Antifa Explained

Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.
Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Wrong, prejudices is generally Collectivist, because it is group thinking, and Collectivist countries are indeed more Prejudiced.

Prejudices is the pinnacle of Hierarchy, Inequality, and Natural law, the things which are Right Wing.
If you read the Anti-Fascist Handbook, there will be no doubt that Antifa is the modern day version of the Sons of Liberty.

Very delussional. Sons of Liberty valued freedom, free speech and freedom from overburdensome government and taxation. They were not clueless little Marxist children that assault people who are trying push for freedom.

Funny Antifa can Sall themselves what they want but they are the true fascists.

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Mark Bray wrote the Anti-Fascist Handbook, and does a pretty good job at explaining the evolution of the movement. The video is 26 minute so I only expect one of you to watch it. The rest of you will remain ignorant, yet continue to post as if you know what we are about.

nothing like anti fascists acting like fascists --LOL go fuck yourself
If you read the Anti-Fascist Handbook, there will be no doubt that Antifa is the modern day version of the Sons of Liberty.

Very delussional. Sons of Liberty valued freedom, free speech and freedom from overburdensome government and taxation. They were not clueless little Marxist children that assault people who are trying push for freedom.

Funny Antifa can Sall themselves what they want but they are the true fascists.

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antifa is indeed "anti free speech"
Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.
Last edited:
I watched some of it. They try to say the roots of Antifa are with fighting fascists in the 30-40s in Europe (aka Hitler and Mussolini). Then the next guy says they are same. They are just confronting fascist groups. But they both are lying or ignorant. Most groups like Antifa morph into something bad over time. Take the Black Panthers. In the 60s, they were a radical anti-war movement, but they didn’t hate white and even had white members. Nowadays, they are led by racist Black Muslims and they only stand for antiwhite, antiAmerican, antisemitism and just radical hatred. They have been infected by the Nation of Islam.

I digress. Now Antifa has morphed into a pro-communist, anti-freedom and anti-western leftist dogma group. Yes they still attack white nationalist, but only because white nationalist are easy targets. Everyone hates white nationalists. Republican, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, mainstream white, black, brown and yellow people despite them, not to mention they are rightfully villianized in the media. It doesn’t take much courage to confront them. They always have low turnout at their rallies (no one wants to associate with them) and protesters out number them 100 to 1.

But Antifa doesn’t confront radical Islam! They push a fascist and much more dangerous movement of Sharia Law. They don’t confront Islam, because it takes courage and it is a tough battle. Like most leftists, they are cowards so they ally with radical Islam instead of fighting it, destroying any so-called creditability they had.

Antifa is like any Marxist group. Attack the opposition, shut them up by any means necessary in order to push forward a socialist utopia (similar to what they have in Venezuela).

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Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Most ANTIFA are Bloc-Bloc Anarchists.

So, you're saying you're supporting Fascists over ANTIFA Anarchists?

Isn't that kind of defeating your position, unless you're actually a Fascist Totalitarian?

Black bloc - Wikipedia

Black bloc participants are often associated with anarchismor Antifa.
Sonny, you couldn't "school" my 11 year old daughter.
I thought you may have been man enough to admit you were wrong. This brings us back to my point about mods.

I specifically refer you to Phase Four of your very own antifart manual....ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. What does that mean?:eusa_think::eusa_whistle:
You do realize that manual is fake?

Have you ever listened to antifart people talk? Every one of them that I have ever talked to has advocated for a one world government. They extol the virtues of a strong central government. One of them that I spoke with at length wanted to do away with the concept of private property. Is that a central desire of antifa or was that merely his particular goal?
So you agree the manual is fake?
Quite a few of Antifa are anarchists..

More than quite a few... The main ANTIFA group is Black-Bloc Anarchists. (Especially the more vocal, and rowdy ANTIFA)

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Wrong, you are the very unintelligent guy, like most of the Jews on this forum.

You didn't cover anything of what I said about lack of government leading to Social Liberalism.... You went off on some tirade about oppression....

Actually even Communist regimes were generally more Socially Conservative than Capitalist regimes.

Some Nationalists in Eastern Europe want Communism back, because Communism had much less immigration, worse rights for Gays, and less rights for Jews.
Mark Bray wrote the Anti-Fascist Handbook, and does a pretty good job at explaining the evolution of the movement. The video is 26 minute so I only expect one of you to watch it. The rest of you will remain ignorant, yet continue to post as if you know what we are about.

You post it in a 26 minute video, because you don't want to discuss them.
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Soviet Poland knew how to deal with Ethnic Collective detriments like Germans.

Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50) - Wikipedia

Soviet Poland knew how to deal with Ethnic Collective detriments like Jews.

