Antifa Explained

Hi member antifa and thanks for posting this.

I relate more to the views expressed by Chris Hedges in this video
but at least understand the Antifa purpose in that context.

I have experience working with both approaches within the Occupy
movement, and the peace and justice community where this issue
came up with the Revolutionary Workers and the Food Not Bombs
and Anti Racist Action as well as La Raza and other groups that
weren't opposed to using violence in protests against war and
global oppression. I share more of Chris Hedges views that
the greater goal IS to reach out and break down the barriers, and
form alliances by making allies within the very ranks being protested and opposed
in order to effect real change. But Mark Bray made it clear that part of the
process is not the goal of Antifa but to protest, target and stop small
groups at the start before they can mobilize into larger movements.

my criticisms of this are pretty much along the lines that Hedges expressed.

What I will say about Antifa
1. even after watching this video that explains their reasons for protest,
it still comes across to me as white men enlisting others to fight turf wars using the
same race baiting tactics against the opposite side. I find the real minorities who are
truly oppressed have needs that are met by working to solve problems across racial,
class and party lines. So although this protests serve a purpose to publicize and
protest problems, like Hedges also stated it doesn't serve to solve the actual problems.

2. in fact, I believe similar to Hedges criticism that these violent protests serve
to strengthen and embolden the very opposition they seek to strike fear and shame into.
Instead like Hedges said, because this doesn't make a dent in the real power structure,
those in power merely exploit these protests to empower more opposition to the opponents,
by demeaning and belittling and discrediting the groups due to violence and other criticisms of methods.
In addition to what Hedges says, I would say that these tactics REINFORCE the "white power"
tactics of divide and conquer and "fear based" politics, that merely keep those people in power further.

What I wish that more people did instead was adopt the tactic where the "greedy people in power"
will set aside their differences and commit to work together to achieve goals that benefit them anyway.
If the activists adopted THAT tactic and found ways to work together, then that would be fighting
fire with fire and beating people at their own game. Instead, taking the opposite path of
divide and conquer by fear based bullying and attacks is playing into the game of remaining
disempowered while those in control play one side against the other and still win regardless.

3. third is I don't see the connection between "people fighting against Nazi Hitler holocaust in Germany"
with antifa protests blaming White Supremacists or Nationalists in America at rallies or protests.
Instead this comes across as trying to silence free speech because the people speaking
at these White Unite the Right rallies are NOT the same as Nazi's having committed genocidal holocausts.

One group is actually fighting in defense against the actual armies and offenders doing the attacks.
The other is trying to do "preemptive" strikes at the point where people are exercising free speech and
haven't been proven to commit any race based attacks or lynchings much less genocidal acts that require physical defense.

Again, I understand Mark's explanation that the point is not to wait for the attacks to get to the point of unstoppable violence that can't be defended against. But if someone is committed offense by their speech, they should be answered
at the same level, so this dialogue should be open and civilized, not set up to fail by waging attacks on each other.

The last time I saw a video with an Antifa person, the woman representing Antifa refused to talk share or even shake the hand of the Unite the Right organizer who offered to dialogue and talk respectfully to address concerns and work it out.

So that's where I would disagree with Antifa and agree more with Hedges that a constructive approach is
more conducive to really changing the oppressive class and race based disparities by direct action and alliances.

4. overall I thank you for trying to reach out which is more than other antifa have been trying to do.
keep up the good work to address these issues,
and my main concern is the same as Hedges where the focus is on
building partnerships and alliances toward positive sustainable change.

I'd rather see those solultions in the media rather than anonymous
protestors attacking people they don't know and getting bad press
that sends the wrong message in the media that merely empowers the very dynamics being protested.

Thanks and keep up the good fight, build bridges not walls,
and support all workers uniting across all parties and classes
instead of being divided by party and conquered and oppressed.

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
Try to imagine white supremacists as the British soldiers in the northern colonies circa 1770. There was no way for Americans to start solving our problems until we got rid of the British soldiers. That is the purpose of Antifa. We will fade away as soon as white supremacists are no longer a problem so Americans can start focusing on real issues.

