Any Informed Defenders of the 9E OCT on USMB?

We get 4 twoofers, and 8 people who lost family in the terror attacks on 911.

We put the twoofers in a booth one by one and let them tell their version of what happened for 9 minutes 11 seconds. That would be taped.

The twoofers are then placed in a chair, shackled hand and foot. The mouth is left free, as the verbal protests and the crying is the main attraction here.

We bring out the 911 victims survivors, equipped with one hand reinforced with a hand sized plate of steel, made from steel recycled from the center columns of the towers.

Every time one of the twoofers says "fact" or any variation thereof on the tape, one of the victum's survivors slaps the shit out of the twoofer of their choice with their reinforced hand.

This would be great fun and educational and it would discourage any children from being a treasonous twoofer.

Alternately, another idea I have for a reality show is to grab twoofers and televise them being transported to Afghanistan, and given as peace offerings to al queda operatives.

The first one could be called "the fact dare"
The second could be called "don't lose your head"
Okay...what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon beeotch? I bet you're going to run far away from that question.

Maybe we could see what it was if the FBI had not confiscated over 80 videos from the surrounding area? Maybe it was your fat ass making a mad dash for Krispy Kreme? Maybe you are too fucking stupid to understand whatever took them down most likely didn't actually make physical contact with them?

Are you the dumbass that repeats the claim it had to be flight 77? What is the basis for making that claim? Wasn't it something about wingspan? Yep. That must mean it had to be flight 77 because that was the only aircraft in the entire world with that wingspan. Nothing else comes close! Lol.......

Simple, it had to be flight 77 based on what EYEWITNESSES said they saw.

Only a dumbass tries to make everything more complicated than it really is. You especially should follow the KISS method of dealing with life. (Keep It Simple Stupid!)
I did not know the FBI confiscated videos of candycorn dashing for krispycreme. Does that bother you because those videos also caught you doing something you don't want seen?

Twoofers are treasonous scum, that is the real story here. You twoofers have no defense for your treasonous statements and actions.

Lol....people who question 9E are guilty of Treason. What a dumbass. You truly despise the principles that created America.
Maybe we could see what it was if the FBI had not confiscated over 80 videos from the surrounding area? Maybe it was your fat ass making a mad dash for Krispy Kreme? Maybe you are too fucking stupid to understand whatever took them down most likely didn't actually make physical contact with them?

Are you the dumbass that repeats the claim it had to be flight 77? What is the basis for making that claim? Wasn't it something about wingspan? Yep. That must mean it had to be flight 77 because that was the only aircraft in the entire world with that wingspan. Nothing else comes close! Lol.......

Simple, it had to be flight 77 based on what EYEWITNESSES said they saw.

Only a dumbass tries to make everything more complicated than it really is. You especially should follow the KISS method of dealing with life. (Keep It Simple Stupid!)
I did not know the FBI confiscated videos of candycorn dashing for krispycreme. Does that bother you because those videos also caught you doing something you don't want seen?

Twoofers are treasonous scum, that is the real story here. You twoofers have no defense for your treasonous statements and actions.

Lol....people who question 9E are guilty of Treason. What a dumbass. You truly despise the principles that created America.

The actions of the twoofers at the gathering of 911 survivors proved that twoofers are nothing more than treasonous.
I support torturing twoofers. i would support lobotomies for twoofers, but there is nothing there to lobotimize.........
We get 4 twoofers, and 8 people who lost family in the terror attacks on 911.

We put the twoofers in a booth one by one and let them tell their version of what happened for 9 minutes 11 seconds. That would be taped.

The twoofers are then placed in a chair, shackled hand and foot. The mouth is left free, as the verbal protests and the crying is the main attraction here.

We bring out the 911 victims survivors, equipped with one hand reinforced with a hand sized plate of steel, made from steel recycled from the center columns of the towers.

Every time one of the twoofers says "fact" or any variation thereof on the tape, one of the victum's survivors slaps the shit out of the twoofer of their choice with their reinforced hand.

This would be great fun and educational and it would discourage any children from being a treasonous twoofer.

Alternately, another idea I have for a reality show is to grab twoofers and televise them being transported to Afghanistan, and given as peace offerings to al queda operatives.

The first one could be called "the fact dare"
The second could be called "don't lose your head"

You're a fucking whine bag that makes claims you can't support then try to hide that by calling people names.
We get 4 twoofers, and 8 people who lost family in the terror attacks on 911.