1968 Polish political crisis - Wikipedia

Soviet Poland considered Gayness a disease, this was deleted when Poland turned Capitalist in 1991.

LGBT rights in Poland - Wikipedia

Soviet Poland was generally more Socially Right Wing than the Liberal Capitalists in the West today.

You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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I think it's a gross exaggeration that Dictators will lead to more deaths all the time.

Britain in the Victorian Era had a Democracy, the U.S.A has had a Democracy since WW2.
Both are up there in killings.

Just we tend not to hear much about it, because Brits are jerks.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Wrong, you are the very unintelligent guy, like most of the Jews on this forum.

You didn't cover anything of what I said about lack of government leading to Social Liberalism.... You went off on some tirade about oppression....

Actually even Communist regimes were generally more Socially Conservative than Capitalist regimes.

Some Nationalists in Eastern Europe want Communism back, because Communism had much less immigration, worse rights for Gays, and less rights for Jews.

Socially conservative in what ways? Abortion? Abortion is a practiced regularly in communist countries. In dictatorships it is forced upon people. Gun rights? Nope, your dictator hero’s always disarm the common folk.

Less immigration? Lol you truly are a moron. People don’t want to immigrate to oppressive countries that are economic basketcases that can’t even feed their people. People didn’t flock the USSR because it was a nightmare of a place to live. It is the great free societies that have problems with immigrations, because so many people want to go there.

Gay marriage gets oppressed. Yes you got one. Yet it is because in oppressive dictatorships the vast majority of the people get oppressed and minorities get it the worst. You’re not a smart guy. In a dictatorship you would be one of the oppressed.

Lastly you can blame Jews for all your problems, but the reason you’re a failure is because of you. Simpleton try to blame it on vulnerable minority group. You don’t like to face the truth.

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You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Totalitarianism usually favors Majorities over Minorities, or at least Might is Right.

How do you argue that's Left Wing social values?

Yes, that's kind of the appeal... Yes I do want to strengthen the power of the Majority to dominate the Minority.... Unlike our Liberal society which supports Minority over Majority.

But, NO, Truth be told I don't support extreme Totalitarianism.

I support enough Totalitarianism to combat our issues.

Plans include.

1.) Crack down on Hollywood, Media, and Academia promoting Liberalism. (Create a micro-managed Hollywood, Media, and Academia in it's place, where there's balance against Liberalism)

2.) Crack down on Capitalists who hire Immigrant foreigners. ( Jail those who hire them)

3.) Crack down on those who Outsource jobs. (Jail those who hire them)

4.) Support Racial separatism by revoking the citizenship of Blacks, Native Americans, and Hispanics. (Create more Black, and Native American homelands)

5.) Crack down on Abortion, Gay Marriage etc.

6.) Reward high IQ, non criminals for having kids with Tax Incentives, punish low IQ, Criminals for having more than 1 Kid with Fines. (To combat dysgenics)

I fail to see how "Individualists for Liberty" could possibly turn the tide on these issues?

The truth is my ideals only target degenerated Minorities who have for too long used Liberty to wield power of Liberalism over the Majority.

No, I don't support massive Totalitarianism, just as little as can be done to fix our society.
Last edited:
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Wrong, you are the very unintelligent guy, like most of the Jews on this forum.

You didn't cover anything of what I said about lack of government leading to Social Liberalism.... You went off on some tirade about oppression....

Actually even Communist regimes were generally more Socially Conservative than Capitalist regimes.

Some Nationalists in Eastern Europe want Communism back, because Communism had much less immigration, worse rights for Gays, and less rights for Jews.

Socially conservative in what ways? Abortion? Abortion is a practiced regularly in communist countries. In dictatorships it is forced upon people. Gun rights? Nope, your dictator hero’s always disarm the common folk.

Western Capitalist countries do have massive Abortion too.

But, in most other ways Communists were more Socially Conservative.
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Wrong, you are the very unintelligent guy, like most of the Jews on this forum.

You didn't cover anything of what I said about lack of government leading to Social Liberalism.... You went off on some tirade about oppression....

Actually even Communist regimes were generally more Socially Conservative than Capitalist regimes.

Some Nationalists in Eastern Europe want Communism back, because Communism had much less immigration, worse rights for Gays, and less rights for Jews.

Less immigration? Lol you truly are a moron. People don’t want to immigrate to oppressive countries that are economic basketcases that can’t even feed their people. People didn’t flock the USSR because it was a nightmare of a place to live. It is the great free societies that have problems with immigrations, because so many people want to go there.

Russia is about as poor / rich today as it was during Communism.

But, Russia has millions of Muslims in Moscow today that weren't there during Communism, overwhelmingly.