Difference is antifa the British soldiers were the actual oppressive military forces.
People just defending white culture by free speech at rallies are not the same as actual soldiers.

This comes across as "misdirected"
like trying to target the "black thugs who are ACTUALLY killing people or cops"
by verbally and physically attacking or protesting "black people speaking out at rallies" but not actually doing the attacks.

Also I forgot to list in my response,
what are you doing or not doing about terrorist attacks, rapes
and selling people into slavery that people are doing other than Whites.
What about Mexican cartels who are committing mass violence and genocide,
what about jihadist terrorists who have taken over govts and terrorized civilians for power.

Are you equally against all men/power tyrants who are oppressing innocent
workers and minorities for military and govt controls?

Otherwise it seems "convenient" to blame and target and protest
civilized white men blaming them for the problems you are trying to use them to symbolize.
But avoiding confronting any really dangerous oppressors because that isn't
convenient or safe. So it looks chicken and cheap, just going for easy targets
but overlooking really gross threats to human rights as in terrorist and trafficking rings.

Isn't this just for convenience?
British soldiers were (are) servants to the crown. White supremacists are tools to distract us from the real issues.

So how does responding to them and further drawing attention to this "distraction"
help to solve any of the real issues this is distracting from antifa
White supremacists will lead this nation to civil war -- again. We can stop them before that happens.

What does your avatar remind people of?

Neither am I. However, when you attack people for nothing other than attending a political rally that you don't happen to agree with, that IS fascist.
When you become a mod it's to have power over other people.

Yep, I love lording it over people. I take particular pleasure in abusing small dogs and kittens too!:lmao:
Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist

What I specifically referred to was that the actions of antifart are the same as the Brown Shirts of hitler. Feel free to show me where I am wrong. You trotting out your cute little manifesto, while amusing, doesn't address my observation. Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

So, your little manifesto merely shows that you are a statist, which shows that you are a FASCIST!

It's called government types 101.
No sane person here believes that republicans are pacifists. You ejaculate to the thought of bombing nonwhite nations.

That reply just sucks. So juvenile and so full of hyperbole. Why not leave your personal fetishes out of discussions and reply like an adult? The basic idea illustrated was that beating people is wrong. If you won't address this fact, verifiable by simply googling video of people claiming to be affiliated with your 'organization' using said tactics on camera, then you are of no use to the American public.

So, you're saying Liberal organizations have banned people on beliefs?
It's time we fight back, and ban those Companies from their charters for their beliefs.
You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.

Some videos of my Polish people beating up your Black buddies.

You are a Liberal who probably supports these poor little victim Blacks getting owned by the big bad Poles.
So, you're saying Liberal organizations have banned people on beliefs?
It's time we fight back, and ban those Companies from their charters for their beliefs.
You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.
My picture is in my avatar.... Where's yours???????
How many times you get your face bloodied by Antifa?

I don't go to rallies looking for trouble.

But, it looks like unlike myself you are too afraid to show pictures of yourself.

I have however knocked out people who come looking for trouble.

I knocked out with 1 punch this Italian from my old neighborhood bar in Putnam Lake, NY... He's in the middle of the below picture.. He ran into the girls bathroom to hide form me.

I bet he's tougher than you are

Photo by Polskimoc
Putnam Lake, NY? lmao
What a bunch of snot-nose kids. You should be out trying to get laid instead of hugging on guys.

There's some really tough White guys in New York but they're mostly Right Wingers, NOT ANTIFA.

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Here is one principle:

Beating people is wrong.

Once you have adopted it, perhaps we can continue with the conversation. Indeed, generally people accept this principle before engaging in civilized conversation of any sort. Somehow it did not make it into the list of principles for the "anti-fascists".
No sane person here believes that republicans are pacifists. You ejaculate to the thought of bombing nonwhite nations.

That reply just sucks. So juvenile and so full of hyperbole. Why not leave your personal fetishes out of discussions and reply like an adult? The basic idea illustrated was that beating people is wrong. If you won't address this fact, verifiable by simply googling video of people claiming to be affiliated with your 'organization' using said tactics on camera, then you are of no use to the American public.

