Antifa Burns US Flag


The flag is a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great... including the right to voice dissent and criticism. If you truly believe in these rights, then burning a flag may be overkill or distasteful... but it's very American.

Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.

You really have a problem with national pride and forgets the people who died for this country and the world.

Nnnnnnope. I haven't even brought up "the people who died for this country and the world" whatever that means. But I do have a problem with emotionally-fueled mob mentalities and fetishism. And even with, as you like to put it, "viloence". None of those are within my values. Or this nation's.
Ant therein lies the irony --- your "viloence" here is directed against your own country's principles. The ones that founded it and made it what it is.

Sounds damn anti-American, this here viloence.

Who is inciting the viloence ? Did we pull this bullshit when bill or Obama was in office?

The tea party was peaceful, OWS was not.

You seen the videos, who is harrasing whom.

Apparently you are. You just threatened it.

No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means. I simply read your words. But speaking of those words, who the fuck is "we"?

Whatever that means? means moving the mouse so the cursor is over the arrow in the picture, then click the mouse. First day on a computer? It can be daunting to some.

If he posted a video it doesn't show up on this end. Doesn't matter anyway; I answered his words, not his video.

Get hung up on shiny objects all you like, doesn't affect the point.

Hey, wasn't me that posted: No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means

Correct. That would be me. And he never explained it. And guess what --- it's irrelevant.
Ant therein lies the irony --- your "viloence" here is directed against your own country's principles. The ones that founded it and made it what it is.

Sounds damn anti-American, this here viloence.

Who is inciting the viloence ? Did we pull this bullshit when bill or Obama was in office?

The tea party was peaceful, OWS was not.

You seen the videos, who is harrasing whom.

Apparently you are. You just threatened it.

No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means. I simply read your words. But speaking of those words, who the fuck is "we"?

Whatever that means? means moving the mouse so the cursor is over the arrow in the picture, then click the mouse. First day on a computer? It can be daunting to some.

If he posted a video it doesn't show up on this end. Doesn't matter anyway; I answered his words, not his video.

Get hung up on shiny objects all you like, doesn't affect the point.

So you going to play the three monkey game?

I know nothing of your zoological fantasies. If you posted a video I didn't see it. And it doesn't matter anyway since I didn't comment on what I didn't see.
Who is inciting the viloence ? Did we pull this bullshit when bill or Obama was in office?

The tea party was peaceful, OWS was not.

You seen the videos, who is harrasing whom.

Apparently you are. You just threatened it.

No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means. I simply read your words. But speaking of those words, who the fuck is "we"?

Whatever that means? means moving the mouse so the cursor is over the arrow in the picture, then click the mouse. First day on a computer? It can be daunting to some.

If he posted a video it doesn't show up on this end. Doesn't matter anyway; I answered his words, not his video.

Get hung up on shiny objects all you like, doesn't affect the point.

Hey, wasn't me that posted: No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means

Correct. That would be me. And he never explained it. And guess what --- it's irrelevant.

Good thing I explained it to you then.

The flag is a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great... including the right to voice dissent and criticism. If you truly believe in these rights, then burning a flag may be overkill or distasteful... but it's very American.

Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.

You really have a problem with national pride and forgets the people who died for this country and the world.

Nnnnnnope. I haven't even brought up "the people who died for this country and the world" whatever that means. But I do have a problem with emotionally-fueled mob mentalities and fetishism. And even with, as you like to put it, "viloence". None of those are within my values. Or this nation's.

Then why are people like Maxine advocating for it ?
Who is inciting the viloence ? Did we pull this bullshit when bill or Obama was in office?

The tea party was peaceful, OWS was not.

You seen the videos, who is harrasing whom.

Apparently you are. You just threatened it.

No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means. I simply read your words. But speaking of those words, who the fuck is "we"?

Whatever that means? means moving the mouse so the cursor is over the arrow in the picture, then click the mouse. First day on a computer? It can be daunting to some.

If he posted a video it doesn't show up on this end. Doesn't matter anyway; I answered his words, not his video.

Get hung up on shiny objects all you like, doesn't affect the point.

So you going to play the three monkey game?

I know nothing of your zoological fantasies. If you posted a video I didn't see it. And it doesn't matter anyway since I didn't comment on what I didn't see.

So you are on a political message board and doesn't know what is happening?
Who is inciting the viloence ? Did we pull this bullshit when bill or Obama was in office?

The tea party was peaceful, OWS was not.

You seen the videos, who is harrasing whom.

Apparently you are. You just threatened it.

No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means. I simply read your words. But speaking of those words, who the fuck is "we"?

Whatever that means? means moving the mouse so the cursor is over the arrow in the picture, then click the mouse. First day on a computer? It can be daunting to some.

If he posted a video it doesn't show up on this end. Doesn't matter anyway; I answered his words, not his video.

