Antifa Burns US Flag

People have a right to burn a flag and we all have a right to tell them how stupid they are, you got to love freedom.
Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.

Au contraire mon frère. It's exactly what you're doing.

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verb (used with object), des·e·crat·ed, des·e·crat·ing.
  1. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
  2. to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
  3. to treat with sacrilege; profane.
Origin of desecrate
1665–75; de- + -secrate, modeled on consecrate

That's your word. I'm showing you what it means. You can't 'desecrate' something until you first invest it with godliness. The "sacred". I can write with my pencil -- or I can break it or I can use it to pry a battery cover open --- but I can't "desecrate" it because it's not a god.
Hmmmm, well there's that and then there's this,

Definition of desecrate
desecrated; desecrating
transitive verb
1: to violate the sanctity of : profane
  • desecrate a shrine

  • a cemetery desecrated by vandals
2: to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously
  • … the kind of shore development … that has desecrated so many waterfronts …
  • —John Fischer
Definition of DESECRATE

Those are metaphorical. What I posted was direct.

Besides which, your own link also reports:

Definition of desecrate for English Language Learners
  • : to damage (a holy place or object) : to treat (a holy place or object) with disrespect
Funny how you left that part out.

Again, the prefix de- negates the verb which refers to sacredness (derived from consecrate, to invest with sacredness)... ergo it means to nullify or negate the sacredness of (whatever). That sacredness didn't get there by itself and it didn't ask to be born. It was put there. It was invested. And that is idolatry.
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Imagine there's a guy with a "speicial" relationship with, say, his car. An inanimate object. Pampers it all day, takes its picture and frames it, dreams about it, melts down if a bird shits on it. Got the picture? Then one day somebody in a parking lot bumps it. Dude is livid. Beside himself. His whole day destroyed.

------- Yet even then, in that moment, that guy is not gonna call that parking lot bump "desecration".

When you invest a totem with some kind of pretend-power where you're assigning honor to an inanimate object ---- by definition an object incapable of the "feelings" you've just projected onto it --- when you've invested god-ship into that object.... then you've crossed a line. Period. I don't give a shit how many people are in your like-minded mob, you've ALL crossed a line.


Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.

Au contraire mon frère. It's exactly what you're doing.

See more synonyms on
verb (used with object), des·e·crat·ed, des·e·crat·ing.
  1. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
  2. to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
  3. to treat with sacrilege; profane.
Origin of desecrate
1665–75; de- + -secrate, modeled on consecrate

That's your word. I'm showing you what it means. You can't 'desecrate' something until you first invest it with godliness. The "sacred". I can write with my pencil -- or I can break it or I can use it to pry a battery cover open --- but I can't "desecrate" it because it's not a god.
I know what it means. Look up the flag laws. Yes, there laws concerning the flag. Liberal pukes , under the Magic Kenyan, made a mockery of the flag laws, aided by SCROTUS.

Once AGAIN --- when your only argument is Appeal to Emotion --- you don't have an argument.
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?


COOL. Give us some examples.
Oh, let me guess. You are another so called constitutional conservative who has never heard of due process or the first amendment right?

This mean you're not going to support your opinion? Here's a thought for you, an honest opinion is based on FACTS, not weak spine.
That attack on American education is simply your opinion, Two Thumbs. So what.
That attack on American education is simply your opinion, Two Thumbs. So what.
It's not the schools job to turn our children against the very country they live in.

I'm 51, my American history teacher spent 15 minutes on the Korean war so he could spend time bragging about how he lied and stole his way out of being drafted.

that was 1983 and the school already refused to do anything to him.
Democrats have always been little shitheads but in the last couple of decades they have become batshit crazy assholes. The scum of the country.
And that's not emotionally-based idolatry?


I get it Hoss. You have a dry sense of humor and you're proving my point with satire.

Listen to what John Wayne has to say about the country the flag represents.