Why are those Muslims there?
Because of Capitalism cheap labor.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Wrong, you are the very unintelligent guy, like most of the Jews on this forum.

You didn't cover anything of what I said about lack of government leading to Social Liberalism.... You went off on some tirade about oppression....

Actually even Communist regimes were generally more Socially Conservative than Capitalist regimes.

Some Nationalists in Eastern Europe want Communism back, because Communism had much less immigration, worse rights for Gays, and less rights for Jews.

Lastly you can blame Jews for all your problems, but the reason you’re a failure is because of you. Simpleton try to blame it on vulnerable minority group. You don’t like to face the truth.

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I blame quite a few Jews for societal problems, not my personal problems.

Individualists seem to have difficulty understanding societal problems.... They instead just seem to grasp "Me, mine, and Now"

The Individualist doesn't grasp there's a difference of Societal problems vs Personal problems because they're Brutish Sub-Human savages, who can only think of themselves.

Yes, Jews have been a Liberal promoting issue for our American society... Overall big time.

Explain otherwise?

1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees

1,500+ Rabbis Sign National Letter Calling for Welcoming Refugees

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

Pollster: Jews voted Clinton more than any other group

Jewish groups, politicians furious over Trump's far-right pandering

Jewish Voters, Prized in Swing State Florida, Tell What Drives Them

Jews, Multiculturalism, and Boasian Anthropology on JSTOR
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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Wrong, you are the very unintelligent guy, like most of the Jews on this forum.

You didn't cover anything of what I said about lack of government leading to Social Liberalism.... You went off on some tirade about oppression....

Actually even Communist regimes were generally more Socially Conservative than Capitalist regimes.

Some Nationalists in Eastern Europe want Communism back, because Communism had much less immigration, worse rights for Gays, and less rights for Jews.

People didn’t flock the USSR because it was a nightmare of a place to live. It is the great free societies that have problems with immigrations, because so many people want to go there.

Poland is richer today than it was under Communism, indeed.
Not by a whole lot, however.

Poland does have more immigrants today. absolutely.

There are more Muslims, more Blacks, and yes a lot of Ukrainian cheap laborers.

Chechen refugees - Wikipedia

In Poland, almost 3,600 Chechens have applied for refugee status in the first eight months of 2007 alone and over 6,000 in the next four months.[18][19] As of 2008, the Chechens are the greatest group (90% in 2007[19]) of refugees arriving in Poland, on the eastern border of the EU.

