Zone1 Anti-Semitism.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
Happy Purim to all Jews!

Historically, anti-Semitism has caused great harm to Jewish people. I would never support Ukraine given their history of worst pogroms. I am grateful to Russian People for playing the greatest role any mortal has played in saving Humankind from Nazis.

In Modern USA, anti-Semitism is dormant and seems non-existent. I have experienced (almost) no anti-Semitism here. In USSR, anti-Semitism helped Jewish people retain their Identity.
Happy Purim to all Jews!

Historically, anti-Semitism has caused great harm to Jewish people. I would never support Ukraine given their history of worst pogroms. I am grateful to Russian People for playing the greatest role any mortal has played in saving Humankind from Nazis.

In Modern USA, anti-Semitism is dormant and seems non-existent. I have experienced (almost) no anti-Semitism here. In USSR, anti-Semitism helped Jewish people retain their Identity.
Antisemitism is anything but dormant. It’s on the rise. Just a couple of weeks ago, the words ”Jews are not welcome here!” were spray-painted on the wall of a high school near me, and days later a swastika was painted on a sign on a walking path in the same area.

And did you forget the massacre at the Pittsburg synagogue a few years ago? And the attack on a Chabad in California? What about the assaults on NY Jews, including the one where the Rabbi was attacked by a machete? I could go on and on.

In fact, a Jew is more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a black. I don’t understand why you would go on a forum like this and announce antisemitism is non-existent.
Happy Purim to all Jews!

Historically, anti-Semitism has caused great harm to Jewish people. I would never support Ukraine given their history of worst pogroms. I am grateful to Russian People for playing the greatest role any mortal has played in saving Humankind from Nazis.

In Modern USA, anti-Semitism is dormant and seems non-existent. I have experienced (almost) no anti-Semitism here. In USSR, anti-Semitism helped Jewish people retain their Identity.
Pass our regards to your people in Russia. Russia is going to lose the wrong war against Ukraine.

Antisemitsim isdormant only in the mind of liars who want to fool people.
Antisemitism is anything but dormant. It’s on the rise. Just a couple of weeks ago, the words ”Jews are not welcome here!” were spray-painted on the wall of a high school near me, and days later a swastika was painted on a sign on a walking path in the same area.

And did you forget the massacre at the Pittsburg synagogue a few years ago? And the attack on a Chabad in California? What about the assaults on NY Jews, including the one where the Rabbi was attacked by a machete? I could go on and on.
I guess you are right.

But I have not interacted much with Offline World since 2002.
Far left & Left have it in for Practicing Jews & Israel ( The tiny Jewish State )
There is anti-Semitism both among Left and Right.

Politically, there is a great diversity of opinions among Jewish people.

I am proud of my great-grandparents who worked to build Soviet Russia. Totalitarianism came in only in 1930s, when Jews were displaced.
There is anti-Semitism both among Left and Right.

Politically, there is a great diversity of opinions among Jewish people.

I am proud of my great-grandparents who worked to build Soviet Russia. Totalitarianism came in only in 1930s, when Jews were displaced.
Try supporting Israel at UC Irvine or Berkeley and then try it at East Texas State or Tulane
Try supporting Israel at UC Irvine or Berkeley and then try it at East Texas State or Tulane
Sadly, many Liberals do oppose Israel. That is anti-Semitism.

But the worst Atrocities against Jews were perpetrated by German Nationalists.
Antisemitism has been called "the socialism of fools." It combines right wing ethnic and religious bigotry with leftist politics of envy.

Many white Gentiles who are angry about their circumstances in life are reluctant to direct that anger at rich white Gentiles. They find it easy to hate rich Jews. Hatred of rich Jews easily segues to hatred of all Jews, some of whom are poor.

Antisemites resent Jews because most Jews are intelligent, successful, and prosperous, and the antisemites are not.
Antisemitism has been called "the socialism of fools." It combines right wing ethnic and religious bigotry with leftist politics of envy.

Many white Gentiles who are angry about their circumstances in life are reluctant to direct that anger at rich white Gentiles. They find it easy to hate rich Jews. Hatred of rich Jews easily segues to hatred of all Jews, some of whom are poor.

Antisemites resent Jews because most Jews are intelligent, successful, and prosperous, and the antisemites are not.
Now on THIS we agree! The root of antisemitism is jealousy. Here we are, a tiny little minority, persecuted for millennia - expelled, murdered, scapegoated for everything - and yet we still push forward from such vile bigotry to not only become contributing members of society, but contributing members well in excess of our percentage.

As an aside, I think that’s why antisemitism Is more common among blacks. The fact that such a people can rise above all the hateful actions taken against it to be more successful than average just proves that one cannot blame prejudice for failure to succeed.
The high IQ averages of Ashkenazi Jews was caused over a period of many generations by Christian persecution of Jews in Christian ruled areas of Europe. The process did not happen in Muslim ruled Spain and Portugal.

