Anyone Notice the Economy Added 312,000 New Jobs in December, and the Other Good Economic News?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Did anyone catch the news that in December the economy added 312,000 new jobs? Here's the Department of Labor's employment situation summary for December:

Employment Situation Summary

The report also notes the following:

* 32,000 new manufacturing jobs were created last month, and 284,000 new manufacturing jobs were created in 2018. That was the biggest increase since 1995 (Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995).

* The number of long-term unemployed people dropped by 205,000 in 2018.

* The number of people employed part-time for economic reasons dropped by 329,000 in 2018.

* 142,000 people voluntarily left their jobs to look for better jobs. This indicates that these workers believed they had a good chance of finding a better job, which would not be the case if they did not believe the economy was doing better than before.

* The number of "discouraged workers" dropped by 99,000 in 2018.
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We still have over 7 million unfilled jobs. Why aren’t those jobs being filled?
The economy was already on a sound footing when Obumble turned it over to The Creature, after recovering from The Shrub's stewardship.

The present state of the economy is an admixture of old and new circumstances and policy.

But what so many Republicans don't understand, who engage in such drum-banging, is that...

Having a lewd, crude, lying, crying, autocratic, narcissistic, greedy, clumsy Robber Baraon at the helm outweighs the few good things happening.

Watching Republicans spinelessly kowtow to The Creature, because they are afraid of him, adds additional bitter spice to the mix.

More jobs? Yeah... uhhh... great... glad to hear it... but that's the LEAST of our problems at the moment.
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We still have over 7 million unfilled jobs. Why aren’t those jobs being filled?

Being a Democratic Republic, we can't force people to work.

I imagine even places like Russia and N Korea have job openings available

"The reason that the unemployment rate is so low is because people are having to work two jobs instead of just one to make ends meet"
Did anyone catch the news that in December the economy added 312,000 new jobs? Here's the Department of Labor's employment situation summary for December:

Employment Situation Summary

The report also notes the following:

* 32,000 new manufacturing jobs were created last month, and 284,000 new manufacturing jobs were created in 2018. That was the biggest increase since 1995 (Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995).

* The number of long-term unemployed people dropped by 205,000 in 2018.

* The number of people employed part-time for economic reasons dropped by 329,000 in 2018.

* 142,000 people voluntarily left their jobs to look for better jobs. This indicates that these workers believed they had a good chance of finding a better job, which would not be the case if they did not believe the economy were doing better than before.

* The number of "discouraged workers" dropped by 99,000 in 2018.
Lies from the Obama era UE dispatches..
Having a lewd, crude, lying, crying, autocratic, narcissistic, greedy, clumsy Robber Baraon at the helm outweighs the few good things happening.

Everything you just stated is based purely on your FEELINGS.

Good economic news > feelings every day of the week.

Your position is juvenile and incredibly absurd
Having a lewd, crude, lying, crying, autocratic, narcissistic, greedy, clumsy Robber Baraon at the helm outweighs the few good things happening.

Everything you just stated is based purely on your FEELINGS.

Good economic news > feelings every day of the week.

Your position is juvenile and incredibly absurd
My economy took off after my last operation, during Obama..
* 142,000 people voluntarily left their jobs to look for better jobs. This indicates that these workers believed they had a good chance of finding a better job, which would not be the case if they did not believe the economy were doing better than before.
Your other claims were fine but you are way off here.
142,000 is the net change in people who left their job and are now looking for a new one. We do NOT know why they left....whether it was to find a better job, or just find any other job, or they quit before they got fired, or they quit to take care of their family, or even if they retired and are just looking for a part time job.

So besides ignoring the difference between gross and net, to claim definitively that they all left to find a better job and is a good sign is just you making things up.

Yes, when the ratio of job leavers vs job losers starts favoring leavers, that is a good sign of an improving economy, but you are being way to specific and inferring too much.
We still have over 7 million unfilled jobs. Why aren’t those jobs being filled?
Because parasites like yourself find it easier to live on free stuff. Duh
How much do you get?
What? Poontang?
Short memory?
So you mean free stuff. Listen bullboy, if they sent free stuff overseas all the iillegaals woould go back to their shit holes and live like lords.
We still have over 7 million unfilled jobs. Why aren’t those jobs being filled?
Because parasites like yourself find it easier to live on free stuff. Duh
How much do you get?
What? Poontang?
Short memory?
So you mean free stuff. Listen bullboy, if they sent free stuff overseas all the iillegaals woould go back to their shit holes and live like lords.
Yeah, how much free stuff do you get?

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