You just don't get it do you. :eusa_doh:

All this unbridled emotion for an inanimate object fuels its burners, its tramplers etc. Were that emotion not invested in the first place they would have no payoff for it. In other words it enables them. Without that blind idolatry they'd have --- nothing to do.

Now if that's your intention to bait them by leading them into it, that's your thing, but don't sit here and complain about something you set up yourself.

Zen lesson maybe but that's how it works.

Try walking into a bar full of G.I.'s or veterans and expound your theory. I dare ya .Oh, and leave your zen lessons at home or you'll get 'em rammed up your booty.

Once again you're just confirming everything I've said.
All emotion, no cattle. QED.

As an analogy, the fact that a Klan posse can go lynch a black person doesn't mean "blacks are inferior". It just means they're carried away by emotions they can't handle.

And that's where emotionally-driven mob mentality leads, and that's why it's never constructive.

You are daft. And not an iota of patriotism in your body and soul. You will eventually wind up in hell.

I didn’t know that America-worship was a prerequisite for heaven.

Post all the Googly Image memes you like --- you know I'm right.

Go check your first Commandment. Let us know what it says. :deal:
No one is worshiping the flag. They're simply showing respect. Something you apparently lack. A pity.

Au contraire mon frère. It's exactly what you're doing.

See more synonyms on
verb (used with object), des·e·crat·ed, des·e·crat·ing.
  1. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
  2. to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
  3. to treat with sacrilege; profane.
Origin of desecrate
1665–75; de- + -secrate, modeled on consecrate

That's your word. I'm showing you what it means. You can't 'desecrate' something until you first invest it with godliness. The "sacred". I can write with my pencil -- or I can break it or I can use it to pry a battery cover open --- but I can't "desecrate" it because it's not a god.
Hmmmm, well there's that and then there's this,

Definition of desecrate
desecrated; desecrating
transitive verb
1: to violate the sanctity of : profane
  • desecrate a shrine

  • a cemetery desecrated by vandals
2: to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously
  • … the kind of shore development … that has desecrated so many waterfronts …
  • —John Fischer
Definition of DESECRATE

Those are metaphorical. What I posted was direct.

Besides which, your own link also reports:

Definition of desecrate for English Language Learners
  • : to damage (a holy place or object) : to treat (a holy place or object) with disrespect
Funny how you left that part out.

Again, the prefix de- negates the verb which refers to sacredness (derived from consecrate, to invest with sacredness)... ergo it means to nullify or negate the sacredness of (whatever). That sacredness didn't get there by itself and it didn't ask to be born. It was put there. It was invested. And that is idolatry.
Well, I did have to go to another link to find what you were talking about. I also found that YOU left something out of that link, but here it is for all to see.
— desecration
/ˌdɛsɪˈkreɪʃən/ noun [noncount]
That attack on American education is simply your opinion, Two Thumbs. So what.
It's not the schools job to turn our children against the very country they live in.

I'm 51, my American history teacher spent 15 minutes on the Korean war so he could spend time bragging about how he lied and stole his way out of being drafted.

that was 1983 and the school already refused to do anything to him.
So your hasty generalization accurately describes American education?
Listen to what John Wayne has to say about the country the flag represents.


You just don't get it do you. :eusa_doh:

All this unbridled emotion for an inanimate object fuels its burners, its tramplers etc. Were that emotion not invested in the first place they would have no payoff for it. In other words it enables them. Without that blind idolatry they'd have --- nothing to do.

Now if that's your intention to bait them by leading them into it, that's your thing, but don't sit here and complain about something you set up yourself.

Zen lesson maybe but that's how it works.

Try walking into a bar full of G.I.'s or veterans and expound your theory. I dare ya .Oh, and leave your zen lessons at home or you'll get 'em rammed up your booty.

Once again you're just confirming everything I've said.
All emotion, no cattle. QED.