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Poland weighs benefits of surge in migrants from Ukraine Influx of almost 1.3m last year is proving both politically and economically useful Read next FT Alphaville Thomas Hale Further Reading © AFP Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on LinkedIn (opens new window) Save Save to myFT Neil Buckley and Evon Huber MAY 28, 2017 35 Every three months or so, Oleksy Talalai sets out after a week at home in Khmelnitsky, western Ukraine, on the 11-hour journey to Leszno, in the west of Poland. Working in Leszno’s thriving economy installing electricity cables, Mr Talalai, 35, is part of one of Europe’s biggest — but less-noticed — mass migrations: of Ukrainians into Poland. “The main benefit of working in Poland is the money,” he says. “Earnings in Poland are much higher. There’s a crisis in Ukraine, prices are increasing. Everyone’s looking where they can earn more.” Almost 1.3m Ukrainians last year received the temporary work registrations that Poland grants to citizens of its eastern neighbour, and 116,000 more received longer-term work permits. Both figures have leapt six-fold since 2013, driven largely by the economic slump that followed Ukraine’s 2014 pro-western revolution and the Russian-fomented conflict in the country’s east. For Poland’s nationalist Law and Justice government, the Ukrainian influx is proving politically and economically useful. It helps parry EU criticisms over Warsaw’s refusal to accept quotas for Middle Eastern migrants — and to fill labour shortages following the exodus of 2m Poles seeking higher wages further west, shortages that could be exacerbated by current government policies. There are concerns in western Europe, however, that with the EU granting visa-free travel to Ukrainians from next month, similar inflows could be seen elsewhere. Poland may remain an exceptional case as, unlike most EU states, it has partially opened its labour market to Ukrainians. For now, Warsaw ministers are keen to draw parallels between Poland’s absorption of Ukrainians and Germany’s welcoming of 1m Syrian refugees in 2015. “I can’t accept that Poland does not agree to accept migrants,” Witold Waszczykowski, foreign minister, told this year’s Munich Security Conference. “We just have a different geographical location and different migration pattern.” In fact, unlike the Syrian exodus, most Ukrainian arrivals are not refugees fleeing the war-scarred east. Little over 6,000 Ukrainians have sought asylum in Poland since 2014, according to official figures. Poland was running out of workers in agriculture. In some sense, part of western Europe’s demographic problem has been moved to Poland Tomasz Wieladek, economist The majority are working-age economic migrants attracted by the prospect of earning five times as much as they can doing the same job in Ukraine, thanks in part to a sharp devaluation of the Ukrainian currency. Close cultural ties and linguistic similarities — even if the two countries have sometimes had tricky relations — mean Ukrainians are easily assimilated. “Everyone wants to earn good money. I travel for work and so do Poles,” shrugs Mr Talalai. Tomasz Wieladek, a Polish-born economist at Barclays in London who has studied Ukrainian migration, says Ukrainians fill similar jobs in Poland to those Polish migrants do in Germany, above all in the services industry and hospitality trade. His research suggests the Ukrainian inflow has slowed Polish wage growth. That is good for competitiveness and attracting investors — but, in a perhaps ironic twist, it may fuel continued westward migration by Poles. “Poles coming to Britain have helped the UK’s demographic problem,” says Mr Wieladek. “Poland has the same demographic issue. One reason they started this registration scheme [for Ukrainians and others] in 2008 was because Poland was running out of workers in agriculture. In some sense, part of western Europe’s demographic problem has been moved to Poland.” He adds that Ukrainians also offset potential shortages caused by Law and Justice’s social policies, including lowering the retirement age and paying generous child benefits that might prompt lower-paid mothers to stay at home. Not everyone welcomes the phenomenon. One government adviser calls it “absurd” that Poland spends large sums educating Poles who leave and must be replaced by workers from next door. Moving to Poland? Poland allows citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Georgia to register for six months’ work out of the subsequent 12. It also offers three-year permits to foreigners with formal job offers After staying five years, foreigners can become citizens But a survey by Work Service, an employment agency and consultancy, in February found one-third of companies in Poland had problems finding workers, especially blue-collar ones. Almost 40 per cent forecast they would hire Ukrainians. “Ukrainians earn the same wages as Poles, they’re not cheap labour, as opposed to Poles hired in western Europe,” says Blazej Madejski, vice-president of Pro-Net Media, which installs telecoms and electricity transmission lines and is Mr Talalai’s employer. “There are few Poles left in [construction] here as they work in the EU. Without the Ukrainians, our company couldn’t be efficient.” Yuri Kariagin, a Ukrainian with Polish origins who heads a Ukrainian workers’ union in Poland, says that before 2014, many Ukrainians went to Russia to work. “Now the majority come to Poland,” he says. “It’s six months working, then back to their family with the money, to renovate the apartment, or help children with their education.” Some Polish employers fear impending visa-free access for Ukrainians across the EU could tempt them to chase higher wages further west. But without employment rights, work opportunities will be mostly in the insecure shadow economy. Mr Talalai is happy in Leszno. “Maybe you can earn more in other EU countries, but it’s further away,” he says. “Here, earnings are more than enough and I can visit home every few months. There’s no place like home.” Additional reporting by Zosia Wasik

You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist
Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

Not really, there's actually far more similarities between Republicans, and Democrats than between the groups you're describing.

It turns out most modern Republicans, and Democrats are probably actually Liberals by definition....

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Wrong. There are only two governmental types. Collectivist and individualist. Totalitarian dictatorship is the ultimate form of collectivist government, and absolute anarchy is the ultimate form of individualist non government. Fascism, socialism, and communism are all fundamentally collectivist. Thus they are all left wing.

Oh please, Anarchy would lead to a society filled with Immigrants, Abortion, Druggies ,Porn, and Gay Marriage ( Social Liberalism) because they wouldn't do anything about these.

Most Fascists understand that in order to keep a Socially Conservative environment Totalitarianism is needed.

That's EXACTLY why Republicans have been failing, they support the freedom to be dominated by Liberalism, and Free markets sells out to Liberalism overwhelmingly.

Pure ignorance! You are a very unintelligent guy.

Totalitarianism, in the form of an unelected dictator, in theory could be a good thing if you get a good, strong and kind leader. A great King who makes all the right choices!
Yet that is a very rare occurrence. The vast majority of dictators let the power corrupt them, they create an elitist group of their cronies and the common folk suffer. They eventually are about only personal gain and see the people as pawns for their gain. Even if you get that very rare great and kind leader, they are usually followed by a unqualified child who led a privileged life and knows nothing of or doesn’t care about the suffering of others. Either way it leads to the same oppressive regime.

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There was no Ukrainian Government when Bandera supported one of the most gruesome genocides of WW2.


They were akin to Anarchist Peasant rebels.... Well... A little different because Nazis ruled them.

However... The Nazis didn't do Wolyn Massacre... Ukrainian peasants did so with axes, and burning villages etc.

Proof that you don't need big government for genocide.


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