We put the twoofers in a booth one by one and let them tell their version of what happened for 9 minutes 11 seconds. That would be taped.

The twoofers are then placed in a chair, shackled hand and foot. The mouth is left free, as the verbal protests and the crying is the main attraction here.

We bring out the 911 victims survivors, equipped with one hand reinforced with a hand sized plate of steel, made from steel recycled from the center columns of the towers.

Every time one of the twoofers says "fact" or any variation thereof on the tape, one of the victum's survivors slaps the shit out of the twoofer of their choice with their reinforced hand.

This would be great fun and educational and it would discourage any children from being a treasonous twoofer.

Alternately, another idea I have for a reality show is to grab twoofers and televise them being transported to Afghanistan, and given as peace offerings to al queda operatives.

The first one could be called "the fact dare"
The second could be called "don't lose your head"

You're a fucking whine bag that makes claims you can't support then try to hide that by calling people names.

You love it, it's the only human attention you get in life.

Wanna be on TV?
* * * *

You're a fucking whine bag that makes claims you can't support then try to hide that by calling people names.

The absolute irony of such a claim coming from pussy-boi bent tight is astonishing.


bent tight couldn't be honest if his worthless life depended on it. He can't help it. He's a (recently admitted) Troofer.

You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


I'm sure since the drivers birth certificates and light bills of the respondents (thus proving citizenship and residency) were not published along side the poll, the numbers are made up. :lol:

The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.
* * * *

You're a fucking whine bag that makes claims you can't support then try to hide that by calling people names.

The absolute irony of such a claim coming from pussy-boi bent tight is astonishing.


bent tight couldn't be honest if his worthless life depended on it. He can't help it. He's a (recently admitted) Troofer.

What are you squealing about now Snitch Bitch?
You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


I'm sure since the drivers birth certificates and light bills of the respondents (thus proving citizenship and residency) were not published along side the poll, the numbers are made up. :lol:

The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Oh the irony.......
You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


Listen up * * *: where in the poll does it ask anything about the Commission Report? It doesn't. * * * *


Listen up, bent tight, you pussy-boi: We all see plainly that you are totally dishonest as well as spineless, gutless, ball-less and brainless, but the conclusion of the CR is the very thing that the majority of the American people accepted as per the referenced Zogby poll.

Your lame-ass and always dishonest efforts at spin remain a huge fail.

Thank me.

Snitch Bitches like you are a fucking joke. Keep crying you whiny Snitch Bitch.
You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


I'm sure since the drivers birth certificates and light bills of the respondents (thus proving citizenship and residency) were not published along side the poll, the numbers are made up. :lol:

The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Another massive intentional and obvious lie from pussy-boi bent tight.

The conclusions of the Commission Report included the rather obvious one which was that the United States was attacked by al qaeda on 9/11/2001.

The majority of Americans agree with that very assertion, as the Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troffer scumbags itself establishes.

Thus, the majority of Americans agree with the CR.

And all of bent tight's deliberate efforts to portray it as anything different are doomed to failure since his lie is transparent.
I'm sure since the drivers birth certificates and light bills of the respondents (thus proving citizenship and residency) were not published along side the poll, the numbers are made up. :lol:

The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Oh the irony.......

You are the who made a false claim then tried to lie your way out of it. You dumbasses are now stuck with making nothing but personal comments because you are not able to debate 9E.
The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Oh the irony.......

You are the who made a false claim then tried to lie your way out of it. You dumbasses are now stuck with making nothing but personal comments because you are not able to debate 9E.

The 911 commision report stands on it's own and needs no defending.
You have not presented one valid reason to doubt the fine work performed by the greatest government on earth in issuing this report.
Yet another epic fail by a treasonous twoofer moron.
I'm sure since the drivers birth certificates and light bills of the respondents (thus proving citizenship and residency) were not published along side the poll, the numbers are made up. :lol:

The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Another massive intentional and obvious lie from pussy-boi bent tight.

The conclusions of the Commission Report included the rather obvious one which was that the United States was attacked by al qaeda on 9/11/2001.

The majority of Americans agree with that very assertion, as the Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troffer scumbags itself establishes.

Thus, the majority of Americans agree with the CR.

And all of bent tight's deliberate efforts to portray it as anything different are doomed to failure since his lie is transparent.

