Any liberal. What should Trump have done and when


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.

Fucking A.

You bet.....Monday Morning Quarterbacks that can sit back and bitch all they want.

I hope they all get sick.
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.

Fucking A.

You bet.....Monday Morning Quarterbacks that can sit back and bitch all they want.

I hope they all get sick.
"Real compassionate on your part. I find you to be a very shallow asshole."
What should have been done by Trump (Feb/March)

1. Stop holding Trump rallies
2. Enhance public awareness of the threat
3. Stop telling people the threat was over
4. Force companies to build PPE, Test kits
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.
He should have cared less for his image and re-election and more about being prepared.
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.

Christ Dems and the liberal news media are critical of Trump no matter what he does. Hell they bash the guy for something, then when he later does what they claim he should have done they bash him again flip flopping 180. The guy could cure freaking cancer and they would charge him with gynocidal war crimes against cancer.
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.

Christ Dems and the liberal news media are critical of Trump no matter what he does. Hell they bash the guy for something, then when he later does what they claim he should have done they bash him again flip flopping 180. The guy could cure freaking cancer and they would charge him with gynocidal war crimes against cancer.
Problem is Trump is unable to cure let alone care.
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.
He should have listened to his intelligence agency instead of listening to China like a fucking dummy.
He should have shut off all travel to the US from anywhere back in November when his intelligence agency told him about the virus.
He should have told the truth instead of lying about the "beautiful" tests that everyone could get anytime they wanted to.
He should have been a leader instead of deflecting responsibility.
He should have shouldered fault instead of blaming Obama for something he had 3 years to correct.
He should have ceased floating his asinine theories about vaccines and treatments because its obvious he doesnt know shit.
(In the same vein) He should have been smart enough to not muse about injecting Bleach into the human body. If he wanted to really know if it was possible he should have asked before or after the briefing.
He should have put a muzzle on at the briefings and let the intelligent people do the talking.

I could go on and on but you should get the point by now.
What should have been done by Trump (Feb/March)

1. Stop holding Trump rallies
2. Enhance public awareness of the threat
3. Stop telling people the threat was over
4. Force companies to build PPE, Test kits
he did all those things,,,
No he didn’t
After stoping travel from China, Trump declared Mission Accomplished and did nothing for a month
The US has 5 percent of the worlds population and 33 percent of the Coronavirus cases

Showed what a good job Trump did in protecting us vs other world leaders
What should have been done by Trump (Feb/March)

1. Stop holding Trump rallies
2. Enhance public awareness of the threat
3. Stop telling people the threat was over
4. Force companies to build PPE, Test kits
he did all those things,,,
No he didn’t
After stoping travel from China, Trump declared Mission Accomplished and did nothing for a month
you should pay better attention because he did a lot,,
youre thinking of pelosi and deblasio that were telling people to go to china town,,,
What should have been done by Trump (Feb/March)

1. Stop holding Trump rallies
2. Enhance public awareness of the threat
3. Stop telling people the threat was over
4. Force companies to build PPE, Test kits
he did all those things,,,
No he didn’t
After stoping travel from China, Trump declared Mission Accomplished and did nothing for a month
you should pay better attention because he did a lot,,
youre thinking of pelosi and deblasio that were telling people to go to china town,,,
Chinatown was not a hotspot
Pelosi made a brave symbolic gesture to show America that we should not ostracize Chinese Americans
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What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.
He should NOT have cut CDC's budget by 20%.

Trump budget proposal a disinvestment in US health: Cuts to CDC, HRSA

"In February, President Donald Trump released his federal budget proposal for fiscal year 2021, calling for a cut of more than $693 million at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as a $742 million cut to programs at the Health Resources and Services Administration.

"Overall, the president’s budget proposes a 9% funding cut at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a 26% cut at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, massive cuts in Medicare and Medicaid spending, and funding decreases for safety net programs such as food and housing assistance."
Our President is in the process of dismantling Obamacare while we are in the middle of a pandemic.
His Justice Department is unwilling to defend against any of the lawsuits challenging the Constitutionality.

If successful, Healthcare Exchanges will collapse, employer provided healthcare will crumble with nothing to take its place, those with preexisting conditions will have no place to obtain coverage.
It’s so hilarious you liberals won’t say what Trump should have done,

So pathetic.

Trump fucked up, but you assholes won’t say what he should have done,

Look in the mirror you pathetic jerks,
Actions and dates.

What’s been fascinating since March 15th, liberals are critical of Trump, but they refuse to say what should have been done.

Seems a bit disingenuous.


Lay it out for us.
Well first of all I think that Trump should have been a leader- rather than a reactionary.
Before the Coronavirus emerged- Trump should have been preparing for the pandemic that he and his administration had been warned was a likelihood.
a) Trump shouldn't have eliminated the public health position of an American epidemiologist in China's disease control agency and other CDC positions embedded in China(about 33 positions were eliminated within China)
b) Trump shouldn't have eliminated the pandemic response team.
c) Trump's CDC should have had a good protocol for developing tests for new diseases
d) Trump's administration should have ensured that the stockpiled ventilators were maintained- failure to keep them maintained resulted in thousands of non-working ventilators sent out to states.

Once the United States became aware of the coronavirus Trump's failures continued:
a) The Trump administration chose to not use the test protocols developed by other countries- South Korea had a reliable test by February 12- the United States relied upon Trump's CDC to develop and ship out tests.
b) The Trump administration shouldn't have shipped out defective tests.
c) The Trump administration should have ramped up the manufacture and distribution of reliable tests- rather than falsely claiming that they were available. We are still short of testing.
d) Trump should have taken the lead in warning the American public about how serious the coronavirus was- and recommending voluntary social distancing.
e) Trump should have been a leader by example- and not continued with public gatherings/campaign events even after scientific and medical experts were calling for social distancing.
f) Trump should not have repeatedly downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic:
January: Trump says at a news conference that the US has coronavirus "totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine."
February: "[W]hen you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
February 24: He tweets that the virus "is very much under control in the United States"

g) Trump should have taken the lead in procurement of PPE and ventilators back in February.
h) Trump should have used the month of February to better prepare the United States for the pandemic. Instead he took virtually no actions from his partial ban on travel from China at the end of January until the shipment of defective tests in late February.
i) Trump shouldn't have promoted unproven treatments which his own medical advisors were not recommending.

Well thats a good start- you will of course disagree with it all- but thanks for giving me an opportunity to point out again what a dismal failure Trump has been as a leader in this crisis.

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