So, you're saying Liberal organizations have banned people on beliefs?
It's time we fight back, and ban those Companies from their charters for their beliefs.

You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.

Wrong... You're for the most part looking at times when ANTIFA sucker punches, or vastly outnumbers their opponents.

Here we see ANTIFA getting beat sort of when they out number the Far Right.

You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.

I don't bother bloodying my knuckles on the thick skulls of communists. If they force the issue with me, I have the great equalizer to keep me from even breaking a sweat.

You ANTIFA idiots need to understand that you have /zero/ authority in this country, NONE. You are not moral authorities, you are not parents, you are not leading or participating in some imagined revolution, you're just a bunch of shit heads being dicks to people who are weaker than you

They indeed are not parents, but that doesn't stop them from living in the basement of their parents.

I am not sure I can agree that anyone can possible be weaker than these Antifa thugs. With these guys it's always at least a 5 vs 1, and they come from behind. They wouldn't engage anyone in a fair fight as they would get their face carved to a new one.

My husband so wanted to go to a Trump rally and play with these idiots. I wouldn't let him heh
That reply just sucks. So juvenile and so full of hyperbole. Why not leave your personal fetishes out of discussions and reply like an adult? The basic idea illustrated was that beating people is wrong. If you won't address this fact, verifiable by simply googling video of people claiming to be affiliated with your 'organization' using said tactics on camera, then you are of no use to the American public.

So, you're saying Liberal organizations have banned people on beliefs?
It's time we fight back, and ban those Companies from their charters for their beliefs.

You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.

My picture is in my avatar.... Where's yours???????

How many times you get your face bloodied by Antifa?

ANTIFA used to be a problem in Poland.

2011 ANTIFA trouble makers disrupting Polish Independence Day.

2017 ANTIFA get burned, and Polish Nationalists triumph.

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If you read the Anti-Fascist Handbook, there will be no doubt that Antifa is the modern day version of the Sons of Liberty.

Antifa has a handbook? The good part is they want to dismantle the 2 party system/ corporate chokehold.
... but how in the hell are they 1. going to get everyone on the same page to actually see results and 2. theres no real long term plan.

The video would'nt play for me, I was going to watch a bit of it. Ill try again later ... Im generally curious.
Go to Youtube and search for On Contact Antifa. If you are really curious search for Days of Revolt - State Violence and Counter Violence and watch how Hedges treats former Black Panther Eddie Conway and BLA member Ojore Lutalo compared to how he treats Mark Bray and Antifa.

It proves how Hedges plays to an audience instead of allowing the audience to decide for ourselves.
You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.
My picture is in my avatar.... Where's yours???????
How many times you get your face bloodied by Antifa?

I don't go to rallies looking for trouble.

But, it looks like unlike myself you are too afraid to show pictures of yourself.

I have however knocked out people who come looking for trouble.

I knocked out with 1 punch this Italian from my old neighborhood bar in Putnam Lake, NY... He's in the middle of the below picture.. He ran into the girls bathroom to hide form me.

I bet he's tougher than you are

Photo by Polskimoc
Putnam Lake, NY? lmao
What a bunch of snot-nose kids. You should be out trying to get laid instead of hugging on guys.

Putnam Lake's got a lot of tough Bronx, and Yonkers Italians.

A Black lady said we fist-fight more than they did in Brooklyn, Newark, and Hartford some of the worst ghetto she lived in the U.S.A
Brooklyn has been gentrificated by hipsters and Hartford is a bunch of oxy snorters. Once you get your ass beat a few times, your balls should drop and you may even start to act like a man.
My picture is in my avatar.... Where's yours???????
How many times you get your face bloodied by Antifa?

I don't go to rallies looking for trouble.

But, it looks like unlike myself you are too afraid to show pictures of yourself.

I have however knocked out people who come looking for trouble.

I knocked out with 1 punch this Italian from my old neighborhood bar in Putnam Lake, NY... He's in the middle of the below picture.. He ran into the girls bathroom to hide form me.

