Any Informed Defenders of the 9E OCT on USMB?

if 911 was an inside job it was planned durning the clinton administration by democrats.....

no way boosh and his idiots planned it and executed it it in less than 8 months....
Indisputable proof of something.....


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Btw, I'm the one that linked the poll from its original source. Yet you claim I ignore facts? Holy fuck you OCTAs are all fucking birth regrets!

your not the one running away with your tail between your legs refusing to address points brought up like he does.:lol:fucking hypocrite he is.:lol:

Okay...what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon beeotch? I bet you're going to run far away from that question.
Btw, I'm the one that linked the poll from its original source. Yet you claim I ignore facts? Holy fuck you OCTAs are all fucking birth regrets!

your not the one running away with your tail between your legs refusing to address points brought up like he does.:lol:fucking hypocrite he is.:lol:

Okay...what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon beeotch? I bet you're going to run far away from that question.

the cruise missle launched by a stealth bomber piloted by dick cheeney
Nope, never saw them. i don't think one gets anything from someone on ignore.
BTW- I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot months ago.

I am thinking from seeing the language in some of your posts that you sound like someone I have heard before.

Artie, is that you?

Nope. Not Artie. But artie sounds like a VERY bright guy!


Yes. You and I got off to a rough start. I believe I previously noted this. (But it might have been in one of the pos rep comments, so perhaps it just never went through?)

I believe I had misread you. So the blame is almost certainly more mine than yours.

Anyway, I see the correction you offered to my observation about Troofers being scum. Good point.

Snitch Bitches are scum and everyone already knows for a fact you are a Snitch Bitch.

bent tight is still crying like the sniveling pussy bitch everyone knows he is.

bent tight: "Waahahhh!! That 'responsibility' thing for our own conduct is soooooo mean, you snitch bitch! You can't expect a pussy like id-eots or bent tight to accept personal responsibility, you big ol' meanie snitchy bitchy!"

For the fifth time: do you have a link supporting your claim the majority of Americans believe the CR?

(it's obvious you don't or you would have linked it)

You mean like the Zogby Poll?
An August 2007 Zogby poll commissioned by[29] found that 63.6% of Americans believe that Arab fundamentalists were responsible for 9/11 while 26.4% of believed that "certain elements in the U.S. government knew the attacks were coming but consciously let them proceed for various political, military and economic reasons" and 4.8% of them believe that "certain U.S. Government elements actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attacks".[30] (See 9/11 opinion polls.)
9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , citing: a Zogby pdf:

Awwww....that's so sweet! One dumbass OCTA tries to rescue another idiot OCTA and simply reinforces how fucking stupid you are. Not to mention being a Snitch Bitch.

You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.

Indisputable proof of something.....

this photo also is proof of something. i dont know what but i am fairly sure its Bush's fault. seriously what are the chances of a one legged cheerleader being watched from a horse in an underground bunker?

thats impossible. it just has to be the governments fault.

Awwww....that's so sweet! One dumbass OCTA tries to rescue another idiot OCTA and simply reinforces how fucking stupid you are. Not to mention being a Snitch Bitch.

You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


Listen up Snitch Bitch: where in the poll does it ask anything about the Commission Report? It doesn't. We all know you're a whiny ignorant Snitch Bitch so you don't have to keep reminding everyone.
I have taken a pollof my household and 100% of the respondents of my poll believe the official government story about what happened on 911, the kennady killings, OK City, Oscar the grouch, AND the lincoln assination.
I will admit to twoofer baiting. You however have to take responsibility for responding.

I still contend that if it was important to more than a fringe minority, there would be a new investigation. There has been plenty of time. At the same time, there has been plenty of money made upon the premise that booooosh is behind 911. That's not only wrong, it is treasonous.

You just reinforced you are clueless about 9E. The people most responsible for getting the Commission reject the CR and are demanding a new full investigation that begins with zero assumptions.

Also, your dishonesty is shining through like the sun trapped in a shiny thimble. You weren't trying to bait. You made a claim you could not support so you want to claim it was really just "bait" to avoid admitting you fucked up. You are sad.


