Any Informed Defenders of the 9E OCT on USMB?

Snitch Bitch. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? You're nothing but a Snitch Bitch.

Everyone I know personally supports the official story. We all saw it. We all know what happened.
Twoofers on the other hand, are blinded by their treasonous hate for the greatest nation in the history of the planet.
The majority of americans believe that terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into buildings to attack us.
pretty straightforward really, only a fool or a tool of al qaeda has a problem with it.
which are you?

The way you absolutely have avoided post 229 shows your lack of integrity or sincerity for debating 9E.

no traitor, I posted a link that showed you what I said, and you deny it.
You refuse to accept facts, you are fact deprived.
You should be given over to al qaeda on tv so the rest of us can enjoy wayching them have their twisted way with you..
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You are the who made a false claim then tried to lie your way out of it. You dumbasses are now stuck with making nothing but personal comments because you are not able to debate 9E.

Except, of course, as EVERYONE can plainly see: bent tight is the one who has lied here. The refutation of his lie is now too much for him to bear so, in his usual pansy style, he is crying all the harder.

The reason that the pussy-boi bent tight is unable to intelligently debate his loopey conspiracy theory about the 9/11 attacks is because he is overtly hostile to honesty.

If I cared what * * * you [think] I would ask you to show where I lied.

You do care, liar. That's why you just did ask in your typically smarmy but ball-less way.

You lied and continue to lie pretty much constantly.

You made a claim about what the American People allegedly believe and what they doubt. Slackjawed counseled you that the majority of the American people accept the conclusion of the Commission Report (referring of course to the topic then under discussion which was whether it was an "inside job" or not). Your stupid response was to "prove it." You wanted a poll to back up the way he schooled you.

I offered JUST such a poll.

You then, being a spinelsss, dishonest, ball-less, gutless weasel attempted to quibble. But that dog-pooh don't fly, pussy-boi.

The Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troofer scum itself REFUTES your contention and supports what Slackjawed told you.

And you remain too fundamentally dishonest and unmanly to just admit it.

You are the proven liar as you accused me of denying being a troofer.....and you tried to support that claim by linking a post where I admitted to being a troofer. * * * *

Wrong again, pussy-boi. What I SAID and still say is that there was an occasion where you denied being a 9/11 Truther. You did. The fact that i have not been able to find that post (or those posts) again does NOT establish (as you just lied and claimed) that I am in any way a liar. Unlike you, I am honest. I have acknowledged that I have not been able to find the post where we both know that you DID say it. That's the truth. I can't find it. But we both know it's there. At least one other person also recalls seeing it.

And when you are cuddling id-eots upon his eventual return, let him know how dutiful you were to him in his brief absence. Don't let the fact that he is enduring nothing but the consequence of his own behavior deter you from making false claims about me, pussy-boi. Remember, "responsibility" is a dirty word to cowards like you.

Do you ever stop and wonder why you are such a massive object of ridicule from so many?

Clownlite is just pissed because he is eots sockpuppet. Now eots is banned and only the sockpuppet remains..........

9/11 Nutjob is still here of course he thinks that infomercials are true because they have "experts". Somehow he hasn't made the jump to understanding that what he sees on YouTube are basically infomercials with the same "experts".

To Nutjob, anybody with a stethoscope around her neck is not only a doctor, a medical expert conversant in all biological topics.
Another massive intentional and obvious lie from pussy-boi bent tight.

The conclusions of the Commission Report included the rather obvious one which was that the United States was attacked by al qaeda on 9/11/2001.

The majority of Americans agree with that very assertion, as the Zogby poll commissioned by the 9/11 Troffer scumbags itself establishes.

Thus, the majority of Americans agree with the CR.

And all of bent tight's deliberate efforts to portray it as anything different are doomed to failure since his lie is transparent.

* * * * Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? * * * *

As always, pussy-boi, you lie.

The main conclusion of the CR which YOU falsely tried to contend the American people doubted was that we were attacked by the other guys.

