Any Amnesty = suicide for Trump and the GOP

For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

You xenophobic bigots had better get used to the idea that the Dreamers will get legal status.

Herein lies the problem folks...we have people among us that will call us “xenophobic bigots” should we expect elected officials to enforce our laws and follow the guidelines set forth by our founders....thanks for the example of an un-American mindset...Much appreciated.

He didn't say all crazy right wingers were xenophobic bigots. Just the xenophobic bigots that don't think the Dreamers will ever get legal status.
Fetus’s have legal status, but that don’t mean #### to you

Why can't crazy right wingers stay on subject? This thread is about Trump's suicide.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

You xenophobic bigots had better get used to the idea that the Dreamers will get legal status.

Herein lies the problem folks...we have people among us that will call us “xenophobic bigots” should we expect elected officials to enforce our laws and follow the guidelines set forth by our founders....thanks for the example of an un-American mindset...Much appreciated.

He didn't say all crazy right wingers were xenophobic bigots. Just the xenophobic bigots that don't think the Dreamers will ever get legal status.
Fetus’s have legal status, but that don’t mean #### to you

Why can't crazy right wingers stay on subject? This thread is about Trump's suicide.
Dead??? I didn’t even know he was sick
You xenophobic bigots had better get used to the idea that the Dreamers will get legal status.

Herein lies the problem folks...we have people among us that will call us “xenophobic bigots” should we expect elected officials to enforce our laws and follow the guidelines set forth by our founders....thanks for the example of an un-American mindset...Much appreciated.

He didn't say all crazy right wingers were xenophobic bigots. Just the xenophobic bigots that don't think the Dreamers will ever get legal status.
Fetus’s have legal status, but that don’t mean #### to you

Why can't crazy right wingers stay on subject? This thread is about Trump's suicide.
Dead??? I didn’t even know he was sick

Not yet. Hopefully soon.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

You have no clue what a REAL AMERICAN is. Americans who voted on election day did not support a wall and they support DACA and amnesty whether you like it or not. Only about 10% of voters voted solely on the basis of immigration. 25% of Trump's support came because he was not Clinton. The GOIP will be FUCKED over because they cater to WHITE NATIONALIST RACISTS like you.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

You have no clue what a REAL AMERICAN is. Americans who voted on election day did not support a wall and they support DACA and amnesty whether you like it or not. Only about 10% of voters voted solely on the basis of immigration. 25% of Trump's support came because he was not Clinton. The GOIP will be FUCKED over because they cater to WHITE NATIONALIST RACISTS like you.
Na, Trump is in there because of how repugnant all career politicians are...
amnesty like it or not will become legislation, nonetheless is a pussy move.
Illegal alien border crossings will continue to go up without a wall no two ways about it.
So called “dreamers” will cost the American people billions and only have a diminishing return to show for it.
Legal citizens continue to be fucked... political correctness makes sure of it.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

You xenophobic bigots had better get used to the idea that the Dreamers will get legal status.

As a Conservative, how is giving Amnesty for mostly Democrats a good thing?
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

In politics, you have to give some to get some.

I don't care about DACA people as long as the wall is built and no chain migration. No lotteries and no acceptance of immigrants who have nothing to offer.

It's a good exchange because Democrats can have their less than 1 million here while we prevent tens of millions in the future.
So you or your ancestors came somehow and now you wanna deny others? Great guy.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

In politics, you have to give some to get some.

I don't care about DACA people as long as the wall is built and no chain migration. No lotteries and no acceptance of immigrants who have nothing to offer.

It's a good exchange because Democrats can have their less than 1 million here while we prevent tens of millions in the future.

I don't give a crap about that wall, if Mexico is funding the building and maintenance of it, build it! The rest I agree with 100%.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

In politics, you have to give some to get some.

I don't care about DACA people as long as the wall is built and no chain migration. No lotteries and no acceptance of immigrants who have nothing to offer.

It's a good exchange because Democrats can have their less than 1 million here while we prevent tens of millions in the future.
So you or your ancestors came somehow and now you wanna deny others? Great guy.

Yep, that's exactly it. Or is your idea that because most of us are here because our ancestors, that means we should let anybody in?

Sorry, 315 million people is enough for this country. My ancestors came here at a time when immigrants were needed. Not the case today.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

You have no clue what a REAL AMERICAN is. Americans who voted on election day did not support a wall and they support DACA and amnesty whether you like it or not. Only about 10% of voters voted solely on the basis of immigration. 25% of Trump's support came because he was not Clinton. The GOIP will be FUCKED over because they cater to WHITE NATIONALIST RACISTS like you.

Most striking of all is the public’s demand for lower overall legal immigration — a position that has little traction on Capitol Hill but one that is overwhelmingly popular across the country.

