Anti White movie


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2021

This trailer explains the build up to whtie hate and those who don’t even see it as you kiss the feet of a non white LOL..

White leftist you are the dumbest and easiest stupid asses to brainwash into anything.
In fact its been being done to you via your entire education years and yah didn’t even know it.
This is what the DementiacRats have been working so hard towards.
I still haven't figured out WHY though. What is their end goal?

Blacks are the major cause of the continuing DemonicRat spread of hate, racism, and violence.
They claim to be educated people, when in fact, they are nothing more than Dem Gimps hellbent on serving their DNC masters wishes.

REAL educated people would never preach this stuff, especially one sided bullshit, which can be proved WRONG just by looking at REAL LIFE videos of whats going on in this country.

I'm not saying politicians from other parties are innocent by any means, but the DNC is the "head of the beast" at this point, and it needs to be slain.
No such thing. Nothing wrong with defending yourself from white racism.

The white man CRIES out in pain as he gasses you.
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This is what the DementiacRats have been working so hard towards.
I still haven't figured out WHY though. What is their end goal?

Blacks are the major cause of the continuing DemonicRat spread of hate, racism, and violence.
They claim to be educated people, when in fact, they are nothing more than Dem Gimps hellbent on serving their DNC masters wishes.

REAL educated people would never preach this stuff, especially one sided bullshit, which can be proved WRONG just by looking at REAL LIFE videos of whats going on in this country.

I'm not saying politicians from other parties are innocent by any means, but the DNC is the "head of the beast" at this point, and it needs to be slain.
United we Stand Dived We Fall!

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The Browning of America (Cloward Piven)

If half these fruits took the time to learn just the words rather than jack ppl off like the weak always do we might not be where we are today. The masses of asses have been so brainwashed into laziness it’s incredible.
The map to destroying this nation gets laid before them over and over and over and from multiple sources who have been spewing this for decades in some cases. These deaf, dumb, and blind are once again dumb ass hell.
You’re an idiot.
Go point by point where I'm wrong lol. The white man has be anti not white for the last 500 years. It ain't anti white to finally start defending ourselves. What you guys say about the Jews is basically applicable to white people v black people. Got dam right I'm gonna turn over your car if you drive over my foot with it.
Go point by point where I'm wrong lol. The white man has be anti not white for the last 500 years. It ain't anti white to finally start defending ourselves. What you guys say about the Jews is basically applicable to white people v black people. Got dam right I'm gonna turn over your car if you drive over my foot with it.
No “point by point” required. You’re an idiot. You’re a racist. “The white man has been ….” That’s not an argument, you imbecile. It’s just a racist claim. It is your contention.

You rely on over generalizations and stereotypes all based on race. You’re such a dope, you think all white people say the same things about “Jews.” Your view of white people is not one iota different in principle than how white racists view black people: a mystical monolithic “they” or “them.” In short, you’re nothing but a race-based bigot.

It’s not even that you’re narrow minded. It’s that you have no mind at all. You’re just an ignorant and uneducable emotionally-driven simpleton.
No “point by point” required. You’re an idiot. You’re a racist. “The white man has been ….” That’s not an argument, you imbecile. It’s just a racist claim. It is your contention.

You rely on over generalizations and stereotypes all based on race. You’re such a dope, you think all white people say the same things about “Jews.” Your view of white people is not one iota different in principle than how white racists view black people: a mystical monolithic “they” or “them.” In short, you’re nothing but a race-based bigot.

It’s not even that you’re narrow minded. It’s that you have no mind at all. You’re just an ignorant and uneducable emotionally-driven simpleton.
Ain't no generalizing, it's basic history lol. Fuckin' clown. But tell me this: If generalizing makes someone racist, Are 50% of white people racist? Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture

Let's see you rationalize your way out of this one. bahahah
Ain't no generalizing, it's basic history lol. Fuckin' clown. But tell me this: If generalizing makes someone racist, Are 50% of white people racist? Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture

Let's see you rationalize your way out of this one. bahahah
It’s all racist generalization you fucking racist assclown.

As to your asshole “question,” you imbecile, I don’t buy anything YOU state without concrete factual support. So, provide a link.

Even if what you claim were true, however, you’d still be guilty of your racist over generalizations, you shithead. 1/2 =/= 1. If your unsupported claim were true, then that percentage would be guilty of some racist thinking. Gee. Was that too difficult for your microscopic brain?
Looks good. 15 blacks girls beat up 2 white girls in Boston today because 1 white girl had braids. And you know those black girls don't have natural hair. White girl bleed a lot is a good book to read. Colin flaherty is the author. We can thank our deceased Frankfurt school pals.
Not at all. I have seen and heard white racists. And I’ve seen and heard black racists (shitheads like you for example).
The difference is that you make excuses for white racists. You aren't compelled by anti non white racism as you are white racism. How do I know? I've looked at hundreds of your comments,not one of them coming at even one of the racist comments on this site-which are in abundance. But you took the time to come over here and call a black man a "shithead" lol. That means you are fundamentally ok with racism, so as long as it isn't against white people. What you don't say is just as important as what you do say, which, let's be clear, I know that you use racial slurs in private anyways. How many videos did Fox news do about the Ahmaud trial? Not one. Yet they have time to talk about "racist trees" lol. Again, what you don't say is just as important as what you do. The right/white people don't mind racism, they perpetuate it, but they are also not concerned with any racism unless it's anti white. that makes you a racist and that's what I mean when I say you don't think white people can be racist. Conversely, any slight on the left is quickly labeled as racism, divisive, woke, etc.
Yep, and I’m one of them

if migration patterns continue at this pace America will decline

illegal aliens do not belong here at all

and legal immigrants need time to assimilate into our white way of doing things
Then the woke are correct.

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