Snitch Bitch. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? You're nothing but a Snitch Bitch.
The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Oh the irony.......

You are the who made a false claim then tried to lie your way out of it. You dumbasses are now stuck with making nothing but personal comments because you are not able to debate 9E.

Except, of course, as EVERYONE can plainly see: bent tight is the one who has lied here. The refutation of his lie is now too much for him to bear so, in his usual pansy style, he is crying all the harder.

The reason that the pussy-boi bent tight is unable to intelligently debate his loopey conspiracy theory about the 9/11 attacks is because he is overtly hostile to honesty.
The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Another massive intentional and obvious lie from pussy-boi bent tight.

The conclusions of the Commission Report included the rather obvious one which was that the United States was attacked by al qaeda on 9/11/2001.

The majority of Americans agree with that very assertion, as the Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troffer scumbags itself establishes.

Thus, the majority of Americans agree with the CR.

And all of bent tight's deliberate efforts to portray it as anything different are doomed to failure since his lie is transparent.

Snitch Bitch. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? You're nothing but a Snitch Bitch.

Everyone I know personally supports the official story. We all saw it. We all know what happened.
Twoofers on the other hand, are blinded by their treasonous hate for the greatest nation in the history of the planet.
The majority of americans believe that terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into buildings to attack us.
pretty straightforward really, only a fool or a tool of al qaeda has a problem with it.
which are you?
Another massive intentional and obvious lie from pussy-boi bent tight.

The conclusions of the Commission Report included the rather obvious one which was that the United States was attacked by al qaeda on 9/11/2001.

The majority of Americans agree with that very assertion, as the Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troffer scumbags itself establishes.

Thus, the majority of Americans agree with the CR.

And all of bent tight's deliberate efforts to portray it as anything different are doomed to failure since his lie is transparent.

Snitch Bitch. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? You're nothing but a Snitch Bitch.

Everyone I know personally supports the official story. We all saw it. We all know what happened.
Twoofers on the other hand, are blinded by their treasonous hate for the greatest nation in the history of the planet.
The majority of americans believe that terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into buildings to attack us.
pretty straightforward really, only a fool or a tool of al qaeda has a problem with it.
which are you?

The way you absolutely have avoided post 229 shows your lack of integrity or sincerity for debating 9E.
The cited poll has nothing to do with what slackjawed claimed. As usual you make a comment out of pure ignorance.

Another massive intentional and obvious lie from pussy-boi bent tight.

The conclusions of the Commission Report included the rather obvious one which was that the United States was attacked by al qaeda on 9/11/2001.

The majority of Americans agree with that very assertion, as the Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troffer scumbags itself establishes.

Thus, the majority of Americans agree with the CR.

And all of bent tight's deliberate efforts to portray it as anything different are doomed to failure since his lie is transparent.

* * * * Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? * * * *

As always, pussy-boi, you lie.

The main conclusion of the CR which YOU falsely tried to contend the American people doubted was that we were attacked by the other guys.

The only one being embarrassed here is you, of course. The majority of Americans don't harbor your idiotic paranoid misbegotten snakey belief that any body in the American government did this to us. You are in a distinct minority. Thankfully. Approximately 1/3 of the American people being as stubbornly stupid and ignorant as you is quite enough.

You remain utterly unable to support you contentions. When this is repeatedly demonstrated to you, you whine and cry. "Waaaahhh!"

Oh well. It's ok. Your utter lack of credibility being kept on full display -- as it is -- might have a beneficial and instructional effect on other goof-balls who may be willing to make the idiotic contentions you make so publicly and so often.
Oh the irony.......

You are the who made a false claim then tried to lie your way out of it. You dumbasses are now stuck with making nothing but personal comments because you are not able to debate 9E.

Except, of course, as EVERYONE can plainly see: bent tight is the one who has lied here. The refutation of his lie is now too much for him to bear so, in his usual pansy style, he is crying all the harder.

The reason that the pussy-boi bent tight is unable to intelligently debate his loopey conspiracy theory about the 9/11 attacks is because he is overtly hostile to honesty.

If I cared what a Snitch Bitch like you thinks I would ask you to show where I lied. You are the proven liar as you accused me of denying being a troofer.....and you tried to support that claim by linking a post where I admitted to being a troofer. Lol. You're such a pathetic Snitch Bitch!

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