Anyone else get one of those American Community Survey Census forms?

Iā€™m offended by their presumptuous behavior. On the other hand, the Constitution itself does mandate the Census. So I give the government itā€™s due without much complaint. Iā€™ll comply with the census every decade.

But this additional horseshit? This isnā€™t a Census decade questionnaire. This is intrusive. It may be a law or two on the books that says we are required under criminal penalty to answer, but Iā€™m not at all convinced those laws pass the Constitutional sniff test.

Actually, what the OP has described is the application for a federal job.
No....I'm serious!!

I actually applied for a federal office job once. A low level office job at one of the local departments.
This was right before everything started going online though. I had to drive in person to the office to get the application.

I had to speak with the local deputy there to get the application. Had to answer a few questions on a sheet of paper before I could get the application. I mean.......I had to fill out an application to get the application. ROFL

The fucking application was a goddamned BOOK! It was like 25-30 fucking pages!!!!

I was supposed to email the guy back to let him know when I was done with the application, so he could set up a time for me to bring it in.

When I got home, I was reading over the application book. The first 10 pages were about me.
The rest of the fucking book was questions about my friends, my past friends, people I worked with, people I knew, where they shopped, what they owned, if they ever took drugs or dealt drugs, who was in their families, where they lived and had lived, how much money did they make, what political branch did they affiliate with........etc......

Not only did I not have answers for over half the questions they were asking about ME...........I sure as HELL wasn't going to tell them about any of my friends or their families!!! I threw it in the garbage. I emailed the guy back and told him I would not be applying for the job after all.

He asked why..........I never replied back.
Iā€™m offended by their presumptuous behavior. On the other hand, the Constitution itself does mandate the Census. So I give the government itā€™s due without much complaint. Iā€™ll comply with the census every decade.

But this additional horseshit? This isnā€™t a Census decade questionnaire. This is intrusive. It may be a law or two on the books that says we are required under criminal penalty to answer, but Iā€™m not at all convinced those laws pass the Constitutional sniff test.
That's exactly what I think.

I'm so done with intrusive questions ------ from anyone.

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