Get hung up on shiny objects all you like, doesn't affect the point.

So you going to play the three monkey game?

I know nothing of your zoological fantasies. If you posted a video I didn't see it. And it doesn't matter anyway since I didn't comment on what I didn't see.

C'mon dood, you're dragging down the intelligence of the entire liberal community, yup, hard to believe. Go back to the fist post in this thread and watch the fricken video.
Apparently you are. You just threatened it.

No I haven't seen "the videos" whatever that means. I simply read your words. But speaking of those words, who the fuck is "we"?

Whatever that means? means moving the mouse so the cursor is over the arrow in the picture, then click the mouse. First day on a computer? It can be daunting to some.

If he posted a video it doesn't show up on this end. Doesn't matter anyway; I answered his words, not his video.

Get hung up on shiny objects all you like, doesn't affect the point.

So you going to play the three monkey game?

I know nothing of your zoological fantasies. If you posted a video I didn't see it. And it doesn't matter anyway since I didn't comment on what I didn't see.

C'mon dood, you're dragging down the intelligence of the entire liberal community, yup, hard to believe. Go back to the fist post in this thread and watch the fricken video.

Don't need to. I ain't posting about that.

Fatter o' mact I began way before that point --- with the first word in the title. OP ran away and never came back. The wimp.

The flag is a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great... including the right to voice dissent and criticism. If you truly believe in these rights, then burning a flag may be overkill or distasteful... but it's very American.

Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.

Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?


COOL. Give us some examples.
Oh, let me guess. You are another so called constitutional conservative who has never heard of due process or the first amendment right?

The flag is a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great... including the right to voice dissent and criticism. If you truly believe in these rights, then burning a flag may be overkill or distasteful... but it's very American.

Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.

Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.

The flag is a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great... including the right to voice dissent and criticism. If you truly believe in these rights, then burning a flag may be overkill or distasteful... but it's very American.

Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.

Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.

The flag is a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great... including the right to voice dissent and criticism. If you truly believe in these rights, then burning a flag may be overkill or distasteful... but it's very American.
Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.
Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
Not so. Unless a flag is damaged or soiled beyond use, and burned by Boy Scouts in a ceremony at an American Legion, VFW post or at a military base, burning a flag is desecration. Assholes who burn a flag, walk on or shit on it does so at the peril of an ass kicking by a veteran or a member of Rolling Thunder.

See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.
Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.
See what I mean? "Desecration". Another word for "blasphemy". Worship of an inanimate object. Also known as fetishism or idolatry.

You just keep demonstrating my point over and over.
Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.

Au contraire mon frère. It's exactly what you're doing.

See more synonyms on
verb (used with object), des·e·crat·ed, des·e·crat·ing.
  1. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
  2. to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
  3. to treat with sacrilege; profane.
Origin of desecrate
1665–75; de- + -secrate, modeled on consecrate

That's your word. I'm showing you what it means. You can't 'desecrate' something until you first invest it with godliness. The "sacred". I can write with my pencil -- or I can break it or I can use it to pry a battery cover open --- but I can't "desecrate" it because it's not a god.
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Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.

Au contraire mon frère. It's exactly what you're doing.

See more synonyms on
verb (used with object), des·e·crat·ed, des·e·crat·ing.
  1. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
  2. to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
  3. to treat with sacrilege; profane.
Origin of desecrate
1665–75; de- + -secrate, modeled on consecrate

That's your word. I'm showing you what it means. You can't 'desecrate' something until you first invest it with godliness. The "sacred". I can write with my pencil -- or I can break it or I can use it to pry a battery cover open --- but I can't "desecrate" it because it's not a god.
I know what it means. Look up the flag laws. Yes, there laws concerning the flag. Liberal pukes , under the Magic Kenyan, made a mockery of the flag laws, aided by SCROTUS.
Why, Pogo, you surprise me! I had visualized you as the sharpest peanut in the turd. I guess I was wrong.

Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.

Au contraire mon frère. It's exactly what you're doing.

See more synonyms on
verb (used with object), des·e·crat·ed, des·e·crat·ing.
  1. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
  2. to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
  3. to treat with sacrilege; profane.
Origin of desecrate
1665–75; de- + -secrate, modeled on consecrate

That's your word. I'm showing you what it means. You can't 'desecrate' something until you first invest it with godliness. The "sacred". I can write with my pencil -- or I can break it or I can use it to pry a battery cover open --- but I can't "desecrate" it because it's not a god.
Hmmmm, well there's that and then there's this,

Definition of desecrate
desecrated; desecrating
transitive verb
1: to violate the sanctity of : profane
  • desecrate a shrine

  • a cemetery desecrated by vandals
2: to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously
  • … the kind of shore development … that has desecrated so many waterfronts …
  • —John Fischer
Definition of DESECRATE

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