Anyone else have a problem with Trump taking spiritual advice from a charlatan like Paula White?

Barry was mentored for more than a decade by a racist, anti-American 'pastor', and suddenly 'the President's' spiritual advisor means something to you?

I had a major problem with that American hating commie N word being a fake pile of commie shit advising obama's so called "Christianity."

Major problem with it. Paula White is a fucking joke.
Just out of curiosity..How did you come by this.....Got ripped off, were curious did own research or stumbled on it
Known about her for a while now. She and her "husband" have been scamming with that false teaching of prosperity theology. They are divorced now. Reportedly in an affair with Benny Hinn.

Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen. Absolute con artists along with Paula White and everyone e that scams the public with their false teachings.

Research her yourself. It is just very disappointing to me that Trump would listen to that.

Not saying it would make much of a difference. Reagan was into weird beliefs too. Nancy sought advice from astrologers.

This is dissapointing to me about Trump.

I do. Very disappointing that she would actually be advising him. Does not speak too well for his judgement.

That woman is an absolute disgrace.

If anything it's pathetic you are just now realizing how much of a sack of garbage Trump really is.
Barry was mentored for more than a decade by a racist, anti-American 'pastor', and suddenly 'the President's' spiritual advisor means something to you?

I had a major problem with that American hating commie N word being a fake pile of commie shit advising obama's so called "Christianity."

Major problem with it. Paula White is a fucking joke.
Just out of curiosity..How did you come by this.....Got ripped off, were curious did own research or stumbled on it
Known about her for a while now. She and her "husband" have been scamming with that false teaching of prosperity theology. They are divorced now. Reportedly in an affair with Benny Hinn.

Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen. Absolute con artists along with Paula White and everyone e that scams the public with their false teachings.

Research her yourself. It is just very disappointing to me that Trump would listen to that.

Not saying it would make much of a difference. Reagan was into weird beliefs too. Nancy was believed and sought advice from astrologers.

This is dissapointing to me about Trump.

what do you care? i thought nazis were supposed to destroy america isn't that the plan? so you can get rid of all the nwords as you call them?

No more than the left did with BO being around Rev Wright and Bill Ayers.
It doesn't mstter who it was, democrats would have the exact same comlaints and the same things to say.

The only appropriate response for Trump is, roll his eyes and do whatever he wants.
Barry was mentored for more than a decade by a racist, anti-American 'pastor', and suddenly 'the President's' spiritual advisor means something to you?


Obama attended a 'church' pastored by a hard core racist nut job for over 20 years, and then claimed to have never heard a word he said nor read any of the literature passed out in the lobby. Even Oprah didn't go back to the Reverend Wright's 'church' services after attending them only one time when she first moved to Chicago. After Obama got nominated, they had to pull their website down after a few days and rewrite it; some people had a problem with the Rev's regularly scheduled cancer curing faith healing sessions advertised on it, among other things, like, well, his violent anti-semitism and racism ...
Satan is gonna fuck Paula White to pieces in hell.
Never heard of Paula White, so I'll have to look her up. As for Osteen, he's not much of a 'con artist', as Skippy here knows since he got his ass handed to him on Osteen once before, since he paid off his church's bonds and has taken no salary or income from his church in well over a decade now, and also funds his national tours out of his own pocket. Hinn is not a very likable guy, but he's also been investigated no end for decades as well, and not much there as far as being a crook goes. He has what some would claim is a high salary, but his ministry pays him about 2% of what he brings in and he gives all his royalties from book sales and everything else as well to it, so not a lot to cry about there either. Obama isn't giving away much either; he has three mansions he has to pay for, after all.
Let me get this straight! I thought there was a separation between church and state! What the hell does our president need spiritual advice...

WTF is it? I want him getting advice that is placed in reality.

So, you're excluding yourself from giving him advice too? Good call, which nobody will disagree with you on.

You also have no clue what 'separation of church and state' means, which is also a reason why you should exclude yourself from advising anybody.
I do. Very disappointing that she would actually be advising him. Does not speak too well for his judgement.

That woman is an absolute disgrace.

There are several advising him, not just her, so don't get your panties all in a wad. The MSM reports about her are probably just as silly and slanted as they are about anybody else they get paid to smear, so don't worry about it. And, FYI, Osteen is not a 'prosperity gospel' type, he's a word of faith' type, which is not the same.
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And he did have Franklin. Graham on stage ....Who knows if he is listening to her or using her as window dressing
Just hate the optic. A bit concerning to me. It just does not speak too well about his judgement.

Like I said, even Reagan had his weird beliefs.
He and she go back 10 years, she is his spiritual advisor, and he picked her to swear him in as President....

She's an antichrst, a false prophet....So is careful.
It doesn't mstter who it was, democrats would have the exact same comlaints and the same things to say.

The only appropriate response for Trump is, roll his eyes and do whatever he wants.

Yes, this. They can't get over having less than zero credibility now, so we're going to see constant whining and spam.
Robert Jeffress is just as bad, if not worse.

Why is that? I mean besides the fact that he doesn't go around promoting homosexuals as great and wonderful and refuses to publicly endorse pedophilia like Democrats want him to.
Let me get this straight! I thought there was a separation between church and state! What the hell does our president need spiritual advice...

WTF is it? I want him getting advice that is placed in reality.
It is evident that you have no clue what the separation clause is actually for.
But thanks for playing.

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