The only one being embarrassed here is you, of course. The majority of Americans don't harbor your idiotic paranoid misbegotten snakey belief that any body in the American government did this to us. You are in a distinct minority. Thankfully. Approximately 1/3 of the American people being as stubbornly stupid and ignorant as you is quite enough.

You remain utterly unable to support you contentions. When this is repeatedly demonstrated to you, you whine and cry. "Waaaahhh!"

Oh well. It's ok. Your utter lack of credibility being kept on full display -- as it is -- might have a beneficial and instructional effect on other goof-balls who may be willing to make the idiotic contentions you make so publicly and so often.

Wow Snitch Bitch. You love lying. I never claimed the majority of Americans doubt the CR. You even try to change SJ's claim to justify your bullshit. Damn. Just when it looks like the Snitch Bitch can't look even more pathetic you find a way to keep embarrassing yourself. You fucking useless Snitch Bitch.
Everyone I know personally supports the official story. We all saw it. We all know what happened.
Twoofers on the other hand, are blinded by their treasonous hate for the greatest nation in the history of the planet.
The majority of americans believe that terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into buildings to attack us.
pretty straightforward really, only a fool or a tool of al qaeda has a problem with it.
which are you?

The way you absolutely have avoided post 229 shows your lack of integrity or sincerity for debating 9E.

no traitor, I posted a link that showed you what I said, and you deny it.
You refuse to accept facts, you are fact deprived.
You should be given over to al qaeda on tv so the rest of us can enjoy wayching them have their twisted way with you..

....still avoided post 229. What shitbag.
The way you absolutely have avoided post 229 shows your lack of integrity or sincerity for debating 9E.

no traitor, I posted a link that showed you what I said, and you deny it.
You refuse to accept facts, you are fact deprived.
You should be given over to al qaeda on tv so the rest of us can enjoy wayching them have their twisted way with you..

....still avoided post 229. What shitbag.

Wow, just wow. That is SUCH a pervasive argument, it is making me reconsider my postition. I might become a twoofer. Will you be my role model?
* * * * Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Slackjawed claimed the majority of Americans believe the CR. Not parts of it. Not points. Not chapters. None of you fools have supported that claim yet you want to accuse others of twisting? * * * *

As always, pussy-boi, you lie.

The main conclusion of the CR which YOU falsely tried to contend the American people doubted was that we were attacked by the other guys.

The only one being embarrassed here is you, of course. The majority of Americans don't harbor your idiotic paranoid misbegotten snakey belief that any body in the American government did this to us. You are in a distinct minority. Thankfully. Approximately 1/3 of the American people being as stubbornly stupid and ignorant as you is quite enough.

You remain utterly unable to support you contentions. When this is repeatedly demonstrated to you, you whine and cry. "Waaaahhh!"

Oh well. It's ok. Your utter lack of credibility being kept on full display -- as it is -- might have a beneficial and instructional effect on other goof-balls who may be willing to make the idiotic contentions you make so publicly and so often.

* * * * I never claimed the majority of Americans doubt the CR. * * * *

Wow, shit bag. Please highlight the part where I claimed you had made the argument about the "majority" of Americans. In point of fact, I noted that 1/3 was more than enough.

You really are a compulsive liar.

Every single time you get exposed as the fucking lowlife imbecile liar you are, you lie all the more.

Spineless, brainless, gutless and ball-less pussy-boi bent tight, you need to get right with God.
Everyone I know personally supports the official story. We all saw it. We all know what happened.
Twoofers on the other hand, are blinded by their treasonous hate for the greatest nation in the history of the planet.
The majority of americans believe that terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into buildings to attack us.
pretty straightforward really, only a fool or a tool of al qaeda has a problem with it.
which are you?

The way you absolutely have avoided post 229 shows your lack of integrity or sincerity for debating 9E.

no traitor, I posted a link that showed you what I said, and you deny it.
You refuse to accept facts, you are fact deprived.
You should be given over to al qaeda on tv so the rest of us can enjoy wayching them have their twisted way with you..