(Posted by SJ)
"The official 911 commission report is believed and supported by a majority of the american people as it was issued with the full faith and force of the us government. i stand in support of that. Until you come up with a credible challenge to that, don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone except the lunatic fringe.
If you take exception with the official story, as the outlier, the onus is on you to provide support for your crackpot theories. When they are not accepted, that doesn't mean your right, or you took anyone to school. It simply means you are in the extreme lunatic minority, and can't provide any evidence from a credible source to support your drug induced lunatic theories."

There is you making the claim you have yet to support after five requests.

(Posted by SJ)
A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults last month found that 36% of Americans consider it "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves.

Read more: Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Go Away - TIME

there is one.

In case you have issues with percentages, 36% is not a majority.

There is your first and only attempt to support your claim. Like the Snitch Bitch, you linked a poll that didn't ask anything about the CR. When you realize you can't support your claim you try to pretend you were only "baiting." Dishonest shitweeds like you are why discussing the issue is a fucking joke.

Here are some of the people demanding a new full investigation that begins with zero assumptions:

"We know we never have learned the truth, it's as simple as that,'' says Lorie Van Auken of East Brunswick, one of the most ardent supporters of the creation of the 9/11 commission in 2002."

I'm confident you don't have the first fucking clue who Van Auken is.

"It's a murder -- my son was murdered -- and there never has been a murder investigation and a finding of what happened,'' says McIlvaine, who was laid off from his teaching job at a mental hospital four months after his son's death. He is retired and spends much of his time pushing for a renewed probe into 9/11."

Why don't you tell that father who lost his son he is a lunatic for wanting a new investigation?

Here is the State Supreme Court denying the voices of the survivors, families, and first responders:

"On a dark day for democracy, the patriotic call for answers by hundreds of 9/11 families, first responders and survivors has been stifled, and the will of the people of New York City once again denied."
Once Again, The Will of the Voters Is Denied

Here are a couple of statements from NYCCAN's FAQ:

"Q: How do we know this Commission will do a better job than the first 9/11 Commission?

A: Unlike the first 9/11 Commission, the new Commission will be completely independent because it will be comprised of individuals with no interest in protecting the government from accountability."

"Q: Will the new Commission have a bias or pre-determined conclusion about the events of September 11?

A: The investigation will commence from a starting point of zero assumption or bias about the events of September 11. The investigation will be fact- driven and will use only the most rigorous legal standards for establishing the truth about those tragic events."
NYC Coalition For Accountability Now

I should charge you assholes a tutoring fee for educating you.
Nope. Not Artie. But artie sounds like a VERY bright guy!


Yes. You and I got off to a rough start. I believe I previously noted this. (But it might have been in one of the pos rep comments, so perhaps it just never went through?)

I believe I had misread you. So the blame is almost certainly more mine than yours.

Anyway, I see the correction you offered to my observation about Troofers being scum. Good point.

Snitch Bitches are scum and everyone already knows for a fact you are a Snitch Bitch.

bent tight is still crying like the sniveling pussy bitch everyone knows he is.

bent tight: "Waahahhh!! That 'responsibility' thing for our own conduct is soooooo mean, you snitch bitch! You can't expect a pussy like id-eots or bent tight to accept personal responsibility, you big ol' meanie snitchy bitchy!"


You're nothing but a Snitch Bitch that got scared on a fucking message board and had to run to staff to help change your diaper. Cry some more you Snitch Bitch.
Btw, I'm the one that linked the poll from its original source. Yet you claim I ignore facts? Holy fuck you OCTAs are all fucking birth regrets!

your not the one running away with your tail between your legs refusing to address points brought up like he does.:lol:fucking hypocrite he is.:lol:

Okay...what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon beeotch? I bet you're going to run far away from that question.

Maybe we could see what it was if the FBI had not confiscated over 80 videos from the surrounding area? Maybe it was your fat ass making a mad dash for Krispy Kreme? Maybe you are too fucking stupid to understand whatever took them down most likely didn't actually make physical contact with them?

Are you the dumbass that repeats the claim it had to be flight 77? What is the basis for making that claim? Wasn't it something about wingspan? Yep. That must mean it had to be flight 77 because that was the only aircraft in the entire world with that wingspan. Nothing else comes close! Lol.......
if 911 was an inside job it was planned durning the clinton administration by democrats.....

no way boosh and his idiots planned it and executed it it in less than 8 months....

