Anyone else seen this? Obama declares national emergency.

A national emergency eh?

What a goddamned ridonkulus joke this has all become...

Spanish Flu (1918-1920): 50 million
Asian Flu (1957-1958): 1.5-2 million
Hong Kong Flu (1968-1969): 1 million
Asiatic Flu (1989-1990): 1 million
Influenza (Normal yearly world-wide): 250-500,000
H1N1/Swine Flu (2009 world-wide): 5,000

Again, this was not declared because of the number of deaths so far.
Administration officials said the declaration was a pre-emptive move designed to make decisions easier when they need to be made. Officials said the move was not in response to any single development

not based on any thing new, obam just decided to up the ante.
its a scam, obam is failing and he will do what he thinks he has to do to retain his "power"
Something just struck me as more than a little curious. Since a healthy immune systen is a necessary prerequisite for a vaccination to be effective exactly what good does it do some one whose immune system is all but non functioning anyway to get a vaccination against anything.
I don't know where you are getting that information. I have a friend that has type 1 diabetes (the kind where you have to have insulin or you die) and she gets a seasonal flu shot every year because people with diabetes are more likely to die from complications of the flu.
Obama declares swine flu a national emergency - Yahoo! News

By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer – 24 mins ago
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency and empowered his health secretary to suspend federal requirements and speed treatment for thousands of infected people.
The declaration that Obama signed late Friday authorized Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to bypass federal rules so health officials can respond more quickly to the outbreak, which has killed more than 1,000 people in the United States.

Thanks for the head's up. And naturally the Statist will declare an emergency where none exists so they may increase their power. They've been doing it for Decades.
There should be a National Emergency declared by virtue of the Statists in The District Of Criminals taking this Republic down this dangerous road we're on.
I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.
I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.
Yep. Remember the "BirdFlu" that happened during Bush? How'd that turn out? ;)
I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.

Ever hear about erring on the side of caution?

Is it worse to prepare for an epidemic and have it not happen or wait until it breaks out?
I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.
That's always possible, but I don't think so.

Why there's so much concern about swine flu

Public health officials are taking extra precautions with swine flu, a form of influenza Type A, subtype H1N1, this flu season, in part because:
-- It's a new strain of influenza and therefore unpredictable - it could suddenly become much more severe or pervasive.
-- It has remained very active through the spring, summer and fall, when the regular seasonal flu typically wanes. No one knows what to expect from swine flu during the winter months.
-- It is primarily affecting people younger than 65, and especially children. So far, more than 1,000 people in the United States have died from swine flu, about 100 of them children. The seasonal flu kills many thousands of people every year; almost all of them are elderly or have serious underlying health problems.
-- People younger than 65, in particular children, appear to have almost no immunity to swine flu, which means it can spread rapidly, especially in schools.

Obama declares swine flu emergency
I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.
Yep. Remember the "BirdFlu" that happened during Bush? How'd that turn out? ;)
It turned out to be a hybrid called H1N1. Flu mutates rapidly and the H1N1 has elements of both swine and avian flu.
I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.
Yep. Remember the "BirdFlu" that happened during Bush? How'd that turn out? ;)
It turned out to be a hybrid called H1N1. Flu mutates rapidly and the H1N1 has elements of both swine and avian flu.

If that be the case? Then it will morph again. And herin lies something that people need to understand and that is Nature is more powerful than man. I hope folks will remember this when dealing with Climate change and other things beyond our control.
Yep. Remember the "BirdFlu" that happened during Bush? How'd that turn out? ;)
It turned out to be a hybrid called H1N1. Flu mutates rapidly and the H1N1 has elements of both swine and avian flu.

If that be the case? Then it will morph again. And herin lies something that people need to understand and that is Nature is more powerful than man. I hope folks will remember this when dealing with Climate change and other things beyond our control.
True. But humans build and seek shelter from the elements to protect ourselves from it. Even when we cannot control nature, we do our best to protect ourselves from it, even not completely; but we do what we can to better our chances and getting vaccinated is a good idea.
It turned out to be a hybrid called H1N1. Flu mutates rapidly and the H1N1 has elements of both swine and avian flu.

If that be the case? Then it will morph again. And herin lies something that people need to understand and that is Nature is more powerful than man. I hope folks will remember this when dealing with Climate change and other things beyond our control.
True. But humans build and seek shelter from the elements to protect ourselves from it. Even when we cannot control nature, we do our best to protect ourselves from it, even not completely; but we do what we can to better our chances and getting vaccinated is a good idea.

Agreed. But to stay in tune with the premise of this thread? To proclaim an 'emergency' is rather premature don't you think?

And by doing this empowers Government to do many things that are unnecessary.
30 some thousand Die from Flu every Season... About 100 have from Swine Flu...

What's the Deal with the Panic?


If that be the case? Then it will morph again. And herin lies something that people need to understand and that is Nature is more powerful than man. I hope folks will remember this when dealing with Climate change and other things beyond our control.
True. But humans build and seek shelter from the elements to protect ourselves from it. Even when we cannot control nature, we do our best to protect ourselves from it, even not completely; but we do what we can to better our chances and getting vaccinated is a good idea.

Agreed. But to stay in tune with the premise of this thread? To proclaim an 'emergency' is rather premature don't you think?

And by doing this empowers Government to do many things that are unnecessary.
Oh, yes. It is premature. But, it makes spending easier - no surprise.
True. But humans build and seek shelter from the elements to protect ourselves from it. Even when we cannot control nature, we do our best to protect ourselves from it, even not completely; but we do what we can to better our chances and getting vaccinated is a good idea.

Agreed. But to stay in tune with the premise of this thread? To proclaim an 'emergency' is rather premature don't you think?

And by doing this empowers Government to do many things that are unnecessary.
Oh, yes. It is premature. But, it makes spending easier - no surprise.

I don't think this is a consipiracy per se, but rather an attempt by the O-boy to score a cheap and hollow political victory. By most accounts H1N1 isn't nearly as bad as originally feared. So now when it turns out not to be a big pandemic, he's going to claim credit.

Ever hear about erring on the side of caution?

Is it worse to prepare for an epidemic and have it not happen or wait until it breaks out?

I've heard the same logic used to defend the patriot act.
Apparently this allows cities and towns to open up temporary "hospitals" in schools or public buildings if the hospitals become overcrowded.

More importantly, it allows the use of an experimental drug to be used on patients who are not responding to conventional treatments.

Since there seems to be a problem in getting a preventive vaccine out to everyone, these measures seem prudent.
Apparently this allows cities and towns to open up temporary "hospitals" in schools or public buildings if the hospitals become overcrowded.

More importantly, it allows the use of an experimental drug to be used on patients who are not responding to conventional treatments.

Since there seems to be a problem in getting a preventive vaccine out to everyone, these measures seem prudent.

Judy.....Do you really thinks so??

Everyone on this board seems to be linking it to some vast Obama conspiracy
I don't think it a conspiricy just the usual Obama over reaction. He does that a lot. Dude jumps at more shadows than any president I've ever seen. Oh and the fact that you have to do something like this before the states and cities can take common sense approaches to clear problems just goes to demonstrate why the federal government needs to shrink dramatically.
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