Everyone can see the clear meaning here and it helps show you fucking assholes for the America haters you are by supporting this bullshit. There are no words in any language capable of adequately describing how pathetic your existence is upon the earth.
The way you absolutely have avoided post 229 shows your lack of integrity or sincerity for debating 9E.

no traitor, I posted a link that showed you what I said, and you deny it.
You refuse to accept facts, you are fact deprived.
You should be given over to al qaeda on tv so the rest of us can enjoy wayching them have their twisted way with you..

Everyone can see the clear meaning here and it helps show you fucking assholes for the America haters you are by supporting this bullshit. There are no words in any language capable of adequately describing how pathetic your existence is upon the earth.

I know you are, but what am I?

lighten up I am a twoofer now, you convinced me.

That evil booooooosh is really still in power, obama is just a sockpuppet for the NWO and Booooosh was behind ok city so he could win the election

what more do you want?
As always, pussy-boi, you lie.

The main conclusion of the CR which YOU falsely tried to contend the American people doubted was that we were attacked by the other guys.

The only one being embarrassed here is you, of course. The majority of Americans don't harbor your idiotic paranoid misbegotten snakey belief that any body in the American government did this to us. You are in a distinct minority. Thankfully. Approximately 1/3 of the American people being as stubbornly stupid and ignorant as you is quite enough.

You remain utterly unable to support you contentions. When this is repeatedly demonstrated to you, you whine and cry. "Waaaahhh!"

Oh well. It's ok. Your utter lack of credibility being kept on full display -- as it is -- might have a beneficial and instructional effect on other goof-balls who may be willing to make the idiotic contentions you make so publicly and so often.

* * * * I never claimed the majority of Americans doubt the CR. * * * *

Wow, shit bag. Please highlight the part where I claimed you had made the argument about the "majority" of Americans. In point of fact, I noted that 1/3 was more than enough.

You really are a compulsive liar.

Every single time you get exposed as the fucking lowlife imbecile liar you are, you lie all the more.

Spineless, brainless, gutless and ball-less pussy-boi bent tight, you need to get right with God.

Continuing to prove you are a useless Snitch Bitch.
no traitor, I posted a link that showed you what I said, and you deny it.
You refuse to accept facts, you are fact deprived.
You should be given over to al qaeda on tv so the rest of us can enjoy wayching them have their twisted way with you..

Everyone can see the clear meaning here and it helps show you fucking assholes for the America haters you are by supporting this bullshit. There are no words in any language capable of adequately describing how pathetic your existence is upon the earth.

I know you are, but what am I?

lighten up I am a twoofer now, you convinced me.

That evil booooooosh is really still in power, obama is just a sockpuppet for the NWO and Booooosh was behind ok city so he could win the election

what more do you want?

Still ignoring post 229. You are such a coward.
* * * * I never claimed the majority of Americans doubt the CR. * * * *

Wow, shit bag. Please highlight the part where I claimed you had made the argument about the "majority" of Americans. In point of fact, I noted that 1/3 was more than enough.

You really are a compulsive liar.

Every single time you get exposed as the fucking lowlife imbecile liar you are, you lie all the more.

Spineless, brainless, gutless and ball-less pussy-boi bent tight, you need to get right with God.

Continuing to prove you are a * * * *

IOW, you have nothing. As always.

Pussy-boi bent tight would formally concede that he's a fucking lowlife cowardly pussy bitch liar, if he weren't such a fucking lowlife cowardly pussy bitch liar.

Muddle on, pussy-boi.

Everyone can see the clear meaning here and it helps show you fucking assholes for the America haters you are by supporting this bullshit. There are no words in any language capable of adequately describing how pathetic your existence is upon the earth.

I know you are, but what am I?

lighten up I am a twoofer now, you convinced me.

That evil booooooosh is really still in power, obama is just a sockpuppet for the NWO and Booooosh was behind ok city so he could win the election

what more do you want?

Still ignoring post 229. You are such a coward.

you work in a video store clown?

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