I bet he's tougher than you are

Photo by Polskimoc
Putnam Lake, NY? lmao
What a bunch of snot-nose kids. You should be out trying to get laid instead of hugging on guys.

Putnam Lake's got a lot of tough Bronx, and Yonkers Italians.

A Black lady said we fist-fight more than they did in Brooklyn, Newark, and Hartford some of the worst ghetto she lived in the U.S.A
Brooklyn has been gentrificated by hipsters and Hartford is a bunch of oxy snorters. Once you get your ass beat a few times, your balls should drop and you may even start to act like a man.

Many Hipsters are ANTIFA.
If you read the Anti-Fascist Handbook, there will be no doubt that Antifa is the modern day version of the Sons of Liberty.

Wrong, you don't even know what the Sons of Liberty were.
Why don't you tell the class, bucky

ANTIFA are freaks of nature.

For thousands of years people always put their Heritage first as important, and did believe in ethnic hierarchy.

Then a bunch of losers like these below just kicked, and screamed Nazis to brainwash idiots.

When you become a mod it's to have power over other people.

Yep, I love lording it over people. I take particular pleasure in abusing small dogs and kittens too!:lmao:
Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist

What I specifically referred to was that the actions of antifart are the same as the Brown Shirts of hitler. Feel free to show me where I am wrong. You trotting out your cute little manifesto, while amusing, doesn't address my observation. Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

So, your little manifesto merely shows that you are a statist, which shows that you are a FASCIST!

It's called government types 101.

Antifa wants to give power back to the people, but if that was accomplished they would in turn become our new gov.
...seems like a lose/lose plan.
When you become a mod it's to have power over other people.

Yep, I love lording it over people. I take particular pleasure in abusing small dogs and kittens too!:lmao:
Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist

What I specifically referred to was that the actions of antifart are the same as the Brown Shirts of hitler. Feel free to show me where I am wrong. You trotting out your cute little manifesto, while amusing, doesn't address my observation. Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

So, your little manifesto merely shows that you are a statist, which shows that you are a FASCIST!

It's called government types 101.
The fact that you think fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same, proves you are talking out your ass. There is no debating someone as misinformed by propaganda like you. Go high five the deplorables, they are as illogical as you.

I can prove you are wrong anytime you think you are capable of rational debate.
You refuse to accept the fact that agent provocateurs are the ones trying to disrupt and discredit all these protests. It may already be too late to prevent civil war but that doesn't mean we should become inactive.

You are the agent provocateurs, hon.
When you become a mod it's to have power over other people.

Yep, I love lording it over people. I take particular pleasure in abusing small dogs and kittens too!:lmao:
Some people have something to say and some become mods.

Fortunately for you I'm both! Got a puppy I can kick?:laugh:
You came here accusing me of being a fascist without knowing the difference between fascist and anti-fascist, so let me help you out.

characteristics of fascism
pro dictatorship and anti-democracy
pro military, pro police
pro imperialist foreign policy
pro state, nationalist, xenophobic
pro toxic masculinity
racist, anti-semitic

characteristics of anti-fascism
pro peaceful foreign policy
pro community, pro worker rights
pro feminist and anti-racist

What I specifically referred to was that the actions of antifart are the same as the Brown Shirts of hitler. Feel free to show me where I am wrong. You trotting out your cute little manifesto, while amusing, doesn't address my observation. Furthermore, fascist, socialist, and communist are all the same. They are all collectivist idealogies that advocate for a strong central government, and no power in the hands of the people.

So, your little manifesto merely shows that you are a statist, which shows that you are a FASCIST!

It's called government types 101.

Individualists are generally very, very Liberal.

Individualism correlates in Europe extremely close towards tolerance of Gays, Muslims, and Jews.




You see that tough guy fascist crying like a bitch? All you bitches act the same way once you see Antifa in the streets.

I don't bother bloodying my knuckles on the thick skulls of communists. If they force the issue with me, I have the great equalizer to keep me from even breaking a sweat.

Dude, you are wearing spandex. Nuff said.

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