state. I doubled checked and that's the defination of a theocracy:

the·oc·ra·cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (th-kr-s)
n. pl. the·oc·ra·cies
A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.
A state so governed.

The United States is a representative republic, and our Bill of Rights spells out the freedom of and from religion we are all supposed to enjoy.

I'm also not too sure who you mean by "they". I did read this whole thread so if I missed it, forgive me. But in my experience, Christians don't tend to criticize any other religions. Liberals, however, hate all religions except Islam. For some reason, a liberal who hates all aspects of Christianity and Judiasm has a real problem saying anything bad about Islam. It's the only religion I have ever seen a liberal defend on message boards.

And to address another point brought up in this thread: whether Jews are race. I've posted on message boards for many years and I've read quite a lot of stuff from people who claim to be devout Jews. They definately consider themselves different from everyone else. They're "the chosen people".

Watching two Jews go at, and see them agrue about who is more Jewish is just as hilarious as watching two Christians argue.

Being considered Jewish is apparently a very complicated thing. Unlike Islam, you can't just call yourself a Jew. One of the posters on one of the boards I used to frequent was very devout. She kept kosher. She was always posting about being a Jew. It was her main board identity. But when she met a man and got married, she couldn't get married in a synogue. I can't remember now why. Maybe her mother wasn't Jewish. She was asked why, and said something like she had more classes to take, or something like that.

Here was someone who presented themselves as Jewish for years and then when it came right down to it, other Jews said she wasn't Jewish. Go figure.

THe theocracy is to be set up in their conception of the world to come.

Read the link in my sig. These are theocratic courts.

The jewish religion is unique in that it feels entitled to create laws for others. That's theocracy.
Messianic rule?
This suggests that Maimonides sees the Messianic age as consisting of two eras. In the first era, immediately following the coming of the Messiah, the world will remain in its natural state. The Messiah will not be accepted based on whether or not he performs supernatural feats, but based on whether or not he brings peace to the world, gathers the Jews to the Land of Israel, and rebuilds the Holy Temple.

Initially, there will be no change in the world order other than its readiness to accept messianic rule. All the nations of the world will strive to create a new world order in which there will be no more wars or conflicts. Jealousy, hatred, greed and political strife (of the negative kind) will disappear and all human beings will strive only for good, kindness and peace. There will be great advances in technology allowing a high standard of living for everyone. Food will be plentiful and cheap. However the focus of human aspiration will be the pursuit of the “knowledge of G–d.” People will become less materialistic and more spiritual.

Is this a hate site?
All this new age crap is straight from the Talmud and other mystery religion infected sources. Christians should have no dealings with this antichrist endeavor.

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