The poll found that most Americans want annual legal immigration capped at 500,000 a year or less — far lower than the current annual rate of 1.3 million.

Shock poll: Americans want massive cuts to legal immigration
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

He's been in office for a year. When are you gonna decide that he's let you down?
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

In politics, you have to give some to get some.

I don't care about DACA people as long as the wall is built and no chain migration. No lotteries and no acceptance of immigrants who have nothing to offer.

It's a good exchange because Democrats can have their less than 1 million here while we prevent tens of millions in the future.

Less than 1 million...are we sure?
I disagree man.... there is no such thing as bipartisanship in D.C. right now. I’d prefer we fuck the Wall off for now and lay the hammer down on all things immigration like never before seen. There are others ways to fund the Wall and achieve the same goals in time.
There are 3.6M 'DREAMers' — a number far greater than commonly known

Dreamers and DACA are two different things.

Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million immigrants with no guarantee the problem would stop there. We can't repeat the same mistake, but we can't have everything our way until we get a 60 Senate seat majority that all votes in unison.

Allowing 800,000 to stay here to stop further DADA's in the future is a pretty good trade. A wall, end to chain migration, and the elimination of immigrant lotteries is pretty fair.

Dreamers and DACA are two different things.“
I get that...but are we sure “the deals” being proposed are for DACA and not for the DREAMers or the DreamAct?

“The government shutdown ended Monday when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promised to take up an immigration bill that would protect an estimated 800,000 Dreamers from deportation under an open amendment process, if the Democrats would agree to end the shutdown. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y) said that pledge was enough for his caucus to accept a three-week government funding bill, which passed on a vote of 81-18.
But what do the parties really intend to take up? A DACA-fix for the 690,000 current participants or a DREAM Act to provide a path to citizenship for 2.7 million undocumented aliens?
And who are the Dreamers?”

Here is what I think: the wall funding is not off the table. Schumer has to do something to placate Democrat voters since his giving in to the extension caused a lot of snowflakes to melt. It may take several weeks but the wall will be back on the table soon.
I've enjoyed watching these nutbags take to the phrases "chain migration" and "visa lottery" over the past month or so.

Those words never passed the lips of any of these idiots until their moron leader started using them recently. Now they are a cornerstone of their immigration stance.

Fucking lemmings.
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For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico.

A large majority of Americans supports maintaining the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a new poll found.

The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program.

Poll: Most Americans support DACA

Sorry, buddy, you are in the minority on this.

Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million immigrants with no guarantee the problem would stop there. We can't repeat the same mistake, but we can't have everything our way until we get a 60 Senate seat majority that all votes in unison.

Guy, your side loses Congress after the next midterm. It's ebb and flow, and there aren't enough angry white guys to sustain your movement.

the problem is that we have ALWAYS had a need for cheap bottom rung labor that Americans who are born here think they are too good to do.

and we always will.

All the smack dumb-ass racists like you talk about the Mexicans/

They said it about the Poles 50 years ago.
And the Germans 100 years ago.
And the Irish 150 years ago.
It depends... if president Trump gets the wall, an end to chain migration and the visa lottery, that's going to put an end to the dems flow of voters for good. But, BUT, if a compromise on DACA means giving amnesty that INCLUDES VOTING RIGHTS to the millions of illegal aliens, then yes, total suicide. But, BUT, I don't think there's any way in HELL president Trump signs any bill like that, just no freakin' way.

Again, buddy, the people who hire illegals are the ones who bankroll people like Trump.

So, um, yeah, he'll probably sign it, without getting a Wall, and probably only minor changes to "chain migration" and 'the lottery".
Most striking of all is the public’s demand for lower overall legal immigration — a position that has little traction on Capitol Hill but one that is overwhelmingly popular across the country.

The poll found that most Americans want annual legal immigration capped at 500,000 a year or less — far lower than the current annual rate of 1.3 million.

Again,if you want to see a country that doesn't allow immigration, look at Japan.

What's Japanese for "Demographic Death Spiral"?

Not enough new babies being born, too many old people to support.

That's the future you guys want.... and it won't work.
It depends... if president Trump gets the wall, an end to chain migration and the visa lottery, that's going to put an end to the dems flow of voters for good. But, BUT, if a compromise on DACA means giving amnesty that INCLUDES VOTING RIGHTS to the millions of illegal aliens, then yes, total suicide. But, BUT, I don't think there's any way in HELL president Trump signs any bill like that, just no freakin' way.

Again, buddy, the people who hire illegals are the ones who bankroll people like Trump.

So, um, yeah, he'll probably sign it, without getting a Wall, and probably only minor changes to "chain migration" and 'the lottery".
What are you smoking?

Step away from the bong.

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