Even on the strange assumption a FF would only be planned with Dubya in the White House, they would have had more than ten months to plan it. Op Northwoods was drawn up explicitly by our Military so why claim it would have to be civilians? If you are planning a FF who would be a key element? Civilians....or military experts?

You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


I'm sure since the drivers birth certificates and light bills of the respondents (thus proving citizenship and residency) were not published along side the poll, the numbers are made up. :lol:
if 911 was an inside job it was planned durning the clinton administration by democrats.....

no way boosh and his idiots planned it and executed it it in less than 8 months....

Even on the strange assumption a FF would only be planned with Dubya in the White House, they would have had more than ten months to plan it. Op Northwoods was drawn up explicitly by our Military so why claim it would have to be civilians? If you are planning a FF who would be a key element? Civilians....or military experts?

FF? I unequivocally support and will eat french fries made by either military or civilian cooks!
your not the one running away with your tail between your legs refusing to address points brought up like he does.:lol:fucking hypocrite he is.:lol:

Okay...what took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon beeotch? I bet you're going to run far away from that question.

Maybe we could see what it was if the FBI had not confiscated over 80 videos from the surrounding area? Maybe it was your fat ass making a mad dash for Krispy Kreme? Maybe you are too fucking stupid to understand whatever took them down most likely didn't actually make physical contact with them?

Are you the dumbass that repeats the claim it had to be flight 77? What is the basis for making that claim? Wasn't it something about wingspan? Yep. That must mean it had to be flight 77 because that was the only aircraft in the entire world with that wingspan. Nothing else comes close! Lol.......

Simple, it had to be flight 77 based on what EYEWITNESSES said they saw.

Only a dumbass tries to make everything more complicated than it really is. You especially should follow the KISS method of dealing with life. (Keep It Simple Stupid!)
I did not know the FBI confiscated videos of candycorn dashing for krispycreme. Does that bother you because those videos also caught you doing something you don't want seen?

Twoofers are treasonous scum, that is the real story here. You twoofers have no defense for your treasonous statements and actions.
You're nothing but a Snitch Bitch that got scared on a fucking message board and had to run to staff to help change your diaper. Cry some more you Snitch Bitch.

quit fucking crying. you are acting like the little immature asshole you truly are.

your friend did something wrong and got caught.

you want a tissue?
if 911 was an inside job it was planned durning the clinton administration by democrats.....

no way boosh and his idiots planned it and executed it it in less than 8 months....

Even on the strange assumption a FF would only be planned with Dubya in the White House, they would have had more than ten months to plan it. Op Northwoods was drawn up explicitly by our Military so why claim it would have to be civilians? If you are planning a FF who would be a key element? Civilians....or military experts?

FF? I unequivocally support and will eat french fries made by either military or civilian cooks!

FF are good. Of course, the F in FF could mean F or it can be taken to mean F. Nobody knows for sure WTF the F in FF means and frankly it's not entirely clear why any should give a(n) F. If one eats FF in F under a FF is one being patriotically unpatriotic?
Awwww....that's so sweet! One dumbass OCTA tries to rescue another idiot OCTA and simply reinforces how fucking stupid you are. Not to mention being a Snitch Bitch.

You got pwnd by fucking wikifuckingpdia :lol::lol::lol:

and, lacking any semblance of manhood, honesty, integrity, dignity or balls, you still can't just simply admit that the Zogby poll -- commissioned BY the fucking scum Troofers -- shows you up as the ignorant nitwit pussy you have always been.

That's right, pussy-boi. You demanded the evidence. It got shoved in your face and you are too much the pussy to manfully acknowledge that you were wrong.


Listen up * * *: where in the poll does it ask anything about the Commission Report? It doesn't. * * * *


Listen up, bent tight, you pussy-boi: We all see plainly that you are totally dishonest as well as spineless, gutless, ball-less and brainless, but the conclusion of the CR is the very thing that the majority of the American people accepted as per the referenced Zogby poll.

Your lame-ass and always dishonest efforts at spin remain a huge fail.

Thank me.

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