For about a thousand years in Christian Europe Jews were not allowed to practice most trades. They were allowed to be money lenders. Money lending required one to learn complex skills. For example, arithmetic using Roman Numbers was cumbersome. Jewish men who could not learn the skills did not have children, or they left the faith.

When Ashnenazi Jews were allowed to compete with Gentiles it became obvious that the Ashkenazim were a very gifted people.

By the way, the word "Ashkenaz" is the Hebrew word for "German." In 800 Charlemagne established the Holy Roman Empire. It consisted of Germany, France, and Italy to south of Rome. Charlemagne invited Jews to move to Germany to administer his empire. Jews were chosen because nearly all of them could read and write. These were rare skills at the time.

`That was the beginning of the Ashkenazim. It is the reason Yiddish is a combination of Hebrew and German, rather than Hebrew and another language.

The average IQ of the Ashkenazim is estimated as between 112 and 115. Jews are 0.2% of the world's population. They have won one forth of the Nobel Prizes.
Happy Purim to all Jews!

Historically, anti-Semitism has caused great harm to Jewish people. I would never support Ukraine given their history of worst pogroms. I am grateful to Russian People for playing the greatest role any mortal has played in saving Humankind from Nazis.

In Modern USA, anti-Semitism is dormant and seems non-existent. I have experienced (almost) no anti-Semitism here. In USSR, anti-Semitism helped Jewish people retain their Identity.

Do you realize that NEO-NAZIS are also fighting for the Russians?
Now on THIS we agree! The root of antisemitism is jealousy. Here we are, a tiny little minority, persecuted for millennia - expelled, murdered, scapegoated for everything - and yet we still push forward from such vile bigotry to not only become contributing members of society, but contributing members well in excess of our percentage.

As an aside, I think that’s why antisemitism Is more common among blacks. The fact that such a people can rise above all the hateful actions taken against it to be more successful than average just proves that one cannot blame prejudice for failure to succeed.
Lisa, for the milllionth time, white Jews benefitted from skin color and were allowed opportunities blacks, including black Jews, could not get. Anti semitiism is not common among blacks. Anti black racism is more common among white jews than anti semitism is among blacks. American history shows that some Jews actually owned slaves. It also shows that some Jews practiced Jim Crow. It also shows that some Jews worked with blacks to form the NAACP and that blacks stood with Jews during WW2 when many white Gentiles refused. In THIS forum there are several white Jews who aarre overtly racist. So, I think it's time you ended your black hate and liees.
Lisa, for the milllionth time, white Jews benefitted from skin color and were allowed opportunities blacks, including black Jews, could not get. Anti semitiism is not common among blacks. Anti black racism is more common among white jews than anti semitism is among blacks. American history shows that some Jews actually owned slaves. It also shows that some Jews practiced Jim Crow. It also shows that some Jews worked with blacks to form the NAACP and that blacks stood with Jews during WW2 when many white Gentiles refused. In THIS forum there are several white Jews who aarre overtly racist. So, I think it's time you ended your black hate and liees.
And I think it’s time you stopped targeting me for nasty accusations about ”black hate and lies” and read Hector’s message up a few as to why Jews are so successful.

It’s also time you stopped being jealous and resentful of Jews for their success despite millennia of horrific antisemitism. It’s obvious to the intelligent readers of this forum that you let pass by absolutely racist comments by gentiles (blacks are animals….they need to go back to Africa….they’re genetically more criminal….etc.) and zero in on the nice Jewish woman whose only “crime” has been to suggest that blacks are capable of positive outcomes by making correct choices.
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Lisa, for the milllionth time, white Jews benefitted from skin color and were allowed opportunities blacks, including black Jews, could not get.
Orientals did not benefit from skin color. Now most of them are more prosperous than most white Gentiles. I am a white Gentile by the way.
Orientals did not benefit from skin color. Now most of them are more prosperous than most white Gentiles. I am a white Gentile by the way.
Excellent point! Asians did not benefit from their race - they’re not white at all.
Happy Purim to all Jews!

Historically, anti-Semitism has caused great harm to Jewish people. I would never support Ukraine given their history of worst pogroms. I am grateful to Russian People for playing the greatest role any mortal has played in saving Humankind from Nazis.

Judeophilia is a lame reason for supporting Russia against Ukraine. Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, is Jewish.

Excellent point! Asians did not benefit from their race - they’re not white at all.
I lived in downtown San Jose, California during the early 1980's, when the area was engulfed by Vietnamese war refugees. Most were desperately poor. They were also good people. They took any job they could find, saved their money, and started Vietnamese restaurants I dined in and Vietnamese shops I shopped at.

Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their days harassing their teachers. They respected their teachers, and tried to learn, although many could not understand much English. They did not spend their nights getting into trouble. They did their homework.

I often got off work at 10:00 pm, and walked three miles through what was becoming Little Saigon. I was perfectly safe.

If I tried that where I live now I would risk my life.

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