As an analogy, the fact that a Klan posse can go lynch a black person doesn't mean "blacks are inferior". It just means they're carried away by emotions they can't handle.

And that's where emotionally-driven mob mentality leads, and that's why it's never constructive.

You are daft. And not an iota of patriotism in your body and soul. You will eventually wind up in hell.

I didn’t know that America-worship was a prerequisite for heaven.

You will be going to hell anyway, so not a big loss.

However, there is a bigger problem. Being appreciative of America is a requirement for being an actual American. These people burning flags aren't real Americans.
You just don't get it do you. :eusa_doh:

All this unbridled emotion for an inanimate object fuels its burners, its tramplers etc. Were that emotion not invested in the first place they would have no payoff for it. In other words it enables them. Without that blind idolatry they'd have --- nothing to do.

Now if that's your intention to bait them by leading them into it, that's your thing, but don't sit here and complain about something you set up yourself.

Zen lesson maybe but that's how it works.

Try walking into a bar full of G.I.'s or veterans and expound your theory. I dare ya .Oh, and leave your zen lessons at home or you'll get 'em rammed up your booty.

Once again you're just confirming everything I've said.
All emotion, no cattle. QED.

As an analogy, the fact that a Klan posse can go lynch a black person doesn't mean "blacks are inferior". It just means they're carried away by emotions they can't handle.

And that's where emotionally-driven mob mentality leads, and that's why it's never constructive.

You are daft. And not an iota of patriotism in your body and soul. You will eventually wind up in hell.

I didn’t know that America-worship was a prerequisite for heaven.

You will be going to hell anyway, so not a big loss.

However, there is a bigger problem. Being appreciative of America is a requirement for being an actual American. These people burning flags aren't real Americans.

Actually, no.

Appreciation not required.
Try walking into a bar full of G.I.'s or veterans and expound your theory. I dare ya .Oh, and leave your zen lessons at home or you'll get 'em rammed up your booty.

Once again you're just confirming everything I've said.
All emotion, no cattle. QED.

As an analogy, the fact that a Klan posse can go lynch a black person doesn't mean "blacks are inferior". It just means they're carried away by emotions they can't handle.

And that's where emotionally-driven mob mentality leads, and that's why it's never constructive.

You are daft. And not an iota of patriotism in your body and soul. You will eventually wind up in hell.

I didn’t know that America-worship was a prerequisite for heaven.

You will be going to hell anyway, so not a big loss.

However, there is a bigger problem. Being appreciative of America is a requirement for being an actual American. These people burning flags aren't real Americans.

Actually, no.

Appreciation not required.

Let me guess...

You are not American.
This is for the shameful f*****s here on USMB who think it's OK to desecrate the flag. I wonder what this black man would say to you creeps.This man was a patriotic soldier who would have given his life so you slime could shit on the flag and laugh. For shame.


And that's not emotionally-based idolatry?


I get it Hoss. You have a dry sense of humor and you're proving my point with satire.

It's called devotion, Chuckybob. The man was shot at least 7 times and refused to let the flag be desecrated by letting it touch the ground. It's called patriotism. Something you say you're proud of not having. You should be ashamed of yourself and relinquish your citizenship.
All veterans served so Americans have the freedom of speech and dissent.
Once again you're just confirming everything I've said.
All emotion, no cattle. QED.

As an analogy, the fact that a Klan posse can go lynch a black person doesn't mean "blacks are inferior". It just means they're carried away by emotions they can't handle.

And that's where emotionally-driven mob mentality leads, and that's why it's never constructive.

You are daft. And not an iota of patriotism in your body and soul. You will eventually wind up in hell.

I didn’t know that America-worship was a prerequisite for heaven.

You will be going to hell anyway, so not a big loss.

However, there is a bigger problem. Being appreciative of America is a requirement for being an actual American. These people burning flags aren't real Americans.

Actually, no.

Appreciation not required.

Let me guess...

You are not American.
Nah, real Americans don’t believe in hell.

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