Anti Vax activisit quits GB News when told to pay the fine for his vax lies

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.

Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.

This is why we defeated you in a war, to get away from your fascist bullshit.
Good riddance to him. Frees up more broadcast space for juicy details from Spare. Now that we know about Harry's "inglorious" first time, we need to know more about the second and third times.

Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.
so censorship does work? we are being lied to here in the states? I'm aghast! Looks like censorship is seeing a bright new dawn and europe is leading the way.
Good riddance to him. Frees up more broadcast space for juicy details from Spare. Now that we know about Harry's "inglorious" first time, we need to know more about the second and third times.
Not on GB news. They hate Harry because he married a darkir.
Not on GB news. They hate Harry because he married a darkir.


Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.
If only you were so eager and quick to get rid of all the known liars in the leftist MSM and democrat party and govt agencies. . Especially since their lies and crimes are exponentially larger and come at us 50 times more often.

Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.
How do you know he is wrong? If you are going to support firing him for statements, you must have 100% undeniable proof that he lied. Of course we know that there isnt a person on the planet with that proof right now, so what the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you demonize this man without proving the vaccines are safe first?

You do realize that there is an almost certainty that these vaccines are going to be found to cause harm, right? There isnt a drug in existence that doesnt cause harm, but you dems sure tried to make COVID vaccines sound like they were the exception to that rule. Surely you must realize that this is going to bite dems in the ass as more and more information comes out, right?
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Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.
Name the lies. Be specific.
You can do that right Tommy?
How do you know he is wrong? If you are going to support firing him for statements, you must have 100% undeniable proof that he lied. Of course we know that there isnt a person on the planet with that proof right now, so what the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you demonize this man without proving the vaccines are safe first?

You do realize that there is an almost certainty that these vaccines are going to be found to cause harm, right? There isnt a drug in existence that doesnt cause harm, but you dems sure tried to make COVID vaccines sound like they were the exception to that rule. Surely you must realize that this is going to bite dems in the ass as more and more information comes out, right?
He claimed the vax was killing people. We know that isnt the case. He lied. The vax saved people.
His employers thrive on tis sort of shit. Even they wouldnt back him.
He claimed the vax was killing people. We know that isnt the case.
Oh, i didnt realize that was the case. Please share with me your evidence for this claim so i can help spread the word. You do have evidence, right? It would be super fucking lame if you were just saying shit that wasnt true.

Prove that you arent a super fucking lame liar. Show us the evidence.
Oh, i didnt realize that was the case. Please share with me your evidence for this claim so i can help spread the word. You do have evidence, right? It would be super fucking lame if you were just saying shit that wasnt true.

Prove that you arent a super fucking lame liar. Show us the evidence.
There is a thread on here showing that one person wass killed by the vax. Steyb is full of shit.

Well this is Mark Steyn. I remember him from the 80s when he use to spout shit in the Telegraph. The station has been fined for spreading misinformation about the vax.

Its cool for nutters to hold these views but it isnt [sic] cool to spout them on TB and perhaps cause deaths to people who swallow this shit.

I hope we have seen the back of him. He has nothing to say about anything.

Once again, a very vivid demonstration of why we Americans kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and why we wrote the First Amendment into our Constitution specifically to prohibit this sort of abuse.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that makes you think you're better than an electrician?

In fact, what causes you to delusionally imagine that you ae anywhere near as good as an electrician, or any other kind of honest worker?
This is why we defeated you in a war, to get away from your fascist bullshit.

Two wars. 1776 and again in 1812.

I'm very tempted to think that it's getting past time for a third war. This time, we should end the UK's very existence as a sovereign nation, turn it into a colony of the U.S., and oppress the British filth the way that they once tried to oppress us.

Tainted Tommy should like that. He's pissed that his countrymen voted to not be ruled over by an unaccountable foreign power on their own continent. What better, then for what was once the UK to be ruled by an even bigger greater, and more unaccountable foreign power on the opposite side of the world from them?

Charles III, no longer employed as a King (U.S. territories don't have kings or other royalty) can get a job cleaning stables, or something like that.

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